
Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 16:57:24

Alright have it your way then, send another spy op or have one of your boys send another. Go ahead and make my day evo. Next set is off to a rough start again with that attitude.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 16:40:47

Originally posted by Devo:
This again? FFS Josey. If you are getting spied still you should probably work on your SPAL, find the country doing it, and kill them, and move on.

I imagine you waking up to a loud noise in the middle of the night and yelling "EVO DID THIS TO ME!!!".

We are very clearly netting at this point so I'm not sure what good spying you would do for us. Is there any point to this? Have you bothered to think through what gain we would have from spying on you?

I think it would just be better if you guys get your coalition to quit attacking us.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 16:38:14

Like they are quite literally mad at me and harrassing me because judaism includes noahide law.

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
I don't care what religion you are. You do you. The moment you said you'd force it on me by law and called me a Nazi is the day you lost my support for you as a person.

Read this post again ^^^ that’s quite literally what I am being harassed about again and again

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 16:36:50

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Isn’t that how it works here? You all get to keep harrassing me over my religious views and then I get banned?

Have I got this figured out now?

People harsass you because suicide people who don't deserve to be suicided upon, nothing to do with your religious views.
You bring this all on yourself and then cry victim like you have done nothing wrong.

Luckily for you this is all I have to say on the subject, because unlike superfly I wont engage in an argument online with a complete moron I will never meet in real life. (once again, nothing to do with your religious views, purely calling you a moron based on your moronic posts and actions ingame.)

No actually I have been harassed a substantial amount, but I only complained with one sided censorship.

If you are going to allow me to be harassed over my religion but i can’t defend myself then I can understand why so many people would have come and gone to this community.

That’s outrageous. This idiot is mad At me personally because of noahide law. Which is an official part of Judaism.

they hate me because of my beliefs but are too much of cowards to come out and say it

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 16:31:55

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
I don't care what religion you are. You do you. The moment you said you'd force it on me by law and called me a Nazi is the day you lost my support for you as a person.

Sooo... the moment you found out what my belief set was I lost your support? That’s what I already said. You are agreeing with me while being angry about it lol peak npc stuff right here

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 13:47:32

Isn’t that how it works here? You all get to keep harrassing me over my religious views and then I get banned?

Have I got this figured out now?

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 13:46:14

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Drow:
dude, I'm laughing at you.

Like that meme where he pretends to be laughing but is actually crying? Ironically, that is actually how I pictured you, thanks for the info.

I mean, I'm happy for you to assume that 😘
Everyone else knows otherwise, but you do you boo!

Oh, Im curious as to where I was lying.
You yourself admitted you hit evo because superfly.
That's not lying, that's facts.
Are you going to hit M4D next set because I'm in Paradigm, and we are friends?
Same logic is same logic!

I hit evo because I played with them and they are a coalition and I was at war with that coalition. No idea why you keep playing dumb or what the point of this behavior is.

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Drow. ..don't taunt this theocrat. He's unhinged.

I think that’s you secular people. You literally all turned rabid when you found out I don’t follow your secular atheist cult that dominates society today.

I played for decades with zero issue. As soon as this community found out I am not a part of your secular koolaid drinking cult you all become rabid in an instant. This is why you keep repeatedly bringing up my beliefs and engaging in religious harassment.

I wonder if the mods will ban you for this?

Hah just kidding we know I will be banned for replying to this continue harassment

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 13:17:44

Does PDM still exist? I thought that clan quit after Doug was pulling a spy ring on your own guys or some crazy thing.

Does the new president also spy and disseminate dirt on the PDM members? If so let us hear all of the good stuff

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 13:14:24

Lmao @ this guy being the president and nobody knowing who he is

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 3:18:27

That was his post ^^^ if you have issues and wish to dispute evo being involved in this, take it up with them since it was their own words.

We are past that now and asking evo to get their coalition to cease their aggressions.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 3:15:51

Originally posted by Drow:
Is this like the "it's definitely g0nz0 who's doing the spying"
Or that it was "definitely superfly" doing the spy ops?
See a lot of accusations that keep not bearing out so far.

g0nz0 Game profile
May 26th 2024, 1:08:28
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Josey FFS stop being a fkn Karen, hot damn bro!

Josey slipped into her little black dress. Tryna seduce Ugo to joining the suicide squad over in alliance. Hope they aren't planning anything nefarious with a team of war built countries

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2024, 0:12:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Who is running this country for you?

#426 Monarchy of Collective Punishment

Nobody, he's not in Evo, n00b.

I think Josey point is that the war clans have no reason to use a proxy to spy on us and Gonz0’s comment about us having war builds gave away their involvement.

We ask that these continuous aggressions cease immediately and that they control their coalition forces.

Cathankins Game profile


May 27th 2024, 13:54:28

Originally posted by Drow:
dude, I'm laughing at you.

Like that meme where he pretends to be laughing but is actually crying? Ironically, that is actually how I pictured you, thanks for the info.

Cathankins Game profile


May 27th 2024, 13:52:57

Originally posted by Drow:
TBH, I don't have to do much at all.
Simply give you rope and let you do the damage to yourself with your own words.
For someone so intelligent, you sure do manage to make yourself sound like a fool.

I mean, the whole, "it's evo's fault we suicided badly on them because Superfly" was simply the start.

Check my profile. I played with evo and know they are a coalition along with the rest of the clans. I played alongside merc over on team for a while as well with my own team on that coalition.

No idea what you hope to gain by lying repeatedly.

As for the rest of your drivel I don’t really care enough to respond

Cathankins Game profile


May 27th 2024, 11:57:55

I genuinely would like to see humans treat each other better and I think it’s driven away most of your players.

The fact that this position has drawn the amount of hate that it has says it all.

Once I start fighting fire with fire, suddenly you all become karens and assume I was some passive type and took my kindness for weakness and thought I wouldn’t say anything back and when I did and it hurt your feelings you all started whining like a bunch of typical bully punks.

You can dish it out but can’t handle it. Isn’t that right?

Edited By: Cathankins on May 27th 2024, 12:01:06. Reason: 95 percent chance tert drives prius
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


May 27th 2024, 11:54:09

1. I would never boast about such a thing. I told superfly a story so he could understand why I dislike his bullying and bullying in general. It can hurt people more than you realize. It’s not something I like. You shouldn’t make light of that or twist that for your games political gain.

2. If I said it, it was probally accurate. Although I have been wrong.

3. I did no such thing. I asked if they were erev rav and you all wouldn’t answer and got super mad, which basically answers the question itself lol

Why would I have an issue with my own beliefs.

I am smarter than most people on the planet. Without a doubt I have been tested and can say that. I’m sure this upsets you greatly. You guys are what we call haters.

Quick, time censor me! I can’t be clapping back now can I haha you boomers may get your blood pressure up to high

Edited By: Cathankins on May 27th 2024, 11:59:45. Reason: SF is a bully
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


May 26th 2024, 15:50:57

Gonz0 seethes all of the time. I find that so amusing. Every time I see him he is seething. I observe it is a universal constant and i deduce he may be the god of seething.

Cathankins Game profile


May 26th 2024, 15:48:31

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
I had that the other day, and so today I tried making sure I had plenty cash on hand and bingo bango bongo. Free monehs!

Could be a server thing?

It’s the cash on hand. Landgrabs also factor this into the equation. I made a landgrab with a tyranny once with 1.5 billion on hand and took $90 million, the most I think I’ve ever made in a single turn on express.

Cathankins Game profile


May 26th 2024, 1:07:25

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Sorry, didn't mean to post that too much.

Bad net where I'm at right now.

It’s cool. I got your point. I was just clarifying to that person. Which experience tells me, dealing with pill heads doesn’t ever work by engaging them.

This abusive personality is why we have so many protests in America. Because some person takes medication doesn’t give you a right to abuse them. I see this attitude is very common in America.

Unless it’s celebrities or the ruling class. Suddenly you all follow orders and have no problem with their drug culture.

Any excuse to abuse the peasants right?

Cathankins Game profile


May 26th 2024, 1:05:25

“ Annnnd I don’t drink alcohol.“

Didn’t say you did or that you said anything about alchohol.

“ And the phrase “making my ass itch” isn’t gay sex you simp. It means “y’all annoy me” - only you would take that as “gay sex.” Makes me wonder what’s really on your mind. ”

I wasn’t talking about that post. I was talking about all of the other posts I’ve read and the personal messages you sent when I kept asking you to quit writing me about your sex life.

I told you several times I don’t want to know anything about that. That’s your private business.

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 22:49:28

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
This is the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen in my life.

Where do you all live that men fight over who is the least crazy? Lmao

Wait I don’t even care. I will assume New York City or Californian and leave it at that.

I don’t understand this feminine authoritarian energy where you want to control everyone when every idea and every thought.

If you speak out about bullying that’s a bridge too far. But Doug can post about his sex preferences on here all day every day

It’s very easy to see why people come here and then leave. The one sided censorship And bullying here is ridiculous

I think every single user has been accused of being “crazy” lol who even cares. That’s some major feminine energy

It reminds me of a group of office ladies trying to get each other written up

Spouts something like this, wonders why he gets banned...

Thank you for proving my exact point

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Shut off the servers. It is the only way to make these boards legible.


Y’all make my ass itch

This is fine though.

There is a clear double standard here against religious users. If I can talk about drinking beer and gay sex all day then this place is mature enough to advocate against bullying jews and people in general.

But of course not. That will get you banned.

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 14:06:48

I think the entire board knows your sex preferences because you talk about it all the time but you will get banned if you defend judaism beliefs, I’ve had this happen before.

It’s perfectly fine to attack these beliefs but if you respond in an equally antagonistic way you get banned.

It makes me wonder how many people have come here, been abused, censored and then left.

I would wager it’s a lot. And hey if you want to talk about that stuff I actually don’t care I am just pointing out the glaring double standards around here. I imagine a lot of people have been treated very unfairly and left.

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:39:12

I don’t get this either BH. The guys here are very averse to conflict even when it’s in jest and just having some fun. Drama sells, I don’t get it.

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:34:34

This is the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen in my life.

Where do you all live that men fight over who is the least crazy? Lmao

Wait I don’t even care. I will assume New York City or Californian and leave it at that.

I don’t understand this feminine authoritarian energy where you want to control everyone when every idea and every thought.

If you speak out about bullying that’s a bridge too far. But Doug can post about his sex preferences on here all day every day

It’s very easy to see why people come here and then leave. The one sided censorship And bullying here is ridiculous

I think every single user has been accused of being “crazy” lol who even cares. That’s some major feminine energy

It reminds me of a group of office ladies trying to get each other written up

Cathankins Game profile


May 21st 2024, 15:26:06

Yes I am the puppet master that runs the world from behind the scenes. You caught me red handed. I swear I am telling the truth right now.

Cathankins Game profile


May 21st 2024, 2:49:41

Shame on gonz0 for all of this aggression. I seem to be suffering from this as well.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 22:07:57

Originally posted by Coalie:
oh what a surprise, crazycathy shows up and making everything all about him again even though he's irrelevant.

Npc boomer appears. Supports Israel while raging against their beliefs.

The youth quickly turn against him all around him but the NPC boomer doesn’t even notice.

Oblivious to everything in its gluttonous stupor. Beer and football he says. Watching cars drive in a circle.

An America haiku.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 21:29:46

Yes superfly a 70 M NW tyranny ran from that little crappy country. I had 300m stock I could have very easily killed you. I’ve beat you in multiple 1 on 1 wars and I have killed you so I don’t feel anything else to prove.

Clearly you do because you are still mad I am capable of doing that to your countries any time I should choose.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 21:23:36

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
I’ll admit that you are a waste of air and You need to be killed another 100 times until you are so sick of restarting that you just fade away quietly into the abyss of suicider scumbags that have come and gone from the game.

Calm down your threats superfly. You know this is why I killed you last time and you had to call an entire coalition because you couldn’t handle my 6 man tag.

Honestly that was probally the coolest thing I ever did. If you had asked me would our little team would have been able to best a real war clan I would have said no. But it happened and you guys had to run for help.

I actually appreciate you stirring all that up because it exposed your skill level. You and I both know that you can’t hang. We’ve been through this before.

Looks like you got your ass farmed this weekend in
Express and you took to the express forums to cry like the loser that you are. I hope that when you dream about me (becuase we all know that you think about me 24/7) you don’t touch yourself unless you one of those fetish freaks that gets off on being dominated; which is of course what happens to you in this game. I got you on all 4 with a ball gag in your mouth In express and Mercs and it’s Allies have you on a spit roast in alliance…


Getting his ass farmed by me and him to scared to retaliate so he jumped out of range:

PS this thread is about black hole and M4D not about your worthless ass Cathankins. Quit derailing this glorious thread and go think about me in a dark corner and go touch yourself
Or whatever you do as a stalker pervert….

Interesting amount of projection in this post. Unfortunately unlike you I do not care to type out a long winded response.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 18:29:03

I am the greatest gift that god ever bestowed upon this community of vile heathens it would be quite boring without me. Frankly I am the most exciting thing to come through this boomer retirement village in a decade.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 18:27:29

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I’ll admit that you are a waste of air and You need to be killed another 100 times until you are so sick of restarting that you just fade away quietly into the abyss of suicider scumbags that have come and gone from the game.

Calm down your threats superfly. You know this is why I killed you last time and you had to call an entire coalition because you couldn’t handle my 6 man tag.

Honestly that was probally the coolest thing I ever did. If you had asked me would our little team would have been able to best a real war clan I would have said no. But it happened and you guys had to run for help.

I actually appreciate you stirring all that up because it exposed your skill level. You and I both know that you can’t hang. We’ve been through this before.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 18:24:14

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
I have a question -

If Leto is the leader of M4D, why is he always absent from defending his clan and his people?

Just like when his people were caught cheating, he refuses to acknowledge anything. He refuses to apologize. He refuses to face the music.

Now his clan first strikes another clan (and losses a country in the process, LOL) and he's sending others here to face the music.

Leto - you're an absolutely cowardly leader. You think I don't know what's happening? You're scared of the spotlight, and worse, you're scared to face me in the spotlight. I get sent screenshots from your discord and your private chat all the time. I see the back room dealings you've been attempting. I was aware last set in teams when you were hunting for me, and that's why you hit Req. I knew this set before you were going to attack me unprovoked in alliance. And I was aware that you were planning on attacking SoL before tonight.

I know EVERYTHING you're planning to do. So you mine as well stop sneaking around behind close doors, being duplicitous.

Come out and face the music choir boy. Why don't you explain to the rest of M4D and this community why your hatred for me is going to cause the downfall of all of M4D. 15 other players are going to suffer for your actions.

I've told quite a few of them that they really should splinter off from you. You caused chaos and grief for PDM when you were there, you caused Lights to essentially splinter in half in teams, and now you're causing M4D to get wrecked.

You're worse than turtle crawler. At least he attempts to face me in public, sometimes. You employ the milkman strategy. Just run and hide.



Are... YOU MILKMAN? Is that why you defended his multing and doxxing so hard? Is that why you insulted my wife and told me you'd pray for me when I brought it to your attention?!?! Is that why you hate me so much?!?!

OMFG. It all makes sense. Is Milkman actually one of your multis?!?!?!?!?!

What the fluff did you just fluffing say about me, you little fluff? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fluff out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fluffing words. You think you can get away with saying that fluff to me over the Internet? Think again, fluffer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fluffing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little fluff. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fluffing tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will fluff fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fluffing dead, kiddo.

Qanon is in the building folks. The storm is coming!

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 15:51:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Blah blah blah. Cathankins posting about me in another thread that doesn’t concern him or his idiots friend.

This guy is a stalker and an obsessed creeper. I really wonder if all he does is think about me 24/7. This moron will never get over the fact that some random guy who he will never meet in real life in a 30 year old text game “lied to him” when he left his useless tag.

What a waste of air that guy…

Are you finally admitting you are a liar? Amazing revelation.

Now if I can just get you to admit you are a little weasel troll I may proclaim this as my first miracle

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 10:24:30

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Hopefully some day you can get over superfly of him trolling you.

You guys have a lot of feminine energy on here with this whole aversion to conflict thing. I will never like SF because I think he is a jerk regardless of what happens. That goes for a lot of you.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 9:18:41

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
what evidence do you have that we were shaping up to attack m4d? They were spying the fluff out of us yesterday

Well you are a group of known liars and use tactics like this on a regular basis. I think it’s safe to say if merc is talking, they are lying. This is a universal constant.

Mercs didn't get hit. SoL got hit.
Do keep up...

They are all one big clan
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
what evidence do you have that we were shaping up to attack m4d? They were spying the fluff out of us yesterday

Well you are a group of known liars and use tactics like this on a regular basis. I think it’s safe to say if merc is talking, they are lying. This is a universal constant.

Mercs didn't get hit. SoL got hit.
Do keep up...

Oh hey it’s my slow friend.

Here ya go bud

That’s Superfly ^^^ as usual he is stirring up trouble with his usual conniving and sneaky snake stuff.

I predict he will lie and play dumb about the entire thing. He’s very dishonest even when it’s obvious he is lying.

Hope you are able to keep up now. If you need any more help just let me know. Not with your country, I doubt there’s any helping you with that. I mean if you need any more help explaining basic things to you.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 7:31:22

Originally posted by Rick:
My name is Karen and I need to speak to your Manager.

Sorry superfly you logged into the wrong account

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 7:20:41

Originally posted by Coalie:
You guys are like Josey Wales and Cathankins.

Gets spied on...

Then as a response you FS a warring clan for revenge.

The war was over the threats and SF aggression. No idea why you guys keep lying about literally everything. Keep your morons on a leash and maybe people will quit attacking you.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2024, 7:18:02

Originally posted by Coalie:
what evidence do you have that we were shaping up to attack m4d? They were spying the fluff out of us yesterday

Well you are a group of known liars and use tactics like this on a regular basis. I think it’s safe to say if merc is talking, they are lying. This is a universal constant.

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2024, 22:50:50

Yes I had a tyranny with enough turns for a KR. I could have had easily won yet another war. The country finishes speak for themselves

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2024, 22:49:11

So wait now you are saying you waited until the very end to suicide me lol ?

So which is it? I thought I was an ankle biter?

Why do you always repeat my words anyways? You did that when I pointed out you are a liar, a sociopath, a psychopath, and now ankle biter.

It seems like are incapable of coming up with an original thought and just regurgitate descriptions of your own behavior.

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2024, 22:26:30

Yes as a result of your behavior i have bullied superfly and he went and cried and got his clan dragged into it, this is accurate. He lies over on the alliance forum and says that didnt happen though.

I’m certainly not seething I am just describing the express server. I thought about killing your country this round but the country wasn’t good enough to be worth the time. I was a techer so all of my stock was stashed on the market in bushels so the hits didn’t make a huge difference.

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2024, 21:35:51

Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
hows the fights coming along ?

It's been a quiet round. Cus taught me to pick my spots, to only force my way in when there's an opening.

Someone decided to go hard on one of my defensive allies though, that's not great.

That little ankle biters is probally SF. He can’t build a great country so he either suicides good countries or new players that are first learning to play. Most of the top netters just ignore these players. It’s always the mid tier countries with no wins that behave like this. Once you are at the top the weirdos will come. Tmac used to have swarms of them attack him every single set. It’s impossible to hide when you build elite countries. Their attacks don’t do much and their countries aren’t worth a real war so most of the top players just ignore them.

I’ve complained about this behavior before but was basically told to **** off.

Once I did it myself the mods did a 180 and then had a huge issue with it. Frankly I imagine this has ran off many players over the years. I bet if you asked ex players that left their experience with SF their stories would be similar.

Just don’t say nothing about it and the community is cool with it though. The netters that don’t like it just don’t want to rock the boat and the mods just seem to not care

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2024, 15:02:33

What’s it matter you idiots aren’t going to fight each other you are one big boring clan

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2024, 14:11:08

We will never be friends, ever. There is zero chance of that ever happening.

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2024, 3:21:40

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Can we get the spy ops to save for longer so we don't have to use external tools to keep our spy reports?

If you click the little box beside your spy op in the spy center you can save all of them. If it’s highlighted then it’s saved. If it’s not, click the box and it saves it.

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2024, 21:38:53

Guys no off topic subjects or you will be deleted and ban. Sorry I would love to hear about your beer sin fest 2024 but it’s not allowed

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2024, 21:36:21

Insert generic npc comment here

Cathankins Game profile


May 17th 2024, 14:17:17

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Why do you have such a hard on for me?

I left your stupid team after we hit monsters. Why do u hold that against me so much?

I never hit you guys. I paid reps and laid low the rest of the set. Your former friend Josey already cut a peace deal with Symba and the rest of the enemies that he made.

What is your deal?

I do not forgive and I do not forget. Once we aren’t cool it’s for the long haul my boy. I don’t like you because I see that you are a two faced person who lies and thinks it’s funny to bs with people.

I don’t like fake people like you. To give you an honest answer.

You also like to bully people weaker than you. (You calling Josey a stupid retard right now is the perfect example of that)

Josey doesn’t deserve to be bullied but you do and nobody else here is willing to do it so I will be your bully SF.

You bully others so I bully you. That’s as simple as it gets super midwit

Josey stated the naming calling and has named call me non stop since I left your tag.

You have been naming calling and being a racist prick for weeks.

So forgive if I feel entitled to return the same lack of respect to you and your friend you narcissistic unstable person…. You are so smart and above us all that you went off the deep end….

Lastly it’s good that you don’t forgive or forget. Neither does this community. No one will forget what you have accomplished in tarnishing your reputation here forever….

Lol you think this is going off the deep end. Did you grow up in the suburbs? Where does this feminine energy come from? I don’t understand that at all

Dude, you couldn’t handle the butt whooping I gave you on express so you made threats.

I don’t care what your norms and pacts say, if you threaten me then you better be ready to get down right then and right there.

We don’t take threats. And then you dare to come start snooping around our countries after making the threats to kill me so I assumed you were going to deliver.

If I say I will deliver, I do. So
I assumed you would as well.

I now realize you were just puffing up your chest and bs’ing like always but it’s took me a while to understand your word is no good.

Where I’m from men don’t get down like that. If you are a liar and a snake people will quit messing with you.

Your entire clan defending
This behavior says everything there is to say about your group