
SuperFly Game profile


Jan 26th 2025, 22:07:22

7.2 mins ago
A brigade from Late to the party (#78) has invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!

Your military lost:
23,326 Troops
431,113 Turrets
24,146 Tanks

Your defence allies lost:
12,974 Troops
63,063 Turrets
1651 Tanks

Their military lost:
78,560 Troops
11,648 Jets
71,325 Tanks

Is his medical tech 5%?

A-Rod Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 0:14:34

🤔 I think maybe your turrets were made in China. And his jets were built built tough. Like one of them OLD fords. North new stuff made out of paper.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 27th 2025, 0:54:17

Medical tech does not impact losses for an attacking country.
Exception: Co-op server.

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 5:51:36

Originally posted by Primeval:
Medical tech does not impact losses for an attacking country.
Exception: Co-op server.

Really? Man we were talking about these in teams as we are seeing some crazy losses there as well