
Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 20:33:14

Originally posted by mrford:
Not when the sanctions get worse and you piss off a major trading partner like turkey.

Really? Eu gave sanctions to Russia and you know what Putin did? Remove all volswagen from Rusia state institutions(police, jandarmery-russians billionars followed him closely). They all went and bought fluffing Hunday and left Merkel sucking her finger. VW is now crushing with the speed of a malfunction Mig29, after the "fake cip".

This sanctions game is a dangerous game, when tou have Eu at the front door and China South Coreea in the back yard. Economically talking things do not look good for you either...

Edited By: Alin on Oct 7th 2015, 20:37:43

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 20:27:33

Here they come with multiple accounts because this is the best thing they can think about. fluffing idiots.

You have a point ford, mine however is stronger. I am all awear of the entire situation and i live throught it. I ve Seen europe from Istanbul to Lisabon, from Buchrest to London from Kiev to Copenhagen. Believe me we are fluffed up long therm.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 19:32:27

And for the other fluffers that come here and throw in some giberish words and make iq remarks... go fluff your selfs. The big boys are talking here go, fluff off and go play with the at politics. I am not here to tell you fluff about your alliance... or other stuff. The only thing that keeps me in this game is a simple mafia game... and some folks in md and sol. So now go fluff of and make some plans to take over of the entire 500 remaining players(without cheating this time) . I doubt you can ever fit into a discussion this big... because you have small brains.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 7th 2015, 19:35:48

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 19:15:50

Originally posted by mrford:
If they arnt poor refugees then what is the problem? Rich people don't rape and pillage

Ford i have the impression i am talking to a wall when i argue you. See youtube links i provided there...

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 19:14:50

Fu you akula :). I am coming to you - soon. Build a bunker and leave Ue would ya?

They aren t staying here. Germany givez them 600 euro / month. We give them 80. In Uk they would have gotten prolly 600 queens money, which is greater. Great uk possition here - i enjoy it.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 7th 2015, 19:18:39

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 19:09:02

Originally posted by XiQter MD:
I work for a swedish municipality and I can tell you that the challange is real, but its not because of jihaddist terrorist its because they are real fugitives running from a country in total chaos...

Did you saw them? I have real life friends that saw them. How does a refugee from middle east, talking at iphone6 and screaming some giberish at an hungarian police officer, sound? West Europe is fluffed by this "propaganda". Poor refugees my ass...

Clearly there are some desperate cases there. But on average those are not exactly the "running for your life" folks. Wait a little, you ll have them on your streets soon(they aim for germany and viking democracy, they are not staying in Romania,Hungary or Croatia, they need your state wealth not mine). Come back soon and tell me i was right ...pal.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 7th 2015, 19:13:35

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 19:05:29

Originally posted by santti:
Comparing to South America vs North America... what are the amounts there per year?

Amounts of what? Might be my bad english, might be yours... but i don t undedstand your question.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 15:00:50

Ah, also bring mrford guns in 2087 when you visit Paris... beside the orrange outfit.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 10:59:18

1 thread of this is already to much for me. But i live with the impression agression counts only on the big guns of NATO. The small ones, would be just matters of debates on tv with the ressult : "we did the right thing". Basically i doubt Murica will defend me if ivan deploys tanks in my back yard.

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 8:56:40

And mdevol and cerberus let me throw in some more ideeas of mine, before i ll be jumped on an called ultranationalist or nazy.

You could never fully understand how i think because of the diferences and barrers btw us. What is North America? (Mainly Usa)? A mixtion of nations with a history of a couple hundreds of years. Things work well for you, congrats! (Claps hand in a kevin spacey manner - what an irony eh? I actaully like what you produce (house of cards)). Murica - the powerhose of our days, we all gonna die with that being the reality of our lifes. You think is for eternity? Think again...

What am i? A gipsy or a 3rd world country guy when you ran out of arguments? Where do i come from? I ll be damn if i know. My antcensters are 3k years old or more. I had foght and sometimes been conquered by the Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire(Turks), Asian Hordes. Europe saw me as the poor cousin that must be thrown in the first line of war and among the last lines of wealth... same goes for Murica where i need a visa to go(i don t even want to)BUT you want me to depozit the mess you created for your own wealth, in my backyard? Most recently my zone was occupied by the red plague. I was a battle field in all major or minor conflicts in the zone or world for the last 1000 years. Were you? No you were not! I have just to open a history book to understand i don't want any more outsiders in my country. Specially not rich imigrants ( because those are not refugees). Judge me... if you can. If not, let me be! But before you judge me look what i am... a drop of latinity in an ocean of slavics(check Romania borders and neighbors except Hungary). I am some kind of chereokee indians country in the middle of Usa!

P.S.: A particulary folk who s name i am not going to say(mr ford), said a month ago to me, welcome to dealing imigrantion problems. Surprise mothafluffer... i am, for 3 000 years.

Edited By: Alin on Oct 7th 2015, 9:45:14

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 6:46:29

I am well awear i might hurt people. I am well awear part of the muslim people, in this comunity, are open minded. However i am an the type of citizen that will take anyone under the roof. Will give him food if he needs it, shelter if needed... education if needed. All things all until the point the imigrant will redecorate the room i gave him with Islam, he will ask to have a mosque near my Church. Soon to come he ll want me to wear a turban if i pass near him and latter he ll just demolish my church. That s the point where i say "no more", gtfo of here. If you come here you live by my rules not by yours.

Germany is a particular case. They can t say "No" to anyone because what happen btw 39 and 45. International press will assasinate them. But i can say no! And many can say no! And we are!

Alin Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 6:34:20

Yea i think it was mdevol. However i am tired of fluffy/stupid folks arround that know only to throw racist remarks and insult. + that retard ex-military (wannabe) stupid jew who`s like the top cherry.

That being said... this is what the 3rd world country guy has to say. This is not Murica where you took people from everywhere and mixed them togheter with success. This is Europe vs Islam, and the concepts are fairly diffrent from the born to death. West Europe is in danger... not now, but 50 years from now on, or even more. You Muricans have Eu as ally(economical,political) for like 50 more years, so you better find yourself someone strong enough in Asia, because in 2100 you`ll deal with an Islamic Europe. No more trips to Paris and London for ya... or if you do, make sure you bring your orrange outfit(just in case).

This is what will happen. It is simple math. Also if you look into history you`ll notice it happend many times. That beeing said, good luck.

Alin Game profile


Sep 28th 2015, 10:10:24

Detmer is active on boxcar forums, playing and moding mafia games.

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 4:09:27

Originally posted by mrford:
you drank too many grams.

Your math made me get extra grams...

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 4:02:48

Well i contribued to that thread and i feelt the quilt of maybe going to harsh for the shake of argue. I did consumed alcohool and maybe said some fluff... i am not like that anyway. Not disturbed and not fluffed in the head also..

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 3:57:12

Serioslly ford the guy is ill. The dicussion goes here and there, you get mean i get mean... but that guy is seriouslly ill.

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 3:53:27

It was a joke if you mean me. It is true ford and the retard got me out of a good mood with all their inceptions... but they make racial remark at me for a while now...

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 3:41:22

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Alin:
Please do. But if i did a mistake is because i am drunk... (j/k).

I go AL qaeda style on you anyway...

Just stay where you are. The black helicopters are on the way to take you on vacation to gitmo (still better than Romania).

You are retard...

Does anyone know how you can possible ignore an idiot like this one?

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 3:39:38

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Alin:
Greatest (sold to China) country in the world you mean...

Well at least from now on i will refer to you as the "stupid jew from Germany who moved to Us because of a gypsy ultranationalist". You know that gypsies had the same fate in those dark ages? I am not of gypsy origin but just for your own culture(which is probable nil)... gypsies were persecuted in the same manner as you...

Anyhow, what could i say... your still a stupid jew...

GDP of Romania 190B... GMP of New York City 1.3T...

Romania sucks and you are an antisemite. You also talk about raping small children.... I may be a jew, but at least I am not a Romanian Pedaphile.

Is this normal? Lool...

I am antisemite? Why i am antisemite you stupid jew? Because i call you stupid jew? You are one of the most stupid persons i seen in this game.

You have been calling me gypsy for years now you stupid jew...

Phedophile ... i am afraid you are one - you are surelly fluffed in the head.

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 3:31:45

Engineer a spce rocket for lifesustaining habitat. Make sure it does not land on Moon or Sun

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 3:28:30

Please do. But if i did a mistake is because i am drunk... (j/k).

I go Al jared style on you anyway...

Edited By: Alin on Sep 13th 2015, 3:45:10

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 3:20:51

Greatest (sold to China) country in the world you mean...

Well at least from now on i will refer to you as the "stupid jew from Germany who moved to Us because of a gypsy ultranationalist". You know that gypsies had the same fate in those dark ages? I am not of gypsy origin but just for your own culture(which is probable nil)... gypsies were persecuted in the same manner as you...

Anyhow, what could i say... your still a stupid jew...

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 2:57:45

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:
Nope, but i'll gladly accept to meet your mom...

That being said, good night folks...

Well, you are from vampire land . . . but you'll need a shovel.

Sorry for the bad joke than ... God rest her in peace

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 2:50:11

Originally posted by mrford:
You have never made a simple math mistake ever. I forgot.

Go fluff your goat gypsy. No one cares that you are scared of refugees. It is going to happen.

Who the fluff measures liquor in grams?

Oh the anger... com on.
In my fluffy 3rd world country we measure the liquor in grams. When you order yours at a Pub you ask for 100 grams ... or 200 and for more latter if not enough . Thus thats how we measure it in private too...

how do you do in your most brave and awesome (sold to China) country in the world? You ask for bottle and do the MATH at the end?

Anyhow the 1 mil germans you got in the 1850 must have been qzjuls. No way they were fords and swellfluffs...

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 2:23:18

Btw you and me, is 4 am here and 1.something hours ago i just reverted home. I also consumed 200 grams of whisky and 2 beers at a night movie with friends.But that does not stop me writing "engrish" and doing percentages....

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 2:19:17

Originally posted by mrford:
Oh, and in ~1850 around a million Germans came. There was about 40 mill total in Germany at the time.

I'm not sure of the Irish immigration stats but I know more than 350k came during the famine. Probably more than 1%

And I'm pretty sure we have around 1% of the Mexican population at least.

Poor attempt to fix it, the discussion was about chineese. And you failed to basic math. Thus i can no longer discuss percentage with you because you are "drunk".

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 2:12:25

Drinking does not affect math skills if you are still able to type... othwreise you wluod tpye lkie tihs

You are slowlly turning into a swellfluff, but at least i am comfortable at the tought of you engireeing your own gun. It would probablly shoot your other leg.

And one thing i also remembr from this forum ( now you are not a vip, i just remember the knife incident, the leg shooting "which by the way, made me laugh for a couple of minutes, the irony not the unfortunate event " and the fact that once i think you said you engineered something for us army). Now all the pieces fit toghether, your math skills are the reason for the Us army collateral damages...

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 1:42:26

Nope, but i'll gladly accept to meet your mom...

That being said, good night folks...

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 1:37:21

Originally posted by mrford:
In the late 1800s 350k chinese immigrated to the US. The population of china was less than 300mill.

More than 1%. That is the era he is talking about. He said railroads.

I done told you you don't want to get into an migration debate with the US. We have had it worst in the last 200 years.

Fordy needs some math lessons. 1% of 300 mil is 3 mil.

I did some internet research. Always a pleasure to do net research in order to proof your ignorance and stupidity.
0.1something% is the max you dealt with at any time in history.

Anyhow, this debate has nothing interesting to go with. I just hope math is not part of your job. You said you are an engineer i think? Hope the space rocket to moon does not land on Pluto ...

Edited By: Alin on Sep 13th 2015, 1:41:23

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 1:22:14

You are a corellation guy aren t you ford? What is the correllation btw how many chinese migrated a hundred of years ago and a hypotetically scenario regarding 1% of china going somewhere in our days. 1 event happend a hundred + years ago, the other one with reference to the present.

The above being said ... i don t think you can make the above guy look smart or educated. I think everyone arround knows he's just stupid...

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 1:09:23

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Alin:
No pal you are not american. You are a dumb as night american. A brave one too, on internet forums.

Civils flee during wars... you would never know. No modern war ever happen in you home land.

Modern war hasn't happened in my homeland because I don't live in a fluffhole.

The end.

You could live in any place in this planet, solar system, galaxy or universe. Your stupidity will still be infinite + 1

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 1:05:19

P.S: around 4 mil chinese are oficial in Us. China has now close to 1.5 billion. So you have somewhere arround 0.25%.
Thats not the ideea tought. 1% of china pop means 15 mil. A nightmare refugee scenario for any Ue country...

...use brain please.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 13th 2015, 2:39:22
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 0:55:41

No pal you are not american. You are a dumb as night american. A brave one too, on internet forums.

Civils flee during wars... you would never know. No modern war ever happen in you home land.

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 0:45:06

As a refugee you dumb person. A true refugee dose not care about where he goes, they do not scream "Germany Germany". A refugee that runs for his life is a person that wants simple shelter outside the war zone, no matter where, and not wealth.
I was talking hipothetically... you know like when Rusia invades yor country(Ukraine)... or creates Cecenia war zone or shift like that. Or if 1% of China population decides they want to move in your country...

Jelly fish survived 650 million years without a brain... great news for some people around.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 13th 2015, 0:48:25
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 0:34:57

Originally posted by archaic:
Transporting two million armed convicts to Syria,

The US orchestrated the 9-11 attacks,

Three handed circle jerks,

Burger King appreciation,

Mod bulli-fest,



The greatest trick the devil ever pulled up is convincing the world it didn't exist.