
Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 21:58:59

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Can confirm. Have hit evo many a time. They usually finish just fine.

Then cool everyone is happy let’s just play the game then no need to seeth and cry and call everyone generic NPC phrases like the boomers here try to do to as Josey said provoke a religious argument because they are with a guilty conscience and can turn on the news every single day and see us conquering the world in real life so they come on here and seethe at me because I told them 6 months ago all of this was about to
Happen and they thought I was playing lol these fools on here hated on me and said nothing was going to happen and you turn on the news today and obviously these men gathered here are idiots and don’t know what they are talking about haha priceless seething

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 21:53:36

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
The whole point of guerilla warfare is to live and fight another day.

Doesn’t apply for your situation.

Anytime you pop up, we will just steamroll you. We can do this set after set. Thanks for bringing activity into our private irc and discord channels.

Living/kill count is irrelevant to me. The Taliban didn’t defeat you boys by living. They didn’t care if they met their God and eventually you boys couldn’t handle that pressure.

I am applying those same tactics to this conflict. We never had a chance to win but we can make this so painful that you guys back off.

Or we can just do this forever. I enjoy playing like this so that’s cool with me too. War is eternal anyways. It never truly has an end.

You can enjoy your time in paradise with all the Taliban and their 40 virgins......even if your virgins are little boise

Wierd thing to bring up out of nowhere. I think we can all see what kind of sickness goes on in the deep recesses of your mind. Remind me
To avoid you. No idea why you think I am a Muslim.

First I’m anti Semitic and also a zionist supremist and racist and honestly I cannot keep up with all of the random seething at this point in

If you guys could just put together ever single NPC buzzword that I supposed to care about we could get this over with a lot quicker.

May be a gosh darn libtard! Or even worse a Demoncrat!!!

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 21:47:32

^^^does this guy ever stop seething

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 16:32:02

Originally posted by Coalie:
The whole point of guerilla warfare is to live and fight another day.

Doesn’t apply for your situation.

Anytime you pop up, we will just steamroll you. We can do this set after set. Thanks for bringing activity into our private irc and discord channels.

Guerrilla tactics focus on avoiding head-on confrontations with enemy armies, typically due to inferior arms or forces, and instead engage in limited skirmishes with the goal of exhausting adversaries and forcing them to withdraw.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 16:29:38

Originally posted by Coalie:
The whole point of guerilla warfare is to live and fight another day.

Doesn’t apply for your situation.

Anytime you pop up, we will just steamroll you. We can do this set after set. Thanks for bringing activity into our private irc and discord channels.

Living/kill count is irrelevant to me. The Taliban didn’t defeat you boys by living. They didn’t care if they met their God and eventually you boys couldn’t handle that pressure.

I am applying those same tactics to this conflict. We never had a chance to win but we can make this so painful that you guys back off.

Or we can just do this forever. I enjoy playing like this so that’s cool with me too. War is eternal anyways. It never truly has an end.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 16:15:40

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Off topic


I will ban you for suggesting that I ban myself nerd.


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 16:13:19

[quote poster=Coalie; 52634; 1033687]<Earthnews> *** IT IS A KILL ***
<Earthnews> SS - Really good PONY caboose ITS BIG (#57) [EvoEn4] -> Charlie Dont Surf (#500) [] 19A/20A

Get **** [/quote]

Guerrilla warfare is a form of unconventional warfare in which small groups of irregular military, such as rebels, partisans, paramilitary personnel or armed civilians including recruited children, use ambushes, sabotage, terrorism, raids, petty warfare or hit-and-run tactics in a rebellion, in a violent conflict, in a war or in a civil war to fight against regular military, police or rival insurgent forces.

See you boys next set

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 5:06:43

Off topic


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:47:42

This is what I am talking about ^^^

Notice I don’t even care enough to dig up some old post. Because I actually don’t care. Superfly is always on some wierdo stuff.

I hope you notice how he feels the need to control the convo so badly that he dug up all of his proof.

Like I said mini tyrant with mid wit iq. Likes to bully people and is a teachers pet Type.

He will probally dig up 50 more pages or some other weirdo activity like that knowing him to prove I said something offensive or something. I don’t even know the point. I think he grew up in the suburbs so he argues like a suburbs soccer mom. The whole thing is strange tbh

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:42:26

Ok karen I’ll try and not be too crazy and scary for you

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:34:10

Most passive aggressive weird dude I have ever seen in my life ^^^

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:32:42

He also tattle tells and gets threads deleted when he can’t handle the heat. That is true as well. He’s very insecure so he can’t handle the banter and runs and tells the teacher when he gets roasted.

He is like that one kid alright.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:31:09

Notice how triggered he got ^^^ I am a truth teller, I stir up trouble and make a lot of people mad. This is true. I am a rebel at heart.

Superfly on the other hand is a little tyrant who appears to be a pathological liar from what I can tell in my interactions with him.

Remember that kid that everyone grew up with that would tell ridiculous lies and everyone would always know it’s a bunch of tall tales and avoid him?

That’s superfly. He’s that kid everyone hated. So now he bullies people online and then lies about it and virtue signals like a karen.

The entire thing is very bizzarre. I’ve never seen a man act like that before.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:08:37

Keep in mind that Israel’s current President was told decades ago by their most famous rebbe that he would be their leader when this war started and usher in the reign of moshiach.

So you can imagine as to how this is weighing into his decision making. I’m sure at this point he would have to be certain that he is in a special role.

Why 'Messiah prophecy' haunts Netanyahu

I could go on all
Day but I won’t, I will just say yes for a thousand different reasons, this is just starting.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 3:04:29

Yes things are going to continue to escalate. 100 percent for sure. We are very serious about the third temple. Hamas knows that and flipped their stuff because of the red heifer. They can see the writing on the wall, so in return they launched their attack.

Make no mistake about it. A holy war has started.

What these red cows from Texas have to do with war and peace in the Middle East

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 2:49:50

Yes, this community is full of narcissistic dorks who go online and bully people as some sort of cope. They are very clannish and will lie and manipulate if it suits their agenda. They think that not lying is a bad thing. I mean quite literally, that they seem to lie with glee simply for the sake of lying.

Very dishonorable crowd over at darkness. Don’t let their hype and lies fool you. If you check superflies express history he has spent about 300 sets on end ab’ing new players to the game.

Players like me have stomped him out in 1 on 1 wars multiple times so I think he targets the weak because he knows he can’t quite cut it with the elite players. He’s a mid tier player.

He also likes to provoke drama and then snitch. I would not trust him at all. Just a heads up.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:45:37

I am guessing that’s exactly what happened too. Someone out there bought up the market and it was so dry they now have almost complete control over it. One or two wars and they have a monopoly, first time I’ve ever seen that happen.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:43:55

I’m genuinely curious as to what happens if two big farmers get into a big war right now. Would players be able to even run turns? $10,000 bushels?

Seems like anyone who is a techer reseller could have a chance to hit the highest score ever and break that old record of that happens

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:04:08

Originally posted by Coalie:
Bhole, you gave me a lot of crap for 5v1 on you back in the day.

Imagine 25v1 rofl.

Rofl bro

Pretty sure he is saying this in a romantic way BH m
Just imagine coalie and sf and 23 other dudes on a dinner date with you (they’ve played earth for 25 years straight so it will be the first time they have ever been on a date so make it special)

Also they are boomers so don’t over excite them

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:03:00

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
None of the sides you think are the sides are on the same side. See you soon

Are you trying to tell us you are a woman now? Congrats man I’m happy for you

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:02:34

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I don't think we have mutual interests. My understanding is you all are aligned with Leto. And as you can see by this unprovoked gang bang, Leto really doesn't like me :P

I get sent discord messages from his alliances rooms all the time with people talking about how they are hunting for me (that's happened in teams a few times), it's quite hilarious.

But yea... I don't know that we are on the same side at all.

Oh I didn’t know you have beef with leto. I honestly can’t keep up with all of the clan beefs and who is mad at who. I’m just crashing out of the entire game at this point but fair enough I’d rather you not being that extra baggage as well

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 1:00:31

You seem to have a lot of pent up sexual frustration superfly. Related to playing earth for several decades straight without a break? Not a lot of bad ladies in that area of life I imagine is there?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:39:18

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Not sure the record, but I died... I think 15 or so times the set I lead my alliance, alongside LaF, into war against Darkness.

That was a fun set.

Why don’t you come play with us instead of against us fool? You may fair a little better and whether we like each other or not we have mutual interests at this point

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:37:48

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
How does every single thread turn into black hole launching an investigation against them for whatever theory he has that day

Because I'm extremely talented at what I do.

(Huge opening for tons of jokes everyone, pile on!!)

Inb4 Doug pops up

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:37:01

His bike helmet he wears said super on it but I didn’t see a bike anywhere

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:36:23

Superfly isn’t trolling he I saw him in a pair of purple spandex today out protesting

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:24:43

How does every single thread turn into black hole launching an investigation against them for whatever theory he has that day

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 0:23:22

Here comes superfly in his Prius and purple spandex to virtue signal again. Thank you for letting us know karen I am sure the office ladies will be very impressed.

Superfly is mad because alpha like me could groom his old lady while he sits at home and posts of Reddit about how offensive my behavior is

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 14:36:36

Did my poison water supply get this guy at the end or did someone else get the kill?

BlackRock (#7)

Either way, it’s confirmed possible to get a kill in tourney now if it wasn’t before.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 14:31:51

Logically speaking coalie, it doesn’t make sense for me to attack my own beliefs. It’s just a stupid thing to say besides the fact that no one cares about your npc virtue signaling because you are a known pack of liars and bullies.

If you were good people or if I really did hate any group I am sure people would care but everyone who has interacted with me knows that isn’t true. I may have controversial beliefs but I treat everyone I meet with respect until I see they are a piece of work like your group. That’s why I flip on people. I don’t like evil people and your group appears to behave in a way that I just don’t respect.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 14:28:01

Here we see he npc virtue signal. The npc virtue signals to signal to other NPC’s how good of a person they are.

If a npc virtue signals in the forest, does anyone care?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 14:14:13

Originally posted by Sov:
I’ve been locked in an eternal Cold War with Superfly for years.

Stay tuned. I predict his postings become extremely hilarious as time goes on.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 14:02:04

Npc boomer comment of the year ^^^^

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 13:49:34

Originally posted by Coalie:
Cry much fluff?

Yes you guys did cry after we whooped you and called the entire game to come help. Great point

[quote poster=Symbolic; 52634; 1033415] SS - Hunting The Whales (#9) [Mercs] -> Band of Brothers (#200) [xBROODx] 16A/20A

oops. [/quote]

Is right you guys didn’t protect evo like you said

And you can’t, which means until you guys capitulate evo will never be able to net again. I find it humorous that you guys don’t care and that’s partially why I left evo. I didn’t like being a punching bag and never fighting back. It is clear they are happy to be that punching bag and I’m
Happy to keep bringing it as long as you guys are

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 13:22:43

It would just be great if Josey Wales Oil Co could net in peace but you boys just couldn’t help but threaten to kill us over SF’s hurt ego that I mopped the floor with him 1 versus 1 on express

That’s what this is all about, they just couldn’t take the loss of superflies 1 on 1 with me and they couldn’t stand that when they tried to bully us superfly died here as well and then there clan couldn’t handle us.

And you guys actually defend the entire game attacking us after that lol

We should suicide you guys for life just for it actually. We may do that. If I am being honest it may be too late for peace and that’s why I title the thread what I did

Our final offer is war to those who had trouble understanding that implication

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 13:19:33

So much for merc saying they would protect you guys from this huh that’s news is ugly! Wowsers

How many sets will this go on before merc and evo KR superfly and declare peace?

That’s all it takes boys, kill the offenders country and let us get our justified self defense.

If we are threatens we will
Respond. Period.

As long as you guys refuse to stop this bullying this will continue. Every set every start.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 12:58:31

If Blackhole took more pictures of that one topic and or subject or object that shall not be named and less pictures of dudes he talks to on discord maybe things would go smoother in the long run

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 10:23:10

What do we want? Clan gdi!!

When do we want it? Now!

All we are saying is give peace a chance!

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 10:22:24

Originally posted by Duff:
i don`t normally post in these fluffty forums and its plain to see your only intention is to drive players away from the game so it dies a slow death

I advocated against these tactics for a very long time. There is an old very wise saying, be careful what you ask for.

Feel free to implement clan GDI at any time

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 24th 2024, 19:45:47

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

We tried to negotiate peace, I messaged your clan last set and we discussed this on the forums. Everyone said what they had to say and there is nothing else to be said.

Did you talk to Dark Demon? I think he's the one you'd have to talk to. Once again, Evo has no say in your war with mercs (that you started). I would expect this is a consistent message you're hearing from anyone in Evo but feel free to PM me or post if you've had some other conversation that you think is relevant here.

You guys are pacted and you chose also sides when you didn’t choose sides. Not interested in any further discussions.

As Josey said. Your side can back down and kill superfly and make this all right. Otherwise we will be here to war for the long run.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 24th 2024, 17:07:22

Originally posted by Tertius:
What exactly is your offer? You attacked mercs and they defended themselves. You grief random Evo players unrelated to any of that last set, and now continue this set (poorly)? You're the one who says no one will net in peace - it's not like we're declaring war on you, what even is the goal here?

Apr/24/24 15:55:46 AB Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) () 10 in 20 (#5) (EvoEn4) 0 B
Apr/24/24 15:55:45 AB Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) () 10 in 20 (#5) (EvoEn4) 0 B
Apr/24/24 15:55:44 AB Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) () 10 in 20 (#5) (EvoEn4) 0 B
Apr/24/24 15:55:43 AB Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) () 10 in 20 (#5) (EvoEn4) 0 B

Merc should have let me kill SF. He threatened us and when we responded we fought them fair and square.

Since they called the entire community in, now everyone is involved.

We have no offer. We tried peace negotiations. The punishment for the crime merc committed is eternal war until merc and evo are no more.

I do intend to bring in greater numbers before this is over.

Your clans coalition wanted war and now they have it. Always be careful what you ask for. Superfly being a war longer has gotten exactly what he begged for

We tried to negotiate peace, I messaged your clan last set and we discussed this on the forums. Everyone said what they had to say and there is nothing else to be said.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 24th 2024, 16:12:35

I don’t know anything about this leto guy

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 24th 2024, 16:04:28

There will be no peace. This is our final offer.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 24th 2024, 13:26:14

I like how suicidal comes into every single thread to tell people how he doesn’t care. He should change his name to menopausal.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 23rd 2024, 14:00:51

Don’t worry guys if things don’t change I am going to start a war with superfly and see if that helps

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 10th 2024, 2:24:07

First place was Skol who was teching. Techers start fast and are strong in short sets like express.

2nd place was me and I played as a fascist farmer and did a theo destock. Most of these theos are doing that, not playing a theo techer full set.

We are either doing it because techers are strong or because a theo destock is strong on a short server and with the market this server has.

I’ve tried many sets to win with a rep casher, I think I’ve got second place but never won. It’s very difficult.

Demo techers finish very strong as well though. They are very strong if you resell, the bots sell stuff super cheap so you can resell with the demo.

Theo is king of this server though hands down, I say that as someone who likes to try to win with hard to win with strategies.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 8th 2024, 23:14:30

I would suggest a two tier GDI system. One for individual players and one for the clan that are separate but interconnected.

1. Player A decides to attack clan B.

Clan B can now declare war on player A but the rest of the clan still has GDI protection.

2. Player A is killed by clan B

Clan A can now wage war on everyone, clan B has broken GDI, not just the player.

If a player is marked as a traitor/kill by clan B then it shouldn’t break GDI for clan A to kill. This would allow some level of political goodwill.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 21:37:34

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Whatever you say. Kitty cat.

I don’t really have anything to say, if you guys quit bringing it up we are done talking.

I assure you we are done talking from my perspective.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 21:29:42

Emp we are going in circles. You seem to not be able to differentiate between my religion advocating for noahide law and me personally going out and trying to force everyone to believe what I believe.

You asked if I believe in a certain belief set. When I acknowledge that you freak out and attack that set of beliefs while also insisting you have no problem with those beliefs.

You are an idiot and I would like us to quit discussing this.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 21:27:14

Yes gonz0 I admitted at times I can be racist. I am human lol I actually like Hispanics and Asians though