
DM Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 19:20:45

Ya, Sorry. I forgot to install the Drunken App on LaE.

This app takes your text of "Ki8ckAshfs.legten3ds4tae4rth,comn" and replaces it with

Still under Dev as my GF has been keeping me busy. He only let's me online for 2-3 mins at a time.

DM Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 8:00:08

So let me get this straight. In order for us to meet your war standards and stoop to your level, you expect us to drop NW to hit you?

Here's a thought, Why not get some more FA from TF and TKO and get those countries of yours in range to do something other than pick off lower NW countries.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I am all for a kill is a kill, but if you're going to walk around thinking your the fluff because you're killing with countries < 1m NW and not accomplishing anything other taking out countries of ours with low pop. Before you pat yourself on the back to much about your HPK's why not kill a country of ours with more then 30k pop and we'll see how well your HPK is doing.

I give you props for thinking you've got something to hang on. If it makes you able to sleep and night, I am happy for you.

DM Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 0:33:36

It would be worth it for me to save myself the BW my server would take up to run a phone bot in FFA. It would be more logical just to pay.

If an option was set for a clan price (Group Discount per say) giving a clan the option to pay EE a group price for the entire clan to access the app, that would be good as well.

DM Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 0:20:32

Sell for $5/mo Phone Bot App for EE =) I'd buy it.

DM Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 6:15:13

Looks like the test worked.

DM Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 17:55:55

Originally posted by m0bzta:

you can alway join Swords

and not worry about now3p

How would he not have to worry about it in Swords? If I am not mistaken, you're getting your AssKicked :P

DM Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 17:54:45

Killer Anonymous = PWNAGE

Join the best players that do what they do.

DM Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 5:56:57

Free sex from Gambit? Where?

DM Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 15:35:19

I love Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory.

DM Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 7:06:50

The speculations of this whole issue were blown out of proportion due to assumptions. When someone assumes they are hated, they tend to give people a reason to actually hate them.

DM Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 22:14:51

Originally posted by Punkus:

Join us in Swords and you can take your revenge next reset -

We will be killing KA dead so you can kill em as much as you want in a fair fight which is something that KA isnt prepared to deal with.

Why would we ever be prepared for a fair fight against 3 active players? Just because m0b is going to run more countries does not mean that you're going to be anymore of a threat. Killing them fluffty ass rep's you folks run is easier then making scrambled eggs.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 19:35:54

I will give them credit on that. Thus why I am not trolling them on hitting the lower NW countries. It's making our ANW go up by the kill.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 16:34:25

Read the other thread dude, you're mis-informed.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 16:24:39

I have no issues with you either, I simply came here this beautiful morning and decided to fluff with EVERYONE I could. You just so happen to fall prey to that. Nothing personal :P

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:49:51

Ya, See. I can do it too. Make up random non-sense that is not even true then post it on FFAT.

That was difficult.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:48:47

And before you post something stupid.

End results = KA.

Where are you at now in LaE? -- Exactly, IF you had a grip on anything other than your fluff you woulda seen that coming.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:47:50

LaE/KA has done? -- Ah, that's right. I'll grab the countless posts from the LaE site where you and your buddy Thunder... Oh wait. That woulda meant that you guys were active and posted and did your job as a clan leader and did not want the titles to look cool while you sat there and did nothing.

Just saying....

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:44:16

In the words of your great allies at Swords "We will blind side the netting tag and kill them with our glory! Even if they don't fight back" Then, after that we will come to FFAT and boast about our victory over the tag who did not fight back.

This is fun. Can we do this again?

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:41:17

Watch out now. I made 2 threads within an hour. Put that in all caps so it must be true.

Yellow is a good color on your belly ford.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:39:54

Unless you make up all of SoF (Or I have targeted you) I don't recall trolling you in a while. Maybe SoF, but hell, when I plan to kill you next set, I have the right to do so. =)

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:38:19

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
Trolls... Gotta love em :)

Now, have you ever heard of a catch 22? -- Yes, I took screenshots of this for proof that you said it.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:34:24

I would never flatter myself. I had to lead by example for you dumb people and spruce up your material. Everything else was getting old.

You're Welcome.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:30:43

You ran multies months ago, you must be on crack, and for some reason, just posting this makes me like Swords, SoF and Hellrush. I think your a cheating prick who deserves to die because your ruining my non-exsistant experience for this online game.

PS, you suck.

That is all.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 15:28:57

Originally posted by cRaZyDaVe:
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Yup...cuz we really FS'ed Swords of all clans looking for a challenging war.


You really are thick, aren't ya smurf?

no, you FS'd swords cuz you knew they didnt have a chance under the circumstances

Pretty much for the same reason BSS and Swords hit SancT. Sucks being the one on the other side of the unfair advantage doesn't it? Maybe that'll teach folks not to team up on tags that don't fight back.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 1:00:11

Originally posted by Prometheus:
Here is the big answer for all to see number "6" says it all.

.: Killers Anonymous Rules :.
1) You MUST Killers Anonymous
2) You MUST NOT run more than 16 countries
3) You MUST NOT run more than 1 account on
4) You MUST read the rules/policies
5) You MUST be experienced or at least willing to learn how to play correctly
************6) You MUST tag up all your countries within KickAss, including farms*************
7) You MUST use a messenger to contact a leader if you aren't going to be active in-site
8) You MUST claim all your countries in-site.
9) You MUST not share logins with other players in EE.

Be sure to check out every app on -- Including the original one made for LaE. Who knows, you might notice their all one in the same.

DM Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 0:58:44

Be sure to pat yourself on the back for out killing us these last few days. I am thinking of telling my guys to self delete and restart their countries so we can give you an advantage.

DM Game profile


Jan 3rd 2011, 23:15:45

Here's your answer. It's non of your fluffing business what KA does. The only thing you should be worried about with KA is how many countries your loosing to us.

DM Game profile


Jan 3rd 2011, 15:00:00

oh you dirty hooker you WarTime, you passed me!


DM Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 0:48:17

Page Anchors. Would be sweet for copy/pasting to users for reading direct posts. I just implemented this on Just like MyBB and phpBB.

DM Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 0:46:08

I'm sorry, please show me where I called someone a cheater? This, is why you get your asses handed to you on every server. You twist everyones words to implicate what you tell yourself you want to believe.

Cheating would be what SoF just did in 1A. K.Thx.Bye.

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 7:44:48

That's RIGHT!

Happy new year brotha =)

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 1:33:07

Originally posted by Punkus:
Wow - and after IMP refused to address the KA issue due to their pacting while they are our police.

IMP showed what kind of clan and ally they are by honoring their pact.

KA showed what kind of clan and ally they are by this decision

"IMP showed what kind of clan and ally they are by honoring their pact."

Yup, as we have honored a pact of higher value, but it's only ok when you or your allies does it, I understand.

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 1:31:19

Not real sure how you get it. When I made the forums the plan then was to issue Patron status to those who have helped support the game by donating. Not sure if it's still like that or not?

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 1:30:13

I wasn't really concerned with it being viewed as a cool thing by IMP in the first place. Thus why it got dropped.

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 1:07:12

Let me know how that works out for you Punkus =)

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 1:05:25

Originally posted by snawdog:
Darkley Morbidness..This will cost you another sets long loss..In the words of the mighty Fred..."You big dummy!!!"

Nothing personal, just stirring fluff up for the game. =)

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 0:53:02

Figures, I drop IMP's pact and here comes Prim. Sorry SG, I mean Prim. When we setup our pact with Fiat, I mean you, you should have seen this coming.

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 0:17:23

So, Swords. How'd killing those tag jumpers work out for you? Sounded like you felt like you had some power for a good 15-20 mins.

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 0:07:10

Me too. Proved countless times a internet based game with no face to face communication can effect so many peoples lives. It was great.

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 0:05:42

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Actually, we invited BSS to join this war on your behalf. We offered to let our uNAP go so they could help even out the #'s.

It's ok though - we're looking forward to some fun next set. Between you guys and SoF, it should be a hoot!

Why would you not extend that same offer to our police IMP? I mean, they could not hit you because of your uNAP. That would have been more of a fair fight than BSS joining the 20 originals left in Swords.

I think that statement speaks for itself.

KA officially drops their uNAP pact with IMP. Reason? This pact was setup with a fake Fiat. Sorry IMP, I never accepted this to begin with. I turned the other cheek because IMP came to LaE last set and informed us RoCK was going to be FS'ing us.

DM Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 0:00:06

Hey Deadly, let me save you on your history of the Swords of Justice. Without Cisco, and the rest of the old Swords, you will never be the same.

Let me give you some history. The name 0SiRiS ring a bell?

Ya, That's me. I've put my work in to be the arrogant asshole I want to be at times. 11 years of doing everything I ever said I was gonna do and kickin ass while taking names has reserved that right.

DM Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 22:04:55

Ya, It's not ok for tag jumpers, but your consistent attempts at recruiting while at war must be ok too?

DM Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 22:03:11

Originally posted by Punkus:
Originally posted by Mars UP:
you really don't know who helltard is do you.

I really dont have any idea what you are talking about -

While Swords is using the forum search function for LaE, search and read up on Hellrush =)

DM Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 21:53:56

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
Originally posted by DM:
Well, m0b lacks every possible trait comparable with now3p. I really do hope you end up backing up all that fluff your talking. Will be a first for anyone backing m0b to actually follow through with all that gibberish.

Everyone has there role on this server. NOW3P gets KA into wars. m0bzta gets Swords into wars.

Difference is, next set Swords will not be smaller than KA. So I doubt KA would have the balls to step up. From what I've seen from KA, they will war somebody, when and only when they have a clear advantage.

Next set, you will not have a choice. We will find you, whether we are bigger or smaller than you, we will kill you. Nothing more to say on this subject.

Where to start....

1. ) now3p does not get us into wars, we are a war alliance. I would be disappointed in myself let alone anyone else in KA if we didn't all equally get ourselves into wars. I love the example everyone sets here singling out our members. We are a group, we do things as a group.

2. ) As Ozz stated, I suggest you go check the stats since reset #1 on LaE. You're mis-informed on our clan. What's this if we show up? See, when I made these forums I made them with one key function, to be able to view old threads.

I would suggest you spend a couple weeks reading up on who we are and what we do. You're not the first group of idiots to band together and think you were gonna put a dent in us. See, LaE = Legends At Earth. When you're ready to get fluffed off like everyone else who has stepped up and put their big boy pants on we are here and waiting. Every reset we are threatened by all you internet tough guys who put up a half ass attempt at making a name for your self.

Just remember, You're the clan needing to prove yourself. You're already in the whole with m0b making those same pointless threats every set and not doing anything about it but running fluffty ass countries with no real challenge at killing them. Hell, I think at this point you should recruit texashomostud, he is atleast consistent and keeps trying.

Originally posted by m0bzta:
Nicely said DedlySmurf ,

These guys have great mouth pieces talk talk all the time
soon they will have more to talk about entell then you will not see me

just hear for me on these boards

ill be in the Shadows watching Beware of the m0bzta he may be in your clan as well

This is coming from the same person who has had his ass handed to him repeatedly? Please point me out for being wrong if I am here, but aren't you the dumbass who comes here, talks all this fluff, gets raped every possible attempt. I don't even waste my time killing your worthless ass. It's not even fun anymore. It's like clock work.


I will say this directly to your whole clan Swords. We will be here. I really do wish you guys the best of luck with Mobs VPN/Mobile connection. He has successfully been getting away with multies for a couple resets now. Just have him pull all his accounts from SoF/IMP and other places. You'll get the numbers you need to give KA a quick rape session with ya.

I'll ask this now. Once you get those members you think will make a difference and we whoop your ass again, what will you fluff about next? Will your loss be due to galactic failures of another realm? Or will it be because I got caught cheating 6 months ago?

See you LaEdies soon.

DM Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 21:38:04

Just start saying fluff instead. It works everytime. I promise.

DM Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 10:55:40

Well, m0b lacks every possible trait comparable with now3p. I really do hope you end up backing up all that fluff your talking. Will be a first for anyone backing m0b to actually follow through with all that gibberish.

DM Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 10:08:18

I'll have half my boys detag then. Ah, or you could just tell m0b to untag his multies from SoF and IMP and retag them Swords. That'll help you guys out more.

Oh, btw. Here, I'll make things a little more even now. When you make those restarts, keep making those reps. Our DICTs are breakin those little penis's of yours off sweet heart.

DM Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 17:55:42

Originally posted by Prometheus:
Ok this set is know a warring set. Like to now put my money down for TKO to win top netting clan. Could change FoCuS could FS TKO.

Nah, That would mean Crippler would have to take that skirt off. He got comfortable in that thong that's wedged up his ass ever so tightly

DM Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 17:52:24

Could be the method to everyones maddness this set? :P

Everyone way and have fun!

DM Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 9:04:59

Welcome back.