


Sep 27th 2011, 8:58:31

diez: correct



Sep 27th 2011, 8:53:35


hahahahahahahahahahha, I shouldda kept my mouth shut, I am getting killed for that one...did anyone think it was a little funny?



Sep 27th 2011, 8:52:30

I know, I was kidding around and I got shelled. Tried to post some humor up in here hahaha. What with saying I wanted to give my land to PDM instead. Clearly joking. I got straight hated upon.

Haters gonna hate though. Anon just needs a hug.



Sep 27th 2011, 8:42:14

hahahaha, I read the whole thread, and am quite aware that it has nothing to do with farming. I'm aware of the situation you all have because I saw the news. I can however tell you that talk is cheap and that's why I can sit here and pander away at your expense because frankly it is the only way I get back at you for my lack of defense. Or if you prefer...trolling. And yes, I do have a chip on my shoulder. I talked down LaF when in all reality they resolved the situation we had with them. The chip on my shoulder, however, will not be fixed. At least not with you all. I think that you and LaF should war though, for it would enable ICN to have a shot at a decent netting set seeing as your top netters got there with our land. This post, however, was initially thought of to me to be a bit long winded so I opted for a simple trolling post.

I hope you do get the triple crown though. Best of luck.



Sep 27th 2011, 6:28:15

hahaha, galleri (a.k.a. precious sweet cookie love) is gonna teach us how to war. We are doomed for sure.

P.S. Lubs you sweetie pie.



Sep 27th 2011, 6:23:16

thus ending the argument I was enjoying. Go farm some other clans to take out your aggression, both of you.....


You already did that. Too bad ya'll can't take it coming the other way.

You guys should seriously war, that way next set, I can keep some of my land for PDM.



Sep 26th 2011, 9:59:18

The Lions didn't make this much noise in 91' either. First 3-0 start since 1980. I'm stoked.



Sep 26th 2011, 9:47:44

I hear a lot of talk...cmon, I wanna see someone war with good reason for the first time in a long time.

Sounds like ya'll hate each other to me. That's reason enough for me.



Sep 23rd 2011, 5:31:41

I'm old.



Aug 25th 2011, 21:25:13




Aug 25th 2011, 20:24:45

hahaha @ ducko.

It was no mistake....I just did it again.

I've had some run-ins with a lot of members here. I've said on a couple occasions, "man, that (insert former unfriendly FA) fella really is an irritating d-bag. I mean, I really thought a few of you are just pieces of trash...

I was wrong. Dagga makes me realize, if only by mistake, that I love all of you guys. I really have a lot of great memories from the old days, even if they were less than favorable at the time, they are fond in my head now.

I will, however, never have a fond memory of dagga. He really is the biggest POS I have ever seen type. I mean, after about 14 years with this game I would have run into someone as stupid, but it just hasn't happened. He really is a grumbling bumbling fool. I laugh at his posts now, because his idiocy lets me know how much I love the rest of you. Thanks for that, dagga...I guess.



Aug 25th 2011, 9:00:25

I called my poop dagga by mistake today.



Aug 25th 2011, 8:40:36

you must have some crazy identity protection...I'd never post that haha



Aug 25th 2011, 7:26:07

my purple computer is a man.



Aug 22nd 2011, 14:50:15

I bet next SOL hits Sanct next set. I think LCN will get a set off unless SOL really has that bad a complex about loosing repeatedly to LCN or unless LCN wants to jump in. This is, generally speaking, how SOL makes their enemies. Trouble is they've made enemies with over half of the server.

I do tend to agree with Brink's post up there. As a former HFA for a netting clan when we were forced into war, I did my best to set up a gangbang. Believe me SOL when I say, you force a netting clan into a loosing war and their membership will quit and look for protection elsewhere. It's a fact. You can nearly half the membership of any given netting clan by tag killing them 2 or 3 sets in a row. You get a win though and it increases morale across the board. It isn't good for a netting clan to war at all, but if they do war, they better win, or they will see dissension amongst their clannies. Thus, I cannot blame LCN either. I just hope they back up their friends in MD and Sanct when SOL hits them in the next few sets, because SOL is definitely not done with this foray into killing netting clans...they will somehow get their revenge...eventually.



Aug 11th 2011, 21:25:17

Just bought some at $102 and they jumped to $149. There's your fine line....I need some more at $99 though. Where them good prices at?



Jul 12th 2011, 23:21:45

dagga. You obviously don't understand what a metaphor is. I am fully aware of the fact that you have not killed my country for two years straight, and I have also not quit playing the game. You just don't know what a metaphor is. It's your own lack of basic education that makes you sound like a fool. I for one can not help you there. As far as you saying I am an MD suckhole...I guess I am if that's what me publicly thanking them for kindness entails. Had you ever shown me kindness you'd have been complimented the same way.

hanlong: "we know it works for SOL and it might continue to work. no one doubts if SOL will survive or if their tactics will work in this game. you guys have more than proven that and i respect SOL for that. it's similar to how netters run 0 troop netter countries that farm untags because that will give you a better chance at top ranks/ANW/TNW titles. what i was trying to point out that both ideas are detrimental to the game in terms of building community. and until our current devs fix mehul's design flaws i was just hoping the community would collectively universally agree to some sacrifices to their tried and true methods for the sake of community building."

I agree totally with this. Netters are equally the cause.

I think the political justification for war is unnecessary. I believe that if everyone tried to be a better all around clan, like back in the day, they game would improve a bit. I'm a loyalist to ICN and a warmonger at heart. Those who know me know that. Fortunately, when my time comes, I'll be here. I think SOL would be a better clan if they netted once in a while. I understand that takes the fun out of it for some. I don't just net or just war. I've tried to hone my skills as a decent all around player. When I net, I reach the top 50. When I war, I usually take over 500 hits to kill. I believe that model would improve clans. However, we've all been playing this game long enough to know what our bread and butter is. SOL wants to does imag. ICN wants to net, along with laf. I think if you made a 'best clans of the new earth era' list, you'd have to exclude all of those clans for their lack of overall play. Maybe that alone is the reason why netters feel blindsided and SOL seems to always get what they want (war, obviously this set not being a prime example).

If I remember anything about the MD of the past it is that they were a good all around clan. That's why I am happy to see them return. ICN used to be a good all around clan as well. SOL did too. I think ICN for now will stray away from war as much as possible. Which I find unhealthy to clans who prefer to war. You guys ran out of targets with a purpose years ago.

P.S. might surprise you to know I was in SOL at one time under a different name (long before your tenure). I still have friends there and I respect you guys a great deal. It's why I'd like to see some things mutually agreed upon between us. I understand now that I won't get that from you. You are far too bullheaded. This will be my last post directed at you ever. From now on I will only address logical somewhat educated people in your clan.



Jul 8th 2011, 9:35:58

whoa is me. haha...woe. you know what we are talking about? It's a little bit bigger than what you are posting. No one likes you (SOL), and that's fine. To some degree you would agree that you brought that on hitting people. That's ok too. Every clan has an agenda. Yours happens to be in conflict with most others playing. The problem lies in the fact that certain things make this game less enjoyable for certain people. Instead of having the game prohibit you from these things, people work out agreements. The game approached as a metaphor for life brings out the purpose of rhetoric in general. You certainly can kill someone. But the societal confines deem it a crime against humanity, thus rhetoric was used to draft laws constructing a body against such crimes. This game will never kill me in RL, but me quitting this game equates to me dying in the metaphor, and you killing my country for 2 years straight being the metaphor for murder. Intense speak is for those less capable of having intelligent conversations. We are debating something worthwhile here. Please, if you have something decent to say, by all means, participate.



Jul 8th 2011, 9:17:04

Note that I believe that we have almost bottomed out membership wise. A lot of people still playing won't quit regardless. Not all....just a vast majority. Hence why MD gets kudos for looking out for the little guy. It's good for the future little guy that has been trying for the last few years and never was permitted a shot by the big bad wolf.



Jul 8th 2011, 9:03:14

Peak at 53, fall July 18th to upper 40s. Full decline to reasonable level at month's end.

Do I win based on my answer format?



Jul 8th 2011, 8:24:48

Jiman: "If you think SOL is going to change there opinions based on what is said on AT, you have another thing coming."

That's a problem. Think of it this way. Any given set there are between 150-300 players. We'll use 300 as an example. Now, the nature of any online game is that there is going to be people who just quit playing. Whether it be school, life, a crabby girlfriend, whatever. So the base of players will consistently dwindle unless new members sign up. That's just a fact. Now, SOL is imo getting what they deserve. That's politics though which has nothing to do with our current discussion. Unfortunately members will get fed up and leave, but lord knows if they like the game, they'll come back. It doesn't matter if people quit as long as more people join than quit. ICN is currently personifying the little guy. Not only are we one of the smallest on the server but we are also inept at warring. All we ever wanted was for large clans to just not mess with us and we won't mess with you back...

Why not pact us? Because you want our land. You are well aware of our weaknesses and due to your size you wish to exploit them. ICN has always had a policy of no more than a couple hits in 72 hours on any untagged country. There are times when our member exceeds the minimum and the target country unloads missiles. Standard protocol in that situation is to send a recruiting message and not retal, and not kill. The idea being to attempt to bring new players into the game. Throughout our history we've had the worst of newbs, and once people realize there is war and we are not part of it, they often go elsewhere. That's how I was recruited by ICN the set before TIL 1. That's why, as a warleader and a poor netter I will stick with ICN through thick and thin. If you kill a newb he's not going to restart. If we don't teach them how to play they will quit playing.

To make my point crystal clear. I don't care who wars who. I for one love war and think netting clans, us included, need to suck it up. It is the new member, and the mini clan I worry about. Personally, I think the best clans are balanced. I prefer netting about 1/3 of the time, and warring when someone starts something. Clans like SOL will start something more often than I prefer but I won't say that is why numbers are dwindling. They are, after all, just playing the game.

After reading hanlongs post I realized something. Netters are forced to war, but warrers are never forced to net. I think that has a lot to do with the hate for SOL or any war clan (we've seen some hate for imag too, and I love those guys). Netters never have the option, it is more of a matter of "do you think we can make it?" I can see someone who enjoys netting getting fed up with that after 6 months of trying to net and never getting the opportunity. It would be quite frustrating. I think this is why the DP was invented. It should supersede a nap...such as in real life. If SOL hit one of our close allies we should feel obligated to join in, pact or not. The best way to solve those issues is instead of everyone always pacting out, just pacting your friends. But that is a huge overhaul of culture. It'd definitely keep sol from pacting out and gangbanging though.

In any case, if we created a universal governing body for the server it would turn out like TIL. If it did come together it would nearly eliminate wars altogether creating a bad environment for the warmonger. I think of that as the exact opposite of what we have now. Perhaps you could say have those who want to sign a universal pact that reads:

-Our clan hereby invalidates any pact with any clan who wars without proper cause.

-Proper cause is not limited to, but at the very least includes one or more of the following:
More than 3 hits in 72 hours on any country/tag without agreed resolution
Disputed policy
Retribution for past indiscretions

As I type that I already imagine people abusing it. I don't know.......rock and a hard place I guess.



Jul 8th 2011, 0:20:52

good point

*goes back to not posting ever*



Jul 7th 2011, 23:25:57

P.S. can someone in SOL tell dagga to get off here? He really ruins intelligent conversation. Note that Symac and Jiman were having completely intelligent conversations until dagga started posting.



Jul 7th 2011, 23:24:30

Originally posted by dagga:
And Derrick, you're Locutus or in MD, no one posts such a bunch of complete garbage without being put up to it.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Who is this idiot? I don't know how to quote multiple posts so here goes. If you want to know who I am ask half of the people posting here. I'd just rather read a book than your useless jarble. I just don't waste my time on AT unless I have something to say. Get it? We aren't all trolls.

Jiman: "I agree, the current war MD is in will not be healthy for the server in any way."

War is not unhealthy or healthy. It is simply part of the game. When I speak of bullying I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about war. I'm talking about when an SOL country (for example) goes crazy and tees off a bunch of missiles on a country from a clan like ICN (for example). Your response would be "Go ahead and take retals...if you can." That type of attitude prohibits smaller clans from growing. If I were to show up with a 10 member clan next set...not only would you not give us a pact but you would farm us...and that's wrong. If you wanted to tagkill us for farming you, that's another story altogether. Just let the little fellas grow...for the good of the game. If they mess with you, by all means, kill away. I guess that works as a response to dagga's first post as well so lets continue.

Pain: "would you like a bib so you dont get any ejaculate on your shirt when you are done slobbing MD's knob?

the reason they have been so "tame" this set is because they have been involved in a war the whole time. you really think they would not be trying to push people around had they not been?"

I don't need a bib, I caught it all in my mouth. And in case you were wondering they had a full opportunity to bully us anyways this set. War aside, they've acted like saints and I do not care to go into detail.

Jiman: "I do not think those two things are easily comparable..."

You are dead on with this post. Netting alliances getting whacked by warring alliances is bad. Warring alliances getting gangbanged is bad. I'm sure you guys will get your retribution and I have no problem with it. We call that, warring for a point. Something I am for.

dagga: "MD took us back to the dark ages, we think its bullfluff for the game, but we're happy to oblige."

We never left dude. I'll admit, SOL had a reasonable war last set. No doubt about it. But cmon Mr. Saintly. You know good and well SOL LOVES fighting wars they know they will win. You are better than that. You are one of the best war clans ever, why do you stoop? And don't lie to me...I'm not stupid.

Symac: "Yeah the community of a game..."

Donno if that post is true or not but I wouldn't doubt it...I've had my fair share of run ins.

Symac: "There never has nor never will be a point to reasoning with SoL, they have always believed they are right no matter how wrong their actions are. Congratulations though SoL you manged to annoy some of the most passive alliances in the game to the point they give up their idea of fun to eliminate you as a threat every reset. "

One day I was in a little clan called BSS. I detagged for reasons unrelated to SOL. SOL proceded to hit me 47 times in the next 24 hours. That was probably 4 years ago now but I definitely never got recruited. I'm sure that's just business as usual.

Jiman: "This does not mean it should be up to us, the players of the game, to have to worry about whether the game will survive or not if we choose to do something one way or another (again, the context of the statement which i was refering too)."

It totally does. You've played long enough to be helpful. It's not up to the nubs to grow membership but it is up to you to at least not be hurtful.

Symac "I was and had crafted a long reply showing that if it were a game with large population and ample support you could get away with that thinking but being it is a struggling and low population game that we all have to be aware of what each action will do to the community. What will be the straw that finally breaks the camels back?"

I was going to respond to the post before this with this exact line of speaking.

archaic: "Derrick is a new member, lol. Thats pretty funny considering he was a leader in ICN back when dagga was crapping in a diaper. Hopefully someday dagga will QUIT crapping in a diaper and realize that Sol got what they deserved this set and quit whining about it."

Hahahaha. Didn't read this before I started typing and now I don't care to edit.

dagga: "We will always be in war, but have tried to keep the balance mostly even in order to win."

Why not try being the underdog? Make me surprised to see you win.

@Maverick...I tend to agree with that. Good to see you too's been WAY too long.



Jul 6th 2011, 21:43:37

that's all we need



Jul 6th 2011, 17:56:23

hmmmm...I donno if that would do much. We need to change our culture.



Jul 6th 2011, 16:49:03

I still play it, right?

I think you have done such a good job at keeping this game alive and trying to spread the word. You need help to make it grow though.



Jul 6th 2011, 16:20:50

that's all it has ever been about.



Jul 6th 2011, 15:12:34

I just wanted to let you know that I like the way you guys have handled yourselves to this point. It's rare to see a clan of that size not just crap all over the smaller tags. Some of you may know who I am, others maybe not so much but I've been playing this game for about 12 years or so and MDs foreign relations reminds me of a time when wars had a point, when DPs meant something, when the game as well as the community was fun. I'm sure this message will fall on deaf ears for the most part but I do believe it is worth pointing out. Be well aware that there are text based games that are growing. It's not at all that the people no longer find stuff like this amusing. This game is losing its core of members for another reason. It is simply that you have no option but to join one of the 3 or 4 larger tags or get bullied. I remember being in a clan of 8 members that was well respected....not farmed. When this game dies be well aware that you have alienated the people trying to enjoy this game for what it used to be, and destroyed the culture it used to have. I know you larger clans feel like you have what you want, and when you destroy the hearts of the last of the small tags and their membership quits instead of joining you, just know, YOU ruined this one else did.

Having said that, MD, I donno if the leadership you have this set has played all along, but you've conducted yourself in a manner that makes this game fun again, if only for a few days. You remind me of the good old days and for that I'm grateful. People need to look at you and see how a real clan operates...or at least operated. Clans like you could outweigh the balance, and we could bring this game back to its former glory. I'm asking...begging, don't let this reunion end with this set. You could bring newbs back to interest with this game. With only 50 players here, this game could be fun, but it needs to go back to the good old days or I swear this game will die with the bullheadedness of the people who thought they were helping their large clan, when in all reality all they have done is kill off the hundreds of people who used to play this game.