
Colo Game profile


Apr 7th 2014, 1:05:02

Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by mdevol:
everybody that participates is a winner

Everybody that participates is a winner? You hippie.

How does drinking a beer not make you a winner? Buzz kill.

What if the person that gets called out is fugly and they get cyber bullied for it?? Doesn't sound like a win to me. Way to be sensitive to America's most pressing issue!

I am taking a stand against cyber bullies like you Tav!

Edited By: Colo on Apr 7th 2014, 1:15:06

Colo Game profile


Apr 6th 2014, 6:02:10

As a former hater, I have to say I love this new system. All I do is go to hospitals, and when they ask me who my provider is, I say obama. Then I get grade A treatment like on the video. America has certainly progressed!

Colo Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 6:34:04

Who are raz and mrford?

Colo Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 6:30:18

Originally posted by mdevol:
everybody that participates is a winner

Everybody that participates is a winner? You hippie.

Colo Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 6:11:03

I will challenge Havoc. Not to chugging, but to beer pouring!

Colo Game profile


Apr 4th 2014, 5:37:34

Originally posted by RaTS FYA:
Damn, you guys are masters of the universe, I thought 250 was going to be quite a challenge, but you guys are clearly superior to me in every way.


Colo Game profile


Apr 4th 2014, 4:02:22

Pfff, I am shooting for 251 mil average.

Colo Game profile


Mar 31st 2014, 3:59:09

Beer pong*

Ha, guess weed was on my mind.

Colo Game profile


Mar 31st 2014, 3:34:03

That's how we played OT. Gotta love the sniper rule.

Colo Game profile


Mar 31st 2014, 3:16:19

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Colo:
I ran naked with a pot head because I love marijuana...

Well it's partially true. The only time I have ran naked with a pot head was when another team beat us in beer bong on their first turn. House rules, we had to take a naked lap around the house.

we had that house rule as well, but it was if you got skunked. i never got skunked

Well yeah technically the rule was a naked lap if your team doesn't make a single cup. They ran the table on their first turn though, so my team didn't even get a chance to rebuttal.

Colo Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 20:00:36

I ran naked with a pot head because I love marijuana...

Well it's partially true. The only time I have ran naked with a pot head was when another team beat us in beer bong on their first turn. House rules, we had to take a naked lap around the house.

Colo Game profile


Mar 29th 2014, 2:51:33

Raging Budda = Biggest troll ever.

Colo Game profile


Mar 28th 2014, 17:56:59

Originally posted by mrford:
Sorry about this donny, but does anyone see the irony of Donny fluffing about someone missile dumping small tags late in the set?


Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 15:47:39

Ice- Lol no one needs convincing. We all saw exactly what happened. Who is really trying to do the convincing though?

Crippler- Again I have no idea who you are. But the general rule of thumb is people might not be all that honest on the internet. Just fyi, next time you want to net, I wouldn't start conversations with leaders that go something like this " we are the best fighters ever"

Rat- LOL

Look, you guys obviously really need this. I will stop weighing your PR campaign down with the truth. We all saw how you do when you lead wars. Let's see how you lead PR campaigns.

Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 7:20:06

Originally posted by Icemanxicd:
Truth is in the actions that happened in the game, not words someone decided to twist and spew in a forum to make themselves look and feel better. Nobody ever wins the war of words here, their are to many Liars who are just looking to stroke their ego in an electronic world and sleep at night thinking they have the upper hand in a virtual argument that means nothing.

And just to let you know, I won the war of the words. If you look at the scoreboard it says Colo 2 -Icemanxicd 0. I got a point for slamming you, and I got a point for bringing up yet another conversation you think is fake. I don't know what the hell those guys are telling ya, but I would reconsider calling them friends. They are obviously yanking you around.

Lets just admit what we all saw happen. NBK/Ares FS'ed you, you didn't crush us like you thought you would. You saw PANLV gearing up to come in (which is why you all started crying on FFAT before they hit) yet you kept wasting turns on NBK/ARES like we wanted you to. You admitted defeat by sinking even more turns into our smaller countries because you wanted to try and use that to convince the server you "would have, could have, should have" beaten NBK/ARES. Which I would like to point out, that idea has a HUGE flaw. Your underlying assumption is that we would have played the same strategy had we known pan wasnt coming in to be future breakers. You knew the war was lost, the only thing you could cling to was "oh look at the stats before pan jumped in" That's all that was. You needed something to tell your troops, and what's more perfect then telling them something that could never be proven wrong, "we could have beaten NBK/ARES guys, we could have". You overestimated your ability this set by drawing conclusions from what CC did last set. You guys really thought you would be able to catch us off guard like that again??

Edited By: Colo on Mar 24th 2014, 8:14:38
See Original Post

Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 5:42:06

Straight to denial. Nice play, but very predictable.

Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 4:51:23

Who knows, maybe by next set you can trick someone into thinking it was 900 vs 100 of you AND you won!

Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 4:41:37

Lol I am spinning it?? I simply said it was 500+vs 400+, which even by your answer I was still correct. And where oh where did anyone say it was just NBK?? I love these quick replies though. I wouldn't be surprised if ICD had a forum titled "standard deflecting topics for when we lose" because all of what you guys say is the about same. "Oh we were trying to net not war", "we had no idea anyone would want to kill CC", "we think we beat NBK/ARES even though our leaders were dumb and didn't hit panlv who was obviously coming in. So we can claim a moral victory here". Gotta love the PR machine. I will be curious to see if you guys can actually trick someone into thinking it was 600 v 250. Or that you brought in the 20 best fighters, so you guys could net. I will tip my hat to you if you actually can.

Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 4:27:42

Actually iceman, I will repost something here for you. You may not have seen it, but I believe you deserve to know the truth.

[14:24] <RaTSFYA> heres the facts as I see them. I got 20+ of the best fighters from all of FFA playing for me next set, ares nbk and panlv are going ot hit us, we will beat them even worse then CC beat nbk and ares. If you feel its in your best interest to be on that side of things then so be it. I personally like to fight when the numbers are going for the other side. So you can choose to either side

As you can see, rat clearly says you are gods gift to EE and you will in fact take on NBK/PAN/ARES. Why this is a shock that all three of those clans hit you guys is absolutely unbelievable. We understand you are just trying to sway outsiders opinions of the war, and that's cool. It's an automatic response for the losing team. You bit off WAAAAYYYY more than you could chew and ended up choking on your own words. I am just mocking a bit because you thought what CC was able to pull last set actually showed something LOL.

Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 4:09:48

LOL, I love how the losing team always exaggerates the numbers both ways. " You guys had 600 to our 200". The winning teams numbers always go up and the losing side always goes down when people refer to the war. Just funny how 500+ vs 400+ turns into a 600v200 after a month.

Also, if you don't know why we are and have been mocking "20 best fighters" just ask rats to fill you in. It's certainly not because you actually are, I find it fun to mock because who (besides donny) goes around and tells people they are the best in EE? Just something that I can poke a little fun at.

Colo Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 1:50:25

Originally posted by Desperado:
Originally posted by Twiz:

Either shut up and move on, or plan for next set to get revenge.

Why? we already know you cant declare war without having two other clans back you up, so we can be pretty certain you'll have them waiting to jump in if you get declared on.

and there is no way you can twist this around to make yourselves look any better twiz so don't even bother. fact is, you either planned to declare with ares, or you just decided to jump in right after they started. another fact is you couldn't finish the job on your own, you had to have pan come in and hold your hand and break for you.

Why not? All you have shown was that the 20 best fighters to ever play the game, only rely on what they think is a loophole. Make the biggest clan in FFA, that way you can beat any one tag that fights you. If other clans join in and you lose, you can blame getting gang banged. You had your strategy and played it well. Hell you guys even preemptively cried on FFAT before pan even joined in. We had our strategy and played that well.

Colo Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 2:04:33

Will never see what sirdog? What is everyone looking at?

Colo Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 20:47:19

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Alin:

Tell me what did Sof do in the last 3 resets to be placed even among "the best". 1 single fact they did, that makes them "best" .

Hell, the last time i remember Sof being best at something is when they Fsed MD in MDs 75 reset. And before that you gotta go back another 12 months or something.

I would probably refer to last sets beat down of SOF.

I agree USMC, last sets beat down on SOF is a good example.

Edited By: Colo on Mar 22nd 2014, 20:54:19

Colo Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 18:55:19

Everyone here is a nugget.

Colo Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 7:21:51

Originally posted by Icemanxicd:
It is more about the life lessons you learn.

I sure can see that now. Wow, was I being a total fluff or what? Thinking I could just go around slamming people on a whim. Thanks for teaching me so much about wrestling. See in catholic church, there was only one rule I can remember but it was more of a rule like "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".

See we were told we had to keep it a secret from our parents because they said they might be afraid we will get hurt and we can't play wrestling anymore. From all your stories from your tournaments, I can see these priests were right!

Edited By: Colo on Mar 20th 2014, 7:24:49

Colo Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 7:05:45

Cool, well I am sure that must be a big deal. Sorry, I am ignorant of wrestling. Something about 2 boys wrestling and slipping around all over each other makes the sport seem.... Dang, what is that word I am looking for? It has 3 letters but I can't think of it right now.

Oh yeah, the word I was looking for was fun. We used to play it all the time in catholic church. Lots of fun.

Edited By: Colo on Mar 20th 2014, 7:08:23

Colo Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 6:55:06

Originally posted by Icemanxicd:
Colo my son was at a 37 state tournament this past weekend. While there was a lot of minor injuries, one kid was carted off paralized from the neck down due to an illegal slam, now shut you fluffing mouth, it really isn't as big of a joke as you make it out to be.

Nice, you got a front row seat to watch natural selection live. Hope your son did well!

Colo Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 6:23:41

*Slams Iceman*

Colo Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 6:10:46

Colorado! And I am not biased in the least.

Colo Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 19:20:26

Shut up Pip.

Colo Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 19:18:51

* passes around Irish car bombs

Colo Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 8:14:48

I like how the third guy flopped also. "Oh lets just stick my arm straight up into the air for an unreasonable amount of time to make it look like this really hurts". This aint basketball and you aren't Kobe, get the fluff back up.

Edited By: Colo on Mar 17th 2014, 8:30:42

Colo Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 8:12:26

fluff riding a bike on back roads. Just peddle your way onto a highway!

Colo Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 15:26:51

Eh, don't let him get to you donny. I know exactly what you are talking about. My brother will be playing next set also. His name is Solo. Even though we will have the same exact country builds, and will mix up our forum handles, we are definitely 2 different people. You guys will like Solo, although he is pretty quiet and won't be on forums much. When he does get on his handle, I will think it's Solo though....Whoops, I meant he will think he is on the Solo handle. Damn already started.

Edited By: Colo on Mar 8th 2014, 15:29:15

Colo Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 4:17:42

Originally posted by Donny:
and mmmmmmmmmmmmm stats! luckily we are playing a NUMBER GAME instead of a grammar game huh Culo!

Lol I like how you bought that for a second though.

Colo Game profile


Mar 4th 2014, 10:06:15

Originally posted by Donny:
Hey home fluff, btw plz go back to grammar school "TO" DAY

In this context "too" is correct also. Too means additionally, so that can refer to the fact that you bailed on sof prior to this, because you want to go wherever you can win. That's what happens when all you care about is stats.


Colo Game profile


Mar 4th 2014, 5:53:33

I was curious if he had been cheating so I asked a mod to confirm this for me.

Case closed.

Colo Game profile


Mar 2nd 2014, 7:04:51

Originally posted by Dizology:
Originally posted by Khavic25:
I read some of this and then I saw Donny multiple times and just quit reading.....

I read some of this and then I saw Donny multiple times and just quit reading.....

Colo Game profile


Mar 1st 2014, 5:50:56

Originally posted by eevess:
I got a pair

A pair of titties??

Colo Game profile


Feb 28th 2014, 7:06:03

Who in NBK had ICD crying within an hour?? I lost the bet, so I owe you a lot of bushels :(

Colo Game profile


Feb 28th 2014, 7:03:33

LOL it took all of 42 minutes for ICD to hijack the thread. GL chaos.

Bad ninja..again!