
DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 0:07:29

Well it may not be a fair war. But its a war.

Unlike SancTFFA, we aren't going anywhere.

Would have expected a little more proffesionalism. But whatever. Time to stonewall :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 0:01:38

Awesome Sauce!

War this set. War next set. War every set. We love it :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 23:07:20

It was 101 to start :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 23:05:04

Originally posted by Popcom:


i thought u wanted a war?
and why not use tag jumpers as the excuse? you DOW on sanct for less.

Look... Swords will never back down from a war. Even if PANLV out numbers us in Countrys and NW.

The point is, if PANLV wants to war, GREAT, lets have some fun.

But if PANLV trys to use the "We are supporting this Tag Jumper" claim, PANLV is going to loose alot of support on this server and alot of respect. FFA policys have been made over the course of many many many years, trying to change something like this will not bode well for them.

In closing...

Because Swords and BSS declared war on SancTFFA. One of the top Netters jumped tag from SancTFFA. PANLV grabbed him as soon as they could. Now this netter is likely threatening to leave PANLV if they don't back him. PANLV doesn't want to loose this guy, they feel that going into a server wide war if needed is worth keeping this player.

If thats there stance, then so be it. Swords and BSS did what any warring clan on this server would do. And we are prepared to back our decision 100%.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 22:00:15

Originally posted by Mathais:

That's exactly what I was thinking!

I have a feeling that there's more to this story from the PANLV side that we haven't heard yet. However, from what's been said here, I'd be in the same position as SWORDZ right now. Just, I've always known PANLV to be an honourable alliance, so I'd be suprized.

I'd really like to hear PANLV spin to this story. Its exactly what we have said it is.

We asked PANLV to Police for us against SancTFFA. They agreed. 1hr into our FS, I asked Juusto if they would kill the tag jumpers. He said "We will let you handle it". When there were about 20 SancTFFA countrys left, we started looking for the tag jumpers. Most already dead. But amazingly 1 string was alive. 4 of the 9 in the top 10. Now tagged PANLV.

We asked for a PANLV contact and at the same time contacted IMP. IMP said they would police for us. We dropped PANLV as our police. We waited 5 days before we heard the first peep from PANLV. Another day until I finally got a response from Juusto and Havok stating they would have it detagged within 24hrs.

24hrs later, still tagged PANLV. I again when to the PANLV IRC channel and fortunately Twain was there. He stated that there President wanted to back this player and said basically that PANLV was prepared to escalate this to a server war in defense of this player.

We told PANLV that was there decision. We are going to kill the tag jumpers.

PANLV claims that we are no longer in war since we were SS/PSing. So we no longer have police. I completely disagree and more importantly our Police completely disagree as well. IMP has been aware of this tag jumper situation since we began trying to contact PANLV. They know as well as us, that PANLV took there sweet time in telling us to fluff off. When you don't have anything to kill for days, and your turns are completely stocked waiting on PANLV to detag someone. Naturally you play some turns.

Some of our guys did SS/PS's. Thats the way it goes. We expect to be retalled as any other clan would be retalled. Our guys shouldn't have made any SS/PS's, but that is a minor correction we can make in the future.

I am curious as to what PANLV is going to say and do at this point. Hopefully they will just do the honorable thing and let us kill the tag jumper and if they want to war us, find us some other time and not use the tag jumper as the excuse.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 2:55:30


Incase anyone missed IMP confirming they are now policing for Swords.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 2:51:26

Originally posted by Popcom:
well u said that by the way they are talking u may be kill them soon to....imo threats are negative. no?

He is refering to Twains remarks on IRC. Stating that PANLV is backing the tag jumper and will stand behind him regardless of what we do.

PANLV is deciding to get involved in a matter that would not have been any of there concern if IMP would have been our police from the start. IMP would have killed those countrys before he would have even had the chance to apply to the PANLV site.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 2:22:00

To us, killing those 9 countrys means more than just killing a coward.

PANLV said they would police for us in the war against SancTFFA. During the FS I asked Juusto if they would take care of the countrys jumping tag. He said "Nah you guys can handle it".

Once we killed the countrys inside the SancTFFA tag, we had the cowards to track down. How suprising was it to Swords to see 9 of those SancTFFA countrys now tagged PANLV.

Swords dropped PANLV as there police. I Spoke to IMP and IMP agreed to police for Swords properly. They are very much aware of this situation and knew our intentions before they said they would police for us. We will kill those countrys and have begun doing so.

I also told twain that after the last tag jumper is dead, we are no longer in war. At that point, they can feel free to FS us. We won't cower like SancTFFA. Even though they would outnumber us 3 to 1.

We have been straight forward with our intentions from the get go. I told Havok and Juusto from the start these same intentions. None of this is new. Except that PANLV's president changed his mind in the last 24hrs and doesnt want to loose this magnificiant netter (HAHAHAHAHA... Coward more like it)

If anyone has any comments or questions. PM me. I'll be able to answer any questions reguarding this.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 2:12:57

Because PANLV took 6 days to respond to our request to have these targets detagged.

Would you play your countrys if you had 126(100) turns? Or would you just let PANLV waste more of your time?

We waited patiently for PANLV. After 6 days, we finally were told by Havok and Juusto that they would be detagged in 24hrs.

Then today I was told by Twain that they changed there mind and they would now be supporting the coward that jumped from the SancTFFA tag.

Nothing else needs to explained. Those 9 countrys were tagged SancTFFA at time of declaration of war. They are legitimate war targets. Until they are killed, we are at war.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 2:04:09

Originally posted by Pain:
id like to thank you guys for killing one of them right after he grabbed me for 2100 acres and now i cant get it back. would you guys like to donate that land?

Speak to PANLV regarding any reps involving these countrys.

To Swords and BSS, these countrys are concidered SancTFFA and we are at war with them. So we are not responsible for there actions during war.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 2:02:51

Confirmed (Sorry, was killing ;)

We tried to settle this with PANLV diplomatically. And after 7 days of trying to contact them and being told yesterday that these countrys would be detagged today. PANLV changed there mind and basically said "If you want to kill anything in the PANLV tag, do it at your own risk"

BSS and Swords has killed 5 of the 9 countrys that jumped tag. We will kill the others as well.

I'd like to remind PANLV and anyone else viewing this that IMP is currently Policing for Swords and FoCuS is currently Policing for BSS. And that the war with SancTFFA is not concidered over until we have finished killing the last country in the SancTFFA tag and the last cowardly tag jumper.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 0:55:04

Originally posted by Mad Morticia:
Swords declared war on Sanctuary. All the Sanctuary members left because they did not want to war. Not a single one hit back. No war chats were ever set up. Some dropped out from playing altogether. Some set up one-man clans. Some went to other clans. Why? Because they were in this game to net and not to fight. Therefore, Swords declared war on a clan that no longer exists. As far as I'm concerned, Swords won the war and at absolutely no cost to themselves.

Also... They did hit back :) Killed one of BSS's countrys. But I wouldn't call that much resistance.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 0:53:20

Yeah just got that clarified with Juusto. MM isn't the tag jumper lol :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 0:45:30

Mad Morticia...

Let me guess... Your countrys are apart of those that jumped tag are now endanger of being killed since the SancTFFA tag is gone?

I've got spy ops on your countries if they are. It will take some time, but we will break your countrys down and kill them. 1 at a time if needed.

Nobody likes a coward. Nobody. We will do whatever we can to eliminate cowards from FFA.

And no. Netters are not cowards. I've see some great wars from netting clans. Its only SancTFFA that I have ever seen act like this.

If you want to net in peace, gain a little respect from the war clans on this server and they may just leave you alone to net for a set. Otherwise, you'll be farmed and tag killed every set.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 5:17:08

juusto messaged me and he knows what is going on. I believe he will already take care of the issue. I'll message you guys again in 24hrs if its still not done by then.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 26th 2010, 6:40:54

HEY! You dang woodchucks! Quit chuckin my wood!

PANLV... I am available if anyone is from your side.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 26th 2010, 1:53:52

Originally posted by DM:
Hey DS - On behalf of KA I would like to ask you to wait for PANLV before you take action. I seen the logs in the #panlv irc and can promise you that if you wait for them to contact you they will take care of the situation with you.

I am waiting :)

Originally posted by Juusto:
i´m here now... also msg´d you at msn.

I'll have to swing by your IRC again. Since it seems like I missed you. I'll send PM as well...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 25th 2010, 21:48:51

Originally posted by Prometheus:
Panlv will not roll over like sanct did

PANLV can still make this right. I believe they will. I just hope they put a little urgency into it.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 25th 2010, 21:34:26

Originally posted by Ozzite:
FSing your police is awesome

PANLV is no longer Swords police. IMP has agreed to take over Policing duties since PANLV obviously cannot.

Now can I please get a PANLV type to contact me ASAP.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 25th 2010, 21:27:41

Originally posted by Ozzite:
Heya SMuRF. Wanna chat with me again?

also, you might have some luck coming to #panlv on gamesurge =]

Christmas may be a hard time to find an FA tho :-/

Nah I am done trying to track them down over this. If they want to right a wrong, they can contact one of us Swords types.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 25th 2010, 21:22:21

I do not wish to make this public. Please contact me.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 23:02:27

We lub you too Herr :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 3:40:36

FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 0:27:34

I'm willing to give mine up... But most wouldn't want kemo fluffing them. I don't mind, he fluffs as well as he talks :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 22:26:16

New Stats?
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 21:44:04


This is the FFA server. If you don't like clans fighting clans go play express or some other crap server without wars.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 21:34:14


You had more than even ground after our FS if your members wouldn't have jumped out of the SancTFFA tag.

And I am sorry but nobody in Swords or BSS has any tampoons to combat your leaky vag.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 21:30:20

Recruiting :)

We are looking for Experienced or Non Experienced players that like to War.

Just remember At Swords your the Porn Star, not the fluffer.

Apply Now! And you'll receive your very own Sanctuary fluffer for the remainder of the set.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 3:17:32

BTW This post is dedicated to mrford ;)

Didn't he say he wanted to see more BSS/Swords/Sanct stuff?
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 3:14:38

tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
SWORDS 8780 38 231 51 0
xBSSx 7782 26 299 236 1 236
Total 16562 64 259 287 1 287

tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
SancTFFA 287 1 287 16260 63 258
NoClan 0 0 302 1 302
Total 287 1 287 16562 64 259
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 0:53:23

FoCuS is policing for BSS.

The clan "NoClan" jumped from the SancTFFA tag. They are doing there part :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 23:44:05

Thomas... Are you still tagged Sanct? If not, then he is talking about someone else's tag and not yours ;)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 22:47:27

Originally posted by kemo:
i guess thanks for admitting swords wants you to lie even though your saying sanct isnt allowed to :P

Swords did not tell them to lie about anything.

When I was asked how we wanted to post the DOW I simply said to post "BSS + Swords declares war on.... SancTFFA, because we wanted to"

You can look at Swords news, we are guilty of farming untagged countrys and 1 man tags. Although that is mostly due to our own policys not being put in place at the moment. Never once did we ever say this had anything to do with it.

As I have stated many many many times, Swords just wanted to kill something. Since we are pacted with BSS, they were not a target. Who else did that leave? ARES? They were a little smaller than us, but they have not been in our news at all this set. SancTFFA? They were double our size and countrys, they were in our news alot before the FS, and BSS wanted to hit SancTFFA anyways. Everything added up to killing SancTFFA.

and FYI Sanct, if we wouldn't have killed you, someone else was going too this set. We just beat them to the punch.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 11:37:22

btw Kemo,

I'd war you 1vs1 ;)

Unfortunately though, my girlfriend ran out of tampoons so I got nothing to combat your leaking vag...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 11:07:18

Of course :) you got the website, I'll look for your application
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 11:03:57

I gotta agree with Dizology. You may have ill intentions about Swords and BSS, but if SancTFFA tags up again next set, you can be sure that any clan willing to fight for there tag wont have any hesitation farming the hell out of you now.

You guys should have alteast put up a fight, even in a loosing effort.

To be honest, I don't think I have ever seen something like this in the 10+ years I have played in FFA. Really, not even 1 kill as a retaliation?
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 11:00:04

We would love for anyone to join us. As long as you got bigger balls than anyone in the SancTFFA tag ;)

Please apply. I'll be standing by to accept your applications :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 10:58:41

I really have nothing left to say on the subject. I atleast admire those that have stayed in the tag and are willing to fight for what is rightfully theres. (SancTFFA Tag that is)

I'd still like to see a few of my countrys killed, but thats alright. If we have to wait until next set to see some balls from SancTFFA, then I will wait patiently.

Just do us all a favor, make it fair :) Declare on BSS + Swords at the same time instead of trying to use a numbers advantage.

If you have the balls to do that, or even if you don't, we will still fight back and give a show much better than SancTFFA did this set.

From here on out, I have nothing more to say. SancTFFA could have earned our respect if they would have just fought back. Unfortunately for them, they just jumped ship on there tag and had no honor. Every set from this point forward, I will tell our members to Farm the hell out of the SancTFFA tag.

Maybe one of these days you guys will grow balls and defend your right to netgain on this server. Until then, expect to be hit.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 2:48:07

Tremble Tremble...

When we FS you again, whats going to be your excuse?
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 22:05:56

Actually joe2,

FFA was at its peak when we had big war clans fighting big war clans. The netters would provide us our ammo at ungodly prices and they would strive.

Ask PANLV or TKO or any other netting clan thats been in FFA for a long time. War will come to netting clans. They just understood how to live and strive on this server.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 21:25:42

Sorry all I know is the Swords tag in FFA.

The tag that put 8 countrys over 600mil NW, fought just about every known clan in FFA, and dominated FFA for many sets.

We are no where near what we were before. But that does not mean we cannot get there again...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 8:51:30


Your countrys are being killed. One of the clans that is killing you stated it was because you farmed untags. So instead of fighting back. You farm untags.

I am speachless...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 8:24:29

And that is correct...

We just wanted to war... We don't need a reason for that
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 8:22:50


m0b atleast has the balls to fight for his tag

You on the other hand, tuck tail and run...

Don't worry, we will find all you SancTFFA countrys that are detagging...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 8:21:35

ICe Man knows how to apply to Swords site :)

Were standing by to accept the app :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 8:18:09

Me too...

all that 3some talk got me worked up ;)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 6:51:56

Okay we will add the 1.5mil Total NW from the JAM tag and the 12 restarts that are either dead or in protection.

Does that make people feel better?

JAM declared for a valid reason. SancTFFA farmed him...

We declared for a valid reason. Because we wanted too :)

Its not like it was a numbers advantage for us or them when we first hit. We were just hoping to bridge the NW gap and get ahead in countrys. We didn't expect this...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 6:43:31


To hit a clan that is in it's first reset on the server and netgaining? Strong message. [/quote]

Pssttt... Were in our First reset on this server too :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 6:41:13

Pre War - SancTFFA had 164 countrys
Pre War - Swords + BSS had 152 countrys

Pre War - SancTFFA had 650+ mil Total NW
Pre War - Swords + BSS had 580+ Mil Total NW

If SancTFFA would have acted like NBK, IMP, or hell even PANLV, it would have been a fair war and not a gangbang.

To be honest, I don't think anyone expected it to turn out like this from the start.

Regardless, we will have fun killing Sanctuary. And we won't forget about those pesky tag jumpers either...
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 3:26:39

tag hits kills hpk defends deaths
xBSSx 3003 8 375 2 0
SWORDS 4006 18 223 9 0
Total 7009 26 270 11 0

tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
SancTFFA 11 0 6707 25 268
NoClan 0 0 302 1 302
Total 11 0 7009 26 270

These are the first stats being posted... We will update this as we keep killing SancTFFA.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay