
Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:33:52

There are two issues:
1) you let a known cheater back
2) you benefited from the cheating

If an alliance benefits from cheating, there is no reason not to cheat in the future. All the cheating is justified if it strengthens what it is intended to strengthen.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:24:29

Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:

It's sort of sad we have to fight a war in the game to show that cheaters shouldn't prosper.

Lets put aside here the fact that the cheaters got banned from the game...

But why is it sad? The most fun times I had in earth2025 was when my own clan (MET) was having problems with the people then using (more like abusing) the RD tag to harass us during three sets. We used game admin help (yeah, omac functioned for that, go figure) and also fought them ingame, plus our legit enemies, and also pulled some hilarious stunts.

Right now the server was served with a reason for a lot of activity to both power blocks for multiple sets to come. One side can energize their membership by saying internally that they are going to outfight or outnet the cheaters from laf and the other side gets to prove that they can be top dogs without the cheating. Could be fun if used smartly. And no need to try to guilty trip tags into dropping laf.

I have never seen someone go through more hoops to try and validate cheating before.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:21:16

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Detmer:

No one is suggesting eternal war on LaF. You are trying to blow this out of proportion to gain sympathy for LaF so your ally and thus your political position is not weakened. LaF, as an alliance, deserves a period of retribution for the acts their chosen leaders carried out in their name.

Not everything is about politics. Some folks are looking at the bigger picture.

EE doesn't have a ton of players. A handful (far less than ever before) cheat and the moderators/administrators seem to be doing their best to prevent it. When an alliance has a few members caught cheating, do we throw out the bath with the bathwater? Can we afford to lose multiples of those numbers of cheaters in clean players? And who ultimately defines "cheating" aside from the administrators? You don't think folks may grow tired of PDM and declare landtraders to be cheaters? You haven't read people calling landtrading cheating before? Think big picture.

I think those who feel slighted should take their action out on the battlefield. Demolish them and say you're pissed. Let them work their diplomacy. Issuing ultimatums that are really attempts to rid them from the game is not helping anyone except the shortest of terms.

I am looking at the big picture. Cheaters are never adequately punished in this game so people continue to cheat and drive off more and more players. Losing a dozen people now (if that is what happens) by showing that the community takes a hard stance against cheating and thus eliminating any future leadership-type level cheating is well worth it.

I am not sure why you are talking about cheating definitions - the admins labeled hanlong and TC to be cheaters. There are no questions about that. You are just trying to obscure things. There is no question that hanlong and TC cheated. The admins have stated that.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:16:59

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
Originally posted by Detmer:
No one is suggesting eternal war on LaF. You are trying to blow this out of proportion to gain sympathy for LaF so your ally and thus your political position is not weakened. LaF, as an alliance, deserves a period of retribution for the acts their chosen leaders carried out in their name.

i think it's very clear that it is not about "cheating", the cheating incident might have been used for an "agenda". my bad if i got that wrong. (see dagga's post)

Originally posted by dagga:
Regardless of the cheating accusations, LaF have it a comin'.

The fact their leader cheated just brought it on a bit quicker :)

For some alliances this may be about cheating and past grudges. For the rest it is just about cheating.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:15:31

Cheating and politics killed the game long ago. When the two prop each other up it can't be long before the plug is finally pulled.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 22:14:18

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Detmer:

It's sort of sad we have to fight a war in the game to show that cheaters shouldn't prosper.

The people that cheated got booted. They're not prospering and Laf has a huge blemish. Nobody won here.

You have people saying all of Laf should suffer and you have people saying you can't blame the whole alliance.

If we're going to start using old information from and old game run by a worthless asshole then where is the anti-rd crusade? I got a couple licks on them and I let it go. Should I have held my grudge forever?

Orkin: Do you see anyone defending Laf in game?

No one is suggesting eternal war on LaF. You are trying to blow this out of proportion to gain sympathy for LaF so your ally and thus your political position is not weakened. LaF, as an alliance, deserves a period of retribution for the acts their chosen leaders carried out in their name.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 20:49:38

Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by dagga:
Go fluff yourself trumper you LAF suckhole. There are two wars in the entire history of EE where SOL could be called out for..

The first is when Imag called in SOL against your alliance, you called Omega and destroyed them due to overwhelming numbers. The second was SOL vs LCN/icn.. At the worst you can cry like a fluff and say you were netting but lets face it, you had more members and more networth and lost. SOL has hit LCN once of its own accord since the beginning of EE yet you carry on like the world owes you an apology.

Your participation in the SOL gangbang was a disgrace to your history but you pricks still walk around as if someone owes you something. Get some perspective - you can't be protected by the cheats in LaF forever

Congratulations, you're doing more for Laf's cause than any of their members could ever do. You have also done a fascinating job of reminding all of us how the anti-cheating terms amount to political posturing. Keep showing that beloved SOL honor!

So you're saying that LCN supports cheaters as a means of getting back at SoL? Great ethics.

Ethics has zero to do with it. SOF, LCN, etc`s anti-cheating obligation ends at their doorsteeps. Outside of that, it is game mods obligation to assure a cheat free game.

Ethics has everything to do with it. The argument you are making is akin to saying it is alright to give money to al Qaeda since you aren't going to blow up any planes yourself.

No, the argument you are trying to make is that YOUR ethics should matter to SOMEONE`S ELSE ethics.

It doesn`t. Cry as much of a river over it as you want, but that fact won`t change.

The only thing that the community has to follow is the game rules and there are people who enforce them, and they aren`t you.

You clearly don't know what ethics are. You have ethics and morals confused.

You're right, I can't make you give a damn, though. But you just enable people to keep cheating. You vindicate them by supporting them after they are exposed.

And I am not complaining - I think you do not understand what crying a river is. Also me not being a game mod and not enforcing the rules has nothing to do with me pointing out the unethical behavior of alliances. I have never said SoF is cheating by supporting LaF.

All in all Eric, I think you need to get your thoughts in order before posting more because right now you are just looking silly.

Not mixing ethics and morals with rules comes with my job, but thanks for your opinion that I don`t know how to differentiate morals and ethics.

Anyway, the simple fact is that ethics is subjective. What might be an ethical issue for you might not be for the next person, and there is zero reason for your ethics to matter more than the next person ethics.

To me what is really silly are hundreds of posts from LAF/SOF/LCN`s enemies claiming that SOF, LCN, etc have the moral/ethical/whatever duty to drop LAF. That is what I called complaining/crying. I could use other words too.

Leave the enforcement of game rules to game admins. It is their job.

Go win your war on the field.

I will stop here because what else I could write would be a simple restatement of what I already said, and there is no point in repeating myself ad nauseam.

It's sort of sad we have to fight a war in the game to show that cheaters shouldn't prosper.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 20:37:26

Ah yes, another hosting service hosted by cheaters who spy on your boards. Exactly what we need!


Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:48:57

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by dagga:
Go fluff yourself trumper you LAF suckhole. There are two wars in the entire history of EE where SOL could be called out for..

The first is when Imag called in SOL against your alliance, you called Omega and destroyed them due to overwhelming numbers. The second was SOL vs LCN/icn.. At the worst you can cry like a fluff and say you were netting but lets face it, you had more members and more networth and lost. SOL has hit LCN once of its own accord since the beginning of EE yet you carry on like the world owes you an apology.

Your participation in the SOL gangbang was a disgrace to your history but you pricks still walk around as if someone owes you something. Get some perspective - you can't be protected by the cheats in LaF forever

Congratulations, you're doing more for Laf's cause than any of their members could ever do. You have also done a fascinating job of reminding all of us how the anti-cheating terms amount to political posturing. Keep showing that beloved SOL honor!

So you're saying that LCN supports cheaters as a means of getting back at SoL? Great ethics.

Are you acting stupid or are you looking through rose-colored glasses to miss my other posts? I'm hoping the latter because I don't represent LCN (nor have I claimed to), I have said I find those cheating in Laf to be despicable and that I think some are attempting to use this as an excuse to restructure the power basis. You can jump to illogical conclusions all day long, it doesn't mean you're right.

And I think LCN and SoF are using dagga as an attempt to keep the power structure the same since they have been beneficiaries of LaF's cheating and don't want their ally to lose their ill-gotten gains.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:47:17

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by dagga:
Go fluff yourself trumper you LAF suckhole. There are two wars in the entire history of EE where SOL could be called out for..

The first is when Imag called in SOL against your alliance, you called Omega and destroyed them due to overwhelming numbers. The second was SOL vs LCN/icn.. At the worst you can cry like a fluff and say you were netting but lets face it, you had more members and more networth and lost. SOL has hit LCN once of its own accord since the beginning of EE yet you carry on like the world owes you an apology.

Your participation in the SOL gangbang was a disgrace to your history but you pricks still walk around as if someone owes you something. Get some perspective - you can't be protected by the cheats in LaF forever

Congratulations, you're doing more for Laf's cause than any of their members could ever do. You have also done a fascinating job of reminding all of us how the anti-cheating terms amount to political posturing. Keep showing that beloved SOL honor!

So you're saying that LCN supports cheaters as a means of getting back at SoL? Great ethics.

Ethics has zero to do with it. SOF, LCN, etc`s anti-cheating obligation ends at their doorsteeps. Outside of that, it is game mods obligation to assure a cheat free game.

Ethics has everything to do with it. The argument you are making is akin to saying it is alright to give money to al Qaeda since you aren't going to blow up any planes yourself.

When did you allow Dagga and co to start writing your posts?

I am not sure what you mean - Dagga does not speak for me or PDM.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:46:43

Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by dagga:
Go fluff yourself trumper you LAF suckhole. There are two wars in the entire history of EE where SOL could be called out for..

The first is when Imag called in SOL against your alliance, you called Omega and destroyed them due to overwhelming numbers. The second was SOL vs LCN/icn.. At the worst you can cry like a fluff and say you were netting but lets face it, you had more members and more networth and lost. SOL has hit LCN once of its own accord since the beginning of EE yet you carry on like the world owes you an apology.

Your participation in the SOL gangbang was a disgrace to your history but you pricks still walk around as if someone owes you something. Get some perspective - you can't be protected by the cheats in LaF forever

Congratulations, you're doing more for Laf's cause than any of their members could ever do. You have also done a fascinating job of reminding all of us how the anti-cheating terms amount to political posturing. Keep showing that beloved SOL honor!

So you're saying that LCN supports cheaters as a means of getting back at SoL? Great ethics.

Ethics has zero to do with it. SOF, LCN, etc`s anti-cheating obligation ends at their doorsteeps. Outside of that, it is game mods obligation to assure a cheat free game.

Ethics has everything to do with it. The argument you are making is akin to saying it is alright to give money to al Qaeda since you aren't going to blow up any planes yourself.

No, the argument you are trying to make is that YOUR ethics should matter to SOMEONE`S ELSE ethics.

It doesn`t. Cry as much of a river over it as you want, but that fact won`t change.

The only thing that the community has to follow is the game rules and there are people who enforce them, and they aren`t you.

You clearly don't know what ethics are. You have ethics and morals confused.

You're right, I can't make you give a damn, though. But you just enable people to keep cheating. You vindicate them by supporting them after they are exposed.

And I am not complaining - I think you do not understand what crying a river is. Also me not being a game mod and not enforcing the rules has nothing to do with me pointing out the unethical behavior of alliances. I have never said SoF is cheating by supporting LaF.

All in all Eric, I think you need to get your thoughts in order before posting more because right now you are just looking silly.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:43:16

Originally posted by Helmet:
Who currently in Laf has/is cheating Detmer?

Who in LaF has cheated? H4 for one. I am not accusing him of cheating now, but LaF has verified historic cheaters who are active members.

LaF has a chronic history of cheating. Over the past 14 years they have had 8 heads who have been caught cheating. That means on average LaF heads are CAUGHT cheating more frequently than every two years. This will continue as long as alliances keep propping them up. LaF has no reason to stop cheating because one scapegoat seems to be enough to assuage the community everytime. LaF's ill-gotten gains continue to prop them up. If an alliance had to paid the price for cheating, then their leaders would stop doing it. I am not suggesting that any alliance who has a member cheat should be punished (as long as they remove the member) however this is a systemic issue with LaF where their chosen representative abuses the game and the community.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:34:06

Originally posted by Eric171:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by dagga:
Go fluff yourself trumper you LAF suckhole. There are two wars in the entire history of EE where SOL could be called out for..

The first is when Imag called in SOL against your alliance, you called Omega and destroyed them due to overwhelming numbers. The second was SOL vs LCN/icn.. At the worst you can cry like a fluff and say you were netting but lets face it, you had more members and more networth and lost. SOL has hit LCN once of its own accord since the beginning of EE yet you carry on like the world owes you an apology.

Your participation in the SOL gangbang was a disgrace to your history but you pricks still walk around as if someone owes you something. Get some perspective - you can't be protected by the cheats in LaF forever

Congratulations, you're doing more for Laf's cause than any of their members could ever do. You have also done a fascinating job of reminding all of us how the anti-cheating terms amount to political posturing. Keep showing that beloved SOL honor!

So you're saying that LCN supports cheaters as a means of getting back at SoL? Great ethics.

Ethics has zero to do with it. SOF, LCN, etc`s anti-cheating obligation ends at their doorsteeps. Outside of that, it is game mods obligation to assure a cheat free game.

Ethics has everything to do with it. The argument you are making is akin to saying it is alright to give money to al Qaeda since you aren't going to blow up any planes yourself.

Detmer Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:27:33

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by dagga:
Go fluff yourself trumper you LAF suckhole. There are two wars in the entire history of EE where SOL could be called out for..

The first is when Imag called in SOL against your alliance, you called Omega and destroyed them due to overwhelming numbers. The second was SOL vs LCN/icn.. At the worst you can cry like a fluff and say you were netting but lets face it, you had more members and more networth and lost. SOL has hit LCN once of its own accord since the beginning of EE yet you carry on like the world owes you an apology.

Your participation in the SOL gangbang was a disgrace to your history but you pricks still walk around as if someone owes you something. Get some perspective - you can't be protected by the cheats in LaF forever

Congratulations, you're doing more for Laf's cause than any of their members could ever do. You have also done a fascinating job of reminding all of us how the anti-cheating terms amount to political posturing. Keep showing that beloved SOL honor!

So you're saying that LCN supports cheaters as a means of getting back at SoL? Great ethics.

Detmer Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:23:04

Originally posted by Chevs:
how are we defending laf's cheating?

we are perfectly willing to stand aside and let them take their licks / get a huge beatdown. theres no need to beat them down over and over again. curb stomping an entire alliance for 1-2 peoples actions who arent even in the alliance anymore for 6 months is just unfair/hypocritical on so many levels.

There people supported these leaders (who are known, previous cheaters) for a long time. They can go to another alliance if they do not want to suffer a beat down. Elitez got what it deserved from continued cheating and the players went elsewhere. If LaF players don't want to pay the price for backing cheaters for so long then they can all go join other alliances.

If there is no need to beat an alliance down time and time again, why do NA and SoL come to mind?

Detmer Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:20:37

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
Originally posted by mazooka:
Then what are you on about? Its 2012. Are you trying to justify cheating now by cheating done years ago?

I give zero fluffs about dagga but dont try to rewrite history yet.

no sir mazooka sir, i am not rewriting history nor justifying anything. my analysis on the current situation between LaF and others is that the "cheating incident" was used to win sympathy from other alliance with the objective to destroy LaF. my analysis shows that before the incident there was already an "anti-LaF campaign" going on around but with the issue of who will participate and who will not. when the incident occured, with the investigation still going on, and which is still fluorishing, they already have won the sympathy of some alliances. i guess the statement "Hanlong cheated therefore all LaF should be destroyed, and that all LaFers cheated and LaF allies where guilty "of something" by association" was the theme of the campaign. just my analysis though. you can correct me if i'm wrong.

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
Originally posted by tduong:
dagga you are the cancer

+1. guess all of this has been planned out from the beginning. the "cheating incident" was used for political purposes. attitudes like that can ruin the game.

The popular sentiment is not all of LaF should be destroyed. You are exaggerating to try and win sympathy for your allies. Give it up. LaF cheated and will pay the price. If you had shacked up with more ethical alliances you would not have to be throwing principles out the window to have stronger political footing.

Detmer Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:11:34

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Chevs:
if laf doesn't deserve it, where the hell is evo? they broke their pact with laf just to net the set out?

evo make awesome allies GJ md/SOL

are you implying evo should FS laf?

yes i am. smack them around in an epic server gangbang and be done with it. hell throw pdm and TIE on there too

How many rounds has hanlong been abusing the game? I feel like that would be a more fitting number of rounds. If LaF had onnly been cheating for one round then I think only one round of reprisal would be in order.

from what i know they only have proof he accessed the DB this set.

everything else he did while damnable still sadly goes on and theres a lot of people doing it / attempting to do it. I half believe evo are just not hitting because if they hit the evo cheating scandals might come out and they would look pretty bad / hypocritical

If there were Evo cheating scandals, they would already be out.

It is really sad how hard SoF is trying to defend LaF's cheating. Why must you keep constantly trying to deflect attention away from how your closest allies are chronic cheaters?

Oh that's right... they are your closest allies so the ethics are irrelevant.

People who are still supporting LaF care more about politics than principle. It is very straight forward.

Detmer Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:00:25

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Chevs:
if laf doesn't deserve it, where the hell is evo? they broke their pact with laf just to net the set out?

evo make awesome allies GJ md/SOL

are you implying evo should FS laf?

yes i am. smack them around in an epic server gangbang and be done with it. hell throw pdm and TIE on there too

How many rounds has hanlong been abusing the game? I feel like that would be a more fitting number of rounds. If LaF had onnly been cheating for one round then I think only one round of reprisal would be in order.

Detmer Game profile


May 5th 2012, 14:59:20

I miss Aedes

Detmer Game profile


May 5th 2012, 14:43:16


Detmer Game profile


May 4th 2012, 21:21:46

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Detmer: everyone knows who Mr. Chartreuse was!

Good. Just wanted to reiterate.

Detmer Game profile


May 4th 2012, 21:06:35

Anyone know who Mr Chartreuse was?

Detmer Game profile


May 4th 2012, 17:50:18

RIP Mr Hornblower

Detmer Game profile


May 4th 2012, 15:20:46

Originally posted by Watcher:
If HLW did:

- view other alliances site's posts on BOXCAR
- view other alliances site's posts on EVOHOSTING
- view other allainces site's posts on whatever they are on

Then I really can't see how it's different than what has been going on this game since organized groups began. Hacking, spies, steal logins, pretending to be another person, those are exterior gameplay that doesn't involve the game itself. Alliances can decide to take IN GAME ACTIONS against HLW for that, and may put the blame on LaF as well.

But that is just fine and dandy IMO.

If HLW gained access through a password given by TC, to Admin Forums and Private Message.

Then that is an Admin management issue, of not closing an access after a person has left the team. Sure, you can say HLW shouldn't have, but it's not much more different that the usual espionge that happens between alliances. (Previous cases of private messages being read on alliance hosting sites by spies who have moved up the chain into leadership, even PRESIDENT, has occured)

I'm not defending HLW here, just saying, these accusations, should be separated from the accusations of game manipulation, and viewing other countries spyops with out using a turn.


TC giving Admin access to HLW to BOXCAR is just a meh, unethical to other alliances, but in no way 'cheated' in the game. You can hate and flame the guy all you want, and never trust him again, but he didn't 'cheat' by sharing Admin access to BOXCAR.

TC giving Admin access to HLW to EE is dead wrong, unethical to the game.


Again, the country viewing / editing is the only thing that I think the Admins should focus on, and bringing the other things along seems part of a smear campaign against LaF.

Looks like people need to read the rules they assent to more closely.

"Ingame behavior
We understand that competition can get fierce and emotions may get heated, but we expect all players to show sportsmanship and to remain civil when dealing with other players. Players should behave appropriately in all areas related to the game, including ingame messages, affiliated websites, the game forums, and irc."

Detmer Game profile


May 4th 2012, 14:40:42

You never joined PDM =(

Enjoy real life! Keep up the good running!

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 20:31:08

Originally posted by archaic:
PDM does not regulate members freedom to express themselves, although right now Detmer is wishing he could regulate me I figure


Actually... I *CAN* regulate you. I just don't want to lose my shiny new powers already ;)

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 18:24:58

Originally posted by Flamey:
Everyone should realise that he planeed to hit SoL before the reset started. After he found the logs he hit, Evo, MD... who do you think was next.

SoL play the same Mon Farmer -> Mon Tehcer, so it was always their plan to hit early, win and farm.

Considering you guys hit PDM, you are clearly not very good at inferring people's intentions. It seems that you can't understand any behavior other than your own. That is consistent with my theory on why SoF is so resistant to any change from the decade long status quo.

I don't even see why you are worked up about this - an alliance (SoL) tries to fulfill their obligations for their allies (PDM) while working out a mutual arrangement for the alliance they need to fight (SoF). This really seems like the best thing they could have done. I think you guys need to go find somewhere else to spin.

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 17:36:45

He is entitled to his opinion. As a member of PDM he is not censored (from a PDM stand point) from posting his personal opinions on AT or anywhere.

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 17:33:12

SoL had not set a date to hit you.

You should have verified your assumption before posting on here.

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 16:12:28

haha, I almost went to buy the $502 stuff... then I thought it was odd that $100M would only get me like 200k bushels so I looked at the price =P

Once food prices get to like $90 it is time for people to start switching to farmer.

(that is a rule of thumb I made up like 8 years ago... nfi if it is a true threshold)

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 14:41:07

Originally posted by XiQter MD:
Not that I think watcher is Hanglong but the irony is that hanglong himself was very clear in his statement vs muppets

"we will not pact alliances that are caught cheating"

Well there you go, you set yourselves up prefect didnt you ;)

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 3:49:08


Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 3:19:48

Paradigm declares our pact with La Famiglia void. We have received confirmation that LaF aided an enemy at war with information against Paradigm (although they of course did not know the information was ill-gained) and that is a major breach of our pact which allows for immediate termination within the stated pact terms.

Paradigm as an alliance considers the actions taken by LaF to be reprehensible. There *may* only have been two members complicit in the cheating, and it certainly was not alliance-wide, but one of them was the face of LaF. The chosen representative of LaF made severe transgressions against Paradigm and the game. This game has been plagued for too long by those who would ruin this game and those who associate with them. Paradigm, as an alliance steeped in principle and honor, must distance ourself from any such affiliations. Paradigm will remain unallied with La Famiglia indefinitely. This is a breach of trust that time will not heal - only contrition and service to the community.

Detmer Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 0:15:31

Originally posted by Sifos:
We need to get used to a close to zero growth some time in the near future...


Detmer Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 16:06:09

Excellent post.

Detmer Game profile


May 1st 2012, 21:34:45

Originally posted by Detmer:

Detmer Game profile


May 1st 2012, 18:27:06

Only if you play in Paradigm.

but don't go to the website right now...

*shifty eyes*

Nah, but really it is good to try again for nostalgia sake.

Detmer Game profile


May 1st 2012, 0:06:47

Detmer Game profile


Apr 30th 2012, 14:41:21

Detmer Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 19:55:28

All gun-control points aside, Nuke owned ford who is a complete newb for posting a fictitious story and thinking it is real.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 16:14:00

Originally posted by toma:
more like kronecker was a whiny fluff like most of AT.


Detmer Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 15:20:03

Originally posted by Detmer:
PDM and SoF will be ceasefiring April 23, 2012 at 18:00. Evo will remain policing for us until April 25, 2012 at 18:00.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 2:02:04

Originally posted by Chevs:
apo why dont you come back and do something about it.

bring biz mak and hombre with you ya wanker

Confirmed. We would love to have you in PDM.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:26:55

hanlong, PDM and LaF are pacted. You need to read the pact terms more carefully. You have to actively contact us to terminate the pact - it auto-renews.

Mapleson and Son Goku seem to be the only people with brain cells in that group.

That is all.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 14:45:23

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Besides, the government knew about this upcoming protest even before it was planned by the protesters. Only a few hundred people will show up, and some of them be rounded up and arrested for...protesting, thus sending a message to any other would-be protesters.

Just gotta love Syria!

Detmer Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 13:14:08

It is very good and very well balanced, other than the cash is too low at higher turn counts.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 3:34:54

Detmer Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 3:33:49

Originally posted by Reckless:


Detmer Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 17:01:08

Originally posted by kingofthezulus:
Beautiful dog, Corgi?


Detmer Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 16:46:33

PDM and SoF will be ceasefiring April 23, 2012 at 18:00. Evo will remain policing for us until April 25, 2012 at 18:00.