
Captain Planet


Apr 29th 2016, 14:51:46

why isn't my clan legitimate? i'm tagged up as Earth.

who is pan and i don't think they have farmed me. I was in my countries about 5 minutes ago.

Captain Planet


Apr 29th 2016, 14:11:45

of non-invasion so that i may keep self-farming.


Captain Planet


Apr 28th 2016, 22:13:40

calm down, im bored and thought i'd post something here. dont take anything too personal

Captain Planet


Apr 28th 2016, 14:12:07

we need a linsanity epidemic in the nfl!

Captain Planet


Apr 28th 2016, 13:48:44

cuz i like to get kissed before i get effd!

1.4 mins ago
A brigade from What You Talking About Willis (#550) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
2182 Acres (2580 Gained)
2106 Buildings (633 Stolen)
246,680 Bushels
7465 Technology Points
Your military lost:
Their military lost:
40 Jets

j/k thanks for not farming me :P

Captain Planet


Apr 26th 2016, 22:29:16

deez nuts!

Captain Planet


Apr 25th 2016, 14:27:21

Captain Planet


Apr 25th 2016, 14:15:34

i also need to know how many cs i should build or am i losing money by building too many because dayum!

You constructed 6,800 Farms.
This consumed $718,243,200 and 100 turns.

Captain Planet


Apr 25th 2016, 13:49:41

as seeing you're the only one who gave me advice on my self farming thread that disappeared :( im hoping this message gets to you. i dont' know when i should stop self farming, stock, sell, maybe convert? i'd like to stay in my clan (love only seeing mine) but if needed, willing to join your clan. i can tell you now that i'm not extremely active and i have already lost a lot of turns. it's not that i want to waste your time or do not appreciate it but i do see this as a leisurely pass of time.

i sort of broke of the pattern you explained in hopes of getting two or three super fat ones. i have been grabbed here and there but luckily nobody has excessively hit me. Again, thanks for your input.

reply if you can help.

Captain Planet


Apr 25th 2016, 13:38:02

Originally posted by Crippler ICD:

lol i have a mental picture of stewie bugging lois here ahaha

Captain Planet


Apr 22nd 2016, 22:16:01

yeah your tank drivers must have fallen into some quick sand or something

Captain Planet


Apr 22nd 2016, 18:06:07

pandas cry when you grab earth

0.1 mins ago
A brigade from What You Talking About Willis (#545) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
2028 Acres (2614 Gained)
2292 Buildings (689 Stolen)
5274 Bushels
2247 Technology Points
Your military lost:
Their military lost:
40 Tanks


please please dont make cute n cuddly pandas cry

Captain Planet


Apr 20th 2016, 15:04:20

Originally posted by Bsnake:
that moment you like loads of his movies!!

Also The day the earth stood still is decent

everybody was asking who was it and why?

Keanu Reeves: IT'S A HOTDOG!

Captain Planet


Apr 20th 2016, 14:12:33

so i messed up lol; i sort of skipped a country and it threw me off for a second but i think i recovered a bit.

350 cs avg on each country
11k avg on each country
190,270 land total

i didn't gain as much land as my first self farm round but i still went up. on my first round i gained 17430 and on second round i gained 12871 acres.

tempted to do something different where i farm the bottom 8 with ss instead of ps. i see other countries with way higher land so adjustments are in order.

Captain Planet


Apr 19th 2016, 21:45:33

Originally posted by Blow Cow:
Whatever movie he is fighting demons in

they're not demons, it's a hotdog!

Captain Planet


Apr 19th 2016, 21:05:11

Sweet November - "IT'S A HOTDOG"

Captain Planet


Apr 19th 2016, 20:21:42

how did you put the names?

Captain Planet


Apr 19th 2016, 16:54:07

that'll be a funny scene at work :P

Captain Planet


Apr 19th 2016, 15:32:09

thank you marshal! I have played around with it a bit and i can't seem to find a field for the counties to be labeled. Would you happen to know if this is possible and point me to the right direction?

Captain Planet


Apr 19th 2016, 14:57:39

anybody know where i can go and pick a state with the counties outlined? i'd like to have them highlighted and colored as well to illustrate certain qualities of those counties.

Captain Planet


Apr 19th 2016, 14:57:30

anybody know where i can go and pick a state with the counties outlined? i'd like to have them highlighted and colored as well to illustrate certain qualities of those counties.

Captain Planet


Apr 18th 2016, 15:17:36

so i wanted to sort of do a short-blog on the progress of this. many of you may already know the ins and outs but i have seen different info and maybe we can all contribute for overall progression. that and it will help me memorialize some of the stuff.

Day 13- started self-farming; went repub for the fast exploration; at first i was self farming as repub but then i saw dictator has more ghost acres; contemplated tyranny for the land gains and perhaps in the future i will try; went from 159,969 acres to 177,399; started doing 4-5 hits on each country; switched to ps for more gains(nominal but noticeable);

question to the public: what should be a good amount of construction sites i attain to build land rapidly?

Captain Planet


Apr 15th 2016, 19:12:21

oh yeah clan:earth

Captain Planet


Apr 15th 2016, 19:04:36

:P plz with sugar on top? lol

Captain Planet


Apr 15th 2016, 13:57:52

A hits B; A has DR 0 / B has DR 1
B hits A; B has DR 0 / A has DR 1
When a country gets hit, DR of 1. If it does a grab, DR drops by 1
Some players do
A - B
B - A
B - A
A - B
A - B
B - A
hope this makes sense.


that's a message from snippet. does that hold value because the dr info seems different. i can be wrong so further clarification would be appreciated.

Thanks for everybody's help!

Captain Planet


Apr 14th 2016, 20:02:31

i know you hit yourself but is there a pattern or formula to follow for optimal results?

Captain Planet


Apr 8th 2016, 22:10:14

is my clan. i know some strats but i came here to experiment since the other games only let you do one country. more specifically, i want to experiment with self farming, stocking, and the oil deal on the private market as i have not done that nor do i know much other than hit yourself for land! :P

please please please do not take my acre but understand its a reality, so yeah i come to you as humble as can be.
