
Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 15:06:02

You got a genie lamp I can borrow?

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 14:52:53

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What did he do to get banned?

Caught spying on nuclear secrets for Iran

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 14:50:39

I’m Signing up guys 100 percent for sure I will be joining

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 14:49:53

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Cath, you are really hell bent at proving you are an idiot

Do you care? Can we get you on record saying you do care for once?

I have finally cured suicidal crippling depression, one of my first miracles. Praise the big guy shout out to upstairs!!

Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath I hope you are having a good weekend bro

I do not care. I hope a thunder bird craps on your car window

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 14:45:41

Originally posted by Coalie:
Lame as opposed to what? Second degree murder, cath?

Of course your goofy self would defend harassing women. I’m not even surprised.

The type of goofball dudes that talk to women disrespectful like that will NEVER do it in real life when they are around strong men.

It never happens in the south because the men here do not play games when it comes to the women being disrespected and beat on.

You wait until you get alone or the women are alone and then you act like that. We all know the type my 4 foot angry beta male friend

How many females blew you guys off in life to act like that? Genuinely curious? Does it anger you when they are nice to jerks like me?

I get it though, why do good girls like bad guys? someone please? Coalie needs to know for closure so he can stop being angry at women

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 14:35:12

Seriously though dudes dont sexually harass females that stuff isn’t cool. Not even joking. Only lames do that stuff.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 14:33:52

I sure as heck don’t want to see no 40 year old pics

Who plays that 18 year old asian girl country? Seems like a better candidate for this discussion

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 14:20:46

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
That player that attacked andrew likes to Target netters. Check his express history, if that’s the same guy he just suicides netters end of set usually.

It's Ratski?

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 12:42:39

Oh so explain to me how the other clans got involved then? I sure as heck didnt call them into the war lol

When I hit evo sets ago they all know it was the laf players I was targetting. I never had a beef with any evo player. I imagine Tertius as driving a Prius and wearing all pink clothing but they are all ok. I think the weirdo gonz0 doesn’t like me but honestly I don’t even know that dude or have an opinion on him.

Now merc/darkness I genuinely think you guys are idiots and pieces of crap. Yes you called evo because me and syko rocked you goofballs.

Next time I come for war you best believe I am coming with the proper numbers and there will be a next time.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 12:37:42

Guys I just want everyone to know OP is actually a crazy man who lives in a tunnel out in Vegas. I tried to buy him a few burgers because I felt bad and he stole my car. He is NOT a female from Bangladesh or China or whatever it was they claim

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2024, 12:00:16

Lmfao at that last grab. Legit the dumbest grab I’ve ever seen in the game.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 23rd 2024, 18:36:21

Honestly I don’t even care to be real with you. If I want to hit evo just to be the bad guy then I will and I would never give even the slightest care if who likes it

The fact that you think I would even lie to politic is the polar opposite of my personality. I am anti social and proud of it. I don’t need to lie and play silly games as a result of that

Take your silly politics and shove it

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 23rd 2024, 18:31:25

In case you have brain rot and cannot understand my point was nothing ever happened between me or anyone in evo that would cause us to have any personal issues. You are just being emotional hysterical. You got drug into a war as part of a coalition. Isn’t that is it works? I’ve been told this for months or does that now suddenly do a 180 rule change when convenient like all of these other rules and customs?

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 23rd 2024, 8:35:01

[quote poster=TNT; 53065; 1042458]
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
kicking your and you’re clans

I'm sorry i can't help it

It is an objective fact that merc couldn’t handle my team and had to call their coalition for backup. That’s why we started hitting evo.

I am aware you guys will lie and twist the facts. I think we are all used to and know this routine by now.

I will admit that the coalition finally got us but you guys will lie about the fact that we actually beat merc 1 on 1.

The clan just isn’t as big and bad as you think. Me and Syko basically did 90 percent of the fighting. You had to call in backup for 2 good players.

I was honestly shocked and expected to get our butts kicked based on how big they hype themselves up. I was as surprised as anyone at how low super ghettos team iq is

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 16:06:40

That player that attacked andrew likes to Target netters. Check his express history, if that’s the same guy he just suicides netters end of set usually.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 16:02:02

Nerd thread beta stuff happening

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 16:00:25

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I let the scores speak on my behalf and I am the best player to every net and war on this game for more records then I can count. My IQ so high it’s off the charts!

You will never get over the fact that you got played into hitting my Mercs tagged country will you? Slagpit even told you not to fall for everything that is posted on the forums or in game.

You were just like LaF. Couldn’t help yourself and you got honey potted into hitting my country and you got killed just like LaF when they hit me as I was tagged BOMB.

Brother you are so predictable. People just post your name and you come seething and foaming at the mouth ready to argue on command lol

Yes I totally got baited into kicking your and you’re clans butt and the people that run the game know you are a constant source of drama and a liar. You no doubt have proven the status of your intelligence Superfly, I don’t think anyone will question that.

I am not your brother either

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 14:36:48

And no coordination either

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 14:36:35

Quick everyone build rigs now that you know!

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 14:35:37

Originally posted by Hessman123:
One of them fascists you mentioned (possibly) doesn’t have any rigs at all, or hardly any

I think I remember that but I can’t say for sure, you’d have to spy them yourself to be certain

I have to be careful what I say big brother is watching

No Ingame Info

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 14:34:51

There’s not much a player can do as a rep casher cash start if a big techer decides to start farming like that. You can wreck them later but there is no way to stop the onslaught early enough to save your set. For the time being tech starts rule the roost for that reason alone.

When there were more players and a greater chance of not getting farmed I think the cash start rules but with the lack of land now it sticks out like a sore thumb having all that land and guarantees you are a target. Especially if you are a player name known to farm guys like the top players tend to to.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 14:18:14

As for dumb, my scores speak for themselves. I am both a new player to alliance and simultaneously one of the top players. Can you say the same?

Let’s let the scores ranking list speak for themselves my short little friend

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 14:16:48

Yes I beat up on superfly 1 on 1, he couldn’t handle it, got mad and brought your clan into it.

I’ve never denied my part in this. You guys just are very dishonest about what led up to it.

Yes obviously me and syko and josey Wales beat your entire clan so bad that you had to bring your coalition into it. Very true all of that.

Hilarious as well. I will never let you guys live down that me and a few guys had you running for help lol if I were you I would just quit bringing that up it’s not a good look to get smoked by a 3 man crew

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 14:10:07

I think you need to complete Kindergarten and master counting to 10 prior to making statements like that

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 13:05:43

Some good landgrabs being made. No way they will backfire down the road in spectacular fashion.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 13:04:19

Syko killa is the only single man I saw here that seems willing to get down for his friend and stay loyal to his side

Rest of you are wishy washy disloyal goofballs :-p

That why gonz0 logged in and betrayed you all is because your clan doesn’t value loyalty and a gang sticking together

These are values any group needs if they want to last longer term btw and not fall to infighting

Gotta be down for the cause dog

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 13:01:13

I didn’t do anything to evo. I got into a war with darkness because they are idiots and your clan so happens to be part of that coalition so we ended up banging it out.

I actually left evo so that war wouldn’t blow back on them. When I went after their enemies I didn’t expect them to end up playing for evo lol

If I had known their was going to be all of this hood hopping set tripping switching back and forth I would have picked a better side from the get go.

I tried to do you idiots a favor and you made that obviously impossible, then took it personal.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 12:57:06

I was’t talking about Evo cheating, not a single evo player ever did anything sketch that I saw.

That’s part of why I played with evo, they seemed not sketch. Although I think they are too eager to avoid confrontation imo. They keep their mouths closed when they shouldn’t. That’s my honest opinion of evo. Ok group of guys but cowardly so they don’t really have my respect. A man has to really be a G to get my full respect. No seeing evil or punk *** behavior and keeping your mouth shut that’s not how we roll around here

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 11:52:16

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Silence woman I did not grant you permission to speak in my presence

I wasn't talking to you.

You called my name woman and implied I played dirty.

I think anyone at the evo website can see my last login was the set I played there. I don’t play dirty and I don’t cheat and I haven’t in twenty years

You are wrong and you should be careful not to say things that aren’t true.

I may be the biggest ass*** to ever walk the face of the planet but I am a very honest person. I don’t like cheater and that’s why I don’t like so many of the players here.

You wouldn’t believe the amount of messages I have got and told your players that I don’t get down like that. There is a culture of it’s ok to play dirty and I don’t Respect it at all

So next time you call my name make sure you tell it right and I won’t come and correct you

Keep talking ish and I’ll come back again next set

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 11:49:02

Originally posted by Drow:
Wow. I thought we had moved beyond people accessing clan sites to use self upload information for offensive usage.

This is a garbage move, and worse, you're seemingly proud of it.

Just lost a lot of respect dude.

Notice how I never did that to Evo. I never logged in or used that ability against them.

There’s a reason I said there’s some bad apples here. If there weren’t I wouldn’t have said that. I would have praised them as good apples if it were true.

I am a truth teller first before anything.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Silence woman I did not grant you permission to speak in my presence

I wasn't talking to you.

Just ban him Galleri. You have the power to do it!

Literally in the terms and conditions of Earth Empires that you maybe removed from the game or message boards at managements discretion

Shut your ghetto self up she called my name and I appeared and pokes back. Don’t you have some spinners to be riding and snow bunnies to be pimping big dawg I don’t want to interrupt you being so super fly

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2024, 1:40:38

Silence woman I did not grant you permission to speak in my presence

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2024, 0:15:58


Cathankins Game profile


Aug 4th 2024, 11:49:16

Funny how you always have to edit your posts and can’t stand on your own words. You and coalie do that a lot haha

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 4th 2024, 11:48:30

Haha you wouldn’t assault people in the state I live in I can guarantee you that. Not surprised at your propensity to resort to violence, with a name like superfly I guess we all should have expected that huh? I’m going to roll with it’s a rapper name. I don’t believe you since rappers are known to lie so much

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 2nd 2024, 18:30:57

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I’m very picky about who I hang out with to say the least. I doubt you would fit my criteria.

Oh Cath don’t be silly! I enjoy chugging beers, grilling food and currently watching Olympics beach volleyball.

You’d totally invite me to your house for Hanukkah if u took the time to get to know me.

Yea lets get drunk on a holy day that sounds great! I need a build wall function on this forum where I can section myself off from the heathens

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 2nd 2024, 18:26:31

Got me I’m not the one with the rapper name super fly lmao spit some bars for us

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 2nd 2024, 14:01:03

I’m very picky about who I hang out with to say the least. I doubt you would fit my criteria.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 2nd 2024, 12:17:07

Hey What is it with that guy Superfly?

He’s not super and he’s not fly

* "ba-dum tsss*

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 2nd 2024, 11:52:33

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Awesome back Cath

Hope all is good with you.

Oh how nice useless platitudes just what I wanted. Please never speak to me again.

Is everything okay?

Take your passive aggressive feminine behavior on nobody cares about that silly petty behavior. Hey maybe if you went and hung out with a clique of college cheerleaders they may be more into that. Probally will have a therapist you can talk to about all your feelings and give you some crazy’s pills. I am sure you would do that type of stuff. Me I don’t care. That’s not how we get down where I’m from. Which is America.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 1st 2024, 13:49:39

You have to make sure to use standard strikes. You guys probally uses the planned strikes and all the planning involves gives them time to up their defense. A lot of players have made the mistake of using a PS instead of a SS and paid the price.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 1st 2024, 13:46:35

Originally posted by Coalie:
Awesome back Cath

Hope all is good with you.

Oh how nice useless platitudes just what I wanted. Please never speak to me again.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 1st 2024, 13:44:50

Nobody banned me you ghetto compulsive liar

Here you go bro these will look good on it and get you some 15’s and a diamond grill and you be super fly for real my boy

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 31st 2024, 13:47:37

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by galleri:
4 days later and happens to revive the thread with 3 posts in a row to answer questions 1 by 1. There is neat way to add quotes to one post.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Raztastic:
How old are you people?

Why don’t you have a seat over there my friend with superfly

You should go sit with yourself, but we don't dare argue with a God.

In time you will look back on this post and realize how utterly foolish you have been. Trust me.

If your guys complex doesn’t kick in and you delete it that is.

....and you will read your back-to-back post and realize you were, and forever will be, an idiot

Nah, he is the smartest, dumbest person to ever grace Earth2025. Too dumb I mean smart to realize any thing

Shut up super ghetto back to your projects. I got a Toyota car you can borrow if your spinners on the caddy broke down

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 19th 2024, 20:58:44


Cathankins Game profile


Jul 12th 2024, 23:18:30

Originally posted by galleri:
4 days later and happens to revive the thread with 3 posts in a row to answer questions 1 by 1. There is neat way to add quotes to one post.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Raztastic:
How old are you people?

Why don’t you have a seat over there my friend with superfly

You should go sit with yourself, but we don't dare argue with a God.

In time you will look back on this post and realize how utterly foolish you have been. Trust me.

If your guys complex doesn’t kick in and you delete it that is.

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 12th 2024, 23:16:08

If I really went in on super ghetto, or the woman, their inferiority complex would kick in and I would be banned. You guys can dish it out but can’t handle it.

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 12th 2024, 14:17:13

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Don’t come making excuses for losing to me. You picked the fight with me and lost.

FYI the set prior I killed 2 countries and wrecked ho hell for starting crap with me.

Btw it’s like you are losing IQ points Cath. You are also taking the L in primary, express, alliance, tournament last set. It’s like losing is your new thing now.

Please do the game a favor and go away once for all

Lmao you really are proud that I finally decided to goof off and attack everyone and walk away. If you notice I never played again after that lol

Congrats superfly you finally beat me. Amazing haha

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 11:46:59

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Same thing with PDM. I never bothered then. Josey was their friend.


What did I do to PDM? Isn’t that the super crappy clan?

I played with them once as they sucked so bad I quit. They literally kept trying to force me to build losing countries and telling me how my country was wrong built lmao it was such a low level or respect of greatness I quit. Frankly I just don’t like people who aren’t on a certain level.

But did I do anything to them? No. Told them they were some busters and left.

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 11:43:24

Originally posted by Raztastic:
How old are you people?

Why don’t you have a seat over there my friend with superfly

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 11:42:54

Originally posted by brujodale:
sounds like our player heroin aka cry. the guy who shot Giffords and killed a few others in Arizona just consider the source

That guy was a literal schizo who couldn’t structure a proper sentence and was confused by words. I am a genius who bags records. What a stupid comparison. He also a liberal and this place attacks me for being a “racist zionist stuck up royal ass***”

I doubt we have anything in common other than the players here being extremely feminine and accusing each other of mental illness constantly as a passive aggressive means of fighting each other.

It comes off as extremely feminine the way the nerds here act trying to have a “who is the least crazy” contest

I am the most crazy. Most wild. Most bad*** earther ever. You guys can have all of that feminine stuff it’s all yours