
Detmer Game profile


May 29th 2012, 20:24:10

Good looking article... I started reading before I realized this was too long to read during a reasonable work break. To Be Continued...

Detmer Game profile


May 25th 2012, 23:00:29

Originally posted by Trife:
im never going to break 50 mil nw :(

Lies of the highest degree!

Detmer Game profile


May 25th 2012, 20:53:20

Originally posted by Trife:
assume that he's never purchased a thing offa the PM

How far into the round is it and when was the last time and magnitude of acre gain? I assume we're talking about right now? =P

Detmer Game profile


May 25th 2012, 20:13:51

Originally posted by Trife:
I know that by not logging in for ages that there isn't a max persay

but for someone who hasn't touched the private market in a week, how many turns worth of tr/je/tu/ta would there be? ie the equilibrium!

Depends how much military there was on your private market when you logged off =P

Detmer Game profile


May 25th 2012, 19:08:22

There truly is no max. Join Paradigm for further enlightenment. (get it? that was a ZEN pun!)

Detmer Game profile


May 24th 2012, 18:04:41

Originally posted by Hopeless:
i love tits

In that case

Detmer Game profile


May 24th 2012, 16:54:08

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
You people need to understand that the BENEFITS that straight people get when they are married and just that- BENEFITS. Stop saying they are RIGHTS. They are NOT rights. A right is something you get from birth. If i am a straight male and i CHOOSE never to marry a woman then i do not get those BENEFITS. See? It is a benefit not a right.

Our gov for many years has understood the foundation of straight married couples producing family's, thus making this nation stronger. To encourage this act they have given BENEFITS to them when they get married. For those stupid people, its kinda the exact opposite of when the gov adds sin taxes on cigarettes to discourage people from the act of smoking. I find it funny you people are for that (and do not scream equal rigths) but are screaming mad and call benefits of marriage RIGHTS (which they are not)...

Feel free to have your civil unions. You get no benefits that married couples get and you can not get married. I can not wait for it to not be allowed nation wide. The more you people cry and scream the more resolved my side gets.

A tangential semantic argument - the last gasp of failed nonsense.

Servant already addressed you though.

Also, no matter how you try to spin it, you are the one crying and screaming. Just try and think about things. You can have your pride and never admit to us that you are wrong, but just really think about how you think and if you are truly trying to apply reason or if you are just clinging onto baseless dogma.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 22:42:15

Originally posted by crest23:
Hey Pang, where are the Mayans now? What happened to that civilization I wonder?

They were murdered by a bunch of Christians who wanted their land. Their downfall had nothing to do with their apparent ambivalence towards homosexuality.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 18:32:20

Originally posted by Hopeless:
how does one get so many acres? especially in alliance?

Either by ruthlessly grabbing the land from small people who can not retal or by grabbing countries with lots of acres, but near you in networth, so that way even after they take their land back from you in retaliation you still have some left over from ghost acres.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 18:10:38

Originally posted by Servant:
1. The Government should not be in the marriage business. If the government wants to recognize cotracts called civil unions, so be it.

2. Marriage should be a religious only institution, that is only ceremonial, and does not cover any legal ground...(see above where civil union comes in.

3. In the state of minnesota there are 565 legal benefits that go with marriage, that same sex couples do not get. I'll share 2 examples I know of.

I know of a police officer, who if she is killed in the line of duty, her partnership is not recognized and her spouse and kids would not receive the benefit payouts that a heterosexual spouse would.

I know of a same gender couple, who worked at the Mayo Clinic, the spouse who worked at the clinic died, now usually, the pension automatically goes to her spouse, but since she didn't sign a paper that specifically stated she wanted it to go to her spouse, a brother (who is a right wing religious nut) swooped in and claimed the pension. Denying the pension to her partner of 25 yrs! If this had been a hertosexual couple, the benefit would have been automatic.

At the Mayo Clinic, same gender couples get the same benefits of hertosexual couples, however you have to pay federal and state taxes on the benefits. while heterosexual couples do not.

Need I go on.

4. I will debate anyone, who wants to use the Bible to say "Gay Marriage" isn't Christian. I will prove you wrong. Someone, dare to call me out on this:)

5. GLTBQ people deserve equal rights from the government. Enough said.

Deerhunter, my grandparents once flipped out when I dated an amazing, hot, African American Female, who was a finalist int he Miss Oklahoma pageant.
They were wrong. To them it was a black and white issue. HIstory has proven them wrong.
history will prove you wrong also:)

and trust me, they used the bible, the its not natural, what will you tell your kids about their heritage etc arguments. They were wrong.

PS, new polling data this year suggest over 50% of people support Gay marriage. The whole reason we're having this debate, is conservative saw this trend and tried to preempt it. All these state constitution laws are nothing but a preemptive FS, designed to delay the inevitable.

Every word of this.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 16:38:50

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Detmer your lies and false allegations are easy to see through and do not deserve a response. You and people like you will NEVER change my, or others, opinion on this. Our opinion will never change because it is a black and white issue for us. Either gay marriage is right or it is wrong. We (MOST people in the US) agree it is wrong. That will not change. Keep spouting your lies and assumptions if you like. You are an ass. It makes it easy for others to see that.

I know I will never change your opinion. Your opinion is counter to the Bible and you refuse to try to understand the Bible.

Also, why does it have to be right or wrong? The Bible doesn't say it is alright to post on the internet. Does that mean it must be wrong?

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 16:20:51

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Detmer, clearly you are stupid. No, i do not hate gay people. YOU try to say i do but i do not. NO, they do not make me uneasy. I have no problem with them doing their thing as long as it does not effect me. Legalizing gay marriage WOULD effect ME. If would effect EVERY straight and gay person. It would take away form me. I know you are unable to understand that and all the other reasons i CLEARLY laid out above so i see no point in continuing to argue with someone as base as you.

It is a shame that just because a few can yell real loud that they assume they are right and everyone else must be wrong. On this issue, i stand with God. Yes, in the bible it says Man shall not lie with man. You do not get that so no point in going further. God will judge you and me. I feel confident i am right on this issue. Good luck to you.

I said the fact that homophobia is correlated with homosexuality is what makes you uneasy. Reading comprehension hmm k? Since you are against gays getting tax breaks for being married as it will take away from you, I assume you are against equal pay rights for women? I assume you are also pro-slavery as that was very lucrative for white people? Where do the rights of human beings become more important than your personal weatlh? The problem is you worship money as much as God.

Have you ever eaten crab, shrimp or eaten a steak cooked rare? If so you might as well be gay based on your reasoning for not being homosexual. I find it interesting how you recite one line from the Bible with no context and you choose to ignore my links on Biblical interpretation. Clearly you have no desire to understand the Bible and God's Word. You just want to hide behind it as justification for your bigotry.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 15:12:20

I NEVER said gey people should have to carry a greater tax burden than single straight people. I am arguing they should have the SAME burden and NOT get tax BREAKS. Are you stupid Detmer?

No, you are stupid. I resisted calling you out on that before, but I want to be clear now that you are a complete idiot. If gay people can not get the same tax breaks as straight people, they have a higher tax burden. It is very clear, even if you can't understand it.

Once again, are you stupid Detmer? Look at our money. In God we trust is Stamped on it. How can you seriously argue that our country has no Christian ideals? The PLEDGE of Allegiance "one nation UNDER GOD" Our Declaration of Independence talks about rights "endowed by their Creator" DUDE, Detmer, again, are you stupid? It is ALL OVER this country. America, if it did have a national religion (and i am glad it does not) it would be Christian.

1) It does not say which God in any of the things you mentioned. You are just assuming it is the Abrahamic God because that fits your world view. There is no prescription for your (which as it turns out is also my) God.
2) Our nation was not founded saying "In God we trust" - that was added later
3) Again, pledge of allegiance was not written that way... one nation under God was added in 1954...
4) As you mentioned, there is no national religion thus it is inappropriate to legislate religious matters. Even if "Christianity" were the national religion, the Bible does not teach that homosexuality is wrong. I notice you were incapable of responding to that point.

It goes against Nature because if EVERYONE was gay that would pretty much end the human race. Of course Gay people would argue artificial incim. But it would end out existence.

Our planet is over-populated. We are in no danger of ending humanity due to gayness. This is completely irrelevant. There have been gay people for all of time and we have never had to worry about extinction. Furthermore your argument actually makes no sense - lots of "natural" creatures have gone extinct and yet you seem to be saying that gayness is unnatural because it would lead to extinction. Plus, gay people are still capable of procreating.

It does infringe on others when it makes single people have to pick up the tax burden if gay people can get married and get tax breaks. Think on this say gay people currently pay 10% of our nations taxes (example only). If they were allowed to be married and get tax breaks then they would only have to pay 7% of the nations taxes. That 3% would have to be picked up somewhere. Therefore single people would have to pay more in taxes just so gay people can get married. Therefore it does infringe on single people. You really are dumb.

Ah yes, your original point - gay people should have to have a higher tax burden than straight people. How dare we end the gay-subsidy to straight people! Damn them infringing on us and getting equal rights!!!

Stupid people like you always fall back to this. No, i am not gay. I am not homophobic. I do not have any problem with gay people. I have had gay friends and family members. I am not bigot. I have religious, moral, and ethical VALUES that i have to stand up for. Thanks GOD there are many more Americans who feel as i do than the minority who feel as you do. We take NOTHING away from gay people. Why do they (gay people) feel the need to take away from us?

Ah yes, all of your VALUES which apparently stand for inequality. You take away the civil liberties of gay people that all legally joined couples have. YOU take away from them. You still have not said what they take away from you. (Although you seem to be awfully concerned about the taxes they pay... I am not surprised that your religious beliefs are underlain by the dollar... you are an idiot after all). I am not sure why you are grateful that there are (according to you) so many Americans who value inequality. It is just strange how hateful you are.

It is not a "fall back" to point out that homophobia is correlated with homosexuality. It is just a fact that makes you uneasy. It makes you question yourself (well, sure, it makes you just shout more loudly how red-blooded you are, but that doesn't change the reality).

I did get your message. You are an idiot who is easily refutable because your world view is based on faulty reasoning. You oppose homosexuality because someone told you to when you were a kid and you are incapable of applying reason to see that there is no religious or social backing for that.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 14:01:30

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Long ago the US gov saw the value in families being good for America. Because of this they get tax breaks and other discounts and advantages over everyone else. That said, if gay people are allowed to marry and it is recognized by the gov then they would be getting those tax breaks ect too. That would have a impact on everyone else. Where is all that tax revenue going to be made up from? From all the other single people out there. That is an unfair impact on them.

Tax breaks for families is stupid. They should not exist. Tax breaks do not exist to encourage people to get married. People make families without tax breaks. To say that gay people should have to carry a greater tax burden than single straight people is unfair.

Secondly, like it or not the USA was founded with Christian values. Yes, you can practice any religion you want, as long as it does not harm anyone else here. However, we were founded with Christian ideals and Marriage is clearly defined as a union between a man and a woman.

What Christian ideals are in our government? Laws against murder, rape, theft, etc? Those are universal ideals. The fact that there is freedom of religion is a pretty clear testament against this being founded as a Christian nation. Despite what Texas would have you believe, Thomas Jefferson was not even a Christian.

And yes, the Bible is pretty clear on what a marriage is Only between one man and one woman except for when it isn't.

Lastly, it goes against God. It goes against Nature. Yes some creatures go both ways to reproduce but Humans were not made that way. Therefore it goes against nature. And it goes against God. In almost any religion God makes it clear that man shall not lie with man. I have a duty to do what i can to prevent this just as i would with preventing murder or any other of the crimes against God.

How does it go against nature? There are people that are inherently gay. Some animals are observed to undertake "gay" activities. Natural is such an arbitrary term anyways, but that is a discussion for a different day. And how does it go against God? I know you have heard that from a bunch of ignorant people for all your life, and being the ignorant person you are just accepted that as fact. When you actually look at the Bible though you see that is not really clear.

(I have looked at other sources to verify this person is speaking accurately and they are)

If you notice, Jesus never even spoke about homosexuality, or anything construable as homosexuality - it clearly was not a topic of interest.

No, i am not judging you. What anyone does is between them and their Maker. However, i feel compelled to do all i can to stop them from trying to infringe on others and what is clearly a (religious at heart) union meant to be ONLY between a man and a woman.

How does two people having equal rights infringe upon others? That makes no sense. These people can see each other in the hospital if one is critically ill. That is terrible. Just like you.

Bring it up for a Nationwide Vote. I would bet almost anything it gets defeated 60/40 or more. America does NOT want it. To all Gay people: I respect your right to be Gay. Now stop trying to force Gay on to everyone else.

It is possible we have a bigoted, ignorant nation just like you. Regardless of how you feel, gay people are not trying to make anyone else gay or force anything upon anyone else, despite how you feel.

(which as it turns out, you just might be gay
"Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies."

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 3:47:41

Originally posted by Serpentor:
If they want to marry, who cares... Let em. Why would they not be allowed to spend a fortune on a one day party and then suffer like the rest of us. Lol j/k

Over $1k on flowers... *tears out hair*

And my contribution to the topic -

Detmer Game profile


May 21st 2012, 17:08:32

Everyone, other than gigantic corporations who have teams of accountants and lawyers to evade taxes, wants a simpler tax code.

Detmer Game profile


May 18th 2012, 3:56:41

Unless boxcar is missing a lot of news, I can't imagine what you want to talk about.

Detmer Game profile


May 17th 2012, 1:47:58

PDM may not have the biggest epeen, but we have the biggest eballs

Detmer Game profile


May 16th 2012, 21:52:51

Originally posted by Angel1:
Yes, we have an international obligation not to torture. That does not convey the jurisdiction to try Americans for torture or other such crimes. Even the ICC acknowledges that they don't have jurisdiction when a nation's own laws and courts allow for the prosecution of such crimes. The world's pre-eminent court for trying war crimes itself acknowledges that a nation's own courts have jurisdiction where a legal ability to try such charges exists.

When it comes to trials, it is only a matter between the US, the nation(s) where the crimes occurred, the accuser, and the accused. As to the efforts to ensure that the US is not torturing people, that is a matter for the world at large, but not for individual trials. Don't confuse trials for the commitment at large to not torture; upholding our obligations and trials when Americans fail to do so are not the same thing.

I wouldn't even respond to your unprompted ramblings except to clarify that I have done nothing to suggest confusion of trials and a commitment to not torture.

Detmer Game profile


May 16th 2012, 20:59:40

She wasn't even his mother!

Detmer Game profile


May 16th 2012, 18:21:44

Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by Detmer:
War crimes are an international matter - particularly all members of the UN. This is not a US vs whoever thing.

The US is not party to the International Criminal Court, as we have refused to ratify that treaty. The US not having surrendered that part of our sovereignty (aside from questions over whether that level of sovereignty can be surrendered by mere treaty), there is not international court or organization that can try Americans for war crimes. There are only US courts and US remedies. Don't try to pull the universal jurisdiction card, I reject it outright. Univeral jurisdiction is a political tool which the US has cooperated with when it has suited our purposes, but which we rightly refuse to allow against our citizens, leaders, and other representatives. We have also cooperatated with the ICC when it has suited our purposes because the ICC too is a political tool at times. This doesn't deny the ability of political tools to reach just conclusions.

Before you go and point out about Manuel Noriega. He was tried in the US for crimes committed in the US. He was then extradited to France (after completing his sentence) on condition of retrial (having been convicted in absentia). France agreed to these conditions and he was convicted in France for crimes committed in France and then sent to Panama to face charges for crimes committed in Panama.

The only places that Americans can be tried for crimes are either the place the crimes were committed or in the US. Because the US has not ratified any treaty granting judicial power over Americans to anyone else, that power resides only with the people where the crimes were committed or with the United States. Furthermore, where US service personnel are concerned, additional aggreements usually mean that even the location where crimes allegedly took place cannot try them. You want Bush/Cheny prosecuted, then prove enough to get them prosecuted in the US. That's you're only real recourse.

The US signed the Convention Against Torture. That is an international treaty so any torture allegations are an international concern - even if we have not agreed to give others jurisdiction in such matters. You are trying to say that this is only a matter between the US and the accusers of torture - but that is not the case. We made a commitment to the world at large (UN) to not torture.

Detmer Game profile


May 16th 2012, 2:07:39

Originally posted by braden:
i hope malaysia didn't accept dollar one from the us while bush was president. i'm calling accessories before, during and after the fact if they did :(

(i know they pay for (at least some of) malaysias military training, counter terrorism efforts, etc..)

and you gotta love that battle of rhode island, thanks france!

Why shouldn't they accept aid or be involved with the US? For one, before and during? They had no grounds for boycotting the US or anything of that nature until AFTER. Secondly, just because there are a few people in the US government who were (potentially) committing illegal acts, that does not mean they need to sever ties with the US for the good things it does. Working together against terrorism is clearly a good thing to do. How does their desire to uphold justice negate that?

Detmer Game profile


May 16th 2012, 2:03:56

Originally posted by Angel1:
It's funny that the world points fingers at the US for these sort of incidents...because the US actively seeks to bring these kind of abuses to light in the first place. The US could be like so many other countries and seek to bury these sorts of accusations, but instead we choose to actively pursue them and to bring those responsible to justice. The accusations in that story are the actions of individuals and those individuals would be prosecuted if sufficient evidence could be found.

Honestly, what a disgusting waste of time. It's not that there are not things that the world and the US can/should debate about the actions of the Bush administration and where the lines should be drawn, but these aren't those actions. These are actions that Malaysia is trying to make themselves look big on by taking on big bad America.

For the record, I think that any nation which comes into information concerning illegal behavior by Americans in any nation should turn that information over to all the relevant nations so that those nations can pursue appropriate legal remedies.

War crimes are an international matter - particularly all members of the UN. This is not a US vs whoever thing.

Detmer Game profile


May 16th 2012, 2:02:49

Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Looks like the Bush administration is getting reverse LaF'd....

"And without France we never win the American Revolution, so next time you see a Frenchman, ask him if you can suck his fluff k?"

And without the US & allies, France would be eating sauerkraut sandwiches. I think we are even.

For some reason this looks like a new religious crusade.

Oh ok, so until Malaysia rescues us from a conqueror they should support the illegal activities of former presidents? I am really not sure what point you're trying to make other than that you think we paid back the French so you don't need to give out sexual favors to the men...

Illegal activities? What illegal activities? Get your mind straight lib.

George Bush has been accused of committing war crimes. Particularly the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. If I ordered someone to torture you, I think you would want me to stand trial for it. If you *think* I ordered someone to torture you, you'd want me to stand trial for it to have your view verified or refuted. In fact, I bet you'd even want George Bush to go to trial if *you* were the target of torture he ordered. Now, maybe he did and maybe he didn't violate those conventions - that is the purpose of a trial to figure out - but by all means when world leaders are potentially committing war crimes, I want the truth to be discovered.

As show, my mind is straight. That is why I am liberal. Your mind is clearly the confused one.

Detmer Game profile


May 15th 2012, 23:42:01

You guys can have the retired vets! PDM wants active vets! (although we'll gladly take retired vets if they become unretired... which is maybe what Servant was getting at originally...)

Detmer Game profile


May 15th 2012, 15:17:29

Originally posted by ZEN:
Looks like the Bush administration is getting reverse LaF'd....

"And without France we never win the American Revolution, so next time you see a Frenchman, ask him if you can suck his fluff k?"

And without the US & allies, France would be eating sauerkraut sandwiches. I think we are even.

For some reason this looks like a new religious crusade.

Oh ok, so until Malaysia rescues us from a conqueror they should support the illegal activities of former presidents? I am really not sure what point you're trying to make other than that you think we paid back the French so you don't need to give out sexual favors to the men...

Detmer Game profile


May 15th 2012, 14:16:48

Originally posted by Fatty:
Next time the Malaysia's need war time to support they can to pee on a flat rock.

Many Americans died saving their peril from Japan.

Lest we never ever forget.

And without France we never win the American Revolution, so next time you see a Frenchman, ask him if you can suck his fluff k?

How does a president who (without ever having stood trial in America since he is above the law apparently) seemingly committed war crimes equal them being ungrateful for past assistance from our country? George Bush is not America.

Detmer Game profile


May 15th 2012, 2:58:20

Being president of anywhere does not exempt you from war crimes and I am impressed by Malaysia. If people were held accountable maybe less bad things would happen... just a thought...

Detmer Game profile


May 14th 2012, 2:54:41

I need to finish GoT asap so I can read this thread! No illegal posting until then!

Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2012, 20:39:13

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
how can you be a PDM FA if you don't know how to do FA on AT?

Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2012, 15:48:32

Originally posted by ZIP:
no one in laf seamed to mind when they were doing it to others.

Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2012, 14:05:27

Originally posted by TaSk1:
it just needs some excitement injected into it, the political barriers need to be torn down


and we should just start big ass wars for the pure fluff of it.


Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2012, 13:41:52

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
ah, the game sends extra info to a tag on a 3rd party site?

No, I have to login to my country to view it.

Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2012, 13:32:17

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
logs? what logs? these are PDM logs where people say who they are sending FA to?

What NukEvil said. Clan admins can see the history of all FA their clan sends and receives.

Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2012, 13:21:58

Yeah, so I have looked through the logs and no PDM-tagged country has FAed any untagged or SoL-tagged country.

I guess PDM needs to start FAing SoL, so we can stop FAing SoL, so LaF will stop getting FA?

Looks like SoF needs to start doing independent fact checks and stop lapping up everything LaF says.

As an aside regarding FA, the only interesting thing I saw in the FA history was that at the beginning of May two PDM countries FAed each other in the same day...

Detmer Game profile


May 12th 2012, 16:05:58

Interesting allegations. Would you like to tell me which country numbers are sending FA? There is absolutely zero organization on the part of PDM to send out FA. You would know that except your hackers got exposed.

Detmer Game profile


May 10th 2012, 21:11:13

Originally posted by Trife:
Remember Detmer's contact info!

Director: Detmer
ICQ: 74939894
Note: Prefer contact on Alliance talk & sensual massages

*shakes fist angrily/sexily at Trife*

Detmer Game profile


May 10th 2012, 3:08:04

Yes, you can fail an op on someone with 0 spies. Fortunately, your losses will be proportional to the number of spies they have - 0.

Detmer Game profile


May 10th 2012, 1:19:38

It was down and is back.

Detmer Game profile


May 10th 2012, 0:32:57

Originally posted by Drow:
pLow: gotta be able to speak english properly first :P

I reject the notion of 'proper' language. Language is defined by the ability to communicate. If people can understand plow then I am down with it. (It being the speaking... not it being an FA)

Detmer Game profile


May 9th 2012, 23:53:14

Has that happened to you this round Balin?

Last round you did make the tag and this round I did, so maybe it is related to that.

Detmer Game profile


May 9th 2012, 22:14:27

Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by henrik:
Hmmmm not a single AB?
Weren't imag going to use an AB retal policy? :)

that was just for omega, but you guys pacted us :P

Are you sure you don't mean pdm instead of omega?
I have it from a secure source that Detmer even does AB stuff at the gym!! The locker room got demolished, but lacked enough tanks to AB the aerobic rooms.

lol yes, I confided to henrik that I did abs at the gym ;)

(ok, they weren't really in the locker room, I just said that to sound impressive)

Detmer Game profile


May 9th 2012, 18:54:38

qz, I see it sometimes too. I saw it today in both for example. That is less common than not seeing it, for me. I would create screen shots or something, but I really don't know what that would accomplish... =P

Detmer Game profile


May 9th 2012, 0:14:59

I am tag admin for both tags I play in, in case that is related.

Detmer Game profile


May 9th 2012, 0:14:28

I only play team and alliance but this I pretty much never see any recent news when I login anymore.

Detmer Game profile


May 8th 2012, 13:35:00

Originally posted by archaic:

As usual, even though Reckless and I are the PDM FA team, please feel free to go around us and deal with Detmer behind our backs.

Please don't do that =P Talk to them first =P

Detmer Game profile


May 7th 2012, 2:20:40

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Detmer:

No one is suggesting eternal war on LaF. You are trying to blow this out of proportion to gain sympathy for LaF so your ally and thus your political position is not weakened. LaF, as an alliance, deserves a period of retribution for the acts their chosen leaders carried out in their name.

Not everything is about politics. Some folks are looking at the bigger picture.

EE doesn't have a ton of players. A handful (far less than ever before) cheat and the moderators/administrators seem to be doing their best to prevent it. When an alliance has a few members caught cheating, do we throw out the bath with the bathwater? Can we afford to lose multiples of those numbers of cheaters in clean players? And who ultimately defines "cheating" aside from the administrators? You don't think folks may grow tired of PDM and declare landtraders to be cheaters? You haven't read people calling landtrading cheating before? Think big picture.

I think those who feel slighted should take their action out on the battlefield. Demolish them and say you're pissed. Let them work their diplomacy. Issuing ultimatums that are really attempts to rid them from the game is not helping anyone except the shortest of terms.

I am looking at the big picture. Cheaters are never adequately punished in this game so people continue to cheat and drive off more and more players. Losing a dozen people now (if that is what happens) by showing that the community takes a hard stance against cheating and thus eliminating any future leadership-type level cheating is well worth it.

I am not sure why you are talking about cheating definitions - the admins labeled hanlong and TC to be cheaters. There are no questions about that. You are just trying to obscure things. There is no question that hanlong and TC cheated. The admins have stated that.

I'm happy with the admins of this game. Cheating is down huge compared to the way it was in 2025.

The admins correctly labeled Hanlong and TC to be cheaters and took appropriate action. Every action taken by the community (or those inclined alliances) after that is by definition political. In effect, they're creating a standard for handling cheating. Many question their motives and others question the benefit of it to the game. You pretending that people are wrong to question them or questioning them by default puts you on the same level of cheaters is ridiculous.

Tell me what stops them from saying the same thing about PDM with landtrading. Do you have assurances that they won't? Did anyone ask if they would say the same standard would apply to them? What do you think?

Plotting to handle it as a group in public leads me to believe the motivations are more political than they are about allocating punishment. You may not agree, but frankly I don't care.

What TC and hanlong did is clearly against the rules. The rules state nothing about "landtrading". The admins have indeed said it is legal and that any alterations will come in the form of game mechanics.

How do you define political? If you mean to strengthen PDM's position - that is not my purpose. If you mean to get others to alter their behavior to socially engineer this game such that people are reluctant to cheat in the future - then absolutely.

And I know you don't care. That is the problem.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:56:14

No - you don't have to have known about the cheating. If the net effect of cheating is positive then there is incentive for people to cheat. The positive effects of the cheating need to be removed. If all in-game records of LaF since TC/hanlong obtained their DB access were erased I would drop this instantly. I am not saying that is the best way to proceed, but it is one route that would "resolve" the issue in my eyes. Sure - their personal records were deleted which is very straight foward, and realistically all that is fair for the admins to do, but that doesn't come close to resolving the legacy of their cheating.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:37:45

Originally posted by Frodo:
Wow this game must be dying when the forum moderator thinks its going to die haha.

I am not saying it will - but if a significant portion of the player base is supporting cheaters, I can't imagine the future is bright. It is up to the players to take some ownership for the game and their actions, and to be unified against cheating, rather than just being content with a slap on the wrist.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:33:52

There are two issues:
1) you let a known cheater back
2) you benefited from the cheating

If an alliance benefits from cheating, there is no reason not to cheat in the future. All the cheating is justified if it strengthens what it is intended to strengthen.