
Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 20:57:54

Originally posted by trainboy:
Should I expect evo to be blindsided again?


Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 19:40:31

<no need for that>

Edited By: martian on Feb 4th 2012, 21:52:52
See Original Post

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 4:03:14

Originally posted by archaic:
lol, you're like a dog that takes a crap, then rolls around in it, then licks his balls and wonders why they taste like fluff.

Brilliant, meandering, and whimsical and you can consider it stolen.

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 3:25:57

Originally posted by Warster:
no autocorrect, this game has been around about 2 years

the game it was copied from was around for many many years :)

Okay technically true but being most if not all players are from that game, so transferred was the history.

I have played in both Evo, LaF, Monsters, and Omega. I would say while you can get away with more in both Evo and LaF in both cases unless you know someone you aren't getting the support from foreign affairs to pull off anything. The old netters are going to get more fight for them.

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 3:18:07

Consistent isn't best.

Instead KJ wins. This is what he wanted.

Isn't Lenshark from evo? Osso too?

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 3:13:31

For 3 wars 1500 hits is terrible.

The point is that MD is harboring 1 or 2 top ten netters while LaF and to a lesser extent Evo are harboring many.

Means more land requirements, more protection, more chance of war.

Free land? what do you mean? You keep talking about free land.

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 3:03:59

Wait a second you have only warred once. o_O
LaF appears to have warred 3 times, with SolidSnake pushing almost 7k attacks in that time. It seems to me that overall NW stat is somewhat flawed.

There are at least 7 names I recognize as LaF in the top 10 of the most top 10s list. But only 1 from MD. Seems kind of laarish.

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 2:52:43

What are these profiles you mention?

You know this game has been around much longer than that right? It (many years ago) was actually challenging to place top 10?

Jut saying, and the fact that you have over such a short period managed to place well is great, but it really means nothing.

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 2:41:34

Originally posted by highrock:

5 out of the 8 resets I've played.
Untags or war.

When? I don't recall you winning, not doubting it but must of not been paying attention that set or your country was listed as someone else in the top 10 thread.

5 top tens is nothing, half of laf has more than that. I think at least one Evo has at least that.

So you are a bottom feeder? Yet you feel midfeeding takes no skill? I take it you are new around here huh? Have you ever tried it? A lobotomized turkey can be taught to bottom feed, it takes absolutely no skill to hit targets that take 20+ hits a day. They don't stand any chance and could never retal. If you put up the top 10s as all-x or something then I could say you have accomplished something.

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 2:29:27

Last name ever First name greatest.

I'm sorry for doubting that you are the best netter to ever live.

Have you ever won?
How many sets you been running with top 10s?
Where do you get your land?

You are garbage. Just an average netter with an above average ego. I am not saying you don't know how to net, just that you would get more respect if you were netting and weren't running your mouth.

Dance Highonrock Dance
Spin Spin Spin

Autocorrect Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 1:31:48

Originally posted by highrock:
And I wasn't going to say anything, but since apparently my head is already too big and apparently Laf thinks I'm an idiot, I will say that I am absolutely better than any of your top Laffers.

Shouldn't you have to win once before you declare yourself the best thing since sliced bread?

So you can get top 10? So what, ten people every reset get top 10, if we are going by that then Ronnie was once in LaF and has gotten more top 10s in one set than you have.

Hanlong likely has more wins than you have top 10s.

LaF averages per set more top 100s than you have lifetime.

That's just laf, there are many of us that don't get to net but stick with our alliances. Many of us don't care about netting anymore.

You aren't even close to the best, I think I know why they call you Highonrock.

You are the netgaining version of Dagga.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 21:42:12

Originally posted by Patience:
HAHAHA... best autocorrect I've seen in a while...

I like where this is going.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 29th 2012, 8:26:19


Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 23:45:32

Originally posted by Grimm:
Originally posted by Autocorrect:

"When you gas up, do you care how the oil that makes the fuel that runs your car comes from?"
Iran. Saudi. Iraq. Pakistan. Any other country that is terrible at human rights and likely an outright enemy of the United States.

Fun fact: using 2010's data, Canada accounts for roughly a fifth of U. S. oil imports

"Any other country that is terrible at human rights and likely an outright enemy of the United States."

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 23:44:19

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by cypress:
Honouring an FDP is fine, honouring an FDP and not expecting any consequences for your actions is silly.

I disagree...

And SoF disagrees with you, TIE is tagkilled, looks like by a preponderance of the evidence you have been proven wrong.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 21:55:38


Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 4:57:16

Sure why not? If TIE feels they should be warred, they are entitled to war who ever they want and for what ever reason.

Although I think Monsters was honorable as they came in and made it a 1 on 1.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 1:59:21

What generalization, Dagga? I don't think you know what the word means.

To spell it out TIE joined an already ridicules gangbang on LaF and SoF last set.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 0:57:00

This needs another thread?

TIE earned and deserved it.

Alliances that are trying to rebuild rarely jump into gangbangs and long term server wars.

Just because you want to netgain doesn't mean you get a free pass, SoF was unpacted you were douches to them the set before, you got raped and should have been prepared or FSed them first.

Ethically it was fine, TIE is not that much smaller than SOF.

It wasn't a blindside, most of the server knew you guys were getting raped. Even if it was, there is nothing wrong with blindsides the game is based on them.

I would be proud if I was them, they got revenge for a complete and total fluff move.

Stop whining no one cares anymore. Most of the server is laughing about how hard and fast TIE got rocked even though they had ridicules amounts more stock and more NW at the start of the war.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 0:47:09

Originally posted by cacti213:
I use to be a member of seawolf back when it was around then went to another clan for some reason dont remember its name.

You went to another clan because seawolf was disbanded.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 26th 2012, 20:28:23

"In any case, why is Apple being singled out here?"
They are enemy number 1. Around here other than the few living jokes that hang out at places and try to show off their overpriced under performing trash, most people have moved on from the Apple fad. See more androids, more windows laptops, and less Apple in general. Especially since the ultrabooks have got popular and plentiful.

"Do you know where the clothes you wear come from?"
Child sweat shop in south-west China.

"When you gas up, do you care how the oil that makes the fuel that runs your car comes from?"
Iran. Saudi. Iraq. Pakistan. Any other country that is terrible at human rights and likely an outright enemy of the United States.

"When you buy food do you care how it was grown?"
Nope. What I do care about is that the grocery store is putting a giant markup of nearly 100% on everything they are selling.
I know for milk as an example, they get it for around $1.50-$2.00 a gallon here locally while they get a national brand bulk bought and packaged in their name for something like $3.00. They mark the local brand up to or over $4.00 and their "economy brand" up to $3.50 or so.

"When you buy that diamond.. do you know where it came from?"
Sierra Leone, Africa.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 2:26:41

I am okay with lowrider taxis.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 2:20:36

Only when the shoe is on the other foot will the whining disappear.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 2:19:37

Umm... I don't think this is a place to ask for proxies, might be a touchy subject.

I am sure some old RD, RED, un4givin, GNV, LaF, Elietes, pinoy, or almost any FFA players can help you though.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 23rd 2012, 3:46:58

Well I suppose if you are a lapdog you must say yes. However in this case it has lead to a path that is obviously contradictory to the one that TIE wanted to be on.

FDP certainly doesn't mean you should throw away several netting sets when the help wasn't needed in the first place.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 23rd 2012, 2:56:47

It's called Full Defense Pact not an Automatic Defense Pact.

Unless of course that is what TIE is saying they have with SOL and Evo.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 22:46:36

Last time I checked I wasn't an administrator.
Last time I checked I wasn't an alliance leader.
Last time I checked I never claimed to like this community, in fact I hate what it has become and I have identified you as a root cause and your alliance to be a key instigator.

Evolution makes me sick, they never do anything wrong but cry like babies when it comes back to them or anyone of their butt buddies.

This is a case in point, TIE has done wrong but when karma comes around EVO is all over it.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 22:17:42

You posted in that thread numerous times, you were too busy trolling like normal. Just as you are doing here, just as you do in every thread you post in.

I don't think I have ever seen you say something positive, useful, or otherwise helpful ever. In fact I am not sure if I have ever read a post by you that was non-negative although perhaps some can be found in announcements.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 21:32:29

A game developer that can't handle reading posts?! Really?

I am struggling to figure out how or why you stick around. I am sure there are others that can accept user input or at least not intentionally ignore it.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 19:56:25

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Further, why are alliance leaders not to blame for the low population when they take actions designed to drive players from the game?

Further, why are administrators not to blame for the low population when they take actions designed to drive players from the game?

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 19:40:44

You can't graph 0.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 18:38:39

Originally posted by postman:
being requested by a pact to aide an alli is i think what it was?
not sure i don't do pacts or hell even remember last set.

Last time I checked just because you have a pact doesn't mean you can't say no. I would also say that anyone that drags you into a war that is already lopsided heavily in that sides favor is just trying to ensure the server hates you.

What's even funnier that side lost because they called you in there by ensuring the entire server comes in against you.

Now this set you are left out to dry.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 17:57:45

Jumping into gangbangs and then not expecting revenge is not what I would call good.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 17:20:47

Originally posted by postman:
hmm i call bullsh**t o your conclusion flamey lol there may be 4 ppl in tie that like war win or lose the rest are dirty netters or noobs to the game.

autocorrect have you ever been laid??just sayin


Honour to TIE!

LOL says the guy that gets so worked up that he has to quit playing a game cause his leadership got him stomped.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 17:05:28

Why is there no SoL on your list?
Oh right you are completely bias.

Waste of time then.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 7:30:19

Nope they are doing it because TIE wanted to be jerk offs last set.

It doesn't matter if you were called in by an FDP or not, an honorable alliance would say "you guys don't appear to really need help you have 2to1 members advantage.", this is what happens when you say "oh sounds great we rape and pillage!!".

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 6:07:04

Timing? Wow, you need to get off the rock.

It's called strategy. Stop being fluffes and just war.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 6:04:51

So why is TIE supposedly immune from being warred?

I don't get it? So because TIE wanted to netgain no one is allowed to FS them? No matter what fluff moves they pulled in the previous set? So they could of ran multies and suicided top 10 finishes and it's all good because they were netting? fluff that.

This game is retarded but let's not make it into fluffy bunny hello kitty island. Grow a pair war it out TIE you earned it.

Evo? Who asked you guys? Why is it all I ever see is Evo crying about everything any alliance does? An alliance was a fluff last set just like you were this set, you both got smashed.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 4:44:23

Um TIE gang banged SoF last set, SoF didn't pact TIE.

What other outcome could there possibly be?

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 4:02:42

When the whole server sees something coming, it really can't be considered a blindside.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 3:17:25

So you are in TIE? TIE is ran by a leadership team? Your posting points to the fact of you not being a part of that leadership.

Your leadership knew netting wasn't an option, or they didn't and that is even worse.

Abandon ship!!

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 3:11:47

LOL TIE leadership already tried that and just got a ruined netting set.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 3:07:19

Usually alliances that joined in a gangbang the set prior and then weren't pacted to said alliance in the current set.

What did you think was going to happen?
Your leadership is fail sauce if they didn't see this coming, well fail sauce anyways. I suggest anyone not happy about this leave TIE immediately.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 3:02:12

Flamey ran a kill run from TIEs IRC channel?
That is perhaps one of the leetest things I have ever heard of.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 2:59:26

Nope no dogs in this war, but TIE are pretty much whiny fluffes.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 2:50:02

I would be careful about talking of kindergarten matters, being you appear as a cry baby on AT.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 2:44:52

I can post in whatever thread I want. So eat me.

Now you pimple faced snot nosed rapscallion stop crying you are going to catch a beating.

It's that simple. You are big and tough when you got SOL blowing smoke up your ass but now you are on your own.

This is called making your bed and being slammed into it.

Autocorrect Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 2:38:44

LOL @ lazysnail

someone sure is butthurt.