
Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 11:19:13


Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 9:55:02

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by tduong:
koh was right about alliance people. You guys are nothing but stuck up smart asses. You can't fight a war unless you got 20 of your buddies backing you up. If I even bother figuring out which one is your country alin, I'll show you what getting pissed on is supposed to feel like and you can't do nothing about it.

Please forward me your country number

Mine is : Join Sol Alliance Server (#90) - bring yours up.

Think that i`ll finish with you when the following 2 things happen :

1- you change your country name that set
2- you quit playing express

Freaking idiot!

Did you chicken out tduong ? you tought that if i have 168 post on forum i might be a good n00b to bully ?

com on - don`t be a chicken;be a man and post your country number.

Or is just that big mouth you have - and that`s all?

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 9:31:27

Originally posted by Sifos:
Originally posted by Jiman:
lol, I dropped 10mil nw to try to attack a target :O

Should have fa'ed us 10m worth of nw instead.


Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:59:43

troops are for cashers | - * |.

I know my deal don`t worry - i still have to learn some things about express ( i am actually at my 3rd reset ever in this type of earth) - but when it comes to waring in this game generally - i`ve learned from the bests - a verry long time ago ...

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:49:03

i`ll be loading mine with tanks and troops :P .

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:42:26

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Even though I'm trying out new strat and joined GDI, I'm still willing to jump in if need be, ill be giving away the FS but its a good way to test and tweak what I'm working on, ill help Alin if needed, so, Alin, send me D pact to BioHazzard from XI, I think I'm #36, not sure, but you'll find me under that name :)


Your intel is taken - and i don`t need anything else.

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:40:34

Originally posted by mdemon:
I thought it was an invitation to war you, that is all. I also bet on DH :S

sure. as long as we can`t get that in some other place |- *| - we can have it here.

Any suggestions should go into our private chat - we`ll have latter our own thread :)

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:35:14

i don`t see your point mdemon - go with the bet ?

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:32:58

Originally posted by JJ23:
im a gambler at heart. what kinda bet. im all ears.

btw Pm me ur country. so i dont accidentally hit u

I say if DH wins - i get a free grab on you.
If jack wins you get a free grab on me.

This will happen over 7-8k land ( next reset). Fair?

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:27:21

Originally posted by tduong:
koh was right about alliance people. You guys are nothing but stuck up smart asses. You can't fight a war unless you got 20 of your buddies backing you up. If I even bother figuring out which one is your country alin, I'll show you what getting pissed on is supposed to feel like and you can't do nothing about it.

Please forward me your country number

Mine is : Join Sol Alliance Server (#90) - bring yours up.

Think that i`ll finish with you when the following 2 things happen :

1- you change your country name that set
2- you quit playing express

Freaking idiot!

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:23:00

@ everyone in this thread.

I belive in fairness and having fun in an on line game.
I did not bring anything from 1a ( the only thing i am doing for 1A is to recruit and help that server bee what it was supposed to be ).

I am the type that speaks loud and clear his toughts - so no, i ain`t leading any alliance in this game ( because you had to be a filthy internet politician to do that ).

I ain`t bringing 1a rules anywhere - i have my own set of rules i apply to myself. If those are going to lead me into war or make people hate me - I DO NOT CARE!!!

And - i like to WAR and don`t give a fluff on NW finishes!

P.S: and you guys could not offend me more than telling me i am "Sof" ". Call me anything but don`t do that again!

Now i was just pointing out that selling on purchase helps. And i am sure that some people will learn something after reading this thread.

Anything else is just - TALK!


Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:13:54

I am really looking for a war this set ! And i am just waiting a smart-ass from this boards to take advantage out of theese two guys!

Don`t say i did not warn you!

P.S: JJ23 what about that bet ?

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 6:08:44

Originally posted by tduong:
yes, but what's the point of this thread then if they want to be left alone?
this thread pretty says "hey, if you don't like me then put it in my butt cause i'm busy facing this way"

War is never about fairness anyways. It's about having the advantage. If you can't deal with other people farming you then don't war. That's a possibility that can happen to both of them.

I mean when you trip on the curb during a fight and the other guy stomps your ass, do you say "hey no fair! i was thirsty and that curb didn't trip you! and you have more back fat than me so it softens the blows!"??


Dude could you please get the fluff out of here. A vast majority of us like this thread, this war and everything around it.

You come here and whine about earthquakes ? I tried to explain you that they are getting allies to not be easy grab targets ( before and durring the war ) WTF do you not understand ? Want me to drow you a scheme.

You belive that this war " is retarted " still you give it so much attention it proofs the only thing retarded around is you.

DH,Jack - if you guys need help i`ll policy for you both - and if anyone will dare to farm anyone of you ( 2 ore more hits) i`ll go at war with that country.

END of story.

P.S: Freaking boards Trolls

Alin Game profile


Apr 5th 2012, 5:20:50

Originally posted by tduong:
why are you guys having allies? the point of this is to be fair and you want to run with allies? wtf?!?!?!?
if one of you have better or more allies than the other then that makes it unfair.
Like i said, this whole thing is stupid

the way i see it, both of you are losers for doing something this dumb. This does nothing but more drama.

if you want ot war someone then just run your country. Find them and attack them. That's it! none of this bs waste of time

No sir - actually i think you are the stupid in this story!

This is the definition of a fair war. No one is blindsiding no one, no one has any advantage over anyone.

And please learn to read - they want allies so they won`t be easy farm targets during their nice prearranged war!

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 23:04:01

Bushels $32 191,556

I really can`t belive this.
I`ll just blame earth soft for beeing broken!

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 20:34:31

/ME takes out hat and brings in LCN top 3 as siucide targets
( preferablly ABS and Nukes )

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 20:27:08

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Alin:
du no ... landgrabs without retals next set ?

Memo to his-self: learn to use this forum.

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 20:26:27

Originally posted by Alin:
du no ... landgrabs without retals next set ?

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 20:26:09

du no ... landgrabs without retal next set ?

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 20:20:21

I remember 10 or smth more years ago, girls making fun on AT with the "say" :

"i wanna have Helmet babies"

I suppose Helmet is still looking for that ...

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 20:13:07

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
A landtrader complaining about a legit country, how very rich.

I was told earlier that Laf farmed MD because of war tactics - not to gain land to netgain | - * | and finally show off with a top "legit" country.

That dose not change the fact RD were, are and will be cheating fluffs!

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 20:04:58

i am giving the following odds:

DH - 1.50
Jack - 2.50

Anyone wanna place some leech alliance ? or a free landgrab ?

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 19:40:30

Originally posted by JJ23:
you shouldnt have such high expectations. hence the name. hopeless...

A chance to improve should be given to anyone ( with decent explanations + logic). After that it`s their choice to take the path of evolution or involution.

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 19:36:02

Originally posted by Hopeless:
Most people have not even log in to play their turns yet and i am one of them. If it's too low atm then stop selling and wait it out..problem solved

Wrong Answer!


Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 19:20:03

Originally posted by Hopeless:

So you are the genious ? :). or you are just a follower and you are going to place yours at 32 :) ?

bushels are always at this price early in the set

So what? It just proofs that there are lot of folks with low IQ around.

Placing 100k bushels on the market at 33 gives you around 200k cash + than selling the quantity on purchase.

You are going to wait an eternity for those to sell, and meantime you are going to be farmed ( because you wait the bushels to sell to build your land ). And that`s for 200k that really worths nothing.

Now if i had 1 cent for every stupid mankind i had ever meet i would have been billionare.

P.S: +1-ing to your self really proofs you are right.

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 17:33:22

Selling bushels @ 33 at this level ... you are getting 200k more profit than purchase. And you are going to wait an eternity for 100k to sell.

I wonder if everybody in this game is equiped with brains!

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 17:22:32

i already fell sorry for your Jack!

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 7:50:40

Join Sol etc...

Alin Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 5:05:38

Take a wild guess!!! :P

Alin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 23:30:31

Actually i came here to recruit i admit!

However, i started to like this express thing - and i am going to stay for a while.

P.S: i ain`t sending spam messages ingame - i just have THAT country name.

Alin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 9:39:16

this is going to be nasty!

Alin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 7:42:34

i am still thinking of playing another techer ... i`ll give you a shoot if i`ll decide!

Alin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 7:41:24

DH send Defense offense and intel.

you know where to find me :)

Alin Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 7:21:04

I saw the market price for tanks to be @ 1300/piece and bought out my private just before your FS.

#415 tried smth but i guess the 1000k tanks ++ keept my 16k acres safe.Plus that you can`t really AB a country called Panzer ...

P.S: you gota pay PDM some author rights for that AB FS.

Alin Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 7:05:59

Originally posted by 133tz:
Originally posted by Pain:
am i reading this right, that Alin is saying hes taking retals for another country?

Yes you are. Alin will meet his match and he will be raped for flaming me.

I`ll remember this for the next resets!!!

Alin Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 17:11:50

Since ally took it - this is closed!

Alin Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 13:45:54

smth i did not know ... thx for info.

Going to take land : land no matter Dr or not Dr. Heavy jetter - is not like i am killing his military or smth

Alin Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 12:21:36

PS Mar 31, 11:29 133tz (#29) Happy hour at the retard shack (#129) 1408 A

PS Mar 31, 11:55 Join Sol 1A (#49) 133tz (#29) 118 A

Going to do this for my ally #129. Toopfeeding when DR is not ok!

I know - i am looking for trouble ( but i love trouble :) )

Alin Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 12:17:57

Originally posted by JJ23:
alin, do u still need intel? PM me. one of my allies got hammered.

Sorry mate i got one ... low spies but i ain`t the type of drooping allies for better ones!

Alin Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 9:47:04

They were not 60 countries, they were 67 - 68, also, we afforded them the opportunity to FS us and told them our FS over 12 hours in advance. I'm not sure how much more "even" you can expect us to make it.

The only alliance the same size as LaF is SOL, so are we to only ever war SOL because that is the only "even" war, even if our ingame gripes with other tags?

Give me a break.

/me gives him a break

There is always the solution of fighting 2 alliances that sums up your numbers. When Sol was the powerhouse of this game - we were pretty much the best warring alliance; when Sof was - same. When IX were - also.

Now you are the powerhouse ( mostly because of good FA, allies + netting ability). However you still have something to proof but unfortunately and sincerlly - you don`t have the Guts to fight even wars with war-alliances!!! | - * |.
And this powerhouse periods just come and go - easy as that.


Alin Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 9:34:02

To much talk ... maybe some folks around should learn not to generalize to much.

Alin Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 7:53:16

Black holes are dangerous !!! They tend to drag stuff inside ...

Alin Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 5:51:31

sure gambit - one of my ally drooped me ( do no why - i hade like 5 times his defensive ).

pm you country number!

Alin Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 5:04:09

Top 10 country for the moment!

Message me insite with your number!

Alin Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 21:05:27

Sure - this might be the first time in history i agree smth with an Ix-er ( altought is a disagreement ) | - * |

Alin Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 21:01:10

I am tired of all this Laf explanation that after all makes sense.

However - when was last time when you guys had an even war? ( i really don`t know the answer of this question). I think you know what i mean by even ( balanced, fair etc. ).

80 countries FSing 60 is not even ... so when did you wared last time ?

Because this excuses of - we are war ready - we run war-netting countries... really don`t fit into logics as long as you are pretty much the agressor in the last couple of resets ( as i have been read ).

Alin Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 14:45:27

Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by Alin:
The remaining LCN originals were left alone because they were killing their countries alone ( no need our help).

Producing nothing/tech at low price; having - 3000k or more expenses is a good method to break your country efficiently just by playing turns. You had enough for breaking for a short period, lack of stock/oil and future :).

That`s mainly the reason why you were left alone and instade your buddy with 300 mil / day production was chosen.

If you like to buy military up to max ( mainly for defensively reasons) is your problem, but don`t come here and tell us that your strategy is better than ours. Because it isn`t | - *|.
( and the war outcome pretty much tells everything - if you don`t belive me ).

P.S: there were enough solers that had enough stock to break your country - just they didn`t top their military in order to loose 3-4 mil / turn.

I never said my country or strat was better than anyone elses. I was responding to numerous ingame messages, mostly from DH, telling me how much I sucked, how much my country sucked, how much a dictator sucked, and then he decided to come to AT and say pretty much the same thing.

And honestly, I dont think I ever reached losing $3 million a turn. I'm not a novice at this game, nor am I stupid when it comes to warring. My country was far from "broken".

But whatever :P

lol ... I was told by certain SoL members that Dict. was a bad war strat, eventhough I could break every SoL member and they couldnt do the same to me ;)

Saj designed the strat I use and frankly, that dude knew more about warring than a lot of players in this game. I'll trust his game advice over yours, thanks :)

well you didn`t tell it directlly - but lucky that i can read between the lines :P.

If this were just that love/hate relation you have with DH i would have prolly pass - but you included the word "sol memberS" which is not cool :P.

Dictator techer top military buyout is not the type of strategy you win a war with. It is good enough for staying alive - but not for wining a war ( aka - breaking @ every single warchat in a balanced war; gangbangs not included; when you win a war in less than 72 hours ).

Sorry if i went to DHing on you :P - wasn`t my intention.

Alin Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 6:18:52

The remaining LCN originals were left alone because they were killing their countries alone ( no need our help).

Producing nothing/tech at low price; having - 3000k or more expenses is a good method to break your country efficiently just by playing turns. You had enough for breaking for a short period, lack of stock/oil and future :).

That`s mainly the reason why you were left alone and instade your buddy with 300 mil / day production was chosen.

If you like to buy military up to max ( mainly for defensively reasons) is your problem, but don`t come here and tell us that your strategy is better than ours. Because it isn`t | - *|.
( and the war outcome pretty much tells everything - if you don`t belive me ).

P.S: there were enough solers that had enough stock to break your country - just they didn`t top their military in order to loose 3-4 mil / turn.

Alin Game profile


Mar 28th 2012, 17:59:43

Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by Sov:
For the record, AirCruiser (SOL) was pretty boss for finishing as one of your top hitters as a Dict. Good to see him using (basically) the same strat I taught him ;)

And the IXers in LCN were awesome as well.

lol ... I was told by certain SoL members that Dict. was a bad war strat, eventhough I could break every SoL member and they couldnt do the same to me ;)

As for us IX/EEVIL LCNers, war is what we play for :)

Yea that`s prolly the reason why Sol is one of the best warring alliances around - we tend to give best advices, just that some people ignore them and leave! |- *|

Alin Game profile


Mar 28th 2012, 15:48:44

pm me your country number.