


Apr 19th 2011, 15:01:33

But Ivan, who is to say that it isn't SoF'ers doing this to their own clan?



Apr 19th 2011, 14:56:45

Originally posted by Ivan:

119 was a suicider by our accounts, I dont think we've killed any untag so far for 1 hit or 2

Also since a lot of ppl seems to be against this remmeber that this goes both ways and its better then us killing off every non legit tag/untag in the game no?

So if an untag hits ya'll once every 5 days for the entirety of the set then its cool? Just checking, cause I don't like dying.

Also, I like it. Clans need to grab each other more!



Apr 19th 2011, 14:55:44

It's starting to look like these suiciders are untagged SoF'ers.

I know for one, I was SoF. It makes perfect sense too... Perfect way to start a war.



Apr 19th 2011, 14:50:35

Now lets see...

719 - suicider.

119 - not so much. I will accept reps for my killed country. TYVM.



Apr 19th 2011, 14:40:06

Perhaps because the state of this game is utterly laughable and this time the players don't have an inactivate admin to place the blame on.



Apr 19th 2011, 14:38:13

What does SoF define as a suicide on its alliance? 2 hits in 72h? What if a country hits SoF 18 times in 72 hours, but hits another alliance 10 times in that same time span, but is half as large?



Apr 19th 2011, 1:53:50

If you play untagged, you expect to be farmed. This is an alliance server, there's little reason to play without an alliance, and no reason to play without an alliance and to take exception to being farmed. I've played as untagged, I've been farmed by LaF, its part of what you expect.

And if your alliance steps the boundaries of what is acceptable, than others in the alliance may suffer the consequences. When we had a guy drop tag, and suicide on LaF---it cost all of us by paying reps to LaF. So the way I see it, if you are in an alliance---and your fellow clanmates farm, you should be prepared to make your country an unattractive candidate for retribution, or try to curb the amount of farming that takes place.

The problem will persist though as long as clans continue the retal policies that are in place.



Apr 18th 2011, 19:34:56

Hmm. It may be a stretch---but perhaps I can be the Flocke to your Locke.



Apr 18th 2011, 15:51:49

Originally posted by hanlong:
you surely sent a message by ABing a guy who didn't even grab you

Dude its an alliance server. If members aren't prepared to accept the consequences of the other members of that clans actions, then perhaps they shouldn't be playing in Alliance.



Apr 18th 2011, 14:21:33

If we were to use a modern equivalent of Hyde and Jekyll, what would be the best reference?



Apr 18th 2011, 14:12:22

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
Originally posted by iScode:

How are you bobby? Still cheating, I am guessing you could get away with it with your mate pang running the server...

I'm good but seriously I'm not 119. Apologies to whoever is for this most unwanted association I'm sure. Also I never cheated... How are you?

Its starting to look suspicious though. How do I know you aren't me?



Apr 18th 2011, 14:11:35

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
Originally posted by Pang:
ya, just play a country to make yourself the best you can be... not tear down the work of others.

then you don't have to care at all about any policies any alliances adopt re:suiciders

why is an admin telling people how to play the game???

I think it is merely a suggestion. I would also think he has a vested interest in trying to keep players around--even those who are untagged.

Just my 2 cents.



Apr 18th 2011, 5:04:53

Scode--this really isn't Bobby.



Apr 18th 2011, 3:32:37

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by 119:
Originally posted by Pang:
ya, just play a country to make yourself the best you can be... not tear down the work of others.

then you don't have to care at all about any policies any alliances adopt re:suiciders

Well, I think the claim that I am trying to run people out of the game is ridiculous. A large alliance was the one who made the claim that they have no qualms in killing all the untags.

i'm not talking about running people from the game...

I'm just saying that playing to win is much better for everyone than suiciding.
you know who typically get hurt by suiciders? the half-caring players who have one foot out the door already, and leave their country in a vulnerable spot.

if you're suiciding on SoF, you're unlikely to hit Ivan or Chevs or Aponic or someone like that who is going to shrug it off... you're more likely to hit someone you've never interacted with before

that just fuels the fire which makes this server less fun for all parties (that's how I've always felt, at least...)

I know. I've had it happen to me and ruin my top 10 finish. I don't plan on suiciding random people. But if SMz is doing well at sets end, I might consider hitting him. =p



Apr 18th 2011, 3:01:03

I might next set. I'm sorta just scouting right now.



Apr 18th 2011, 2:50:43

Originally posted by Pang:
ya, just play a country to make yourself the best you can be... not tear down the work of others.

then you don't have to care at all about any policies any alliances adopt re:suiciders

Well, I think the claim that I am trying to run people out of the game is ridiculous. A large alliance was the one who made the claim that they have no qualms in killing all the untags.



Apr 18th 2011, 2:36:53

Will do diez. Thanks for the answer!



Apr 18th 2011, 2:31:13

Originally posted by Notorious:
if you actually took the time to read the thread you would see that its merely a suggestion that i made that sof has said they have been considering adopting as a policy

meanwhile, stop being a fluff and trying to make people quit the game while the other 99% of us are trying to get more people to join

Who said I'm trying to make people quit the game? It was a question regarding their policy.

While it was a suggestion you made, SMz stated on the second page that:

"every country that will grab countries like #215 and #119 after they sucicded SoF , will be crippled killed or farmed.
it will apply ONLY on countries who sucicde us heavly (not countries that do 1 grab or retals)."

If you are unable to see why that was confusing, that's fine. I, however, did find it confusing--and wanted clarification.

So we were all clear, its fine for me to suicide and for BobbyATA to farm me. Right?



Apr 18th 2011, 2:13:36

Originally posted by Pang:
i thought their policy was that people who are allied to suiciders will be killed too....

not people who watch the news

that's something for sof to work out with FA's from each alliance that hits the country, based on that policy (as I read it :p)

but it's my belief that the only countries which would be killed for grabbing a suicider from the news would be countries in tags that SoF would like to kill anyway :p

Ah, I must have read it differently.

Thanks for the clarification Pang.



Apr 18th 2011, 1:45:42

Yes; there policy reminder confused me. Were they saying that the people who farm a suicider will also be farmed?



Apr 18th 2011, 1:40:46

A complete hypothetical, of course. If I suicided on SoF, and people watching the news sees the hits and start grabbing me... SoF will kill/farm the countries who farm the farmer?

Just want to figure this out.



Apr 18th 2011, 1:35:02

[quote poster=Foobooy Evolution; 8903; 155260]
Originally posted by 119:

There may be hope with the tea party movement. I hope it happens. I think we are more likely to see the Paul Ryan and the debt commission put forth. A widening of the taxed population, elimination of loopholes, and lowering of tax brackets. This would be a very beneficial step.

The only thing that worries me about a flat tax though is that loopholes work their way into the tax law. In the 80s when they last did major changes to the tax code, they eliminated much of the exceptions--but they find a way of working themselves back in.



Apr 17th 2011, 21:14:08

Originally posted by Foobooy Evolution:

First, don't accept the premise about "Uncle Sam SENDING you a check." That's your money, that they have taken from you for a year without paying you for it. That's a forced loan, but you don't get any interest. Try owing them too much at the end of the year...see how they treat you.

Flat tax. The more you produce the more you pay, but you aren't punished for being more successful. Like all things, if you reward behavior you'll get more of it. If you punish it, you will get less of it.

Mind you, this pays little mind to the super rich who have the ability to play with the tax code set up to benefit them. This is why Google pays so little taxes and Gov't Motors paid none.

Originally posted by Junky:
I figure that the US is so used to the Rich getting tax breaks, that it wouldn't really be news wourthy anymore

Define rich.

Actually, the Government has not taken it from you for a year without paying you for it. It's not a forced loan. You can actually change how much you wish to withhold for federal income tax. If you wish to withhold nothing and pay it all on April 18th of this year, there is nothing wrong with that.

As for the flat tax, I'm not against it--I just think that it will never happen. For one reason, there is an entire industry propped up by the crazy tax laws. Secondly, companies will lobby hard to keep it the way it is. If it was a straight flat tax, no loopholes or exceptions--I'm fine with that. I doubt that would ever happen.



Apr 14th 2011, 19:59:29

Top 10 Companies holding money overseas has a total of 408.9 Billion untaxed.

That's 143B in taxes to be collected.

Something tells me they wouldn't enjoy a 2B bug.



Apr 13th 2011, 1:55:58

Originally posted by aponic:
and you are dead.

Good rush. Those chems helped.. I clicked enter and it said dead.



Apr 12th 2011, 23:02:09

Originally posted by Pang:
you guys are bad detectives

look at the country name and the number....

the country number is 119...move the numbers around and what do you get...? 911! 9/11!!!!
"not quite winning" is how you could have described how George W Bush won the presidency in 2000... and then 9/11 happened!

Therefore, this is obviously George W. Bush playing a country.
And that guy is good at taking a country and "suiciding" with it

Well done sir. Well done.



Apr 12th 2011, 17:41:36


Well since I'm going to die, shall I do it the easy way or hard way? Your preference.



Apr 12th 2011, 17:35:36

Originally posted by Murf:
you won't be living, you'll be restarting, simple cause you farmed sof, now ya die

Can you give me kill chat time?



Apr 12th 2011, 17:15:25

Originally posted by mrford:
NA is full of good people, and playing there for 5+ years I made good friends however SoF supports my play style better and I was getting a little burned out over in NA with all the leader crap and knew I would never be able to fully step down.

That's besides the point though. I know who you is.

Cool, glad you like it at SoF. There are some good peeps over there.

I doubt ya know me, but perhaps you know who I is.



Apr 12th 2011, 17:01:14

Ah, so how you like it there? I've never been in NA, but I did find SoF to be a fun place to hangout.



Apr 12th 2011, 16:53:47

Originally posted by mrford:
You made the mistake of not looking at tag that is clearly displayed on the attack confirmation screen. That seems like your problem and your mistake, and one that you have earned the consequenses of, however it's not my call.

I thought you were in NA ford?



Apr 12th 2011, 16:52:50

lol. I hope that dude made some decent change when he sold.



Apr 12th 2011, 16:48:40

Let me live and I'll man up =)



Apr 12th 2011, 16:41:33

So how are ya Smz? Been a long time since I've seen ya last. Things okay for you? You ever finish you classes?



Apr 12th 2011, 16:35:08

Because this isn't bobby. Ask any game mod, if they are allowed to tell you.



Apr 12th 2011, 16:16:45

Good to see ya Smz! Hope everything is going good with ya. Its odd hearing you say to hit netgaining pansies.

As for you Rockman, option #1 is the answer. I didn't target any clan in particular, and I did do 275 jet SS at most. At first I started with 175, but I was bouncing on some people who had ~200 troops. So I upped it to 275.

SS--I'm not a suicider. If I am allowed to live, I will prove this. Besides, wouldn't a suicider normally want to keep those with 0 defense still around for when they try suiciding? Anywho, as I remember from when I last played, some people for some reason get off on ruining other persons jumps ( I had mine ruined before--it sucks). But it usually wasn't untags I worried about. Generally I found the bigger threats came from those who used a tag for protection and then dropped the tag to suicide.



Apr 12th 2011, 6:01:16

I hope not.



Apr 12th 2011, 5:54:46

ahh... SS is #268 me thinks.

Sorry bud.



Apr 11th 2011, 21:11:06

What NW would make top 15? I was guessing around 115m?



Apr 11th 2011, 20:52:13

Originally posted by NukEvil:

P.S. We spoke earlier via in-game PM. Really, those turrets will do less for you than just selling them off and letting DRs do your protection for you.

I think alliances would like to take some of their land back... if I drop defense, then any newb could grab and keep me in DR. When I'm out of DR, then they can get some of their land back with less turns needed. I'm not unreasonable--and most people who play this game are not unreasonable.



Apr 11th 2011, 20:38:51

hmm.. that is quite a lot of hits on sof. I didn't look at tags.. was just typing in numbers. Perhaps I'll sacrafice my top 15 finish and FA a sof'er in need.



Apr 11th 2011, 17:08:46

Originally posted by dustfp:
Originally posted by 119:
it would be much more profitable for them to have me around to farm than to kill me.

Except for those that aren't netting-focused...

This set everyone is netting focused. I saw it on AT so it must be true.



Apr 11th 2011, 16:58:10

it would be much more profitable for them to have me around to farm than to kill me.



Apr 11th 2011, 16:52:27

I'm not a suicider. I'm running tyr/grabber --> theo/techer



Apr 11th 2011, 16:44:17

I have no mission. I wanted land early on, and I grabbed fairly. As the set progresses, I grab less and start stocking. End of set happens and I jump.

That's the way the game should work. I will get farmed, and that I understand. But killing is not part of the equation. I am not building up a country to kill with. My goal has nothing to do with policies or dying. It is to make top 15.



Apr 11th 2011, 16:32:02

when do you plan on teching and what types of tech? If its agri/bus/res then i could be interested... if it is primarly for sdi/warfare/weapons then no thanks.



Apr 11th 2011, 16:27:52

thanks tyug. Hope you finish well!



Apr 11th 2011, 16:24:05

My policy is reasonable. Get more than 0 defense and then a country does not have to have his or her land taken by a 275 jet SS. As someone said, I grabbed a lot today, but that is not to be expected set long. Eventually people will get defense and make me spend turns spying to grab, and make it unfeasible ot grab countries. Right now there is a lot of unprotected countries. If an alliance wishes to maintain its land, it should make a modicum of effort to ensure that their players have a minimum defense. I'm not a suicider, the tags will get their land back throughout the set as im farmed.



Apr 11th 2011, 16:06:52

And we hear the same explanation for farming untags. Its an alliance server, so either join up or get farmed. Yet, even as the numbers continue to dwindle in Alliance people continue to repeat their policies as if they should be in place.

My policy: 1 hit per country per 48 hours.



Apr 11th 2011, 14:58:54

Tell me why?

I did 1 land grab per country. On top of that, all the countries I hit had 0 defense. It's not as if i targetted anyone in particular. I went down te list of countries and if I broke i broke, if i didn't i had slaughter.