
Alin Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 7:29:34

Originally posted by Dutchy:
American (Murican) is a race now?

He s murican. You could be american. He still lacks "a". He s a brave one tought. He is the type of stay and fight after he just ran!

Alin Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 3:42:48

Getafix got it but he knew aboit it. Cheatta!

Alin Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 0:52:13



Alin Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 0:29:26

No no no you got it wrong. If you guess i ps you.

On a serious note, nope not 86

Hi cable!

Alin Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 0:18:30

A free ps if you guess...

Alin Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 0:12:50

I wm still thinking how to missspell your name, mrfolk or mrflood. I could always use mrgun or mrknowseverything as a typo...

Alin Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 19:09:44

I still hate you sov. You did **** ******* ***** ****** and *****. (Joke).we both did some fluffed stuff on this boards but that s history for me. Good luck!

And ford grow the fluff up. You are a grown up always looking for a fight on this forum, like a freaking child. I type my message from my tablet,pc and phone. I have FAT fingers. And i fluffed the text typing from the phone. I used to use google and word auto correct, because i was tired of you correcting me. You made a novel out of my postings.

"I don t understand what alin types, his texts are not fluent", "alin you can't argue with us english natives, you don t write right"...


Alin Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 9:14:14

I think EE is beyond the point of extinsion.
I think the remaing of us are just like the carnivore dinosaurs dieing of hunger because there are no vegetarian ones.
I am looking at the las MD tag event. I mean who the hell still hates anyone in this game, to do that? I basically forgot all my hate towards anyone, game politics oriented. Even Iscode ;). I can even accept a Rd tag nowadays without comment.
I think pre arranged or simple just fs someone wars, will not work anymore.
I think the only catalyst for this game are some issolated leaders that still keeps folks arround.

We are beyond the extinsion line!

With love

Alin Game profile


Nov 6th 2015, 16:04:33

Wtf? Came here thinking once for all mrford made a good thread. And i found tan in it. Literally lol

(Now you 2 don t jump on my neck - this is just a gypsy joke)

Alin Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 9:51:21

dragon in his days has no rivals.

Alin Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 5:02:51

This is the real thing Jon.

Up to 50 missiles. Tell Mak he ll eat them either way.

Alin Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 5:01:35

If you are hitting on me Angel, the answer is no.

Spooted is the not educated version of = notice, seen, marked, observed. thank you for the question.

Alin Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 1:38:15

Cool guy if you substract parts of his in game history. Smokes weed and posts on forums.

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 20:23:14

^we = us gypsies living in our beautifull fluffhole

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 20:22:33

Originally posted by mrford:
I understand that all the kids dying is terrible, but im not sure what the connection between the fire and the corruption and the prime minister is. did he directly profit from the deaths or lax regulations? unless this was just a flash point for frustration. an excuse to get angry at the government, and the resignation was to prevent further violence?

We live on a gold mine and they fluffed us all. 25 years since Democracy. The burning youths is just a drop that hit the sensitive nerv of our national spine.
1 December should be the fluff. We say no to corruption, to manipupation and to a lot of other things. 100k people in the streets tonight. I think 1 mil should be on 1st Dec. We are only 20 mil, even less, inside borders. And another 5-6 mil outside.

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 12:57:57

Next set country in Express. Look for your name ... | - * |

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 12:49:04

^ said the gypsy

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 12:48:38

The riot is already on the streets. Prime-minister resigned. Riots are not going to stop.
The emotional impact of 34 burning youths is huge ( each day ~2 more dies, pain of the parents is exposed, the corrupt system has been exposed once again and this time with terrible deaths. The underground club was functioning illegal(all the documents needed to run such a place were rigged and were obtained with bribe) and the fault is mainly on the corrupt authorities. A major portion of Bucharest night clubs are owned by the children of people involved in politics) . Sort of final drop in an already full glass with years and years of same fluff.

The events are lacking full showing in international media. Which brings me to the discussion where i told mr ford that the media is fluffed up and we read only what some elites want us to read. This small incident could degenerate into another "Spring", and EU and NATO does not need a "spring". Not in an UE and NATO country situated just next to Putin. Thank god we have facebook lol ( thx Mr. Mark Zuck. ). I am sure we don`t need a "spring" either ( as a country) but we have been dried by our corrupt leadership for to long now and no one interfered. A prime minister resignation is not enough this time.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 4th 2015, 12:57:17

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 4:57:07

Yea this forum is fulffed. Makes me dislake some of you even more. When a gipsy (that weights 95 meters and has a quantity of 6 kilograms of blood with various density due to watter, juice, alcohool), hates you, you are cursed. Just as you know.

Back to my fluffhole life in a fluffhole.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 4th 2015, 8:05:42

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 2:41:35

Not sure what s your problem heston. From now on i am refering to my self as the gispy from fluffhole. I will repeat that until the entire comunity will get tired off or tella bans me.

Ford watch the news tomorrow. 1st december is anounced to be the fluff. National day, our 4th of July.

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 1:53:03

32 deaths, 85 criticals. Things are getting serious. This was not just a tragedy - they finally pissed us gipsyies.

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 1:50:59

Arhaic you do realize if some of us combine forces we couod destroy the internet? Anyhow on a more serious note:

RIOTS ( NO KIDDING) on streets of my country. An entire corupt system is guilty for the previous and upcoming deaths. Coruption, authorities were exposed. This comes in the context where we as nation are extremlly hard to move, we are awear of the local and genera coruption we swim in and that s what keeps us in the same obscure spot for many years now. However, if we start moving, few things could stop the movement. I predict some nasty things going into my fluffhole in the upcoming period.

Over and out. Weekend i'll be in the street,wish me luck.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 4th 2015, 1:55:08

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 1:44:19

On 11 September 1999 there was a total sun eclipse with center in Romania. Us gypsies or gispy or however you spell that are not firends with science. We believe in fortune tellers or tellas(not sure how you spell that but tellas are nice mods). Thus during that total sun eclipse i panic and during that entire precise day i was not able to make any threats because i tought "this is it". I just said a pray and thanked everyone.

Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 1:19:37

Originally posted by penis:
Does Alin's flufftarded ass know how to communicate in any form other than threats?

Story says i've been spooted doing that once. Durring a sun eclipse.

Alin Game profile


Nov 3rd 2015, 21:51:12

If it was canceled makinso slash and whoever leads laf ,must be prelared to eat my entire stock of missles and war preparments.

You have been warned!

Alin Game profile


Nov 3rd 2015, 1:27:09

Yea lies. I lie. That's all i do. 15 years in this game i lied. I lied every single of this comunity.

I am lieimg now when i want to call you beavis and butthead. You 2 are the most wonderfull persons on this forum.

Alin Game profile


Nov 3rd 2015, 0:37:50

Ok gipsy gypsy 3rd word country citizen. Whatever... leave me and my thread alone. And get your facts straight if you have that capability.

Mods please don t close the thread. Rather desinfect it.

Alin Game profile


Nov 3rd 2015, 0:24:36

Sorry for the off topic. Lol.

Frybert. I think the 2003 Usa incident had a share of survivors and deaths. Not so many injured, like 40% body burns up to 90.
Some excape, some suffered a paintfull but relativelly short death. This case has different parameters.
31 deaths(one more died today). 90 critical cases... out of which half are mega critical. Is a mattaer of chance for the criticals. Each day there are new deaths reports from hospitals.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 3rd 2015, 0:30:26
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Nov 3rd 2015, 0:17:13

Same guy, 2 faces:

Originally posted by Heston:
alin lies. We wouldnt be here right now had he followed through with his promise to withdraw from posting. Regardless of the fact that many people are tragically hurt or dead in this horrible incident in lovely Romania. I hope the Romanians and alin summon the courage to cope after their monumental national tragedy. God bless us all. Even trife.

Same guy, on drugs that time prolly:

Originally posted by Heston:
ssewellusmc caught a case from alin, mods and the ever feared and mighty law enforcement agency: the USA embassy in fluffhole romania.

I made a mourning thread. Was that a bad thing to do? I was expecting discussion as some people always do when tragedy occurs. Frybert pointed me a link from 2003 which i did not saw until this point. I knew about the incident because the us ambasador mentioned it when he mourned our tragedy . But no. You could not leave me alone.You wished me death, called my country fluffhole, called me raper. Wtf? You think anyone will stand that attitude? Not in this century.

Here, find bellow the gipsy fluffhole country that mourns. Yea, we had/have problems. We left comunism 25 years ago. We r are not the perfection country in the world but who is? i am proud to be romanian. So fluff off. THERE you go:

Last one is for mr ford. Maybe you ll understand this way, why we are well ahead in taking emigrats... with a couple of thousands years.

Swell i never said anything bad about your daughter. You are throwing a lot of fluff in, your facts are like alzhiemer,, and i know what you are made off. You brought that mental ill stuff about your children on this boards, your sick imagination, memory fail or whatever disease you suffer. and you throw something so fluffed at me, it makes me believe you are sick, mentally sick. I tell you - leave me alone, i basically want to delete you from my memory. Otherwise i ll adress to your authorities and you ll be hearing from me in justice.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 3rd 2015, 9:41:38

Alin Game profile


Nov 2nd 2015, 17:53:24

You live in a fantasy world. Go ask mods. I give permision for them to look on any country i created IN THIS GAME and post it here.

You are sick. Go get medicine and specilized help.

And heston you are to dumb to even be adressed, therefore i ll just ignore you.go upggrade your atv ( you need brain upgrade too).

Alin Game profile


Nov 2nd 2015, 9:14:10

Originally posted by Frybert:
You know, this is getting ridiculous.

It should be known you don't put pyro next to noise reduction foam!

Well cases are almost the same. Lots of facts that are the same.

Alin Game profile


Nov 1st 2015, 16:15:20

Alin Game profile


Nov 1st 2015, 16:04:57

Rock band. 400 or so youngsters. Fireworks. The noise protection(made of polyurethane which is highly inflamable) catch fire. 30 seconds it colapses over runing for their life youngsters.

30 deads at the moment. 100 in critical condition ( in skin burns, is a matter of how the body reacts thus not predictable outcome - at least half of those in critical condition are expected to die).

90 % skin burn = chance to live 1%
The criticals have from 40% to 90% skin burned.

Alin Game profile


Oct 31st 2015, 16:20:52

Originally posted by mrford:
displaying bigotry in a claim that you arnt a bigot.

impressive sir.

additionally, knowing more than you doesnt mean i know everything. it is an important distinction. you set the bar really low.

Never leave your habitat ford.

Alin Game profile


Oct 31st 2015, 12:00:12

Accidentlly found this while sniping a good serial for the upcoming period.
Is it good? The speach was awesome...