
Cathankins Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 13:40:03

[quote poster=Coalie; 52825; 1037410]5.9 mins ago
Rick (#512) [JWALESCO] attempted to spy on Suicidal (#28) [SoLxTTM]!

6 mins ago
Rick (#512) [JWALESCO] attempted to spy on Suicidal (#28) [SoLxTTM]!

6.1 mins ago
Rick (#512) [JWALESCO] attempted to spy on Suicidal (#28) [SoLxTTM]!


False flag

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 13:39:31

Originally posted by mdevol:
Welcome back, stranger!

Thanks dawg

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 13:38:59

Originally posted by TAN:
> Your community is very clannish and seems to have one set of rules for me and another set for thee.

Yeah NO fluff. For a person who claims they are highly intelligent, you're not very smart at all.

This is AT - ALLIANCE Talk.

Go take your dog whistling somewhere else. If you don't like the community, then leave. You're making it worse with your presence.

Whistle Cathy whistle! Whistle whistle whistle!

Id rather just complain until you all become nicer. This place is the equivalent of the bars on bar rescue that are failing because of all of the grumpy regulars but the bar owner is their friend and doesn’t have it in him to run them all off.

Slagpit spends all of his time trying to fix the game and the game is fine.

Seriously, how many people have came, been swarmed like this, berated and then left?

Why will no one answer this question?

How many users have come and left under these circumstances?

More than 10? More than 20?

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 1:32:11

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by TAN:
Cathy it's interesting how you suddenly care about the rules when there's a thread full of brown people having fun chatting with one another.

You could simply not read this thread if it hurts your ethnocentric sensibilities.


It’s interesting how you guys suddenly don’t care and want to go into attack mode instantly. That was kind of my point. Your community is very clannish and seems to have one set of rules for me and another set for thee.

How many new players have came and left after being ran off by this same treatment?

gonz0 mentions others have been banned and I wonder if it was under similar circumstances?

Is this chev guy a right wing or religious person?

I don’t know this guy but I wonder if they also played a Role.

I never had an issue here until it came out on the board that I was religious and then a lot of the people here became rabid with hatred.

Very eye opening to be honest. Never had much of an issue here prior.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 20:48:09

Originally posted by Ruthie:
In my opinion, if you have to keep posting about how good you are, you aren't that good

The amount of seething would indicate otherwise. I’m getting a bit bored with it at this point to be honest. It was entertaining for a while.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 20:42:49

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
Heya Tisya! Been awhile <3

Is it just me Ruthie, or has the quality of posts in this forum really gone downhill recently? Never knew a returning player couldn't say hello to old friends or people could just straight out post racist things and spam threads that don't concern them and don't get banned.

Ah well. Hope you've been doing well. You can find me in M4D for now :D

I was being facetious. The rest of the guys are being serious and are actually mad or don’t understand tongue in cheek statements.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 20:27:37

I think slags running Multis to try and thwart us

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 13:09:30

ho hell is one of those guys that everyone has had this same war with. Cashers seem to be a magnet for him.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 12:56:14

Later boys i am back to the ban shed

Worth it hahahah

Free cat hankins

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 12:55:47

It’s slagpit and I say we kill him

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 12:54:52

Originally posted by Drow:
If you mean me, my best finish is 28th. So far.

I’ve only played alliance as a new player and I think I’ve finished 7th. 28th and you are a vet on this server? I am a new player here. Humble yourself weirdo

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 12:53:47

Originally posted by Drow:
If you mean me, my best finish is 28th. So far.

I was going by primary seeing as how that’s the true proving grounds. No bs, no clans helping. You either sink or swim.

You will never win primary. Prove me wrong. Until then I don’r care about your criticism. You are speaking up to a better player and your ego doesn’t allow you to recognize this.

I am by far one of the best. There are a handful of guys that can legitimately say they can beat me even on my worst day.

You couldn’t beat me on my worst day.

Ask superfly he had $120 bushels last set in primary. And I was a cashing.

Yes I am that good.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 12:46:38

Interesting how the rules are suddenly a problem.

When I first came here I was told trolling behavior was cool and everyone defended it and told me to **** off with my concerns about bullying, Now everyone is mad about it and did a 180.

I was told these rules apply and now the same sudden 180.

It seems the rules flip flop when it’s convenient for the old guard here. And you guys wonder why new players Leave.

This is actually crazy man.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 23:49:36

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
Are you Malaysian or is that google translate? lol

also, kalau ni kampung aku, tak balik pun takpe kot. :P

Stay on topic please, game convo’s only. Personal details are frowned upon.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 23:43:31

Guys keep it on topic please. No discussing race or religion or personal details on here. The mods have made that very clear.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 23:39:13

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
“The thing I can’t do sucks anyways”

I’m sure it does

Originally posted by Requiem:
Haha, I never even tried at Primary. Sucks for you :p

**Looks at forum: Alliance Talk***

Stay within context for a minute man!

Anyway, Cath, I wasn't being passive-aggressive; I was just trying to use dry humor. Why are you so sensitive?

EDIT: It also looks like you have not beat my top NW on the Alliance Server– one of the only servers I even finish a round without getting bored and going AFK.

Well if I netted on alliance more then 4 times I would be a top NW player on it as well. Our high score is very close and I haven’t got a feel for this server yet. I think we both know I can outplay you. Anything else is your ego.

Every server I have played more then a few sets I am a top player on.

There are 26 guys here who can legitimately tell me anything, at all. Otherwise you are speaking up. You guys just have ego issues and can’t admit that.

Unlike you guys I have zero Issue recognizing those 26 men as my intellectual superiors, credit where credit is due. Tmac and Gerdler are a genius. No doubt about it.

No doubt I am right up there behind them. The high scores list does not lie like our feelings do.

Gerdler $168,988,570
2 Tmac $166,352,168
3 oldman $148,639,851
4 h2orich $145,583,333
5 Rob $142,178,271
6 afaik $141,511,890
7 LightBringer $140,592,483
8 Xinhuan $135,658,576
9 bakku $133,501,463
10 AndrewMose $132,886,692

11 Molotov $132,809,532
12 sluggie80 $132,484,284
13 crest23 $132,173,227
14 aqua $130,989,368
15 Serpentor $127,775,737
16 LATC $126,951,676
17 herbs12 $126,681,125
18 Grimstad $125,835,858
19 ingle $122,180,006
20 metygl $120,954,807

21 eManny $120,443,891
22 Toran Republic $116,823,126
23 VivaNick $116,811,225
24 Relax lah $115,115,779
25 PaleMoon $112,783,003
26 BobbyATA $111,825,935
27 Cathankins $107,741,809

I broke 600m in 4 tries on alliance. Frankly I’m an one of the best players here without trying or knowing how to play it

1 Gerdler $2,160,702,788
2 Gerdler sucks lol $1,868,319,135
3 Tmac $1,408,038,916
4 cordycsw $1,376,760,816
5 Turtle Crawler $1,332,083,551
6 AndrewMose $1,322,123,515
7 En4cer $1,319,886,706
8 Pteppic $1,312,514,754
9 Tertius $1,208,433,898
10 JamesBond007 $1,203,527,721

11 HH $1,090,132,409
12 LightBringer $1,082,644,733
13 Snoopdawg $1,017,971,496
14 cyref $986,200,781
15 enshula $974,084,336
16 Hash $968,623,301
17 DStone Rocks $965,260,101
18 I am not chevs $891,346,980
19 Y-NoT $870,634,600
20 Havoc $867,099,506

21 table4two $860,757,332
22 Chewi $856,258,508
23 chem20 $842,352,801
24 Vamps $801,067,843
25 Crackhead $791,929,770
26 Drinks $783,496,362
27 ebert00 $772,325,690
28 beerdrinker75 $756,891,412
29 Ivan $753,619,267
30 Zorp $738,000,000

Get back with me when you put name on list

You're missing at least two names from that list.
Syzygy broke 1 bil last set, and Sphinx broke 900 mil.

Those are average scores. You have to do it multiple times to be a top player.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 14:55:03

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Am I intelligent cat?

I do have the worst scores here... :(

Can you beat Tmac or gerdler? Doubtful. Your fuse is too short for the long term thinking that the best netters have. Your ego is too big. You lose your cool too easy and get dragged into the first retal or broken GDI. I would put you down as a top ten possible player but one of the big dogs? No I don’t see it.

I do think you are above average intelligence because of your ability to use these guys own words against them when often times they seem to have forgotten or are being hypocritical.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 14:09:11

Oh and I don’t know turtle crawler but anyone can observe that he is more intelligent than the crowd of guys that seethe at him over that.

I suspect turtle is like me and would treat you guys better if you actually were deserving of modesty. But you act like a pack of rabid hyenas so I think his immodesty about his intelligence is the proper choice.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 14:00:50

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Cat, why do you think intelligence correlates with web browser game score?

" Unlike you guys I have zero Issue recognizing those 26 men as my intellectual superiors, credit where credit is due. Tmac and Gerdler are a genius. No doubt about it."

I don't think those two things are necessarily correlated.

I challenge anyone one of you to go win primary next set.

You won’t because you can’t. Because andrew and light ringer are dramatically more Intelligent than the rest of the players playing as of now and they will win.

I know they are genius because I have spoke to these people. Tmac would plan a change in the wind direction 6 months from now changing his plan by .00001 percent.

I actually am a tested genius and talking to Tmac was like speaking with a alien. The guy is incredibly intelligent.

None of you others I have spoke to are anything even close to him. That’s the truth whether it hurts your feelings or not.

The rest of the top players may be modest but I don’t think you guys can even comprehend what they do to truly appreciate it

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 13:54:57

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Cat, why do you think intelligence correlates with web browser game score?

" Unlike you guys I have zero Issue recognizing those 26 men as my intellectual superiors, credit where credit is due. Tmac and Gerdler are a genius. No doubt about it."

I don't think those two things are necessarily correlated.

Its quite clear he's touched with schizophrenia blackhole, maybe we should just give the guy a break?

And I am 99 percent sure that you are erev rav. But the mods said to keep it light so let’s do that please.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 13:54:12

I bet you guys also wonder why I think chess champions have higher intelligence than average

Cathankins Game profile


May 31st 2024, 23:00:19

“The thing I can’t do sucks anyways”

I’m sure it does

Originally posted by Requiem:
Haha, I never even tried at Primary. Sucks for you :p

**Looks at forum: Alliance Talk***

Stay within context for a minute man!

Anyway, Cath, I wasn't being passive-aggressive; I was just trying to use dry humor. Why are you so sensitive?

EDIT: It also looks like you have not beat my top NW on the Alliance Server– one of the only servers I even finish a round without getting bored and going AFK.

Well if I netted on alliance more then 4 times I would be a top NW player on it as well. Our high score is very close and I haven’t got a feel for this server yet. I think we both know I can outplay you. Anything else is your ego.

Every server I have played more then a few sets I am a top player on.

There are 26 guys here who can legitimately tell me anything, at all. Otherwise you are speaking up. You guys just have ego issues and can’t admit that.

Unlike you guys I have zero Issue recognizing those 26 men as my intellectual superiors, credit where credit is due. Tmac and Gerdler are a genius. No doubt about it.

No doubt I am right up there behind them. The high scores list does not lie like our feelings do.

Gerdler $168,988,570
2 Tmac $166,352,168
3 oldman $148,639,851
4 h2orich $145,583,333
5 Rob $142,178,271
6 afaik $141,511,890
7 LightBringer $140,592,483
8 Xinhuan $135,658,576
9 bakku $133,501,463
10 AndrewMose $132,886,692

11 Molotov $132,809,532
12 sluggie80 $132,484,284
13 crest23 $132,173,227
14 aqua $130,989,368
15 Serpentor $127,775,737
16 LATC $126,951,676
17 herbs12 $126,681,125
18 Grimstad $125,835,858
19 ingle $122,180,006
20 metygl $120,954,807

21 eManny $120,443,891
22 Toran Republic $116,823,126
23 VivaNick $116,811,225
24 Relax lah $115,115,779
25 PaleMoon $112,783,003
26 BobbyATA $111,825,935
27 Cathankins $107,741,809

I broke 600m in 4 tries on alliance. Frankly I’m an one of the best players here without trying or knowing how to play it

1 Gerdler $2,160,702,788
2 Gerdler sucks lol $1,868,319,135
3 Tmac $1,408,038,916
4 cordycsw $1,376,760,816
5 Turtle Crawler $1,332,083,551
6 AndrewMose $1,322,123,515
7 En4cer $1,319,886,706
8 Pteppic $1,312,514,754
9 Tertius $1,208,433,898
10 JamesBond007 $1,203,527,721

11 HH $1,090,132,409
12 LightBringer $1,082,644,733
13 Snoopdawg $1,017,971,496
14 cyref $986,200,781
15 enshula $974,084,336
16 Hash $968,623,301
17 DStone Rocks $965,260,101
18 I am not chevs $891,346,980
19 Y-NoT $870,634,600
20 Havoc $867,099,506

21 table4two $860,757,332
22 Chewi $856,258,508
23 chem20 $842,352,801
24 Vamps $801,067,843
25 Crackhead $791,929,770
26 Drinks $783,496,362
27 ebert00 $772,325,690
28 beerdrinker75 $756,891,412
29 Ivan $753,619,267
30 Zorp $738,000,000

Get back with me when you put name on list

Cathankins Game profile


May 31st 2024, 17:08:48

From the looks of it you can’t even finish a set most of the time in primary because you get farmer into oblivion. This must be why you and suicidal are always so feisty. I used to farm him and finish top ten in primary. Once he has a big group he acts like you though. I cannot help but notice the guys with that dumbest opinions have the worst scores.

Go even top ten in primary and I will take you serious. I don’t even think you can make top 20. If I were a betting man I would wager you are not capable.

I will file you in my angry jealous ankle biters group along with the rest of the angry low scorers

(Has anyone else noticed the most passive aggressive players have the worst scores? Is this why you all hate gerdler?)

Cathankins Game profile


May 31st 2024, 16:59:54

Best Finish: Thirty-fifth

Opinion: ignored

Cathankins Game profile


May 31st 2024, 13:47:27

Originally posted by Requiem:
You are at the center of the universe from your perspective...

Best Finish: Seventeenth

Opinion: dismissed

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 16:18:29

The topic was you suicidal. Not me. The world doesn’t revolve around me man. I know you guys seem to think it does. Maybe it does I guess. I will accept your proposition.

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:34:04

I agree ^^^^

This is what runs off all of your new players. I don’t know if everyone here got bullied for years and years and turned into the joker or what but ratski gets bullied like this about being “stupid” any time he posts. I don’t know ratski but it’s pretty disgusting to watch an entire group of grown men try to bully another human like that.

They tried that to me when I first arrived and it didn’t work out like they anticipated so low everyone’s all riled up. I agree with you though. I think
This place would benefit a lot from no bullying

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:29:11

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by TAN:
Because I is intelligent too and you big mucho threat to my smartness.

Dont forget to say "ooga booga" at the end so he understands!

Ohhh... you are from the low scoring clan. I get it now. Lmao. That’s why you are so mad. That’s funny. I didnt realize that until just now I was like why do these dudes keep raging at me that I don’t know.

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:27:43

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
It’s a cultural thing, frankly I don’t care

More excuses to hide the fact that you're a sub human simpleton :)

You are literally just seething at this point. I’m not really too interested in this behavior.

What is sub human? Can
You be more specific and give me some examples of subhumans?

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:26:22

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
It’s a cultural thing, frankly I don’t care

More excuses to hide the fact that you're a sub human simpleton :)


Originally posted by TAN:
Because I is intelligent too and you big mucho threat to my smartness.

Is the same attitude that I see the guys here constantly abuse ratski with.

Always very hateful and seething with rage.

You guys give off major beta energy with this behavior just so you are aware

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:19:12

Originally posted by TAN:
You can't claim to be one of the most intelligent people in the world and not utilize proper punctuation.

Majority of people are average intelligence. I am
Above average intelligence. It’s a simple fact I am therefore more intelligent than most of the people in the world.

Why does this upset you guys here so much?

I have a good idea, why don’t you just edit the game code so all of our scores are even. Then the midwits won’t start yet another conversation that they regret and are upset about once it doesn’t go like the anticipated when they first initiated it.

This place is entertaining. I give you guys that.

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:16:07

It’s a cultural thing, frankly I don’t care

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:07:48

Ok so to humor you I took the time to read it. Mostly that’s pretty accurate except we this set obviously I knew it would be a kamikaze mission. There was never any shock we died that was obviously going to happen and wasn’t something I was too worried about.

When we originally crippled MERC in the original war and they had to call for help I thought they would be man enough to fight us one on one.

Ive heard them called the biggest baddest war clan in the game and I only had a 6 guy team, half of them new players. Me and Josey were the only vets.

The fact that they had to call for help, yes it did surprise me.

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Drow:
Did I miss anything there?
I think I covered it all pretty clearly.

He and Josie have actually been hitting Evo for multiple sets now, but otherwise, that's all accurate. Also, don't forget that in addition to being the world's biggest victim, he's also, like, the most intelligent player on the server (okay, maybe him and TC together can agree to a tie for intelligence, but Blackhole has been challenging TC on that pretty hard in the forums).

Our scores reflect our intelligence and anyone is welcome to look. I never said I was THE MOST intelligent.

It’s funny that when I came here it was ok for the mid wits like Doug to say I couldn’t hit 400m and imply that I was too dumb.

Once you idiots realized I am obviously hyper intelligent suddenly you all have a huge problem with this trash talking about IQ

Where was this energy when I came to the alliance forums? Haha

All this virtue signaling when it is convenient around here. Cry me a River

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:00:23

Originally posted by TAN:
Cathankins surely a man of your intelligence can read all those paragraphs in mere moments. Don't let Drow out-intelligence you by writing more goodly.

The guy has nothing to do with the situation. He’s from the worst clan in the game and he doesn’t appear to be a very intelligent player. I have been pretty open about the fact that I don’t care what these types have to say. You have to be on a level for me to take your criticism serious.

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 13:30:38

I’ve said what I’ve had to say. If you wish to keep running in circles then by all means have fun with that

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 13:29:43

I am not reading all of that

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 13:28:11

Originally posted by Ferro:
Cathankins, are you OK?

**HRH Princess Tisya**
(again, anyone want to help me change my forum nick please? XD)

Yes I am great. I am just worried about suicidal because he posts “I don’t care”
In every single thread. His name also is concerning.

I was hoping this thread was a sign that he finally found the light maybe

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 12:04:08

I am curious if this applies to every single thread or only every thread that suicidal doesn’t post?

Are the forums never supposed to be used or only if you approve?

Do you actually care for once? Amazing progression if so

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 12:03:19

Suicidal Game profile
May 12th 2024, 13:51:35

Who cares???
Get a life!!

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 12:02:20

Suicidal Game profile
May 24th 2024, 16:07:01
who cares? delete this entire thread and move on with your lives

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2024, 1:55:13

Two more weeks!

Cathankins Game profile


May 29th 2024, 15:54:12

Originally posted by Requiem:
Cath– Where were you when the BOMB waged war against its enemies? You have copied our "Insurance Policy."

I prefer to believe that in the past, our approach to warfare was more dignified. Your current method seems somewhat feeble, but I apologize for the blunt assessment.

I’m not for sure. I took a 7 or 8 year break. Maybe 10 or 12 years. Just got busy with life and also it took me a while to find the place again after it closed down after the swirve move. I think a google search led me back.

This place would benefit from advertisement.

When you talk about the bomb war, is that the spy first strike I heard about?

If so then yes actually that is where I got the idea. It wasn’t an original idea of mine. I simply recognized that from a tactical standpoint it was a very smart move. Not my idea though.

Cathankins Game profile


May 29th 2024, 15:11:09

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yea they’ve been bombing one of our guys for a week or so now. He upped his spal and he failed.

I realize you guys are netting, but you are also part of a large coalition who grouped together and attacked us.

Obviously right now I don’t have the numbers to beat all of these clans so we chose instead to wage guerrilla warfare and attack this coalition with asymmetrical tactics.

I think you understand the purpose and goals of this is to be a deterrent from harassing our small clan.

You guys have the political pull to get these other idiots to back off and I know that. So you guys can make it happen or we are going to end up in a war forever. We are war ready and stocked and are attempting to play nice but if the other side isn’t going to then neither are we.

This equivalent to being in a classroom and having bullies harass you and you retaliate on a kid that has nothing to do with what is happening to you but you're going to go ahead and harass him because he's a friend to the bullies........


Guerrilla warfare is a form of unconventional warfare in which small groups of irregular military, such as rebels, partisans, paramilitary personnel or armed civilians including recruited children, use ambushes, sabotage, terrorism, raids, petty warfare or hit-and-run tactics in a rebellion, in a violent conflict, in a war or in a civil war to fight against regular military, police or rival insurgent forces.

I know what it means, you didn't comprehend my reply?

You're going to punish the quiet boy in the other desk instead of punching the bully in the mouth.

Yes that is exactly how asymmetrical warfare works. I did understand your reply, it was a stupid question so I gave you an equally stupid answer.

The quiet boy in the other desk is in a organization that involves the bully or maybe it’s his cousin and it’s just about sending a deterrent. This is exactly how group warfare works. You are a quick learner my friend.

Cathankins Game profile


May 29th 2024, 15:03:19

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
This conversation is now over.
For good this time.
I don't care, you would find yourself in a more peaceful place if you just played the game and stopped talking so damn much.

For some reason I don’t believe this but thanks if it’s true.

Cathankins Game profile


May 29th 2024, 15:02:34

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Forcing your religion on me when I didn't ask to know about it to begin with, repeatedly, is in fact, harassing me for so called atheism. Calling me a nazi for defending you against bullies is harassment. Calling me an anti semite when I said I supported your right to practice your religion, as long as you do not force it down my throat, is in fact, harassment. Calling me a snowflake after coming to your aid, saying you didn't have to listen to people, just play the game and post in the appropriate place, is harassment.

so yes, you are, and have been harassing me since the beginning of last reset.

I do not care what your religion is. You do not have a right to shove it down my throat. I don't give a single f*** about the religious law you follow as it does not pertain Earth Empires in any way shape or form. Folllow whatever you want to. I have no say in the matter. But you dont get to tell me what to do or how to live my life. Go away.

I have zero idea who you even are

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 22:41:46

Originally posted by Coalie:
Nobody cares if you’re the good guy or bad guy

Nobody cares about you (period).

Thank you. That’s my point. I don’t care either. It’s so weird they keep acting as if I’m going to lie about why I attacked you guys. It just seems such a stupid thing to lie about. I enjoy being the bad guy actually so it’s pretty dumb for them to keep arguing about this.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 22:38:22

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yea they’ve been bombing one of our guys for a week or so now. He upped his spal and he failed.

I realize you guys are netting, but you are also part of a large coalition who grouped together and attacked us.

Obviously right now I don’t have the numbers to beat all of these clans so we chose instead to wage guerrilla warfare and attack this coalition with asymmetrical tactics.

I think you understand the purpose and goals of this is to be a deterrent from harassing our small clan.

You guys have the political pull to get these other idiots to back off and I know that. So you guys can make it happen or we are going to end up in a war forever. We are war ready and stocked and are attempting to play nice but if the other side isn’t going to then neither are we.

This equivalent to being in a classroom and having bullies harass you and you retaliate on a kid that has nothing to do with what is happening to you but you're going to go ahead and harass him because he's a friend to the bullies........


Guerrilla warfare is a form of unconventional warfare in which small groups of irregular military, such as rebels, partisans, paramilitary personnel or armed civilians including recruited children, use ambushes, sabotage, terrorism, raids, petty warfare or hit-and-run tactics in a rebellion, in a violent conflict, in a war or in a civil war to fight against regular military, police or rival insurgent forces.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 22:32:21

Originally posted by Devo:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
but you are also part of a large coalition who grouped together and attacked us.

False, You attacked us which is boldly documented in multiple threads. We and our allies defended ourselves and instead of continuing to pursue you we started netting peacefully again. Why do you not get that.

If we wanted to cause you problems we'd be killing you right now.

I have seen no proof that spy ops are even happening to you. I feel as though you are trying to doctor a false CB in order to pick on netters again and not feel as guilty about it this time.

I’m not playing this silly gotcha game. If you don’t care to hear why we did what we did then who cares. Let’s just keep warring then right? Why bother even hearing out why we did what we did?

I attacked superfly and merc because he kept threatening us and then when they couldn’t handle us. They called for help and your coalition attacked us.

At that point we retalled and hit evo because it’s the obvious weak point.

No idea what you think you are accomplishing with the silly gotcha game. If you haven’t noticed I don’t actually care about fitting in or what others think in general.

I don’t even care if everyone thinks I am the bad guy in all of this. This silly virtue signaling behavior is just so goofy imo.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 17:30:33

I don’t trust your coalitions word at this point and they refuse to kill people harassing us so at this point our only option is to target your netters. This is our final warning.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 17:28:01

Yea they’ve been bombing one of our guys for a week or so now. He upped his spal and he failed.

I realize you guys are netting, but you are also part of a large coalition who grouped together and attacked us.

Obviously right now I don’t have the numbers to beat all of these clans so we chose instead to wage guerrilla warfare and attack this coalition with asymmetrical tactics.

I think you understand the purpose and goals of this is to be a deterrent from harassing our small clan.

You guys have the political pull to get these other idiots to back off and I know that. So you guys can make it happen or we are going to end up in a war forever. We are war ready and stocked and are attempting to play nice but if the other side isn’t going to then neither are we.