
Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:43:14

Originally posted by Palmen:
Originally posted by Detmer:

The individuals all chose to let that guy lead them and represent them...

We should put out a deathsentence for every single German that lived during the 1930s then

If I were advocating the complete destruction of LaF then yes that would be a logical extrapolation. I however have only suggested temporary punishment for LaF; ergo your analogy is ludicrous.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:27:42

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Whinny lil cry babies, you got DOWed, big fkn deal!, stfu and fight!

That is all :p

Maybe some people didn't sign up for this game to have griefers sabotage their hard work for no reason.

That's funny, because those people who are apparently working so hard are griefers themselves. Consider the multiple plots to gangbang Laf even before the TurtleCrawlerGate. Consider the multiple suiciders from their side on Laf or RD(KJ anyone?). Consider the constant insults that your Evo friends serve out.
Consider that RD was bullied last set by MD and was told to declare war or fluff off. So shocking and so griefery by RD to declare war. OH NO.

Stop whining. We do not want your hardon for us to last so long that it becomes a medical issue.

You are doing a lot of complaining about me to start complaining about "whining". Really LaFers whining about how everyone hates cheaters is the only whining I see around here.

I can not speak for anyone who has ever suicided on LaF or whatever... but those are isolated instances on a small scale that is very hard to control. ESPECIALLY if someone cheats by making multiple accounts.

By contrast there are alliances who make a living out of suiciding on other alliances. They do it under the guise of "war".

I am not sure what insults have to do with this.

MD killed a single RD country last round because it was a former member of theirs who they booted.

I definitely think your problem is you don't understand what you're talking about.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:23:53

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Ivan:

The fact that people are still downplaying the severity of what evos admins did boggles my mind

Wait? is MD refusing to pact them for 6 months? or is MD going to gangbang them for 3 resets?

you need a mind in order for it to be boggled.

post proof or gtfo :)

There was an apology thread for one thing.

then 5 minutes later:
SS, SG and H4 pleading ignorance and playing down the fact that your whole clan benefitted from hacking, cheating & lying.

Lying isn't against game rules.

You have become quite the Evo apologist over there Detmer. Your advocacy of giant gang bangs seems unbecoming to someone who is I guess considered "staff" of EE.

1) There are no game rules against gang bangs. That is pretty hypocritical coming from someone who plays on your "side".
2) I am setting the record straight - not apologizing for anything. As a "staff" member it is my job to respond to false accusations against the staff.
3) martian made a clear thread against accusing alliances of cheating that have not been verified by the admins.

Funny how as a forum moderator you allowed it to go on for so long though. Evo/Sol people have been accusing various Laf players(Like myself) of being cheats for ages now. Why choose to enforce your own rules so suddenly?

I never said gangbangs are against the rules Detmer. I said it is not helpful for the community. Perhaps you would be happy when there was no more Laf. When will your hardon end? I guess your idea of punishing the ones who didn't cheat is different than mine.

Many baseball teams have won championships and had a player who was taking illegal steroids on their team. Should those players go to jail, be banned from baseball, or suspended for a year to sate this desire of yours to punish people?

I have no been a moderator for "so long". martian posted clearly regarding accusing people of cheaters yesterday. That is when moderation of that rule came into effect in my eyes.

You said it was unbecoming which is open for interpretation. I think a strong showing from the server that cheating will not be tolerated is good for the game. As has been stated many times, there is no goal to drive LaF from the game. There is no goal to weaken LaF. The goal is to give LaF the punishment it deserves. If all members or only a fraction of the members want to take their medicine then so be it.

If the upper management of the team was knowingly breaking some rules by which they have agreed to abide, then yes, the entire team should be punished on some level, whether that is a year off, or whatever. There is no positive reinforcement for being a good community member it turns out - negative reinforcement against being a bad community member is all there really is. It is not a desire for punishment, it is the reality of evoking good change.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:12:14

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Whinny lil cry babies, you got DOWed, big fkn deal!, stfu and fight!

That is all :p

Maybe some people didn't sign up for this game to have griefers sabotage their hard work for no reason.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:10:50

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Ivan:

The fact that people are still downplaying the severity of what evos admins did boggles my mind

Wait? is MD refusing to pact them for 6 months? or is MD going to gangbang them for 3 resets?

you need a mind in order for it to be boggled.

post proof or gtfo :)

There was an apology thread for one thing.

then 5 minutes later:
SS, SG and H4 pleading ignorance and playing down the fact that your whole clan benefitted from hacking, cheating & lying.

Lying isn't against game rules.

You have become quite the Evo apologist over there Detmer. Your advocacy of giant gang bangs seems unbecoming to someone who is I guess considered "staff" of EE.

1) There are no game rules against gang bangs. That is pretty hypocritical coming from someone who plays on your "side".
2) I am setting the record straight - not apologizing for anything. As a "staff" member it is my job to respond to false accusations against the staff.
3) martian made a clear thread against accusing alliances of cheating that have not been verified by the admins.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:59:33

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Ivan:

The fact that people are still downplaying the severity of what evos admins did boggles my mind

Wait? is MD refusing to pact them for 6 months? or is MD going to gangbang them for 3 resets?

you need a mind in order for it to be boggled.

post proof or gtfo :)

There was an apology thread for one thing.

then 5 minutes later:
SS, SG and H4 pleading ignorance and playing down the fact that your whole clan benefitted from hacking, cheating & lying.

Lying isn't against game rules.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:59:03

Originally posted by Murf:
lol arsenal go read detmer's post apparently the evo admins did it inadvertently

They inadvertently saw information (that information was publicly accessible but they would not have likely noticed). There was no abuse and no cheating. They did nothing wrong other than happen notice oddities when administrating the game. If they had noticed someone cheating we would have considered ourselves fortunate they had noticed an oddity.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:57:23

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Ivan:

The fact that people are still downplaying the severity of what evos admins did boggles my mind

Wait? is MD refusing to pact them for 6 months? or is MD going to gangbang them for 3 resets?

you need a mind in order for it to be boggled.

post proof or gtfo :)

There was an apology thread for one thing.

An apology for inadvertently seeing information they would not have likely otherwise noticed. There was no cheating and no abuse so there is nothing to downplay.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:43:19

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by anoniem:
actually it wasn't slagpit (it wasn't even an admin - somebody else brought it to admin attention) that found out it was LT, but we'll indulge your ignorance some more.

rofl, uh huh. It had nothing to do with the ip logs slagpit gave you right? nothing at all... give me a break

This is patently untrue. The theme of this thread seems to be dispelling slander against the admins so I am not deleting it, but these accusations will not stand in other threads.

If its not true, then why would anoniem and kj say they had ip logs of it... The fact that it cant be proven i accept, but the suggestion that it hasnt taken place is preposterous.

Having asked both of them, both say that never happened. Which is much more consistent with what I know about things. So yeah, no one said that, it never happened, you need to give it up.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:36:05

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by anoniem:
actually it wasn't slagpit (it wasn't even an admin - somebody else brought it to admin attention) that found out it was LT, but we'll indulge your ignorance some more.

rofl, uh huh. It had nothing to do with the ip logs slagpit gave you right? nothing at all... give me a break

This is patently untrue. The theme of this thread seems to be dispelling slander against the admins so I am not deleting it, but these accusations will not stand in other threads.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:04:49

Originally posted by Cougar:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Cougar:
Originally posted by Detmer:
I do not see why LaF should be let off the hook. They chose their leader, he cheated for them. They took the ill gotten gains but act as if they have no culpability for it. Realistically LaF should have to pay for every round that hanlong lead them.

Great! Feel free to keep grinding that axe. We're more than happy to keep slaughtering your countries.

You mean, to keep calling in allies to bail you out.

Says the guy who thinks the whole server should exact retribution on LAF.

Yes, that is completely correct.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 20:46:37

Originally posted by Cougar:
Originally posted by Detmer:
I do not see why LaF should be let off the hook. They chose their leader, he cheated for them. They took the ill gotten gains but act as if they have no culpability for it. Realistically LaF should have to pay for every round that hanlong lead them.

Great! Feel free to keep grinding that axe. We're more than happy to keep slaughtering your countries.

You mean, to keep calling in allies to bail you out.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 20:23:35

Originally posted by Ivan:

So your saying that slagpit abused his access, but didnt share it with his alliance or for his own personal gain and yet was convicted of violating the rules and got removed?

No, Slagpit did not abuse his access. He did standard admin duties. It is a fabrication that he abused any access.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 19:57:57

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Evo admins have not abused the database tables to gain information. When doing maintenance on one they noticed peculiarities which inadvertently gave them information they otherwise would not have likely noticed. That information was available though to the public, you would just have to look for it.

Accordingly the admins apologized for inadvertently discovering information in such a manner. There was of course no abuse.

FYI, a person that for now can be known as "tag bit", regularly used database access to acquire information and give it to his alliance.

That is untrue. When provided with an accusation of rule violations. The matter was investigated by admins, as is the prerogative of admins to do. The rule violation was found to have occurred so the admins took action. There was no regularity, no use for personal gain, and no sharing with alliance mates.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 19:46:08

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Detmer the fact is we DID try to garnish the support of other netters, you claim you would have supported but where was the interest at the time?

You never contacted us about it. To be fair I don't think we ever contacted you. Our alliances were at odds at the time.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 19:44:54

Evo admins have not abused the database tables to gain information. When doing maintenance on one table they noticed peculiarities which inadvertently gave them information they otherwise would not have likely noticed. That information was available though to the public, you would just have to look for it.

Accordingly the admins apologized for inadvertently discovering information in such a manner. There was of course no abuse.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 18:49:33

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
errr... so your claim is that we should have moved on to SoF even though SOL was still after us for revenge? That argument makes no sense, then we would have SOl and SoF after us and no backup, what good are we doing then? Try to take a moment and think about it and maybe you'll realize why that would be a terribly stupid plan.

Maybe you'd have backup if you asked. PDM tried to start such a group once as you mentioned in your previous post but no one was interested. We certainly are interested in such causes.

Did a good deed once or twice. Once again you prove to not know of what you speak. Perhaps you should ask Pang about how frequently we do such thing that the rest of you don't bother to notice.

The difference is you think doing a good deed is special. For everyone else it is commonplace. Penny wise and pound foolish doesn't make wise.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 18:36:47

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
How is our actions against SOL a double standard?

a) back when all this started SOL was the much worse offender
b) back when this all started SOL was much larger than sof
c) SoF has always been much more open to communication than SOL is (at least hey always have been with LaF)
d) at the time most perceived SOL to be the "ringleader" of these actions, of sorts.
e) when all of this came to head SOL was planning to kill the entire server in a single reset. SoF was not part of this plan.
f) everything that is happening now is just carry over from the initial SOL gangbang which SOL was targeted for due to a - e listed above.

But I guess it is LaF's duty to prevent the biggest and the smallest of offenders all at the same time, all on our own eh?

Priorities have to be made, lines have to be drawn. Our priority is dealing with the biggest problem first and foremost, that was (and still is, given that they have refused to claim they'll stop) SOL.

LaF was talking with the likes of Sanct, Omega, Evo etc. about a "netting coalition to defend against war alliances attacking us for no reason" for over a year before things actually came to head with SOL. It is hard to argue it is a double standard used to our advantage is light of those facts.

I think it is still pretty clearly a double standard. SoF surpassed SoL, yet you remain fixated on SoL. I am not saying there was no justification for your actions against SoL, just that your points for starting on SoL now apply to SoF but nothing was done.

None of the other netters would provide support in actions though, only words. SoF however has been there. As such I would argue they've done far more to help netters than they have to hurt them over the last year, even if they have picked on PDM in recent resets.

And Evo before us and NA before them...

You know absolutely nothing about what LaF cares about. We care about winning first and foremost yes. But we have had tags come to us before in dire straights about being farmed, and we have granted pacts before for no reason other than to ensure the alliance didn't fold as a result of us not pacting them.

You know not of what you speak.

Wow you did a good deed once or twice! Awesome! Letting a few land farms off the hook really weakens your political position and is a big burden on you!

I know of what I speak.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 18:14:27

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Son Goku:
A dead-end indeed.

It's too bad you can't have an honest conversation with anyone anymore without something you said being twisted to support another argument.

If I had meant LaF, I would have said LaF specifically like I had been doing the entire conversation in regard to other issues.

in his defense, he dropped the topic instead of arguing a bullfluff point, you seem to be prone to do.

Fixed that for you.

Seriously. I provided what he said, and not just a one-line snippet, but context. I let him say his point, rather than point out his false indignation and how he is making cover up lies, I dropped it, because my "points" are just as proveable as his. Anyways. I am done with this point, regardless of the response.

(and if you don't understand the literary devices I employed, don't bother responding)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:51:49

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Detmer: perhaps you should ask Evo how organized it was.

<qzjul> but again, i've not even heard of suiciders on LaF; we definitely didn't organize them

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:47:34

pp1 is in CA currently I believe

If you want to visit Wisconsin though...!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:44:27

[quote poster=Son Goku; 18469; 341580][quote poster=Detmer; 18469; 341541]
Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Furthermore it was known in LaF that shady stuff was going on (as SG admitted) but they turned a blind eye, rather than figuring out what was going on.

You're going to need to refresh my memory of what shady stuff I said was going on.

[14:08] <Son_Goku> Well, most of laf's membership believe there's a lot of this happening on a grand scale
[14:09] <Son_Goku> when pang was in laf he made numerous comments about believing stuff was going on
[14:09] <Son_Goku> but couldn't prove it

So you said most of LaF thinks all of Earth cheats, that while Pang was a leader in LaF he thought there was something going on but couldn't prove it. Then you seemingly did not follow up (because you assuredly would have made it clear that you were trying to resume Pang's search if you had) [/quote]

Interesting interpretation of those quotes, I'm talking about Earth as a whole. At no time did I say "inside LaF". You heard what you wanted to hear because it reassures your beliefs. [/quote]

Well, I have no way of knowing what you meant. Your explanation here is plausible albeit impossible to verify. I provided more than just one line for the purpose of providing context. I see this as a dead-end. It is your word now vs possible interpretations which is a foolish debate.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:40:03

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
oh and also:

Although I argued strongly to keep RD out of this fight (I wanted to win it as it was, would have sent a stronger signal) the fact that people are complaining about the inequity of their entrance is laughable.

The war became inequitable the moment you decided to AB our techers with untagged countries to soften us up before the war started. There is nothing fair or equitable about that what so ever. You obviously didn't care about fairness, only about winning.

You did manage to soften our countries, but you hardened our hearts. Learn to deal with the consequences.

Your hearts were born hard. That is why you care about winning more than ethics. We as a group in no way coordinated any suiciders. It is possible whoever did that ordinarily played in one of our alliances but they did it without any knowledge on my behalf (which is complete knowledge of our organization).

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:38:32

Your SoL statement might hold water if you applied the same rules to SoF. I am not addressing those points until you speak to SoF. Action against SoL is clearly just a double standard that you use to your advantage. Helmet claims things have changed under him but so far SoF has had no chance to prove it. Right now the record on SoF shows FSing netters out of boredom.

LaF cares as much about running alliances out of the server as SoF does about cheating. (That amount is zero)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:11:57

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by TaSk1:
what about the rest of the alliance? you can't hold an individuals actions accountable for the rest of them, now that the problem has been dealt with accordingly and han and tc have been exited laf have bounced back and still run kick ass countries and will take the best of the best to the battlefield as you can see in this war.

The individuals all chose to let that guy lead them and represent them and they all benefited from the cheating for several rounds.

You are completely ignorant of how LaF's leadership determination works.

I didn't say they chose the leader of LaF. I said they chose to let that guy lead them. Every single player had a choice not to play in LaF. I would certainly be leery of playing in an alliance where over 14 years has had 8 of its heads found cheating. Scarily high probability that your leaders are cheaters.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:10:36

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I do not agree with the initial post in this thread at all heh, it is a lot of spinning and not much else.


Originally posted by Detmer:

You see, no one is trying to remove LaF from the server. No matter how much you say that, it simply isn't true. LaF stole many rounds of EE from EVERYONE with hanlong and TC's cheating. LaF was a huge beneficiary and everyone else suffered. I do not see why LaF should be let off the hook. They chose their leader, he cheated for them. They took the ill gotten gains but act as if they have no culpability for it. Realistically LaF should have to pay for every round that hanlong lead them. Instead people chose a shortened term of just three rounds. I know for you this is just some political game, but for everyone else this is about not letting cheaters win the game. I remember when SoF used to take a stand against cheaters, not freely offer them victory.

Since when did you have proof that Hanlong was cheating from day 1? Based on what I've heard and seen they don't have proof of anything beyond his last couple round playing.

Second: So your side as committed to bashing LaF for 3 resets eh? That is news to us, as we have been spoon fed for the last week a bunch of dribble about MD and SOL wanting long term peace after this reset. But given that SOL has slapped away our past offers of peace (choosing to plot revenge rather than burying the hatchet by committing to stop hitting netting clans reset after reset for no real reason) this revelation doesn't surprise me any.

Third, since when was LaF a detriment to the entire server?
SOL and Evo are the only alliances who can claim to have a legitimate gripe with LaF. MD has nothing to complain about as their issues with LaF were created entirely by them, LaF merely responded to them. Also LaF's situation with SOL was a response from LaF to SOL's behaviour, so although I claim they have a "legitimate gripe", in the end they too have only themselves and their previous actions to blame.

So in closing, you are all just a bunch of spinners.

1) I am not an admin, I can not prove anything. Cheaters don't get the benefit of the doubt though. You're innocent until proven guilty. Once you're found guilty, then you're guilty until proven innocent. Maybe he didn't cheat from day 1. There is no way of knowing.

2) You'll notice PDM said an indeterminate amount of time. Most of the alliances involved thought three rounds was fair though. Sort of hypocritical to target SoL when SoF does the exact same thing. The difference is SoF are LaF allies and SoL are not.

3) Running off players (from SoL and Evo) is a detriment to the entire server. Showing that you can cheat and your alliance can prosper sets a terrible precedent which is a detriment to the whole server. You at least tried to justify SoL, but you seem to have no reason for Evo. I assume that is just because you don't like them.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:04:40

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Realistically LaF should have to pay for every round that hanlong lead them. Instead people chose a shortened term of just three rounds.

I specifically asked the admins if there was proof of anything beyond last reset. The answer I received was "no", this is pure conjecture on your part.

We paid our dues for the ONE reset it happened, saying we need to be punished for every round hanlong was a leader is a complete joke.

LaF has actually only paid half a round.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 17:03:35

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Furthermore it was known in LaF that shady stuff was going on (as SG admitted) but they turned a blind eye, rather than figuring out what was going on.

You're going to need to refresh my memory of what shady stuff I said was going on.

[14:08] <Son_Goku> Well, most of laf's membership believe there's a lot of this happening on a grand scale
[14:09] <Son_Goku> when pang was in laf he made numerous comments about believing stuff was going on
[14:09] <Son_Goku> but couldn't prove it

So you said most of LaF thinks all of Earth cheats, that while Pang was a leader in LaF he thought there was something going on but couldn't prove it. Then you seemingly did not follow up (because you assuredly would have made it clear that you were trying to resume Pang's search if you had)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 16:52:54

Originally posted by SMz:
for all you whiners:

if your mom cheats on your dad , will you stop loving your mom?

SoF is proving to be the most loyal alliance on the server , sticking by its allies in bad times.

So what you're saying is that you don't care since the cheating only helped you, it wasn't against you. Got it. That explains a lot. I suspected SoF was still supporting LaF for personal political gain and this confirms it.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 16:52:10

Originally posted by TaSk1:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by TaSk1:
With the sol/evo/md/pdm coalition taking "another" cowardly attempt at gang banging LaF out of the game has been soiled by SoF throwing it's heavy artillery fire power in support of close friend LaF, in justification LaF has reclaimed order as a dominant force in alliance server.The LaF/SoF/RD coalition showing political and warfare brilliance to claw back from unfavored odds being dragged to the battlefield so early into the set by sol/evo fsing, LaF and SoF taking sol/evo/md/pdm to school on warfare and political chess.

You see, no one is trying to remove LaF from the server. No matter how much you say that, it simply isn't true. LaF stole many rounds of EE from EVERYONE with hanlong and TC's cheating. LaF was a huge beneficiary and everyone else suffered. I do not see why LaF should be let off the hook. They chose their leader, he cheated for them. They took the ill gotten gains but act as if they have no culpability for it. Realistically LaF should have to pay for every round that hanlong lead them. Instead people chose a shortened term of just three rounds. I know for you this is just some political game, but for everyone else this is about not letting cheaters win the game. I remember when SoF used to take a stand against cheaters, not freely offer them victory.

-pdm once again stupidly involving themselves with something out of their league has started to feel the walls being blown to bits around them with WCL of the SoF/LaF coalition ripping apart any pdm country in it's war path, you idiots need to learn to war ab's are a waste of time you could be killing, you probley let your side down the most, the weakest link belt still remains firmly around your waste.

I am not sure why you think it is stupid to involve yourself with the betterment of the server and to take a stand against cheaters. I think it is stupid to stand by cheaters, to prop up cheaters, and say that "you may have cheated, but we don't care". It is sad that you only care about "winning".

Det you know as well as me and it's been done no better yet proven over and over in earth history if you want to get rid of an alliance you war them to the ground,set after set, demoralize their member structure and watch their numbers drop. eg arrow,ix,ucn just to name a few. Now laf has exited the cheaters and game mod's have checked out laf legitimacy your in no position to paint the new laf format with the same brush as you do the old laf format. As far as my comment on pdm goes it's a game if pdm wanted to comment on sof then so be it freedom of speech is encouraged not silenced in this day in age.

SoF has done this throughout Earth history. If that is the purpose of repeated warring then you are telling me that SoF's goal is to run alliances from the game.

No one has said LaF has to be run from the game or even weakened for their cheating. They do need to be punished though. If 80 people want to take the lumps for the benefits they gained from the cheating, or if only 20 do, that is up to those members. They can play anywhere else they want without repercussion. This is against LaF for being a chronically cheating alliance who just until half way through last round had been benefiting at the expense of their own head and another player cheating in a way that is more egregious than running multies.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 15:34:32

Originally posted by TaSk1:
what about the rest of the alliance? you can't hold an individuals actions accountable for the rest of them, now that the problem has been dealt with accordingly and han and tc have been exited laf have bounced back and still run kick ass countries and will take the best of the best to the battlefield as you can see in this war.

The individuals all chose to let that guy lead them and represent them and they all benefited from the cheating for several rounds. In this game alliances are sometimes killed for the actions of one rogue member, let alone their head. Furthermore it was known in LaF that shady stuff was going on (as SG admitted) but they turned a blind eye, rather than figuring out what was going on.

hanlong cheated so LaF can benefit. If the cheating proves beneficial, it tells cheaters that is worthwhile to do. Right now LaF has had to give up half a round because they cheated. SoF randomly targets netters and takes more than half a round from them for no reason at all. LaF has suffered less penalty for having cheated for several rounds than a random alliance who SoF gets bored and targets. LaF has effectively suffered no penalties yet has tons and tons of ill-gotten gains.

Honestly I can't help but think that SoF would have taken a stand against it, but is more worried about some silly political position than the ethics of the game.

Edited By: Detmer on Jun 21st 2012, 15:37:50
See Original Post

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 15:26:10

Originally posted by TaSk1:
With the sol/evo/md/pdm coalition taking "another" cowardly attempt at gang banging LaF out of the game has been soiled by SoF throwing it's heavy artillery fire power in support of close friend LaF, in justification LaF has reclaimed order as a dominant force in alliance server.The LaF/SoF/RD coalition showing political and warfare brilliance to claw back from unfavored odds being dragged to the battlefield so early into the set by sol/evo fsing, LaF and SoF taking sol/evo/md/pdm to school on warfare and political chess.

You see, no one is trying to remove LaF from the server. No matter how much you say that, it simply isn't true. LaF stole many rounds of EE from EVERYONE with hanlong and TC's cheating. LaF was a huge beneficiary and everyone else suffered. I do not see why LaF should be let off the hook. They chose their leader, he cheated for them. They took the ill gotten gains but act as if they have no culpability for it. Realistically LaF should have to pay for every round that hanlong lead them. Instead people chose a shortened term of just three rounds. I know for you this is just some political game, but for everyone else this is about not letting cheaters win the game. I remember when SoF used to take a stand against cheaters, not freely offer them victory.

-pdm once again stupidly involving themselves with something out of their league has started to feel the walls being blown to bits around them with WCL of the SoF/LaF coalition ripping apart any pdm country in it's war path, you idiots need to learn to war ab's are a waste of time you could be killing, you probley let your side down the most, the weakest link belt still remains firmly around your waste.

I am not sure why you think it is stupid to involve yourself with the betterment of the server and to take a stand against cheaters. I think it is stupid to stand by cheaters, to prop up cheaters, and say that "you may have cheated, but we don't care". It is sad that you only care about "winning".

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 15:13:57

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
pure, unadulterated ignorance

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 14:11:27

Originally posted by Devestation:
It's not impossible. 4-5 dozen SSes before every KR and the job is done. Those SSes are just a complete fluff to do unless you've got a monster economy.

Without matching nw or having mil strat tech it took me 296 SS to get a 5058 acre country below 667 acres. As long as the country that was just grabbed doesn't start playing turns, there will still be 40k civs left to kill.

And that was of course much easier since the defender here had 0 defense. As you noted an absolute monster economy would be required to break any normal sized country down.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 3:22:12

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
Wars don't have to be about killing... At one point in time killing was impossible... Then became very difficult, then became easy... And since then it's been just as easy just people are even more efficient.

I'd say wars were a lot more fun when individual countries could make a difference.

It would add a lot more strategy to fighting than just running through killing :)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 21:53:36

Originally posted by Dragon:
Mine isn't deformed. It's big maybe, but... The tail end of 6' 330lbs of hawt Man Meat.

Smell the Bacon....

Did you hurt your butt? If so that would make sense.

Or it would if you were in PDM.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 21:43:59

We do not discriminate against those with deformed asses!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 15:18:21

Also, most people where I grew up did not do calculus.... but I figured this group was not normal =P

Detmer Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 15:17:19

Originally posted by martian:
detmer: Where I went to hs calculus wasn't required and not everyone did it..

As far as that goes why not just use matlab to do it analytically:P

Well, I did it analytically in excel which also corroborated my belief that the derivatives all had to be negative. =P (and I would have done it in matlab but I already was using two copies of it for other stuff and didn't want to both opening a third or losing track of where I was in the other ones =P

Detmer Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 13:39:08

I'd like to hear your flaws martian. While there may be nitpicky points, I consider the heart of the article to be good.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 1:58:33

Originally posted by Lobo:
ok...why did you need the answer? RL?... or you are back in a torture chamber aka school room?

I am doing a sensitivity analysis between two parameters for my PhD thesis and there was a typo that I just could not see for the longest time. (I had .0712 written when it should have been .0172)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 23:54:10

Originally posted by anoniem:
you know you can use excel... lol :P

That is where I was doing my calculations actually.

Or if you mean excel analytically solves derivatives then no, I did not know that.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 23:00:22

.0172 != .0712

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 22:57:24

As you attack an opponent, their military decreases as well as yours, so after about 13 attacks their military will be half of what it started as. Most servers have enough oil available at any given time for a player to make as many attacks as they want.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 22:39:54

Unfortunately it was suggested to me to plug that into the wolfram alpha derivative calculator and wolfram alpha got the same answer as me... all that does is serve to blow my mind...

that function is monotonically decreasing with u between .117 and .667 but when I calculate the actual derivative value for several values in that range I only get .667 as having a negative value... hmmm....

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 22:29:59

Originally posted by locket:
You did that in highschool?

Yeah... I thought most people here would have taken calculus in high school... if not then college math... maybe I am wrong in assuming that like 90% of people here know calculus...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 22:21:40

But please verify the derivative of this (with respect to u) for me


I can not figure out why I am getting a mismatch between derivative values at specific points and what I think they should be... I figure I should verify I haven't made some stupid mistake that I can not see for some reason...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 20:00:05

Originally posted by NukEvil:
You see, this is why I quit playing Alliance for good a few resets ago. If someone does something that's not supportive of the general community, there's no punishment for it.

Break a uNAP? Doesn't matter if they're the largest alliance with the largest allies backing them up. Break it again? Par for the course now.

FS someone out of the blue? Doesn't matter. Do it twice? Again, doesn't matter.

Have leaders get caught cheating? I'll have to hand it to most of the community; I've never seen so many people so gullible about something so stupid: "Don't blame the alliance for having cheating leadership, even though it's directly by that cheating that said alliance achieved its infallible political position!!!!!" and people couldn't wait to bend over and take it. At least they paid for it, sort of.

Jump into a perfectly-even, fun war, thus making the war uneven, and no longer fun? "You shouldn't have made them ANGRY!! RRARRRARRRRRGGHH!!"

See, it doesn't matter if certain alliances get "exposed", because the rest of the community doesn't care. And unless the other side has an extra alliance available, they'll get away with it, once again. Because you can't have fun with people who refuse to have fun.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 16:28:18

Originally posted by ViLSE:
Moral of the story - "Stop eating junk food and you will live longer!"
