Aug 5th 2014, 11:25:25
we all like the game or we wouldn't play. The funnest part about it is not the gay game its the clan war family enviorment. Back when i was in SOF and we had 500 members i remember feeling lik,e i was really apart of an army when i went into their war chat rooms and got read for the strike. Honestly some people will like the game for what it is and others wont. I dont think our main market is spoiled americans. I think we should be looking toward newly developed countrys where band wish is VERY slow and a game like this wont take up much room and high addicting. Bangladesh, india, packasta, egypt, syria, we need to get into all of these countries and more. that means allowing to change translation of the text.
There is alot of potential and ad revenue with a member base lets say 500,000 would be more then enough to keep a steady advertising and marketing campaign