
Cathankins Game profile


May 17th 2024, 13:45:53

I am
Being held captive by a man name slag pit

Cathankins Game profile


May 17th 2024, 13:43:19

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Why do you have such a hard on for me?

I left your stupid team after we hit monsters. Why do u hold that against me so much?

I never hit you guys. I paid reps and laid low the rest of the set. Your former friend Josey already cut a peace deal with Symba and the rest of the enemies that he made.

What is your deal?

I do not forgive and I do not forget. Once we aren’t cool it’s for the long haul my boy. I don’t like you because I see that you are a two faced person who lies and thinks it’s funny to bs with people.

I don’t like fake people like you. To give you an honest answer.

You also like to bully people weaker than you. (You calling Josey a stupid retard right now is the perfect example of that)

Josey doesn’t deserve to be bullied but you do and nobody else here is willing to do it so I will be your bully SF.

You bully others so I bully you. That’s as simple as it gets super midwit

Cathankins Game profile


May 17th 2024, 13:39:39

Originally posted by Doug:
Would someone summarize all that? I have shxt to do. Wow

Sure, when I first came here and said I would perform well and hit 400m easy you mocked me and everyone else did and said essentially that it couldn’t be done.

You did then what you are all doing now, you made an assumption.

Intelligent people don’t do that. If someone told me something, I would assume there is a 1 percent chance they may deliver. Especially when they have a habit of doing that prior.

I’m actually amazed at how stupid some of you here are at this point.

Oh... I hit that 400 million by the way. Check my scores. You were wrong about that as well.

Originally posted by Capt Obvious:
I think its pretty interesting a celebrity like Kanye plays Earth Empires

It’s “Ye” in 2024. Try to keep up. I know that’s asking a lot for the guys here.

Cathankins Game profile


May 17th 2024, 0:33:34

You guys said the same thing 6 months back when I said the war in Israel was about to start and to expect zionism in the headlines, we see how right you idiots were the last time. Prepare to be wrong again. I don’t make statements like that if I am not 100 percent sure.

That’s part of being a genius. First you are surrounded by idiots saying you can’t do it (like when you all said I couldn’t hit 400m NW, shockingly Easy)

They say are crazy! And wrong! That’s not what my teacher and the tv told me!

And then time passes and you always end up wrong.

But you never talk about all those other times you were all wrong and I was right?

Why is this? Why do you guys keep doing this to yourselves? Glutton for punishment?

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 23:35:21

Originally posted by Doug:
… double post again. Wify acting a fool today

I’m curious if you will last as long as this thread does

Taking odds on a domestic dispute >36 months

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 23:34:13

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Doug:
For the record I made peace with this shmuck during Hanukkah. I won’t be doing this again. So cath… my advice talk to Josey about what I’m really about. We are good. Carry on your fight. BH and I have no issues. So use political capital as you like but we ain’t falling for your shxt. Call a warm line or help line. Love you lots. 😘

Can confirm, Doug is my homie. I went too hard on him, and didn't understand what he had going on in life at that time. He deserves some latitude and grace.

Turtle Crawler on the other hand. F that guy. He deserves nothing but my unwavering assaults on his character, intelligence and integrity.

Everyone’s always got excuses and reasons for their treachery don’t they?

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 23:29:54

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Also I would like to point out that I am pretty sure he meant that I AM a drama queen but was literally too big of a loser to get this point across, butchering it and insisting I am not a drama queen. Completely untrue, I am all about the drama any time any place

Well you are one, he's not wrong. I also hope your battle plan involves another 40 players lol if not its gonna be ground day for you every set. I think you should be like joesy and seek peace with people that will leave you alone if you leave us alone.

Of course it does. I would never enter into a conflict without a long term plan, especially against an opposing side with superior numbers. I’m a chess player my man. In time you will understand this too and you will regret taking SF back when he was in the wrong.

You have my word on this. I do have a long term plan and you people here have severely underestimated your opponent. Something I expected and hoped for I might add. I had hoped you would all react in the way you have. You have given me everything I need.

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 23:24:35

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Doug:
Oh sweet baby Jesus. Day 142 of cath going after anyone who speaks.

I never mentioned you in this thread. I have politely lest you alone as I feel 20 people pummeling you on a daily basis will throw you into crisis. You mentioned my name after I made a self deprecating joke to calm the nerves.

My training and 204 years in college says don’t engage an impaired person. Matching tone with tone ie: arguing for you in the cheap seats stops communication.

Again when 1 person says your an axxhole it’s just their opinion. When 20 people say you’re an axxhole, you just may be an axxhole.

So. Post hoc ergo propter hoc my “highly intelligent” friend.

oh fluff. I think that means I'm an asshole too :(

You said it. Not me LOL 🥰

We’re not homies btw. We’re complicated, messy people with faults, yet at peace. lol
Everytime I hear “homies” I think of this twink on Instagram fluffing about “homie head” and please don’t ask me to define that. lol

The emperor has no clothes and everyone sees it but him. I haven’t forgot the George floyd crowd chasing you boys out of town. I haven’t forgot the maga Crowd doing the same.

It seems to me your state is unstable and fighting itself from within. My point is I don’t think working for an unstable state that has nationwide riots for 6 months straight is something to brag about.

If you haven’t noticed everyone thinks you are insane tyrants

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 10:43:43

Also I would like to point out that I am pretty sure he meant that I AM a drama queen but was literally too big of a loser to get this point across, butchering it and insisting I am not a drama queen. Completely untrue, I am all about the drama any time any place

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 10:42:22

Thank you for sharing your battle with anhedonia with us suicidal. This long term illness has no doubt been challenging for you.

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 10:06:53

“ What you holding in your hand ace?”

You are the first guy to ask that. Haha

Smart guy. Time will tell won’t it?

Let me ask you this. I am obviously of extremely high intelligence. Do you think I would provoke this many enemies without a long term plan?

Think very hard about my tactics and how long I plan ahead and wait on
Things and you will know the answer to that question

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2024, 9:59:41

I asked you to quit messaging me because I realized you are a two faced snake is more like it. You took a private religious convo and made it public because I was talking trash about the game. I haven’t forgotten that. Frankly that is quite a dishonorably thing for a man of your occupation to do.

I know they train you boys to lie nowadays and be two faced so hey just blame your training right?

Yes your employer seems to be doing so
Well right now lol /sarcasm

I am not surprised you would gravitate towards authority.

Cathankins Game profile


May 15th 2024, 23:43:43

Originally posted by Doug:
Notice me and my boyfriend don’t have 4 page threads lol. Tho Pride is coming. 😁

You disappears when your 4 page thread about you happened.

What happened with that anyways? Something
About being two faced to clan friends and causing a bunch of drama? I wonder how often that happens?

After Blackhole brought that up you dipped and left us all curious

Cathankins Game profile


May 15th 2024, 23:30:12

Superfly is mad because I don’t want to chat on discord with all of these weirdos and have pajama parties with them on the weekends and tell each other scary stories while superflies crush ben texts us

Cathankins Game profile


May 15th 2024, 13:00:51

One thing that’s true about this game is your score doesn’t lie. The numbers, regardless of how much trash you talk reflect your skill set and IQ. A lot of the netters in this game are very modest about their superiority but I question whether this community is deserving of that modesty.

Cathankins Game profile


May 15th 2024, 12:58:09

Frankly I have to give it up for superfly though, last set in primary he was able to achieve 50 percent of my score. I was extremely impressed. For superfly this is quite the achievement. I hereby crown thee king of the jealous midwits and your court jester can be gonz0 and that other dude from PDM that I don’t remember his name. Possibly the guy in this thread. I don’t know though to be 100 percent honest. I just recorded their clan in my head besides stones as the npc clan. They get mad at the idea of Strategies that work it’s like trying to rob the store owner in Zelda they get all p*** off it’s funny everyone should try it

Cathankins Game profile


May 15th 2024, 1:04:05

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s kind of my point player skill doesn’t matter when discussing myself and drow but it suddenly does matter again when discussing evo. This midwit hypocrite can’t even keep his own story straight. He literally plays for NPC: the clan.

Your skill doesn't matter as you chose to become a suicide/griefer. A fluffty one as well. One of the most unwelcome players in the community currently. Nobody wants you in their clan and very few choose to interact whatsoever. Why would old netting stats mean anything to us when you've become target practice for dogs of war? Its fun kicking you around. Its only been 2 rounds and your eternal war is over with you and your grooming victim Josey kneeling begging for mercy.

Cathys response: Cope,seethe,dial8. Boomer npc. Npc!! 1vs1 bro!! Come at me bro!! Death to murica!! Y'all be npcs!!!

Originally posted by Cathankins:

>using pol
>exposing yourself

I think it’s pretty funny I have my own clique Of midwit haters. Otherwise I don’t care about anything you just said.

Cathankins Game profile


May 14th 2024, 16:14:49

That’s kind of my point player skill doesn’t matter when discussing myself and drow but it suddenly does matter again when discussing evo. This midwit hypocrite can’t even keep his own story straight. He literally plays for NPC: the clan.

Cathankins Game profile


May 14th 2024, 1:45:00

*captain npc

My point was this guy is randomly seething about how much damage we caused by saying the scores blah blah blah and also has said the scores don’t matter.

The guy is contradicting himself and just looking to hate. I’m not worried about that bs. If you can’t win on multi servers then I don’t feel you are on my level to even criticize us. Your skill level is not even up there enough to understand what it would to judge this conflict properly.

I left PDM because they sucked and were a horrible clan. That is a fact.

I played with them and they gave me the most God awful advice I’ve ever heard from their “top netter” and I was so offended I didn’t want to play there anymore.

They literally suck and I was trying to be cool but it seems like these goofballs want to place themselves into drama that has nothing to do with them.

I’m not even saying that they are literally the worst clan in the game and can’t even beat evo after a war. That’s actually ridiculous lmao I’m sure they will never beat evo. Ever ever. I actually agree with that

Cathankins Game profile


May 12th 2024, 15:29:04

Why don’t you 1 on 1 me then drow and show me how much I can’t war. Put your money where your mouth is. Don’t talk about it be about it my boy.

Cathankins Game profile


May 12th 2024, 2:32:48

You don’t play for either team and are telling me how much damage we did or didn’t do. Your judgment is reflected by your scores as usual. I don’t doubt evo can have the entire game FA them but that doesn’t change that we hit them for 1,000+ turns probally. I wasn’t keeping count but it was 500+ construction sites or turns early on in the set.

Every skilled player that has analyzed the numbers closely was very impressed. You are just a hater and your scores reflect that. Go build a decent country and then I will take your criticism seriously.

I don’t do war chats or discord. I think it’s weird that the nerds that take the game way too serious get on there and take pictures of each other and just be weird in general.

I will never wall or set an alarm to wake up over a game. You’ve lost the plot even doing all that.

I actually think it’s super weird how pushy everyone here was to try and get us on discord, I have made a point to avoid you people because of this behavior. I will probally never get on any of those wierd apps.

Let me know when you figure out how to run a country and win the regular game even one time though

Cathankins Game profile


May 11th 2024, 3:24:25

Gonz0 seethes from his hut again

Cathankins Game profile


May 9th 2024, 22:51:56

Sounds like some major feminine energy in the air and I actually don’t care. What a weird thing for a dude to say.

Cathankins Game profile


May 9th 2024, 15:28:43

Lennox Lewis and now Tyson fury were the best though let’s be honest

Cathankins Game profile


May 9th 2024, 15:24:35

Not taking any of your comments serious drow if you can’t even build a proper country. When you prove you can even play I will maybe give a serious response. You are just seething at this point.

They know how much damage we did. This situation has nothing to do with you. Weirdos. You remind me of gonz0 how he just randomly seethes at me all the time.

Cathankins Game profile


May 9th 2024, 15:19:11

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Are you the penguin that you got goons to take care of me?

I got Coalie. He is former JSOC and him and his army homies will take care of the goons IRL like he takes care of you and Josie in Earth!


Take it easy tiger. This is just an internet text game.

You the one bringing up real life fool my advice was not to do that. You must have got bullied a lot growing up. It’s very telling how you always have to run for a group to back you up and how you always try and bully people and then snitch when they say something back.

Is there ever a time where you don’t appeal to authority or a group? You must feel very weak on your own and your subconscious betrays that’s.

Who was the bully SF? Who do this to you?

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 23:11:52

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
The funny thing is that Slagpit told these two idiots to stop falling for taunts.

Then galleri reposted Slags post for them to read again but alas Josey and Cathankins are just dumber than a broken in half brick

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I recommend not falling for taunts.

Btw retarded Josey let’s have your little express battle. Come get some Jabroni

You are literally a mid wit who cannot win in primary.

You can’t win at life outside of this game lol

I am very thankful for the good times I have been blessed with and all of the crazy ish I’ve made it out of and lived through.

Don’t even bring up IRL. You snitch on the boards just for people talking trash you sure ain’t ready for no IRL beef. You ain’t even built like that SF. You act like a karen so don’t try and come at me on some IRL beef.

I don’t beef with civilian Karen’s you have to be on a certain level if you really want to beef with me IRL only certified goons my boy

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 14:24:59

Originally posted by SuperFly:
The funny thing is that Slagpit told these two idiots to stop falling for taunts.

Then galleri reposted Slags post for them to read again but alas Josey and Cathankins are just dumber than a broken in half brick

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I recommend not falling for taunts.

Btw retarded Josey let’s have your little express battle. Come get some Jabroni

You are literally a mid wit who cannot win in primary.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 13:13:15

Any other time on earth there’s a thousand reasons that you can’t do this and that but somehow your boy can threaten and attack us with spy ops and we aren’t justified in our retal?

Make that make sense, do you not have better control over your clan than this?

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 13:11:52

Yea he hit our entire team with spy ops after threatening us and telling us that a merc kill run was coming. I don’t understand why you guys won’t honor the fact that he was an aggressor and we responded.

I’m with Josey, I like war and I’m fine with playing like this forever. I’ll play the rest of my days like this as well and the tide will turn in ways you aren’t expecting.

I think you may also have a few more surprises coming down the road as well that you haven’t planned for.

You should know me well enough by know to not doubt I will deliver. My intelligence and scores reflects my long term planking abilities.

Do you really think I have stirred all of this up without a plan?

Haha.... back out while you can boys. Honor that your boy crossed our lines and we responded and this can all end very easily.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 4:05:44

“My country was only half gone”


Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 4:05:16

Let me know when you win primary or have any high scores or even make the top 10 highest scores on multiple servers

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 3:58:42

That’s hilarious that as always you are lying superfly, but the one little problem for you is that the estats shows you were in 137 DR when the set ended lol my country was twice your size and fully war ready. You were crippled.

You have warred me 3 times and you have lost the last two. The first time you did beat me and that’s the first time I ever ran across you years ago and broke GDI on you.

This last war I broke GDI and beat you lol that’s a straight stomping it doesn’t matter how you lie or twist it your country was wrecked 1 on 1 and you are a liar if you say you weren’t

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 3:55:18

Originally posted by Coalie:
Cathy, let me explain it to you "barney style" because you don't seem like an intelligent person to me.

Superfly was right, you had a merc killrun coming after you attacked us FIRST.
and them missile dumped on other merc countries.

You were aggressor

go restart and let's go again.

Our scores reflect our intelligent and I am an elite player on every server I have played serious. I am obviously without question extremely intelligent. Your finishes also reflect your abilities. The numbers speak for themselves.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 3:43:22

The only reason we killed superfly was because he told me that he had a merc kill run coming because I beat him in this war on express. It was he who provoked this, not I tert. I don’t know why you all expect us to let superfly bully me. Why do you think that is ok? You guys may be ok with being a punching bag but I am not

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 1:57:38

I am fairly certain turtle will recognize I was joking with him.

That’s amusing you always have to bring others into your arguments and appeals to authority to try and intimidate people. What a goofball little tyrant wannabe you are SF. What a cowardly mindset to even think that would matter to me.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 1:51:32

We are hitting evo because evo and merc is a coalition and I played with evo so I am very aware of the nature of this coalition.

You guys are one clan when it comes to attacking people but not when it comes to getting hit back. Not a very good lie.

Superfly and mercy will not bully our little clan without this blowback every single time.

You should have just sucked it up the first time I killed you SF and took your whooping on express and not went running and crying for your clan and none of this would have happened.

You thought you could intimidate others with threats and look where it’s got you.

All those times you called me a netter and deep down I love war. Haha you picked the wrong one to try that with. I’m not these other netters and will fight forever happily.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 1:46:35

Too little. Too late. The damage is done and we set out to do what we set to do. No amount of FA or 5 different clans can stop that.

An entire 5 clan coalition and
You cannot stop us lol

See you next set boys.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2024, 0:14:29

Ok, sure thing. You are my superior.

Now keep your word and join our war.

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 23:55:55

Of course that’s what you would do. You can’t handle the bantz and have to run and cry. Classic SF, it’s ok when you bully people but can’t handle it can you? That’s when you have to run for help isn’t it?

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 23:51:19

So that insane amount of projection explains why you act like that. That makes a lot of sense.

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 23:37:37

Ouch, where was the big dogs security team?

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 23:34:59

Oh wow an appeal to authority; never seen that coming from superfly. A little bully would be tyrant

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 23:30:41

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
You should watch how people act and imitate them, preferably someone who never causes issues and doesn't post. The results will astound you.

The words of a psychopath

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 23:29:48

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
The funny thing is they start this convo and can’t handle the bantz when I start roasting them back.

We can do this all day but we all know which side can’t handle the heat in the kitchen and starts snitching

Yea its you, you freak out over the most stupid shizz

Uhh... I advocated for people to be able to say whatever they like. I don’t like the idea of banning people for talking

I dislike the idea of only silencing the victim. If people can talk trash then let the victim respond as well.

But the truth is you guys really can’t handle the banter. I can crush these guys world view so hard they will form a mob and start protesting me. They can’t handle the bantz.

I’m all for it

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 23:25:15

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Hey Cath, nobody cares man. Like I said 1000 times. Do what you want. I never cared what you did until you decided to call me a anti semetic Nazi for actually trying to tell you that you shouldn't worry about others opinions.
Just play mate.

I’m not the one that brought it up

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 22:27:56

Lmao Sf posted proof he lied about having me deleted. That’s amusing. I’m going to agree with superflies proof he posted. He told me he had me deleted and then that was a lie as well. Apparently he is proud enough of this behavior to keep bringing it up again. This dude is a legitimate weirdo. I think every single thing he says is a lie.

He also doesn’t have the ability to think you original ideas so expect him to just regurgitate what I say, that’s what he typically does.

I hate liars. I have lied and would for a good cause or friend but I dislike lying in general and especially to friends or good people. SF seems to thrive on it and lie openly with glee.

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 22:23:44

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Don’t mind superfly he is a compulsive liar. He does this behavior constantly. Just ignore him.

I am familiar with SF's behavior. I even called him out a little bit in one of the threads.

No idea who you are but Godspeed. If you want to come fight against them on alliance send me a message. Our group is small but growing quickly.

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 22:21:31

The funny thing is they start this convo and can’t handle the bantz when I start roasting them back.

We can do this all day but we all know which side can’t handle the heat in the kitchen and starts snitching

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2024, 16:45:36

Yea I get it, they can’t force me to accept their dogma so I must be attacked and silenced. Oh and I’m somehow the radical. Lol sure thing. NPC’s have been dangerous throughout history. They get riled up into this mob mentality and then they want to burn every witch at the stake who doesn’t believe what they believe. You especially better not have one of the naughty beliefs that aren’t allowed as decided by gonz0.