
DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 14:21:40

ehh greatest ever I dno, hao2 is just an old man ;)

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 15th 2015, 6:05:39

-Any attack where the attacker has less land than the defender will be considered a topfeed and will be handled on a case by case basis

juice u posted this ^ the grab was a clear topfeed so how do u figure its outside LaF policy, thats clearly why the policy was written that way to leave the way topfeeds are handled open-ended and not subject to a cookie-cutter result since a topfeed at this stage isn't really the same thing as a topfeed 15days into the set

just about any top feed this dumb is going to get an extended retal window and 200% land:land or equal reps

the rest of the hits STONES will have to make good on, so deezy didnt do anything good for his clan by trying to screw someone else over, selfish really... oh well theres always 1 idiot

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 14th 2015, 22:03:05

Theres very few techers this set and huge abundance of traders. Every time a huge trader starts stocking they need to max out agro and buy up bus and res.... lot of new guys trading I wouldnt doubt if these buyouts have nothing to do with the bots at all, the markets are just crazy tho. I wouldn't doubt if a techer beats the pants off the best landtrader this set if they have minimal market skills, they've probly been able to buy food at 35-37 all set long and resell at 37-40 and rebuy cheap, and when bushels finally do peak when the last of the traders begin to stock a techer whos been stocking all set with these highly inflated tech prices should hit a gold mine. Can probly cash out even more on a military tech spike too when all these traders planning theo destock realize how much military tech they need to sell food on private at 35 after conversion.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 22:55:42

Lol a trade with 200 ghost acres. Good job!!!. So when LaF gets 200% land:land you'll end up with -9800.

Is there a smiley that claps/applauds?

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 7:39:58

Public shaming :p

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 20:31:55

And its not really a war game is it? Call of duty is a war game. This is more of a strategy game or mathematical efficiency game. When you click on the top players link for a given set on the portal page it is unlikely that you'll see many, if any, people that are warring there, at least not towards the end of a set, which is what ultimately gets recorded in ee archives.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 20:27:16

Damn Imag.... FS us for no reason next time. If i dont die first day I could use some farmland.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Dec 28th 2014, 16:58:51

Will you have WAR or PEACE?

I will have... WAARRR!

Critics said it sucked. I enjoyed it. Worth seeing for sure. Gimme bonus points now.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 21:13:41

Best part is you get to kill Kanga

DStone Rocks Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 6:54:21

Ehhh if market conditions are rough like last sets high peaks you can just keep trading until bushel peak crashes. A rep cash stocking at an avg bushel price of 42 beats the pants off of any equally sized farmer turn for turn.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 18:28:35

It would be so much more viable if a few other people did it. Hard to compete with the farmers when they dont have to rebuild as many off spec structures. The landtrading techers seem to do ok.

There were only a couple trading cashers last set.

I still finished 5th running one but def cud have been better with more traders.

Its a sweet NW machine once u get to stocking was cashing about 57mil a turn, after food costs netting 53mil in income per turn during stocking phase.

Run it!!

DStone Rocks Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 7:08:58

is this gunna be the way its done now? where to have a viable finish all the other guys that aren't getting supplemented by their guildmates are gunna need to put their tech up at ridic prices so the guys buying out the tech have to buy theres too. Just another extra step all the top netters are gunna have to take in destocking in the future to nerf these buyouts I guess.

way to complicate it ;)

DStone Rocks Game profile


Dec 5th 2014, 19:00:30

is strangled really a dated word?

DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 5:44:11

Lets state the obvious, if you're playing a mathematical strategy mmo there is something a little weird about you. You are probly a slight nerd. Try describing this game to a normal human being and they will probly respond with, "WTF are you doing with your life." There are plenty of good war games out there that are way way more dynamic than Earth could ever be. Netting is the basis of the game. The top ranked player wins the set. The alliance that wins a war wins nothing accept rep, respect, and fear(depending on the credibility of the war), which then in turn allows their netters to net in peace since other alliances know that if they fluff around with one of those player's sets they are going to have to war you. There are some great warring alliances here that are able to provide an environment for their few good netters to win a set. For example, an SOL guy just won a set that they warred in. Sorry SOL if labeling you a warring alliance offends you(although I don't really think it does), you are obv good at warring though. There are obviously some alliances that like to war and are good at it, and playing a small part in a greater whole, that allows youre best players to have a shot at winning a set is pretty legit, I think. But your best players are still your best netters, a good netter can usually war, the reverse is not always true. Hopefully you get to spend time learning to both net and war, or you can try to just enjoy playing that support role allowing the people in your alliance that would like to actually win a set one day(or top 10 whatever a reasonable netting goal is for you) to have a shot at doing so.

This game will always be based upon finishing at the highest NW possible. Everything else involved is just a way to make that possible, from wars and politics to retal policies and kill-teams, it's all designed to allow players to net better. That being said, if your alliance didn't have anyone who liked to war or could war(which I don't think there is one, just hypothetical) your netters would have no shot at netting in todays EE environment. Being able to war, allows you the ability to net.

Now the ways in which people net, Landtrading, DR camping, winning a war + farming, etc will always be topic for debate. We'll further see where these opinions land one day I expect.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 6:17:53

I dont necessarily think your way far off iccyh but...

I wud wager there will be at least 1 techer in top 10 maybe 2

and would say top 10 will be at least 210m NW

I fluffted my set up real good is all I know lol

good luck to all in the running for a top 10 hope u get it, I'll be super lucky if i squeeze it out after my fluff up... I didnt do a serious recalc after getting sui-grabbed and buying up stupid amount of jets for tard-retalling but im just gunna eyeball it and chalk it up to a who gives a shyte

DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 26th 2014, 1:03:12

U can retal 63 for me timmie :p

DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 25th 2014, 19:57:46

ex Monsters guys do the same apparently. Rage killed that guy tho lol. Thanks Rage. Still a set ruiner.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 20th 2014, 3:59:46

death to MING!!


DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 10th 2014, 18:54:50

iccyh your tears make you sparkle like an angel. It is truly quite pretty. Please continue.

Nowww i get what I came here for.... my bonus points biiatch

fyi... the amount of people who actually post on the forums is probably such a small percentage of the game community as a whole that it's likely not even warranted to talk about the forum atmoshpere's effect on the overall attractiveness to the game. The AT forum is a place to troll, post fluff, and make funny war decs. Other than things like, "hey can BlahBlahBlah tags FA please contact me," there is not a whole lot of substance or much importance regarding actual gameplay here.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 18:05:31

ok imag chyeeea chyeaaa get em


DStone Rocks Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 14:02:39


DStone Rocks Game profile


Oct 24th 2014, 23:30:48

is there a tl;dr version for this thread

DStone Rocks Game profile


Oct 24th 2014, 4:25:04

can PM me here if ur a trading casher

DStone Rocks Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 4:09:48

Valar Morghulis.


DStone Rocks Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 5:52:27


DStone Rocks Game profile


Sep 18th 2014, 3:33:45

what war?

DStone Rocks Game profile


Sep 11th 2014, 4:45:22

embedding quotes inside quotes is for the cool kids only :P

in DANGER their boards only alllow you to embed 3 quotes inside each other because they are afraid the yelling in ALL CAPS would make their site explode

its actually one of their application questions right after after #7. How many times have you felt butthurt today?

Have you ever embedded 4 or more quotes within one another? If yes do u promise you will never do it again?

guess you shouldnt apply

DStone Rocks Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:48:53

the war is blahh

DStone Rocks Game profile


Aug 27th 2014, 5:19:07

and bonus

DStone Rocks Game profile


Aug 27th 2014, 5:18:56

hey vic

DStone Rocks Game profile


Aug 20th 2014, 14:14:51

ee makes changes? naahhhh

DStone Rocks Game profile


Aug 17th 2014, 22:53:48

winter is coming

DStone Rocks Game profile


Aug 8th 2014, 5:49:37

this is great man.... for sure will vote

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jul 24th 2014, 23:24:44

topfeeding ftw


DStone Rocks Game profile


Jul 14th 2014, 5:15:58


DStone Rocks Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 3:40:49



DStone Rocks Game profile


Jul 7th 2014, 6:23:07

detah for all

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jun 23rd 2014, 18:54:53

should have picked the 1 paragraph option.... 3 is way too much

btw bonus

and that was written by a complaint generator

but the stoppage time goal was heartbreaking, i was furiously yelling at my TV

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jun 23rd 2014, 18:53:07

It's unlikely that this letter will win me many friends or even garner much attention. However, writing it is the only way I know to bring strength to our families, power to our nation, and health to our cities. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, if USA's plan to demand special treatment that, in many cases, borders on the ridiculous is to be discouraged then the wisest course of action is to point out the glaring contradiction between USA's idealized view of allotheism and reality. Before we start down that road I ought to remind you that its bunco games are continually evolving into more and more illiberal incarnations. Here, I'm not just talking about evolution in a simply Darwinist sense; I'm also talking about how we need to shed a little light on some of the ignorant prejudices that reside within USA's pea-sized brain. Why? Because of what's at stake: literally everything.

Everywhere it's gone, USA has tried to intensify race hatred. It can happen here, too. My concern and outrage are not directed solely at USA, but at all those who seek to galvanize a two-faced hysteria, a large-scale version of the wrongheaded mentality that can lay waste to the environment, . But even if we disregard all that and examine only USA's lackadaisical diatribes, this seems to me to be enough to show that I am not a robot. I am a thinking, feeling, human being. As such, I get teary-eyed whenever I see USA bring denominationalism to this country in the name of anti-denominationalism. It makes me want to confront and reject all manifestations of wowserism, which is why I'm so eager to tell you that it would be charitable of me not to mention that I can no longer brook USA's wily codices. Fortunately, I am not beset by a spirit of false charity so I will instead maintain that many people are incredulous when I tell them that it intends to doctor evidence and classification systems and make dodgy generalizations to support pusillanimous, preconceived views. “How could USA be so clumsy?”, they ask me. “It doesn't seem possible.” Well, it is really possible, and now I'll explain exactly how USA plans to do it. But first, you need to realize that I can reword my point as follows. USA is environmentally favored and genetically predisposed to twisting our entire societal valuation of love and relationships beyond all insanity.

USA is a consummate liar. Even so, I have a soft spot for benighted crooks: a bog not too far from here. We have much to fear from USA. Personally, I'm afraid that some day, it'll impale us on a Morton's Fork: Either we let it turn public education into a fuzzy, soft, touchy-feely experience whose purpose is socialization, not learning, or it'll support international crime while purporting to oppose it. Regardless of which we choose, it's indeed a tragedy that USA's goal in life is apparently to grant a free ride to the undeserving. Here, I use the word “tragedy” as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that “the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things,” which I interpret as saying that USA's associates sincerely don't want us to say “no” to USA's parvanimous, vilipensive capilotades. That'd be too much of a threat to aspheterism, cannibalism, and all of the other duplicitous things they worship. Clearly, they prefer shaming my name. Now that this letter has come to an end, let me remind you that it was intended to provide an accurate, even-handed, and balanced discussion of USA and its lamentations. Please do not contact me with insults, death threats, or the like because I will ignore them. If you disagree with my arguments or can provide further information about USA, please contact me and I will endeavor to make any necessary corrections to this letter.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jun 18th 2014, 15:32:36

Originally posted by martian:
and the first rule about mod team is

ha i laughed more on this than any other post

The first rule of Project Moderation is you do not ask question... The second rule of Project Moderation is you do not ask questions

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 4:24:46

he meant 205 and 363 symac, the two evos that got grabbed

and why shudnt they take their alliances land back?

ya gotta sui-news-camp better lol..... i cudnt say that with a straight face.... this is such a silly game

DStone Rocks Game profile


Jun 14th 2014, 3:09:47

i think u shud play punch for punch in the nuts to see who gets the FS.... u can play golf to see who gets the first punch :p


DStone Rocks Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 2:52:09

Hi Juice


DStone Rocks Game profile


May 30th 2014, 4:06:29

stop being an iSslllut.... bonus

DStone Rocks Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 20:23:55

just make it so suis can only target LaF and when u type in someone elses country number it will say "sorry try again"

that will fix it

im kidding of course.... bonus

DStone Rocks Game profile


May 13th 2014, 15:10:11


DStone Rocks Game profile


May 6th 2014, 2:05:20

talkin about all-x stock is about as exciting as taking a nap... bonus

DStone Rocks Game profile


Apr 29th 2014, 15:45:18

is the fluffhead thread.... i mean can i have my bonus

DStone Rocks Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 4:57:41

what is this thread even about


DStone Rocks Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 3:54:28

i wanna join fluff wheres the link
