
Buch Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 4:03:36

I tried to log in to lks.... it no works.. or I forgot password :(

Buch Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 14:15:50

Originally posted by Soviet:
Wouldn't be iMag without a missile dump.

I'll dump on your missle

Buch Game profile


Apr 4th 2023, 0:39:22

Originally posted by Troian:
AT is well and truly a cesspit of whinging these days hey? Haha


Originally posted by galleri:
If the new name doesn't say galleri loves my feet, then I am not it.
But you should tell us the new name. I am curious

It's eat my buns laf now... how depressing I'm not a baker.

Buch Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 21:04:00

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Buch:
Why is mine changed and who changed it?

One of them pus sy laf facks reporting me or what?

Don't leave us that didn't see it hanging...what was the name???

Also this....

Black Hole don't click on the link, too graphic for you.

It was eat my ass laf...

It was just a friendly invitation no harm meant.

Buch Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 2:45:34

Why is mine changed and who changed it?

One of them pus sy laf facks reporting me or what?

Buch Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 2:06:05

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I just want to add one thing onto what Galleri said.

I've learned one thing, Derrick. Your boys in Mercs are fvcking liars. Through and through. This whole 'Laf cheated, Gerdler cheated, we know it, look at all these facts' It's just pure bullsh!t that they are spewing over and over and over.

I've literally, personally, seen the spy reports that show trade pacts. And I'm a big dumb idiot, and even I can look at EE and discern who sent trade packages to whom.

Nobody needs to step up and talk to anyone just because you bunch of fvcking babies want to scream and yell about something being cheating.

Nobody fvcking cheated to get info on the spy aid. And you know what, MERCS KNOWS THIS. I told them this PRIOR TO THE SERVER CRASHING. They know what they are saying is BS, yet they keep saying it anyway.

You want to talk about the game being in bad shape? There's only one party here who is constantly attacking the moderators and owners of the game, and it's not LaF.

A lot of you really need to check yourself, cause you're out of fvcking line.

All you do is cheat b hole

Buch Game profile


Mar 30th 2023, 19:43:35


Buch Game profile


Mar 24th 2023, 3:56:37

Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
One. But we have many strong alliances

That's an Elder Pen15

Elder and wrinkly

Buch Game profile


Mar 23rd 2023, 2:19:12

One. But we have many strong alliances

Buch Game profile


Mar 20th 2023, 17:29:04

Originally posted by Rick:
Dear #142:

You called me names in Russian.

I didn't like that.

I have a small peepee. I need to make up for that.

I will make you the focus of my turns until your buddies kill me.

Actually, I'm going on vacation here soon and you were a great excuse to hit after calling me names.



Join Pen15 we accept you and your small peepee!

Buch Game profile


Mar 7th 2023, 18:14:22

Originally posted by Requiem:
Buch, you might as well join the fight! Quit being lazy. I have a pack of Milwakees Best just for you...

Man I ain't got time to war. I was just trying to be friendly and Laf gets all butt hurt.

Buch Game profile


Mar 7th 2023, 14:03:52

F U you dirty laf buttholes. I was just minding my own business and you kill me!?!?!

Buch Game profile


Mar 2nd 2023, 14:02:18

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Good try Buch. Keep your head up little buddy, you'll get there.

Stupid Democrat.

Buch Game profile


Mar 2nd 2023, 1:00:55

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Good try Buch. Keep your head up little buddy, you'll get there.

Douche bag

Buch Game profile


Mar 1st 2023, 22:53:45

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Tmac:
Humanitarians won't allow such a move SF =P

Hahaha you ain’t wrong. It’s what happened to resistance in team server after they got on their 4th restart

You fool. That was our strategy. We took baby simba and dark demon down into the gutters, and proceeded to kill their countries over and over. Meanwhile the rest of you were stuck looking like fools, pretending to net.

Or do you think you somehow 'won' cause you had a higher networth? Hahahahah, silly billy. We killed your leaders over and over. Put their heads on spikes. Kicked them around the soccer field.


Wow. You've really decided to step up to the plate. You read that my weapon is words, and you decided "I can beat him at his own game". You're a man of strong convictions and great confidence. As such, you've pulled out your big guns in hopes of knocking down the king.

And all you could come up with was a one word reply that you're likely to hear on a middle school playground.

Dig deep into that brain of yours, Buch. Show us you're more intelligent than a 9 year old. Really take a good shot at me. Hit me where it hurts. Use your WORDS! I don't believe the rumors that you've got the intellectual skills comparable to a very young gorilla. I know you can do better.

I'll even give you some tips.

You can insult me for sucking at the game. For talking too much (that's a popular one around here), for being egocentric (you might need a dictionary to keep up with these insult suggestions). You could insult me for being gullible. For getting deleted. Maybe take a shot at my alliance and their ineptitude. You could talk about how much people don't like me, or how many enemies I've made. You could even try to insult my intelligence by taking a page out of Derricks playbook. Be careful with that one though. The last time Derrick tried to give me a lesson on logic, I made him look like a fool. He hasn't posted in awhile, I think he's still crying about someone calling him on his pseudo-intellectual bullfluff.

If you're really desperate you could insult my mom, my wife, or my face.

But you've gotta bring something a little better than 'douche'.

I will give you credit for capitalizing appropriately, but you missed the punctuation.

Come on buddy.

Try again please.


Buch Game profile


Mar 1st 2023, 20:10:02

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Tmac:
Humanitarians won't allow such a move SF =P

Hahaha you ain’t wrong. It’s what happened to resistance in team server after they got on their 4th restart

You fool. That was our strategy. We took baby simba and dark demon down into the gutters, and proceeded to kill their countries over and over. Meanwhile the rest of you were stuck looking like fools, pretending to net.

Or do you think you somehow 'won' cause you had a higher networth? Hahahahah, silly billy. We killed your leaders over and over. Put their heads on spikes. Kicked them around the soccer field.


Buch Game profile


Mar 1st 2023, 13:21:07

I do t understand the words coming out of your mouth.

Buch Game profile


Mar 1st 2023, 1:27:33

How do I obtain free tech. Can I leech from bots? Anyone feeling generous?

Buch Game profile


Feb 27th 2023, 18:23:07

Originally posted by myerr21:
buch isnt a real man, he could never play earthempires

I am right meow

Buch Game profile


Feb 26th 2023, 18:45:34

Originally posted by Link:
pretty sure that number he gave you was an SoL country number but come play with us buch.. we are killing him anyway lol

Is he one of them dirty cheating lafers?

Buch Game profile


Feb 26th 2023, 14:15:48

OK I git em

Buch Game profile


Feb 26th 2023, 2:13:40

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
Shut up doug

too cold to fish bro come do elders stuff with us lol

Elders ain't around

There's a few of us around. You'd make 1 more lol

You're elders?

I hope you do come back so I can kill your countries.

You couldn't kill me if I had a 1 acre country.

Never even heard of you before. BlackHole you get that from all the fluffs your ass has swallowed over the years?

Only reason you don't know me is cause you're a has-been.

You can't talk until you get back in the fight. You think you're hot fluff, come prove it. I'm easy to find.

I'll be waiting.

What's the country name and number. I'll make a country

Buch Game profile


Feb 26th 2023, 0:54:31

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
Shut up doug

too cold to fish bro come do elders stuff with us lol

Elders ain't around

There's a few of us around. You'd make 1 more lol

You're elders?

I hope you do come back so I can kill your countries.

You couldn't kill me if I had a 1 acre country.

Never even heard of you before. BlackHole you get that from all the fluffs your ass has swallowed over the years?

Buch Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 22:49:57

Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
Shut up doug

too cold to fish bro come do elders stuff with us lol

Elders ain't around

There's a few of us around. You'd make 1 more lol

I might be around

Buch Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 20:41:47

Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Buch:
Shut up doug

too cold to fish bro come do elders stuff with us lol

Elders ain't around

Buch Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 20:35:34

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Buch:
Shut up doug

Shut up Buch

Lowkey playa hatin heffer :-)

I'm not a heifer I'm a man not an unbred cow

Buch Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 19:26:26

Shut up doug

Buch Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 3:28:40

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Buch:
Who's winning the war?

The Resistance.

Confirmed, The Resistance > LaF

I knew LaF was just a Resistance outpost.

Yeah! fluff Laf!!¡!!!

Buch Game profile


Feb 24th 2023, 20:33:15

Who's winning the war?

Buch Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 4:31:58


Buch Game profile


Dec 18th 2022, 0:10:46

Laf cheats

Buch Game profile


Dec 18th 2022, 0:09:48


Buch Game profile


Sep 7th 2022, 0:37:30

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Please contact me.

I am fa.

Sux my c ock gains. Is the answer

Buch Game profile


Aug 29th 2022, 0:53:56

LaF sucks nuts

Buch Game profile


Jun 16th 2022, 15:17:41

Originally posted by Requiem:
LoL weezy, grow some balls and hit LaF.

I'll hit Laf

Buch Game profile


Jun 11th 2022, 23:13:42

P ussy

Buch Game profile


Jun 11th 2022, 23:13:19


Buch Game profile


Jun 1st 2022, 4:40:12

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Eat fluff you cheating ass fluff Peanut

Blow me

Buch Game profile


May 30th 2022, 15:04:50

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Peanut:
laf/sol/or pdm almost went back to sol last reset in the middle, but Id rather start in the beginning. Happy sof is down bad lol jk but playing sol for so many sets maybe not. Sad lcn is no more and I doubt I know many people anywhere. I don't know how active I'll be I used to only try to war especially since the days of cia breaking off of sol and that being fun and thats where I had the most fun. I'd probably just prefer to net but not even sure how good I'd be so just a body at most. Days are long gone of icq/irc chat just for fun I'm assuming so it is what it is.

Come join LaF :)
We are netgaining (when not being suicided) and we can teach you how to play better if you want.
We mainly use irc/discord for chatting.

send me a PM if you want to join.

Laf is bunch of boners join me I'll teach you the best way to play this game.

Buch Game profile


May 21st 2022, 22:17:52

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Buch:
Games full of snowflakes

and Biden voters

I wonder if they are having fun trying to pay for food yet?

And gas and defending him...

Oh yeah I forgot about gas

Buch Game profile


May 21st 2022, 16:15:27

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Buch:
Games full of snowflakes

and Biden voters

I wonder if they are having fun trying to pay for food yet?

Buch Game profile


May 19th 2022, 20:16:39

Games full of snowflakes

Buch Game profile


May 11th 2022, 3:29:50

Originally posted by bayrock:
Originally posted by Buch:
Come at me bro! I take you both

why dont you join us in growing?

I am growing. The lands you are supplying me with are helping me out alot.. thank you!

Buch Game profile


May 11th 2022, 2:06:39

Come at me bro! I take you both

Buch Game profile


May 7th 2022, 23:32:33

Mercs is overrated. But stones sux platypus nuts.

Buch Game profile


May 5th 2022, 22:34:08

Originally posted by Rufus:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Havoc:
Hello Rufus! Omega is still kind of running too.

Not when I get done with it....
And you are...?

I am every netters best friend. Everyone here loves me.

Buch Game profile


May 5th 2022, 3:08:19

Originally posted by Havoc:
Hello Rufus! Omega is still kind of running too.

Not when I get done with it....

Buch Game profile


May 1st 2022, 4:40:10

Kill him

Buch Game profile


Apr 30th 2022, 15:42:28

Kill him

Buch Game profile


Apr 22nd 2022, 19:24:12

Originally posted by Ivan:
LOL if anyone uses child labor its republicans where its always the market first before work enviroment, decent salaries, enviromental laws etc etc etc

the american dream is awesome, for the top 10% richest for everyone else who needs several jobs to afford food it sucks, perhaps you should try to adjust a bit the future welcomes you.

If you have a job you can afford food unless you're a complete idiot....