
Blow Cow


Jun 22nd 2018, 2:21:41

Originally posted by Donny:
don't forget to add your untagged buddies and blow cow :)

Confirmed I have 8 strings left to tag up.

Blow Cow


Jun 18th 2016, 19:39:03

Confused on why he cant tag CC... oh well looks like a small target now

Blow Cow


Jun 13th 2016, 17:09:55

I'm jammin

Blow Cow


Jun 2nd 2016, 14:45:24

I'd hate to be married to ford he seems to pms everyday.

Blow Cow


May 24th 2016, 13:05:50

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
IN case you didn't get my first point....

Granted, the arses that have been chasing around from server to server aren't with Chaos much more anynow, but Chaos spawned them, so tonight has been my answer.

That was fun.

PS. At least I own up the fluff I do on this server.

Proof that chaos spawned the suicide?

Blow Cow


May 23rd 2016, 19:33:48

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Don't worry about scott syko. I bet your genetics produce better offspring than his.

Lol what a retard...

You reap what you sow Scott. No one should feel sorry for you with how you act towards others.

Blow Cow


May 23rd 2016, 14:27:57

Don't worry about scott syko. I bet your genetics produce better offspring than his.

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 4:03:04

Mob. Sighting

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 4:01:20

Correct term is craps

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 3:57:19


Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 3:39:44

*eats some popcorn*

* We *Good

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 2:13:51

*Eats some pop corn*

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 2:04:52

Great scott. Now I know the truth sorry about the last comment up there about bad genetics and fluff. We are trying to work on ways of suppressing but I mainly focus on cancer and bacteria currently. Now I feel bad about what I said knowing about your family blah.

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 1:59:23

*pops some pop corn*

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 1:54:19

ooooo did i hit a nerve? Sucks doesnt it. To bad my focus is mainly on suppression research maybe we can suppress some of those genes you pass on. Keep calling me blow cow I like it a lot.

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 1:46:51

You dumb fluff cant even see the sarcasm in that post. Don't even know why I waste time entertaining you.
Maybe one day we can get a cure for your family issues scott. Genetics is a biotch isnt it.

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 1:37:04

Finished second thank you very much. What place have you finished?

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 1:31:34

Why the fluff would I want a midless MBA?
fluffs about research you mindless drone. R&D

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 1:27:23

warring 7 days out takes more skill then warring 30 days out. Suck it cause you dont have the game to hang.

Blow Cow


May 3rd 2016, 1:20:25

My offer still stands for a 7 day out war.
I don't spend all day on this to wall so 30 days out would be no good. To easy to follow a tyr techer farmer strat

Blow Cow


Apr 28th 2016, 22:59:46

Yes hop off of fords nuts we all know that his wife has them in her purse

Blow Cow


Apr 25th 2016, 11:57:28

30 day war strategy = brain dead person can run.
7 day war strategy = good luck.
You all suck at this. You all have been pampered by 30 day plus then war.

Blow Cow


Apr 25th 2016, 3:26:05

Originally posted by mrford:
The only people that want to war week 1 are those that don't know how to build a real country with an economy and stock.

It takes no skill to run a war strat. It takes skill to run a war strat 1 week into the set while warring.
Heck you can train a monkey to run a 30 day war strat, and teach the monkey to no life win the war.
Not here to prove who can sit on the computer 24/7 and wall 30 days into the set.

Blow Cow


Apr 25th 2016, 3:23:00

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
7 days out.
And no being tagged cc for the protection.

I am not playing your stupid game. 30 days out, you are more than welcome to build within another tag.

Like I said, take it or leave it.

Guess you are backing out?
I give you 7 days then war, if you dont think you can build a good enough country in 7 days that is your fault.

You can build decent suiciders in 7days, not decent war countries. I told you 30 days and I also told you I would be working in Israel approximately 7 days in. Stop being a dumb ass.

Just bow down to the fact that you cannot build a war prepped country in 7 days. It's ok to admit that you can't hang.

Blow Cow


Apr 25th 2016, 0:27:50

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
7 days out.
And no being tagged cc for the protection.

I am not playing your stupid game. 30 days out, you are more than welcome to build within another tag.

Like I said, take it or leave it.

Guess you are backing out?
I give you 7 days then war, if you dont think you can build a good enough country in 7 days that is your fault.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 23:17:35

7 days out.
And no being tagged cc for the protection.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 23:02:14

If you can't build decent countries within 7 days, you are doing something wrong scott.
I'll do 7 days out. So here is your heads up.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:55:15

Why a month? Can't we bash it out within 7 days of the set. That way i have the rest of the set to net.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:38:48

So next set only rules are no outside help?
I can play whatever government I want?

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:33:48

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Hopefully you have countries this set.

No. No countries at the moment, but next set is perfect as my course load will be light.

Community college can't be that hard.

I work full time and go to full time grad school. You better not have any excuses next set. Only thing I have going on in the future that would prohibit me would be a few trips to Isreal.

Community college?
And you create the tags and we will go next set.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:28:35

Originally posted by Scott:
Hopefully you have countries this set.

No. No countries at the moment, but next set is perfect as my course load will be light.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:27:03

Originally posted by Scott:
I suspect you have no intentions of playing FFA again or don't realize it won't be possible. Which one is it?

Id come back to war you 1v1.
You wouldnt like how I play the game though and would probably cry that I cheated.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:18:57

Hell saints a clan you were in failed... No offense to redx.
Ares.... ya pretty much fail clan you were in.
Now you are hiding in that CC clan acting all big and bad couldnt survive in a one man clan like your buddy ford.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:13:49

Hey scott tell me again how Hell saints and Ares worked out for you?

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:09:20

Wow macdaddy knows whats up...
Perhaps I am not the troll, but I am mimicking some of the actions of the two individuals I am talking to.

Luckily I do not mimic the ball sucking action you guys preform on each other.

If I had someone suck my balls as much as you two seem to suck each other off, I would be chaffed. No wonder why both of you guys are in a bad mood. Maybe you need to stop sucking each other off so much.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:04:39

Originally posted by Scott:
A bit better - how are you winning at anything? You are so fluffing stupid you didn't realize crack babies don't actually smoke crack.

How am I losing anything?

Originally posted by mrford:
So why to you have fluff on the mind all the time?

Please express that in a better form of a question ford.

Blow Cow


Apr 24th 2016, 22:00:54

Is this better?

Blow Cow


Apr 19th 2016, 23:49:45

Originally posted by Persephone:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Wow logged in too see the war and I see tp tag killed.

Not tagkilled so much as they detagged, there's still about ~90 left still. Considering a string of theirs that was previously tagged just killed TKO's top country, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume TKO will now be hunting these guys too.

Well that string that was FSU now tagged ICD came from TKO So dont know what that was about.

Blow Cow


Apr 19th 2016, 23:24:47

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Scott will be by to confirm

I confirm you are giant piece of dog fluff.

There we go, my buddy scott.

Blow Cow


Apr 19th 2016, 21:45:18

Originally posted by Donny:

You arent scott but know me well.

Blow Cow


Apr 19th 2016, 21:36:01

Whatever movie he is fighting demons in

Blow Cow


Apr 19th 2016, 21:17:01

Scott will be by to confirm

Blow Cow


Apr 19th 2016, 21:16:46

Come on now we know this is blow cows fault.

Blow Cow


Apr 19th 2016, 21:10:32

Good fight icd better?

Blow Cow


Apr 5th 2016, 4:30:26

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
I might be blow cow but at least I didnt fail as a marine.

Please explain your proof. I know you are dumber than my pet rock blow cow, so I am really interested in how you came to this conclusion.

Got me there unless I know what is on your DD 214

Oh well we all have our opinions

So clearly you are full of fluff. I work @ a very large defense contractor, what do you think it says on my DD 214? I also have used my GI BILL, VA home loan, federal government worker, and appointee within the department of defense and state. I know you will have to use all of the capacity for your autistic brain, but you can do it!

Autistic probably who knows. Your opinion again. That's awesome you used all the benefits that you deserved. But I am still entitled to my opinion that you are a crappy marine. Regardless of what the DD214 shows. If you can have your opinion on me then I can have my opinion on the way you present yourself. Now you can say I hide behind a fake nick, but you also hide behind a fake nick when you trolled jayr. So I guess we are the same.

Half of the server has fake nicks to troll jayr.

I am still looking for some kind of proof now that you are backpedaling. If you are relying on oppionion, it is worthless. You are a garbage human being.

That's interesting tell me more about your opinion, and why I should change my opinion towards you based on how you act towards other players on these boards.

No need. It is a well known fact that you are garbage.

How am I garbage? What have I done that led you to that decision Scott? Is it because I assaulted your integrity? Please tell me.

You pull this crap with budda after having a beer with him?
You are garbage. Find me someone who disagrees.

What the crap are you talking about?
I have never met budda, or had a beer with him.

Blow Cow


Apr 5th 2016, 4:02:10

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
I might be blow cow but at least I didnt fail as a marine.

Please explain your proof. I know you are dumber than my pet rock blow cow, so I am really interested in how you came to this conclusion.

Got me there unless I know what is on your DD 214

Oh well we all have our opinions

So clearly you are full of fluff. I work @ a very large defense contractor, what do you think it says on my DD 214? I also have used my GI BILL, VA home loan, federal government worker, and appointee within the department of defense and state. I know you will have to use all of the capacity for your autistic brain, but you can do it!

Autistic probably who knows. Your opinion again. That's awesome you used all the benefits that you deserved. But I am still entitled to my opinion that you are a crappy marine. Regardless of what the DD214 shows. If you can have your opinion on me then I can have my opinion on the way you present yourself. Now you can say I hide behind a fake nick, but you also hide behind a fake nick when you trolled jayr. So I guess we are the same.

Half of the server has fake nicks to troll jayr.

I am still looking for some kind of proof now that you are backpedaling. If you are relying on oppionion, it is worthless. You are a garbage human being.

That's interesting tell me more about your opinion, and why I should change my opinion towards you based on how you act towards other players on these boards.

No need. It is a well known fact that you are garbage.

How am I garbage? What have I done that led you to that decision Scott? Is it because I assaulted your integrity? Please tell me.

Blow Cow


Apr 5th 2016, 3:47:36

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
I might be blow cow but at least I didnt fail as a marine.

Please explain your proof. I know you are dumber than my pet rock blow cow, so I am really interested in how you came to this conclusion.

Got me there unless I know what is on your DD 214

Oh well we all have our opinions

So clearly you are full of fluff. I work @ a very large defense contractor, what do you think it says on my DD 214? I also have used my GI BILL, VA home loan, federal government worker, and appointee within the department of defense and state. I know you will have to use all of the capacity for your autistic brain, but you can do it!

Autistic probably who knows. Your opinion again. That's awesome you used all the benefits that you deserved. But I am still entitled to my opinion that you are a crappy marine. Regardless of what the DD214 shows. If you can have your opinion on me then I can have my opinion on the way you present yourself. Now you can say I hide behind a fake nick, but you also hide behind a fake nick when you trolled jayr. So I guess we are the same.

Half of the server has fake nicks to troll jayr.

I am still looking for some kind of proof now that you are backpedaling. If you are relying on oppionion, it is worthless. You are a garbage human being.

That's interesting tell me more about your opinion, and why I should change my opinion towards you based on how you act towards other players on these boards.

Blow Cow


Apr 5th 2016, 2:34:04

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
I might be blow cow but at least I didnt fail as a marine.

Please explain your proof. I know you are dumber than my pet rock blow cow, so I am really interested in how you came to this conclusion.

Got me there unless I know what is on your DD 214

Oh well we all have our opinions

So clearly you are full of fluff. I work @ a very large defense contractor, what do you think it says on my DD 214? I also have used my GI BILL, VA home loan, federal government worker, and appointee within the department of defense and state. I know you will have to use all of the capacity for your autistic brain, but you can do it!

Autistic probably who knows. Your opinion again. That's awesome you used all the benefits that you deserved. But I am still entitled to my opinion that you are a crappy marine. Regardless of what the DD214 shows. If you can have your opinion on me then I can have my opinion on the way you present yourself. Now you can say I hide behind a fake nick, but you also hide behind a fake nick when you trolled jayr. So I guess we are the same.

Blow Cow


Apr 5th 2016, 0:15:13

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Blow Cow:
I might be blow cow but at least I didnt fail as a marine.

Please explain your proof. I know you are dumber than my pet rock blow cow, so I am really interested in how you came to this conclusion.

Got me there unless I know what is on your DD 214

Oh well we all have our opinions

Blow Cow


Apr 4th 2016, 22:44:00

I might be blow cow but at least I didnt fail as a marine.