
Alin Game profile


Oct 30th 2015, 20:36:52

lol. Every time mrford is out of arguments he goes like :

" you don`t know what you talk, idiot, bigot, ultra-nationalist, thin foil... i know better"
Aren`t you tired of your self mrford ? You are not that smart as you believe you are and your information is many time corrupted. You have no idea what world you live in, you have your cotton ball and think you are the king of your small hill.

Just a hillbilly really - that`s all what you are. Arrogance is your middle name. You first is Gunny and your last is I know everything.

Mr Gunny Arrogance I Know everything!!!

Alin Game profile


Oct 30th 2015, 6:41:55

+1. Verry well said siko. Almost the same thing going on here. We take imigrants, while 70 years old that worked mainly during communism, dies of hunger because they have no income(difficult situation to explain). 1 month ago i was bikeing in a local park, late in the night. Saw 2 old people that looked like homeless, verry old people. Went to a supermarket and bought a bag full of food and other things. Went to the homeless and gave them. Chat with them for like 1 hour.

One worked 48 years in metalurgy industry. Until 1995 when the plant closed. Than, being already to old no one hired him again. He sold everything, now he lives on streets. The state cares less. His income is fluff. he can t aford even food.

The other one was in construction. Some sort of engeneer. He contribued at building this among others.

I was impressed. To see those people actually were somebodies. Not drunkies ot junkies or stuff like that.
And meanwhile, while my own kind are on the streets i have to listen to cotton mr ford or the big angela merkel telling me who should i take into my country. Yes i must care less for those 2 homeless, but give shelter, income and home to imigrants
Mr ford lives in his glass cotton ball. Lots of wrong ideeas. He resumes at small ideeas. He thinks people can t see the big picture, he never even thinks his fluffing big picture might be broke and wrong.

Anyway good post siko.

Alin Game profile


Oct 30th 2015, 0:09:53

Just playing my turns. Went to forum. Read first maks "forum behavoir" thread because i saw helmet posting 1 day ago. Than something about alchool and trucks (closed it in like 30 seconds), and now this,
to see stupid ford still being butt hurt because he lives in his cotton ball and knows fluff about everything, besides his yard,guns and the places where he keeps the amo.

Alin Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 6:47:03

Am i your "hot" pal now Heston?.You follow me everywhere.I mean, i am to lazy to go find all the fluff you done in the last couple of days. But i can post the racist insults you sent me to private with your multiple accounts...

Good to know i am that important to you. You aren't. Me and you = diffrent levels. Poor soul!

Alin Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 5:27:01

I don t need to stick to my word in relation with you. You will still go "your eyes are brwon" fluff despite what i do. My retirment from At is going to happen but i don t care what you or the others racists think about me here.

I just saluted an old Sol member, which always threw what he tought is the truth, in your face. Just like me.

That being said, bye MrIKnowEverthing.

Alin Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 1:18:10

I will cease all actions with english talking folks in the world because of that. You always understand what i say ford, you just us my english to denigrate me.

However, stoping actions with english natives. Mother Russia here i come ... Open the gate China!

Alin Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 0:58:22

Originally posted by mrford:
Lol, I don't need multiple accounts to "subminate" you(whatever that means). You do it all on your own. It is why you are my favorite.

Talking with the other one, MrSmartestGuyOnInternet. Like i care.i know your opinion about me you know mine about you... is not like the ages of calling me various names and insults + me retaling, is going to change anything.

Alin Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 0:40:32

There you go again!

Alin Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 0:25:35

:) actually that s the most intelligent thing you had said in 3 years. Gg ssewe.

There you go dagga. I created the perfect enviroment for you. You taught me well!

Alin Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 23:39:58

"Said the one who creates multiple accounts to (edited)>>>denigrate<<<(edited a wrong word here so mrford understands what i say) people and the other one that lacks morals and dignity in a game".

Edited By: Alin on Oct 13th 2015, 3:59:11

Alin Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 22:09:18

I am going to break my word just for you(and post one more time).

What did you do? Terrorism, genocide, kidnap?
Sad to see a person like you being banned while stupidty fly all over AT. You aren't missing much believe me...

Alin Game profile


Oct 11th 2015, 7:09:36

I can t believe this!

RIP Gonzo.

Alin Game profile


Oct 9th 2015, 20:09:40

Had a moment of reflection over this entire fluff at after some mods sent me warnings pm. What is happening here is not normal and not for grown ups. Is a stupid forum filled with hate and anger and i throw gass on that fire offen.

I apologize to anyone i might hurt with my comments. And made some real collaterall damages i didn t intend to do.

Cheers and have fun. It s a game, a forum game and that is what this should be all about. There is a line i never cross and i did some nasty collateral damages. Believe it or not, it was self defense on internet forum.

Gl, you won t hear of me for a long period, starting NOW.

Alin Game profile


Oct 9th 2015, 18:06:42

Had a moment of reflection over this entire fluff at after some mods sent me warnings pm. What is happening here is not normal and not for grown ups. Is a stupid forum filled with hate and anger and i throw gass on that fire offen.

I apologize to anyone i might hurt with my comments. And made some real collaterall damages i didn t intend to do.

Cheers and have fun. It s a game, a forum game and that is what this should be all about.

Orkin was right, this place could help the development of mass murders and serial killers. Some of you should take action against this.

Gl, you won t hear of me for a long period, starting NOW.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 9th 2015, 18:11:11

Alin Game profile


Oct 9th 2015, 16:39:52


Edited By: Alin on Oct 9th 2015, 18:08:39
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Oct 9th 2015, 3:04:05

And sorry ruth for that. That idiot followed me all night long with multiple forum accounts on At and private messages. I was with some friends doing football and alcohool earlier that night(one of them mechanic), thus when i joined this silly forum i miss read something the idiot posted, and made yet another mistake, generalisation.

I have 2 friends as mechanics/engeneers at Renault . You can talk all night long politics and women with them :p. Pretty nice folks, i would not go into their mechanic and engeneering fields. They will beat me in less than 5 minutes. Felt the need to explain you this because i don t want to cause collateral damages.

If anyone is a plumer - that s awesome too(take this as a joke).

Edited By: Alin on Oct 9th 2015, 3:07:03

Alin Game profile


Oct 9th 2015, 2:37:24

Was not orkin. I didn t even had the intention to go that way. But you gotta reply some stupid who think they invented hot watter. Thus i had to... in order to proof how material they are. POOR SOULS.

Look at them, for years the call me gipsy and mock my country - yet i am the racist, nazy or whatever.
They call me poor and uneducated and i prolly own more than many of them and read a total amount of books = to their combined total(not sure here with mr ford- he might have read some at his life).
I earn all i have(not money, but everything) in a contry where a large portion of them would had die of hunger.
I speak 3 languages, 2 of them not like a native but well enough to blend in.

But is funny to see how arrogant people are when they think they own the galaxy we live in, and someone from somewhere else is just a poor uneducated.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 9th 2015, 2:41:40

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 23:59:53

Look better ford. You ll get it. And i do know i am not normal person talking with arrogants that think they r the center of this world. Go ahead and think what you like about me; crazy, gypsie, poor .... uneducated? Hahaha.

I know what i am.

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 23:43:46

Lol this is getting better and better. Is 30k usd, 22.5k eur when parity was 1.3.

However i ain t giving you fluff. An invoice with my name and adress on it when clearlly a person like swell could be the type of guy that shoots you in the street is somethign stupid do be done.(remembers me of mrford actually giving his real name in this game). Stupid ford.

I give beggers 50 or 100 ya know? You know why? Because i want to see the shine in their eye when someone gives them hope. And you come here and tell me about your atvs upgrades? You stupid fluff ...That s why me and you will never have nothing in coomon, because i am on another level.

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 23:07:46

I am leaving when i want. I just want to piss stupids more... and don t call me a liar dumb ARMED fluff. I stand for honestity in this game if you remember(want me to pm your ass an invoice? ... )

Here you go, since you love youtube, let me post some: 1st link is you and money, second is me trying to use logic on simple people ... failure of course.

That being said i ll let you live in your world. Poor souls!

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 21:46:02

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Alin:
Hopless folks. I actually feel to smart for a large portion of at retards. You know fluff about me!

Go ahead show me receipts of your guns and atv upgrades. That would just proof my point.
Cya, next year maybe!

fluff shake alin. Talk about books. Proof you point. Now run along and threaten to rage quit because youre a self taught third world hipster with no net worth that everyone on at follow around to call you "NAZY".

Like i said you guys are to stupid for me... postimg a 30k car invoice won t probablly help either. Or my restaurant pay check. You live with the impression i am poor. I live with the impression you are stupid and most probablly i am closer to the truth, your are far away for it nevertheless.

That being said, i ain t quiting. I just abamdon a forum full of arrogant bastards who think they are the center of their universe( a small universe filled with dumb racial ideeas and lots of idiocracy). Cya arround!

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 19:01:44

Hopless folks. I actually feel to smart for a large portion of at retards. You know fluff about me!

Go ahead show me receipts of your guns and atv upgrades. That would just proof my point.

Cya, next year maybe!

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 18:58:21

Lots of hopless mothefluffers and retards arround. Time for me to run away.

Arhaic blow my goat!

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 17:46:17

Your lifes resumes to much at earnings mrford. My life is build on books, on people who read them. When people from "don t know where" want to insult me, they call me among others "poor". You are poor, they say

When i want to insult you however ... i would talk aboot books. Money means to much for you and of course means something for me too. But the above retard (heston), said it best. "I spent on upgrading atvs what you earn yearly".

So i told him "hey stupid, i read to many books and talked with to many smart people in my life- i have nothing to discuss with a stupid like you".

Don t go heston style mfrod. Despite feeling the need to argue/make me look bad.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 8th 2015, 17:50:49

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 7:33:02

You did not understood my complain. I do not know how many South come to North. NONE is the subject of this argue.

If you want an answer sure: "a lot" i suppose. Not EU fault there tought. Or anyone in my zone. While the Middle East is all "politic games", South America has other problems. I know countries like Chile and Argentina are doing well. I know Brazil and Mexic not doing so well. However your counter-example is ... poor.

Alin Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 7:20:12


Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 23:04:43

I actually did... really going to sleep now.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 22:46:36

Oh miss read that. Lol. No more alcohool tonight. Your still a retard... no matter what yo do.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 22:40:29

Ok this is laughable i can t stop laughing now.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 22:38:59

Originally posted by Heston:
I dont rank at all.
Your annual earnings equal what i spend on modifying an atv. Keep on with the mickey mouse gambling it will pay off sometime, sunshine.

My anual earnings will buy a lot of atvs that don t need modifying or fixing. But glad to know you are a mechanic ... no brain there for something better...

Who s the next mothefluffer that is going to pick on my earnings? The plumer?

Oh for fluff shake what a retard!

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 21:56:27


Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 21:40:31

You re still top 3 retards on this forum. Do your best, don t loose the top 3.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 21:23:37

Surelly , wish i ll just have your guns defend me in my dreams...

Nvm... i ll use my combat skills. Your math ain t going to help me either, after i just drink 100 grams of alcohool.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 21:16:20

Good night... ford!

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 21:14:51

Heston went full retard! Never go full retard!

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 20:58:06

Surelly ford i saw. You pronounced " sanctions " , like they care. They are in an economical war and the sanctions you talk about are like ants attacking an elephant. I gave a counter example how sanction can back fire on EU.

I am not in a fluff mode fight ford. Buying good car from south coreez germany and soon to come china is the same thing for ivan... and you know english is my 3rd and i can t go into a deep elaborated discussion about economics, in my 3rd.

So fluff of with your fancy words... money wise buying car from South Coree = buying car from VW. Check map where vw and hyundai make cars.

Travel restriction they have for a lot of time. The rich will travel despite restriction. Assets moving is a dangerous game too.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 7th 2015, 21:05:13

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 20:40:36

Serioslly mods ban/expose the lammers behind multiple forum accounts. At least we know what retards were behind that. Look at the above folk... he is following me all arround. This is what makes people leave this forum... and ultimatelly this game.

You ban fluffing dagga and you allow this to happen? Ban me too than... you need retards on this forum it seems.