
Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 23:15:04

Originally posted by Ektar:
Any1 know if there have been any finishes higher with F Farmer in express? This is my first set in several months. And sporadic playing before that, so im not necessarily up to speed on standard finishing nets.

Only big fascists I remember were in the really old days of earth over on Swirve. I haven’t played since 2015 or 2017 and was quite surprised to come back and see all the big farmers dominating the express server.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 23:13:21

Originally posted by Getafix:
Death from above was Ebert. He was a great techer. I haven't seen him around lately though

Oh yea he was good. How are you geta Been a long time, I’m looking for a some good tech allies in primary next set if you end up with a spot available.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 21:59:32

Originally posted by Ektar:
My best net with a F farmer. GME passed me last second.

Very impressive. Congrats

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 21:58:37

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Nice, I couldn't play much this round, busy weekend lol

You want a tech ally next set in primary? First game back in a while and looking for some good allies. I can top ten or used too anyways but I’m not quite as good as some of you guys though. I think you and every always came out ahead of me if I remember correctly. He played death from above I think?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 21:56:16

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Ektar:
My best net with a F farmer. GME passed me last second.

How do you start a fascist farmer?

I did a simple farm start.

Would you say it’s stronger than a demo farmer?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 21:55:34

Oh sorry I guess that just shows their post history. Good question. I’d like to know too.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 21:53:11

Click the button that looks like a gear on the top right ^^^

Then put their username in as keyword.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 4:09:08

Originally posted by Ektar:
My best net with a F farmer. GME passed me last second.

How do you start a fascist farmer?