
Hammer Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 0:56:09

If you screw your turns up and, thus, your game, in the first couple of days of Express, can you delete/kill your country and start another country using same name? Will you begin with 0 turns or with all turns from start of game to the time you create your new country, up to the max amount? For example if you restart on the second day, will you begin with 360(x-stored) turns? (Like when you create a country late...I guess the game still does that.)

I made a mess out of my country this week and just needed to start over. PM'd a mod these questions, didn't get a response, so am playing through it, but would like to know for future reference.


Marshal Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 4:57:01

yes you can but then you get only what you normally get when starting late so you would lose "few days" turns.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Xinhuan Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 10:08:28

Your restart will only begin with turns you would have gotten if you got killed. (i.e any unspent turns carried forward, plus any new turns since the death).

Otherwise, people will be able to create a 360 turn country, suicide with it, delete, repeat as many times as it takes to kill someone else.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 14:46:40

Thanks, guys. I may not have asked the question correctly, but it sounds like a yes in the way I intended it.

The reason I mentioned 360 turns was because that is what one would have if they created a country 24 hours late...right? The unspent turns being carried forward was also a concern.

It sounds like I could have restarted with minimum loss of turns had I done it when I first thought about it on the second day. Indecision on a strategy is not a good thing.

Thanks again.

chem20 Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 5:18:26


hsifreta Game profile


Mar 19th 2014, 19:03:30

late starters lose 360 turns. i've done that before. =( you quickly learn not to do it again =P

Hammer Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 0:25:35

So I was trying a new strategy and decided I was uncomfortable with it. I self-deleted from the Preferences link with 240 turns. When I recreated my country, I was at 0 turns. I thought I would restart with the turns I had not played?? Should I have dumped my buildings and then deleted my a land order to keep my unplayed turns?


Xinhuan Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 3:06:38

The restart turns only apply if you were killed by someone else.

Killing yourself, self-deletion and being deleted by a mod do not count, and such a restart will start with 0 turns. Your best bet at this point would have been to drop acres to 1 and hope someone kills you. I guess I wasn't clear earlier.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 12:11:19

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Your restart will only begin with turns you would have gotten if you got killed. (i.e any unspent turns carried forward, plus any new turns since the death).

Otherwise, people will be able to create a 360 turn country, suicide with it, delete, repeat as many times as it takes to kill someone else.

Yeah, you weren't clear and I did not understand. I know it would make sense to be able to do this later in the game because it would help suiciders. But, your first sentence did make sense since.

At least I know now :)

Thanks, Xinhaun.