
Dallas Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 16:31:22

ya know..I never have liked chihuahuas especially the mexican hairless variety..I suggest you stfu and play the game instead of constanly acting like the jack off idiot that you strive to portray before someone flushes the commode you reside in!

Dallas Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 16:20:32

I really need to get busy and find which restaraunt we will eat lunch at today..and still have to deal w/a supper spot later on tonight also.....decisions, decisions, a dirty job but Im real damn good at this also!


Dallas Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 16:14:57

Don't need a few weeks to see who is dead and who is living.
>True.. sure dont need it to see do however need to pull ur head outta ur ass so you can see<
In this same thread we got people saying they made hundreds of countries and all died, and then we got more aodt members saying we suck cause they didn't lose any countries.
>not some people saying ya suck at certain things, just me and me only..but I very rarely ever lose a country ever/never have and If I play again I prolly never will..Im that good and you simply suck real bad to have let it happen..thats not important, what is valid is that you suck to have let me slide w/o a single hit..that is as pathetic as any war stat Ive ever seen!<
And it doesn't matter how many restarts you make now, you lost half your members and now 85% of your total country amount
>doesnt make a crap to me how many restarts anyone ever makes now or ever< whats ur point besides you striving for title of ramble queen?
When your clan dies, you have lost. And that's all you guys are now.
>ALL DIES..once again you have proved beyond a doubt you are an idiot w/o a clue..I will give ya a link to see all our dead countries..and another that you may view your total net and avg net per country..that is "IF" ya want to get a glimpse of reality! Reality for ya would be a mind blower for ya, huh?<
We put you guys to shame in total NW killed. And your members gave up and many have left. And even if you tried you can beat us now. That should be obvious to everyone
>lol..yup, guess u need to at least be a legend in your own mind and besides, dont have to try anymore ...this set and war is OVER!
YOU LOST ... maybe next set you can rally ur clan to victory, unless you succomb to being FS'd once again for the third time which makes me no difference what you or aodt either one does NEXT SET!<

gonna leave ya to wallow in your own mire k4f..ur gonna be all alone now so feel free to spout it hog wild! and this time dont hold back!

LMK IF you want/need a link to whats actually happening stat wise in this set! you know regarding all the dead countries, kills, hpk, etc. we have and all~

Dallas Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 14:45:10

<If the set were another few weeks>



there has not ever been a football game, boxing match, html war or any other game that you couldnt say..."IF" only there would have been more time, the outcome "MAY HAVE DIFFERENT"

once again my time of attempting to enlighten the blind is over for this one can make the blind see past their own minds

sleep well children, maybe next set you will be blessed once again with more SWEET dreams!

Dallas Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 14:08:27

Its way to late for you to care about anything except maybe next set now dumb ass..this lost!
Bottom line is you non reading pissant is that you didnt hit me ONCE..not a single hit..thats sad as can be..incompetence at its highest level!
If you didnt get slaughtered at the start, my inactive hitting kills would be way over 130 right I stated moron you have been to tiny to mess with all set! I also stayed low in net simply to kick your ass untill you were to small to even hit and therefore dead in the water(which happened real fast). I also noticed in my inactive mode, jerk off, that I also have 2 countries still in top kills for ffa. You cant possibly be as stupid as you try to I'll help you to see better!

I do go by eestats in any war here..eestats was started and then reset about half way in this set. Before it was reset..

1. nbk was already over twice the amount of kills BEHIND(w/ no way to ever catch up) and your hpk was pitiful..
2. after it was reset(as it is now numb nuts) nbk is STILL BEHIND on kills and your hpk still sucks.

but keep thinking you won..go ahead and bark like all good chihuahuas do, crow like all banty roosters do, bay like the jackss your are..and it still don't change crap..YOU LOST THIS WAR -->THIS SET!

lessons over for this set children..better luck next time~

if ya wanna cry somethat gives a rats ass!

Dallas Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 2:45:15

What Sandman is true..he is the restart king this set for sure and was extremely instrumental in staying off a tag kill on I stated before nbk did an excellent job in their war effort, super good IMO

but..taking all the "IFs" outta the picture, whats left is, in this set, aodt was the clear winner for sure..again, no IFs involved! Like any game..times run out whether in boxing, football, html wars..or whatever..TIMES OVER!

from a personal note I have 2 questions I would love to hear the answer to..I have been tagged all set..havent killed an nbk country in well over a month (because you have been to small to kill and I will never drop net to step on an ant)..still had close to 60 kills in the short is..why did I not lose one single country? One answer is that in order to kill a country the opponents would need to make attacks on my countries to kill 'em...LOL..I also have not had one single attack from an nbk country this set either...whys that?

had to wait till now to post this cause I would like to finish w/o a single hit LOL

and FYI.."IF" the reset was say, another 2 weeks longer, my ass (all 16 of 'em) would be killed along with the rest of the remaining aodt countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dallas Game profile


Jul 20th 2010, 19:02:14

I try and determine which restaraunts in the metroplex I want to eat at every day

Dallas Game profile


Jul 13th 2010, 4:54:04

I did figure you may have a few kills somewhere in there

Dallas Game profile


Jul 13th 2010, 2:11:16

ya gotta have kills to go with all those wild shots firing off a machine gun and hitting nothing..KILL< KILL< KILL..did ya forget?

buy ur books, send ya to school..all for what

Dallas Game profile


Jul 5th 2010, 23:11:14

seems this becomes a warset for us, sigh


A warset? I have been thinking for days about untagging, getting 16 more countreis from anywhere and killing rko and or eoea myself cause I'm bored and their both idiots..I'm only 16 countries..If 123 combined countries can't tag kill this idiot in a few hours, then both your clans should consider quitting this game..cause that will mean you both suck ass!

w/16 more countries, I would still kill the one left!

Dallas Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 1:37:47

Yup...its a little unfair..sota, at least this set, is way to small to war even it had done may wanna rethink this before you literally end up reaping what you sow here for sets to come..and thats real good advice!

fun is taking on a clan larger than you..not smaller and weaker, not to mention inactive!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 15:52:57

I do recall old FFA police usually asking to make a kill when someone was defending their tag from what could have been some halfwit suicider from another crap tag..but then again, I was never running a bot and had the sense to find out crap first..If that was one of my countries you killed, you would have lost more than that one you killed..old FFA "police with attitudes" were the most fun to kill!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 17:57:00

I don't recall anyone so far commenting on how well NBK has conducted themselves being FS' please allow have done an outstanding job of coming back, keeping kill counts UP, and growing like a weed since the. start. IMHO
You have done a great job...GRATS

Dallas Game profile


Jun 27th 2010, 21:17:07

Sup SV..glad to see ya plauing again..I am all of a sudden targetless these days..I'm real tempted to tag w/ya and just kill that clan..I am trying to be sweet these days or I'd already started killing 'em for ya, plus it would be very unfair of me to do that in several ways..but, hey, whoever said FFA was fair? Just hang in there this set and lets see what happens!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 20:24:07

Grizzly bears are cool

Dallas Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 19:51:04

grizzly bear?

Dallas Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 19:20:36

Yup..Rodney Dangerfield was funny, but you left out a lot of funnier ones..way more appropriate ones!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 2:04:47

uh..Relax with it jat run!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 2:04:07

Realax young man...get otside, enjoy yourself a little..and I dont mean in your bathroom! have fun stroking it

Be Sweet like me! CYA

Dallas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 1:35:18

hehehe..has anyone ever sat your little ass down and attempted to give you the reasons for NOT using certain drugs? If not, someone should at least try to help ya!

I real sure the only thing you can chase effectively is your own tail, little puppy

someones else watch? this is my business numb nuts, I simply have so far chosen not to beat a dead horse..that is until you made some lame attempt at insulting a friend..a friend I got to come back here to always jump into someones thread running your illiterate mouth and proving your an idiot..TRUST ME..I'M CONVINCED! Stick a fork in ya, your job is done!

I am 100% correct in ever post I ever it or not..and I always will be.

I will try and refrain from posting here again..and try to understand---->

Dallas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 0:22:56

I really try hard not to post here just to ridicule a few jack off idiots..but I'll make this one exception

BTW>>LMAO @ Sandman

"Man, I can keep going on aboot you."

Where to start..
Your the clan that got its ass handed to 'em this set
Your the clan that has zero chance catching up in kills (even by killing restarts and inactives)
Your the clan that can't seem to get a country over 600k net(and keep it there 2 hrs)
Your the clan that has an avg net of under 250k
Your the clan that even after EEstats was reset IS STILL DOWN on kills by almost 1/2
Your the clan that (before EEstats reset) was down over 200 kills and losing ground FAST
Your the clan that is so stupid your members keep posting they are winning
Your the clan that because it ran its mouth all last set bragging got your asses stomped this set
Your the clan that was beaten like a rented mule, a run away slave, a yard dog, a snare drum, a red headed step "CHILD" (how appropriate)

but by all means, continue on..your posts make me laugh(thats why ve always read this crap)

~~~Message brought to you by the new SWEET Dallas~~~

and btw..jat...what in the hell would know about a Baddie? Unless you have been watching AODT! If ya have, ya need to get outside more sonny!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 17:49:56

way to far back for me remember my high school freshman year junior

the capitalized word dizzy doesn't ever have to mean it refers to a person when its posted on these boards, especially when it comes from someone thats uses words like oot, oof, etc

and if "pumping your gas" refers to some canadian slang for what you and your boy friends may do in private, then you are wrong again!

I figured you just wanted to vent cause they are kicking ur ass!
MY bet option will always be open..

Relax and enjoy it! Sorry if I stepped on your toes!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 16:39:54

LOL..If those are your countries then my statement about whoever running 'em sucking is verified..thx for ur help I'm

I'm not here to impress children..and never will be junior..

what fail is someone -->hitting like YOU obviously are doing if those belong to you. have fun in your war with aodt..wished you had the money and or balls to bet on this outcome!
and if you grow a pair I think outside the box well enuff to make it happen! LMK!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 16:21:56


~these have been messages from the new SWEET Dallas~

Dallas Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 16:19:10

lol..Ive played as much as anyone here..amd killed way more than 99.9% of anyone thats ever played and I do know how to do it dumbass
but..IF you or anyone else currently playing this game sucks that badly as to have to attack like that (slow and very pathetic) then you need to find another game you can handle..still looks like a bot me..hard for me to believe anyone would go out of their way to attack in such a slow ass pitiful manner..but whoever it is---> SUCKS at attacking!

Dallas Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 15:40:09

lol..looking at aodt and nbk war news..I stumbled on to this kill..same series hitting, one right after the other the entire kill

not real sure, w/ me being a noob and all, but this kill sure looks fishy to me


Dallas Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 14:45:07

It will be long, it will be hard, and there will be no withdrawal.
Hmm, I believe that was one of my lines when I was single?

LMAO..excellent QM

Dallas Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 16:26:01

one thing about the new ffa thats exactly the same as the old one is:
most people would rather run their mouths, talk big, brag, strut like banty roosters than simply kill some loud mouth idiot playing the roll..just kill this idiot and get it over with!

if he stays/plays here hes gonna have to learn sometime!

Dallas Game profile


May 26th 2010, 3:58:49

Trust me when I tell ya...its 100x's more fun to kill the biggest countries in the game vs. start ups and non-worked countries

play a set or so w/some clan, learn to kill well, then have a blast..any jerk off that can create a county can kill, but learn how to do it well before you do it....there will always be plenty of idiots playing FFA that will give ya good reason to kill 'em is, learn to kill 'em first..then have fun, in that order! You can't kill a vet, not any ur way up to that stage and then enjoy urself..will be more rewarding for ya going that route!

Dallas Game profile


May 26th 2010, 3:44:20


I finally have come to a 100% correct conclusion 'stud" have no desire to learn the game and kill anything worth simply have fallen into the ffa rut of being an aspiring drama DO fit the mold junior!

at least change ur name and stop making Texas look bad!

thought at first you might be Jayr cause hes from somewhere in Texhoma and used to run his mouth a little..but the deal is..JAYR CAN KILL!

Dallas Game profile


May 25th 2010, 19:16:03

uh..what ever >happened<

Dallas Game profile


May 25th 2010, 19:08:33

just curious....LOL...what ever to that tag "ONE"..these idiots here are very close to being exact copy cats in their behavior

they shouldnt last to long at this rate

Dallas Game profile


May 24th 2010, 21:03:40

I am seriously trying to help your situation..u sent me a message when you tried to kill me at end of 1st set..after I tried to teach ya lesson then..
remember what you sent me was:
"guess I have alot to learn, maybe I'll see you next set" lol..I didn't play thats set so all I can do for you now is to tell this new game of being only able to run only 16 countries, its best NOT to piss off to many people..IF you could learn to kill, maybe you might gain some leverage, but as it is...Bud, you have more than a lot to learn!

Dallas Game profile


May 24th 2010, 18:53:21

If LAE cant immediately get this young man under control and keep him under control on their own(ie. tag dead), I promise they need to die..instead teach him how to play correctly and kill correctly...

~~a message from the new SWEET Dallas~~

Dallas Game profile


May 24th 2010, 18:47:05

Snake..ya wanna do something helpful and constructive..leave this poor guy alone and teach him how to play/kill whatever he wants to learn..hes pathetic..1st set he went on LAEs kill list, so I killed all on the list and maybe a few more, felt sorry for him and stopped..later he hit ur small tag, I was bored and killed like his next top 3, again felt sorry for him and stopped again..UNTIL..last day of set, I look at the news at the end of the day and this sad sucker is attacking my smallest country..I stop the kill instantly and then kill his next top 2 and use all my missles on his next 3..he needs help..hes way to pitiful for anyone to kill til someone teaches the game a favor and help him to learn instead of stepping on him and possibly running him off! LOL...think about it bud..hes not worthy yet of "Tough Love"

Dallas Game profile


May 21st 2010, 15:52:04

one of the most fun things about that time was running 15-30 country tags..waiting till some idiot hits ya repeatedly, then threatens ya and then grow that small tag to whatever was needed..200-500 countries...hitting untags then was a sure sign of stupidity!

Dallas Game profile


May 11th 2010, 17:14:14

I once heard a story of a man that went to his refrigerator, opened it and grabbed a gallon of milk only to find it was rancid and spoliled..after smelling it he immediately placed it back in the fridge thinking/hoping that maybe after several months sitting in there it possibly would get better..

I truley hope that this is not an appropriate alalolgy for LAE

~~a message from the new SWEET Dallas~~

Dallas Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 3:40:37

BTW, LAE and IMP are where most of the old players are..NBK also

Dallas Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 3:38:39

sup Walding...I'm not playing this set...IMP I'm sure will war..LOL

have fun and enjoy yourself..they will learn how good you are soon enuff..glad to see someones back I have heard of..not many playing from old days..deleted all messengers or Id tell you the dildos and the good clans!..wont take long for you to figure 'em out!

Dallas Game profile


Apr 23rd 2010, 6:14:28

congratulations on your TAG KILL Of aodt..wished yall would of done it last set instead of what happened when my internet was down for three days before the "supposed war"..twas why I joined ya know

do it again next set!!

if Focus don't beat ya to it..could happen<-- my prediction!

Dallas Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 5:02:41

also Juggs/ or DM..seeing as how I deleted all my messengers and I can NOT access the new site..please tell DM or whoever to send me (via the email I used to apply to the new site) with the name and pass I need to get in it..last sets pass and name (Nobody)does not work and the new one I applied to new site with doesn' t work either..

Dallas Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 4:32:43

Im always right..Im as right as I am BAD..
and I'm so BAD.. I have to hold a gun to my head while shaving to keep me from cutting my own throat!

Dallas Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 4:30:31

I stayed on a lot of people ass Juggs, but I never ever recall being on urs, not unless we count fantasys..actual we had a good relationship in kill runs last set as I tried to with all..

as far as JAT goes Ive played since 1st set on FFA and the original JAT always made intelligent post(last set JAT was an idiot-same went for last sets Fiat)
Best DOW Ive ever seen came from a member of JATS family!
I'll bet the last set JAT can't tell what it was, who did it or what it said! and if this one can, keep it off the boards..I'm proving a point!

Dallas Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 4:01:38

I'm betting this is the real one..I guarantee the other one was not..nor was last sets Fiat the real Fiat!

can't believe I'm the only one that can tell how people post/write/ conduct themselves on this stupid ass forum..
almost like the Butch Cassidy line Paul Newman said..
"I got vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals"

Dallas Game profile


Apr 20th 2010, 21:47:01

at my age I do all my counter punching at 10-50 feet...I use the Mossberg technique..guaranteed to kick ass

Don't mess w/ TEXAS!