

New Member

May 30th 2011, 4:07:20

Comwoods a dad?

That explains all the earthquakes then


New Member

May 25th 2011, 3:35:12

A lot of awesome members past and present here providing reminders about why I dedicated such a large potion of my life to PDM


New Member

May 24th 2011, 9:19:05

I have sent you a rather lengthy e-mail describing Goorp's time in Paradigm and the friendship I had with him. Please don't hesitate to reply to it if you have questions. Asside from the people on this list you might want to speak to Death (he has been informed of this thread). Although Crimson might have been before Goorps time.


New Member

May 24th 2011, 6:58:21

I quit playing this game quite a while ago so that my memorys of my time here could be good ones, and memorys of Goorp certainly qualify. I considered him a good friend and will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

I don't know how many of the people on your list still play, but can forward this message on to many of the people on your list