
Alin Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 0:26:15

Just send mr ford and his arsenal to middle east...

P.S: Not a bad ideea Oceana.

Well i hope Europe will not have its own refugees soon, as a christian i am sure as hell we won t be welcome in Islam countries.

Alin Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 18:29:49


There you go. A simple point in order to proof your point.

Alin Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 14:56:49

USA(NATO included). Cause we can t take nato out of this context.

Alin Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 14:53:34

Angel if you have time and will please make a resume regarding the wars USA fought since early '90.

A simple description of every war containing: cause, purpose and aftermath/conclusion.

Alin Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 14:50:27

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Sure Ford, if i don`t agree with your fluffy ideas i am ultra nationalist, nazy, hate immigrants and unable to make correlation.

Actually i make to much correlations and the correlations brought me to the conclusion that things are not as simple as you think they are... overall.

But you can continue in believing whatever makes you feel good like your politicians/CIA are the angels of this world ... and i`ll just believe what i think is the truth.

Look how sensationalist you are. It is one extreme or the other, no middle ground. That is why you are a crazy untranationalist. Not because you dissagree with me. But because every one who has a different opinion is automatically in the opposite extreme catagory for you.

I also said you don't understand the relationship between correlation and causality, and by focusing on correlations in your last post you just proved my point.

Sure pal whatever you say... from guns discussion to earth discussion and ending with politics your purpose on this forum is to make people you don t like/don't agree with you, look bad. I personally don t like arguing with you any more, and i don t even feel the need to insult you because you are a lost cause. Just go live in your unpenetrable glass ball.

Alin Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 13:01:34

Sure Ford, if i don`t agree with your fluffy ideas i am ultra nationalist, nazy, hate immigrants and unable to make correlation.

Actually i make to much correlations and the correlations brought me to the conclusion that things are not as simple as you think they are... overall.

But you can continue in believing whatever makes you feel good like your politicians/CIA are the angels of this world ... and i`ll just believe what i think is the truth.

Alin Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 9:05:40

Yea believe whatever you want.

Believe that 9.11 was just a random event and not a planed one to drain you of taxes and redirect a portion of USA PCI into wars against an invisible enemy.

Believe that the purpose in Middle East is freedom and WMDS. Not resources, puppets governments, puppet dictators, and weapon usage.

Believe that USA had nothing to do with Middle East mess. The number of immigrants from Middle East since USA got involved there is 10 times or even more than since before. Sure Middle East will never be stable the way it is configured, but your intervention there made things worse and created ISIS.

And all the other stuff you just like to believe...

P.S: Arhaic go fluff your self too. You give me lessons about my history? Compared to you i know my history well enough, and it is a thousands years of history, not a couple of hundred years. The plight of others you say? has anyone ever was sympathetic to my plight or my nation plight ? No... Are you sympathetic to the the plight of Middle East? Of course you are as a nation, because there is where the money ( oil,Israel ) lays. Are you sympahatetic to the dust of central Africa? of course you aren`t, you can`t fuel your car with sand, and the owner of 70% of USA money are not from Chad and Rwanda... Don`t come here and give me lessons you moron. You know nothing about me ...

Alin Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 0:12:53

Yea sure, you are better educated... By whom? By which media? Do you ever read anything besides your own?

You are a weak spot finder? I never was to much into 9/11 because since D1 i tought it is a fix... 4,5 or 10 planes i care less. I feel sorry for the inocent and want the ones at quilt punshed, all of them. You punshied just a pawn...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:41:34

Lol this swell guy went full retard so many times it almost redifined the meaning of the phrase.

Anyway pizza is ready ... cya tommorrow you bunch of numbs.

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:37:20

Originally posted by archaic:
Everything is our fault. Your country is the cesspool of the EU, America's fault. Russia invades Afghanistan and destabilizes central asia, Americas fault. Greek economy collapses, yep us again. Starvation in North Africa, sure blame it on us.

Enjoy your vaccines and cell phones alin, just call us when the Nazis come back. We don't actually give a fluff about Europe, or Syria, or any of your problems. We'll just keep you indulging in consumer goods made cheap just for us with your slave labor and laugh at you in between coffee breaks and video games.

Lol alin.

You laugh at me? You think i care... i make jokes of your history/identity every time me and my friends meet and we bring that into discussion. But going to much into that will mean to hurt people i don`t wanna hurt in this community, because not all the americans are as stupid as ssewell or as ignorant as mrford...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:28:28

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:
. . . the dictators keept things under control . . .

I honestly cannot really even begin to improve on that.

Nobody forced tunisa, egypt, lybia, iran or syria to revolt. Did we support people seeking a better life for their children, yep - did we shove them through the door? Hardly. Your grasp of history is pretty shakey Alin, I watched Anwar Sadat die live on television when I was a kid, I'm not really sure how the 'dictators kept things under control' was working out him, and I'm pretty sure it was not working out to well for his descendants.

Aren't you from Romania Alin?

I did never said Dictators were good for people or that dictaorship is a good regime, i just said they keept things under control. I come from a country that was comunist until 1989. And if you think nobody forced the above into revolt our discussion must be terminated right ahead...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:22:48

Lol at all the oil we got from IRAQ... must have been the devious plans of America to enrich the Chinese...

Well you had to pay 1%(or something) of the total debt to the People's Republic of China. But you are not smart enough to make all the connections. Others are, but don`t want to, in this AT place...

Edited By: Alin on Sep 9th 2015, 23:26:31

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:15:56

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement.

U wot mate?

So you are saying that the middle east WAS stable prior to US intervention in 1990? So the whole 30 years of Isreal-Egypt war, Quadafi in Lybia, Iran-Iraq war, Iranian Revolt, Lockerby bombing, PLO, Olympic attack . . . all of that was just my imagination?

Alin, you're a teenager aren't you?

No it was not. But the dictators keept things under control. Nowdays the zone is experiencing forced democracy ... the parrot and the crow. That zone is not ready for democracy and must earn it first by their own riot and revolution. Not forced into...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:10:13

YEa sure - Chevron has nothing to do with the Iraq oil. How ignorant you two can be... well one is a proven retard "shoot first ask question later"... mentally ill i suspect too.

The other one is just an ignorant ass. Fear? i am not afraid of nothing... Ignorant? That is so funny coming from you... Bigotry, you are the king in this place...

IF the only hibe you can find in my post are 5 planes instead of 4 than thank you for reading.

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 22:49:27

Cerbus is not exactlly alone. Altought i don`t share all of his ideeas, anti imigrant political parties are growing in numbers and % all over the EU. And that could lead to racism and ethnic mess...

You can`t really call "racist" people who don`t want imigrants. Or are against getting imigrants in their home land. Is like people calling USA racist for throwing thosands of mexicans over board, monthly.


Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by Alin:
Should be no news for anyone around.

However, i think USA should take at least 50% + 1 of those. The entire N africa, and Middle East is in chaos because forced democracy failed... the main pawn in that destabilization is USA, thus it must take it's share.

This makes the assumption that without US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Middle East would not be in chaos. That's a bold assumption to make. Afghanistan is a chaotic place in the best of circumstances and Taliban rule can hardly be called the best of circumstances. Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator in a country that was super-majority against him.

We can't rewind the clock and move forward making other decisions in an academic exercise with any sort of certainty. However, before Saddam Hussein was taken out, the Middle East was still ruled by a number of dictators that oppressed significantly parts of their population (for good reason or not). Before Saddam Hussein was removed, the Kurdish Peshmerga was still armed. Before the Iraq invasion, Libya still had a WMD program. Moving forward into an Arab Spring with these facts would have been even more chaotic than it is now. The Iraqi Kurds almost certainly would declare independence in that situation and then Turkey would likely blow into chaos.

Now USA intervention in Afghanistan dates since 1979 when CIA armed and financed the mujahideen to fight the russians in Afghanistan. It`s a small piece of the cold war but CIA actually created/financed Osamma Ben Laden and his fanatical group. Surelly CIA shooted at a pigeon and killed a crow, somewhere on the road things changed and now the entire world is talking about the greatest terrorist of all time, but never forget how it started... Is your own mess that bite back decades after. Surely if you ask Mrford, this never existed... all that exists were 5 planes coming out of nowwhere,hitting the WTC and etc.

Iraq is another story. Going for the WMDS, never finding WMDS and coming back with contracts of billions for oil extraction, reconstruction of Iraq. Also giving air to an already suffocated weapons industry ( you gotta use those weapons somewhere in order to make others ).

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement. Europe is slowly becoming a refugee camp for decades now... and things are swifting with speed. ISIS grows in numbers and there is a wave of imigrants crossing from North Africa and Middle East into Turkey,Greece,Serbia Macedonia and finally to the developed countries in UE. Among them 100% there are ISIS cells... and we all know their intentions.

The above being said, i care less if the entire people of Iraq were agains Saddam. Is their job to overthrow their dictator and change their country. I don`t care what Gadaffi was or done... i basically don`t care about Syria dictator or North Coreea. Hundred of millions died in order to overthrow regime after regime in this part of the world, thousands of revolution and riots happend in the last 2000 years in order to achive the current status. Is anyones duty to go rebel and overthrow a leader they don`t like or a political class that does nothing for them... not mine or yours.

But his crow dressed as a parrot ( "we did it for them, for democracy" ) does not stand anymore, when they were sucked out of their resources and Europe is now paying the bill...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 14:32:30

Sure.. fluffing Aliens for the Middle East mess, freaking reptilians for arming the guerillas and turn Dictatorships into ISIS motherlands... and freaking natives of Nibru planet for the Arabic Spring...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 12:50:16

Actually, supreme leader of AT idiots, we do speak german in some parts of this country.

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 12:42:39

Originally posted by mrford:
Why do you keep shifting points? Is your stance that weak? I doubt many refugees are targeting Romania anyways.

Stop blaming all your problems on us. You sound like an ultra nationalist bigot. That region was fluffed long before we were forced to fluff it up more.

There is an Ue repartition....

Germany takes the largest percent, than france, than nordics than almost all of the UE members. Uk takes 0. We take 3.7%. Be sure is your fault, in large percentage. This continent earned its independence and wealth by blood and thousands of revolutions and riots agains the leaders of a particular time. It also took 2 WW and millions of lifes looses in order to reach todays status.Let them earn theirs the same way, by overthrowing their dictators. The 2015 WAVE OF imigrants is your fault, the fact you don't get an official declaration from merkel or any other is because they were part of it, following your lead...

That being said, at least recognize this from the point of a regular citizen. Or at least try to argue ... but don t give me the classic fluffy "we are the greatest of all time speech, while you are fluffty"...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 12:08:56

I did not say it is you fault. I said you should pay the imigrant bill and not i. I don t care how many imigrants are there... if there is only one here and it is your fault, you should pay the bill. While you made fluffy comments about my country you acusse me of swifting points? Did i made fluffy coments about yours? As a retal only...

For your knowledge, there are over 1 million imigrants ate Europe gates, and they are coming. Many of them are because of Usa politics fails(among with some other eu countreies, mine included). Among them Isis cells.

But you can t really arguea hypocrite such as yourself ....

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 11:50:02

Well i don t usually talk with mentally ill persons whos sick imagination goes to the point where they talk about rape of their young daughter, but yes i learned that at gipsy school.

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 11:22:15

No offense to americans that really understand what s going on...

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 11:15:51

My fluffy little country will take 10k and integrate them, with the risk of being subject to terrorist acts. Meanwhile my fluffy little country takes 3.7% of the incoming further refugees...

My fluffty little country pays 3.7% of the bill... you know what bill?

The bill of you paying 0.68usd / fuel litter, while i pay 1.5 usd / litter.
Meanwhile, you are driving your 3000 car, consuming 20 liters/100 kilometers to shoot your 235 guns. While i ran my 1.9 with 6 liters / 100km.

Also, your 5000k wage / month is because your "democracy"(a.k.a looking for wmds to get the oil fields and all the other benefits + unloading thousands of amunition stock to give the wepon industry a breath) implementantion in the world. Otherwise, you would be like 2000k... and i pay 3.7% of 2015 bills...

So you know what you american fluff? Pay some respect and go fluff you self in your greatest country of all time... you freaking hypocrite

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 9:53:00

No, i mean the destabilization of Irak, syria,lybia, tunisia, egypt and the long therm implementation of "democracy" in middle east (for 30 years now - in order to suck them dry out of resources). Usa and Israel are indirectly responsable for Isis born and existance... Europe is paying the bills.

This is the true, and Europe can no longer play Usa's games of power. Becouse we are fluffing going to pay the bills, and we are not talking coins here.

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 9:14:55

Is an amusment for me to see the pride of the naive usa citizens. They will never accept anything like coruption and lie, altough they had their share of it... i mean Bush lied, Clinton lied what makes you think Obama isn't?. I know in what world i live, you don't...

I have a question for you, what do you think they'll do if they discover the greatest terrorist of all time in a bunker under a village where there is a redcross base formed of 25 americans, 10 brits,5 canadians and 1 french?

Based on the answer of the above question, what do yoh think they'll chosen btw demolishing 2 buildings full of people and and the wealth of a nation for the next 25-30 years?

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 8:59:04

Should be no news for anyone around.

However, i think USA should take at least 50% + 1 of those. The entire N africa, and Middle East is in chaos because forced democracy failed... the main pawn in that destabilization is USA, thus it must take it's share.

Any European going in the zone could be decapitated live ... this is democracy failure, sometimes is just better to leave corupt dictators rule the area...

Furthermore, i predict terrorist acts in UE extremelly soon. People who ran from there are eitther rich ( it takes 10-15k usd to leave the zone, and the voyage is only to the gates of Europe) or financed by Isis.A family made of three needs at least 50k to Turkey,Greece ). So the wealthy people are coming, the poor(as usual)will remain to be slaughtered. Additional to those, the terrorist cells are coming too...

So who is paying the bill for this fluff?

Edited By: Alin on Sep 9th 2015, 9:01:46
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Sep 8th 2015, 22:56:41

The way things developed in the Middle East and arab countries means 9/11 was a setup. If you think otherwise than go for it. You will never figure it out, that people of this world are sheeps for the ones that have the power,the money or both..

You know "colateral damage" - that`s what 9/11 is. A country like USA can never be hit by 5 commercial flights without knowing.

Alin Game profile


Aug 13th 2015, 6:15:54

Well i think i have a total of 2 or 3 posts in the last three months.
But now i saw some interesting racist threads ( closed ) on this forum.

What is going on? who picked on your origins Braden and TAN? is mrford still alive or he finally got stabbed/shoot for good ?
What about those Sof rednecks swel....kaka and Heston ? I saw them active a couple of weeks ago on some threads. Same old fluff and insults. I wanted to post there but was like "i am better than this". Well seems like I AM NOOOOT! :)

Alin Game profile


Aug 13th 2015, 6:07:45

i can`t really understand how a game this small has that many people using the same "nickname"...

Alin Game profile


Jul 28th 2015, 22:25:39

Yea i was also the boss of sof and sol usi g the pseudonames helmet and dragon. And chief of all bradens known as mehul.

Alin Game profile


Jul 28th 2015, 8:39:42

Yea pretty much. You have bounch of heroes and you upgrade them to beat the competition is single fights. There is also the alliance and alliances wars. But is getting more complex each update with new adds and missions. Exactlly the opposite of ee. However i am starting to loose my nerv. When i began, 30 minutes per day were enough, now i need at least 2 hours.

Alin Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 21:18:45

I am wasting my life for over a month now, with this fluffing game.

Alin Game profile


May 16th 2015, 9:44:06

where did you go Colo ?

Good job Laf and Rage. Laf had a bunch of nice looking countries but they paid the price for their land fatties. No matter how big you are if you don`t have a suitable spal you are toast in a war.

Alin Game profile


May 16th 2015, 9:30:15

better without you ? :P

Alin Game profile


May 6th 2015, 14:20:29

well the chats i`ve been into were always fun. No matter the war i always have Akula, Suncrusher, Rlenga or Suni to make fun with or of.

Time to time Boltard pumps in and i didn`t try anything funky with Vamps in order not to scare him off :P. And now i have a new addition to the WC - the king of the useless kingdom, Marshal .

So no the warchats were always fun. Regarding walling you guys have a point. Not sure what can be done but the best thing i am thinking of is for us to change the war tactics.

IT is true the countries die to fast. But you also have a restart bonus. And if you disable half or more of the oponents breaking power, your countries will not die that fast anymore.

Alin Game profile


May 4th 2015, 16:55:41

LAf has balls in order to pick a friendly war with both Md and Sol, which truly aren`t in their best period ( members wise ).
However Laf deserves respect for going into a hard war with basically no advantage. Hats down to Laf.

Alin Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 14:11:59

this thread has merit!

Alin Game profile


Apr 28th 2015, 14:07:57

TAN is mafia!

Alin Game profile


Apr 23rd 2015, 20:02:59

thx QZ.

I will no longer attend to your execution.

Alin Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 21:33:08

if anyone gives a s h i z nit this is the combo.

1 Egal - Estudiantes LP Barcelona Guayaquil v Estudiantes LP
(Pauza/ Final) 22/04/2015 None 4.50 Won
2 (Collin McHugh & Taijuan Walker trebuie sa inceapa) HOU Astros
Pitcher details HOU Astros(C McHugh) @ SEA Mariners(T Walker)
(Echipa castigatoare) 22/04/2015 None 1.95 Won
3 (Collin McHugh & Taijuan Walker trebuie sa inceapa) Peste 7.0
Pitcher details HOU Astros(C McHugh) @ SEA Mariners(T Walker)
(Total puncte) 22/04/2015 None 1.83 Won
4 (Drew Pomeranz & Hector Santiago trebuie sa inceapa) LA Angels
Pitcher details OAK Athletics(D Pomeranz) @ LA Angels(H Santiago)
(Echipa castigatoare) 22/04/2015 None 1.86 Won
5 (Drew Pomeranz & Hector Santiago trebuie sa inceapa) Peste 7.5
Pitcher details OAK Athletics(D Pomeranz) @ LA Angels(H Santiago)
(Total puncte) 22/04/2015 None 1.90 Won
6 TEX Rangers -3.5 TEX Rangers(N Martinez) @ ARI Diamondbacks(C Anderson)
(Handicap - Alternativ) 22/04/2015 None 4.25 Won
7 CLE Indians -2.5 CLE Indians(C Carrasco) @ CHI White Sox(H Noesi)
(Handicap - Alternativ) 22/04/2015 None 3.05 Won

Alin Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 21:28:44

i also support or +1 anyone who hurts braden.

Valid for a couple of other folks on this forum, mods included.

Alin Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 21:17:39

i just want to mention that i hit an odd of 735 with a betting combo yestarday. 5 USD as stake. 3.6k profit.

It contined crazy odds like Clevland handicap -2,5 or Texas handicap -3,5 or Ana Angels win&over ( i know i got lucky with Texas - saw some short resume of the game ).

Thx anyone who made a constructive post in this thread. Those charts were very helpful.

Edited By: Alin on Apr 22nd 2015, 21:33:57

Alin Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 21:12:08

Suncrusher leads from the shadow all the clans in EE. And a couple of other clans in other games.

Alin Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 21:08:17

anyway Qz i also have a reason to want you executed in a public place. I want to remove my signature for 1 year now and i didn`t find a suitable way to do it.

Is there any resonable way i can handle this, or i must personally add deep cuts into your skin and salt on it, during the time of your execution?

Alin Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 21:05:25

And in Marshal`s case the war versus snow and vodka.

Alin Game profile


Apr 22nd 2015, 21:02:10

i say you guys take qz and hang + burn him in a public place. hang him first by the nuts and burn him after. And don`t forget to chop his head off after he is fried well.

You lost land because of his formula, the land our forefathers died for in the war versus nazies and/or russians and/or mexicants and amerindians (depending on your location on the globe ).

Alin Game profile


Apr 6th 2015, 21:07:55

Originally posted by Frodo:
Originally posted by Alin:
Look i don`t want anyone to spend time for doing this.

You can just make a team ranking out of your own knowledge. It takes like 2-3 minutes...

2.SF Giants
3.MIL Brews
6. etc ...

What are trying to figure out? I mean there are literally hundreds of articles out there doing the exact things you want if you google them.

If you want a power ranking of baseball teams that's one thing, my top-10 is:
Washington Nationals, LA Angels, LA Dodgers, Seattle Mariners, San Fran Giants, Detroit Tigers, Baltimore Orioles, St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates, Toronto Blue Jays.

Exactly ...

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2015, 8:05:57
