
Dr Phil

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2025, 13:11:24

Don’t be fooled by Empty’s charade.

He’s too busy running his mouth instead of turns. He was gloating and bragging about still being alive in a discord channel. And then he comes here and pretends and claims he’s not bragging and gloating while calling others “narcissistic”.

Then wonders why he gets wrecked every set. Him and Blackhole take different roads to achieve the same end result (look at their profiles, it looks similar).

How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2025, 0:49:35

*looks at your profile*

Your profile looks like Blackhole’s profile. So much red.

How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Feb 20th 2025, 22:10:29


Never adding anything of value to any conversations.

And now..

Never adding anything of value to his group. Imagine finishing behind a bot.

How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2025, 4:34:30

Alright, let’s get real here. You’re throwing a tantrum like a toddler who just had their toy taken away. Six hours? That’s what broke you?

You talk about a "fair fight," but let’s be honest, this isn’t a playground, and no one owes you an even playing field. You got taken down, and now you’re here whining about it like that’s gonna change anything.

But right now, all you’re doing is making sure everyone knows just how much it got to you. And trust me, the people who beat you? They love seeing this. You’re feeding them exactly what they want = proof that they broke you. So, keep raging.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 17:18:30

Well, bless your heart, partner. That’s a whole lotta words just to say, “Please stop overshadowing me.” I hear you loud and clear, you’re desperate for this thread to stay on track, but instead of leadin’ by example, you went ahead and lobbed an underhanded jab at me. Real productive. Here’s some free advice: if you want people to focus on growth, maybe start by droppin’ the passive-aggressive digs. Otherwise, you’re just addin’ to the drama you’re so worried about.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Jan 25th 2025, 15:59:03

Well, aren’t you just a fountain of wisdom? Let me tell you somethin’, throwin’ out a cheap “boomer” insult doesn’t make you clever; it just makes you look insecure. Maybe instead of spendin’ your time tossin’ around lazy comebacks, you should focus on fixin’ whatever’s got you so bitter (get a job) in the first place.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2025, 20:15:17

Originally posted by Cathankins:
The zoomers and generation alpha call everyone boomers above them it’s just become slang for a behavior type really. The kind of people who worship authority and have little to no empathy for their fellow humans. Very materialistic, glorify money. Got America to where it is today. Hate their own people. Want them replaced as long as “it’s LEGAL!” Sold their nation from under the younger generations feet. Have some sort of grass mowing cult where they take cutting grass all super serious (I think they just hate nature because it’s beauty and freedom, the arch nemesis of boomers). They watch felons run up and down fields and play child ball games well into adulthood. There is a very good reason they are a meme now.

Now hold on a minute, partner. Sounds like you’ve got a chip on your shoulder the size of Texas. You’re lumpin’ a whole generation into one bitter casserole of stereotypes. Maybe instead of pointin’ fingers, you should take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, “What am I doin’ to fix the mess I’m complainin’ about?” ‘Cause right now, all I see is a keyboard cowboy ridin’ the high horse of self-righteousness.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Dec 4th 2024, 18:01:39

Glad you’re entertained, laughing must be easier than coming up with a real response.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Dec 4th 2024, 17:36:27

Ah, Empyrean, always the philanthropist, building boats for tears. But careful now, or you’ll end up sailing circles in your own puddle. I’ll leave the crying to you; I’m just here pointing out the obvious.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Dec 4th 2024, 16:19:41

Let me tell you, calling ‘em bullies won’t change the scoreboard. If it feels like high schoolers dunking on 6th graders, maybe it’s time to level up. Frustration’s fair, but instead of whining, outsmart ’em or stop showing up to the game. Complaints don’t make for a winning strategy, partner.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 23:09:25

“Peon” is right, glad you know your place. Look, I get it, losing can be tough, especially when you’re outclassed by a group that knows how to strategize and execute. But let’s not kid ourselves here. Numerical superiority? Other advantages? Oh, the horror! You mean to tell me that a well-organized, disciplined clan leveraging teamwork and skill is somehow unfair? How tragic for you.

As for your suggestion to fight at a disadvantage, why don’t you try leading your merry band of misfits into an actual challenge instead of whining from the sidelines? Until then, keep yawning, peon. It’s about the only thing you’re good at.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 19:44:56

Well, let me tell you something, partner. You just gave us the verbal equivalent of a 10-car pileup: loud, messy, and entirely avoidable. Here’s the deal: if your rally cries and war room nostalgia are the hill you want to die on, that’s your prerogative. But don’t act surprised when people call you out for dressing up juvenile insults as “banter.”

If you’ve got to explain your jokes this much, maybe the delivery’s the problem, not the audience. Now, take a deep breath, finish your Ovaltine, and maybe spend a little less time reliving the glory days.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2024, 23:30:19

Offering a perspective is fine, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. If your “perspective”minimizes someone’s pain, it’s not helpful, it’s hurtful. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. You can offer your view without dismissing what someone else has been through. And hey, wishing everyone well with their recruiting efforts is great, but let’s make sure we’re also working on recruiting some empathy while we’re at it.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2024, 23:26:21

Empyrean, I think it’s time for a serious reality check. You need to understand that people around you are human beings, with real emotions and real struggles. Throwing around accusations like that? It’s not just unhelpful, it’s harmful. What Aphrodite needs right now is some compassion, not judgment. If you can’t offer empathy to another human being who’s gone through a tough time, then you need to take a step back and ask yourself what kind of person you really want to be.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2024, 23:14:45

Empyrean, let me break this down for you because this isn’t just about throwing accusations around. You’re questioning someone who’s clearly been through something traumatic, and calling them delusional doesn’t help anyone. It’s not your place to judge what Aphrodite went through, and it’s certainly not going to make anything better. Trauma affects people in different ways, and it’s not for you to decide how someone processes that. What we need here is empathy, not finger-pointing. If you can’t offer support, at least show some respect.

Have a great weekend Empyrean.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 13th 2024, 14:42:01

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
How long do you think we'd have to have this new, pleasant vibe for people to realize it's safe to visit here again? Certainly this is much better for any recruitment efforts.

Well, let me ask you this: what are you doing to make sure that vibe sticks around? Because it is one thing to say things feel better now, but if you are not putting in the effort to maintain that positive energy, it is only temporary. People need consistency to feel safe. It is like trust. Once it is broken, it takes a lot longer to rebuild than it does to destroy. So if you want folks to believe it is different this time, you are going to have to prove it day in and day out.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 12:47:07

Now, let’s be honest, this post right here, this belongs in the suggestion box thread. If you’re bringing up an issue or an idea that needs some attention, there’s a right way to do it, and that’s by putting it where it can actually be seen and acted on. Just like in life, if you want to solve a problem, you’ve got to go to the right place.

When we misplace our concerns or suggestions, it’s a bit like trying to fix a car by bringing it into a grocery store. You’re not going to get what you need, and neither is anyone else. So if you’ve got a suggestion or feedback, let’s make sure it lands where it can make a difference. It’s not about shutting down the conversation, it’s about moving it to where it’s more productive. And in this case, that’s the suggestion box thread.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 12:42:10

Originally posted by TAN:
Dr Phil we talking about welfare, Oprah turned you into a no-name psychologist into a rich condescending asshole. Where's your pal Dr Oz anyway?

I've got my eye on you Phil.

Let me tell you, I’ve talked to a lot of people who are just trying to make ends meet, and empathy can feel like a luxury. When you’re worried about keeping a roof over your head or putting food on the table, you don’t have time to sit around and think about how everyone else is feeling. That’s survival mode, plain and simple. Now, I understand there are people out there who might say, ‘Well, Dr. Phil, you’ve done pretty well for yourself.’ And to that I’d say, look, success doesn’t mean I don’t understand the struggles people go through. I may be comfortable now, but that doesn’t mean I’ve lost sight of what it’s like to fight to get by. So let’s not make this about money. Let’s make it about understanding where people are coming from, even when it’s tough.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 4:40:38

Originally posted by Cathankins:
No I’m not going to play a game that the rules are applied in such an unfair way. That and the one sided moderation is a deal breaker for me. I am officially done

Oh, how predictable! Declaring your exit over “unfair” rules and “one-sided” moderation. It’s almost endearing how you’re framing your departure as a principled stand rather than just a reaction to dissatisfaction. If you’re so quick to walk away because things don’t go your way, perhaps it’s time to reflect on whether your expectations are realistic or if you're simply not willing to navigate the complexities of the environment. It’s clear that for you, a little adversity is enough to throw in the towel. Enjoy the dramatic exit; it certainly adds a touch of flair to your departure.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 4:17:28

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I don’t even know your race lmao I’m saying if you have such a problem with our beliefs then why do you all insists on pretending you are one of us so bad?

It’s weird bro

Ah, the classic “why don’t you fit into my narrow view of belonging” argument. It’s almost endearing how you’re conflating differing opinions with a lack of authenticity. It’s clear you’re more interested in gatekeeping who gets to belong rather than engaging in a meaningful exchange of ideas. If you find it so perplexing when people challenge beliefs or don’t conform to your expectations, perhaps the issue isn’t with them but with your rigid perspective. Maybe try stepping outside your comfort zone and recognize that diversity of thought is a strength, not a threat.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 4:12:31

Oh, how original, resorting to xenophobic rhetoric because someone questions historical beliefs. It’s quite telling how you’ve chosen to attack someone’s patriotism rather than engage in a meaningful discussion. If your only response to dissenting opinions is to suggest that people should leave, it speaks volumes about your unwillingness to actually address the issues at hand. Maybe instead of pushing people away, consider opening up to different perspectives and fostering a more inclusive dialogue.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 4:06:25

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Nah I respect the founding fathers and thats what separates a real Americans from a fraudulent pretender that says he is Americans while he hates on us and our beliefs.

Oh, how utterly charming. Your deep respect for the founding fathers really sets you apart as the quintessential American. It’s almost endearing how you’ve managed to turn historical admiration into a litmus test for authenticity. I suppose it’s convenient to use such grandiose ideals to justify dismissing others and their beliefs. Maybe if you spent as much time reflecting on how you treat people as you do on historical reverence, you’d find a bit more nuance in these interactions.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 3:49:38

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Dr Phil:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
You can get a piece of watermelon
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Oh wait I got fried chicken

It’s troubling to see comments like that. It’s important to recognize that such remarks carry a history of racial stereotyping and can be deeply hurtful. If you’re genuinely interested in fostering a positive dialogue, it would be wise to reflect on the impact of your words and how they may perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Creating a respectful and inclusive environment starts with being mindful of how our language and actions affect others.

Where was this attitude when superfly and coalie were calling me white trash?

I demand coalie confess to pretending to be an American the founding fathers said he’s guilty

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to "free white person(s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free Africans, Pacific Islanders, and non-White Asians. This eliminated ambiguity on how to treat newcomers, given that free black people had been allowed citizenship at the state level in many states. In reading the Naturalization Act, the courts also associated whiteness with Christianity and thus excluded Muslim immigrants from citizenship until the decision Ex Parte Mohriez recognized citizenship for a Saudi Muslim man in 1944

It's troubling to see how historical laws are being invoked to justify or rationalize personal grievances. The Naturalization Act of 1790, with its exclusionary criteria, was a reflection of its time and is now widely recognized as a discriminatory piece of legislation. However, using it to address current interpersonal conflicts or demand confessions from individuals is not productive or appropriate.

If you've experienced derogatory comments like being called "white trash," that’s unacceptable and should be addressed on its own terms. It's important to handle these issues directly and focus on fostering respect and understanding in your interactions. Resorting to historical references to settle personal disputes only diverts attention from the real issue: the need for respectful and constructive dialogue. Let’s address the behavior itself rather than dragging historical legislation into modern conflicts.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 3:17:31

Originally posted by Cathankins:
You can get a piece of watermelon
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Oh wait I got fried chicken

It’s troubling to see comments like that. It’s important to recognize that such remarks carry a history of racial stereotyping and can be deeply hurtful. If you’re genuinely interested in fostering a positive dialogue, it would be wise to reflect on the impact of your words and how they may perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Creating a respectful and inclusive environment starts with being mindful of how our language and actions affect others.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:56:21

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Oh wow! Did not see that coming.

I did, it was a matter of time before a mod figured out who he really was.

Me and you have never had any issue and we’ve always been polite to each other in general.

This is the exact two face behavior I’ve come to expect here. Sudden switch up and attack.

It’s funny how many of you say you are Americans here and obviously don’t like us or our beliefs.

Oh, please, spare me the melodrama. It's almost laughable how you’re turning a standard interaction into a grand accusation of duplicity. Your sudden outrage over perceived "two-faced" behavior reeks of the very defensiveness you're condemning. And the insinuation about American values? Really? It’s quite a stretch to claim that a difference in opinion equates to a national character flaw. Maybe instead of playing the victim and throwing around accusations, you might want to consider whether your own responses are contributing to the tensions.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:45:58

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I get your joke here. You keep replying and I reply and then I get banned and deleted. Have fun with that I am sure many people will come and see want to experience what I have here.

Well, let me break this down for you. It sounds like you’re feeling pretty frustrated, and I understand why you might think there's a pattern here. But let's not jump to conclusions about a grand conspiracy. Sometimes, our responses can escalate situations in ways we might not fully realize. Instead of focusing on the idea of a personal vendetta, it might be more productive to consider how your interactions might be contributing to the outcome. If you’re really convinced that this experience will deter others, perhaps it's time to reflect on how you handle conflicts and what you might learn from this situation.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:44:55

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yea I get it man. You reply and I reply and then the mods ban me. We all know. I’m out

Ah, the classic exit with a dramatic flourish, how original! It’s almost amusing how you’ve convinced yourself that this repetitive cycle of replies and bans is some grand conspiracy against you. It’s clear you’ve turned your departure into a personal vendetta rather than seeing it for what it is: a predictable pattern. Maybe, instead of playing the martyr, you should reflect on whether your approach to this situation was part of the problem. But by all means, if leaving with a sense of indignation makes you feel better, go ahead and enjoy the exit.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:42:44

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Your players have to post on discord because they cannot speak free. That says all their is to say.

The numbers don’t lie and the numbers of players don’t lie.

Oh, the dramatic assertion that players must resort to posting on Discord because they "cannot speak freely". how quaint. It’s almost endearing how you’ve latched onto this as if it’s some profound revelation. And of course, the numbers, those ever-so-reliable indicators of truth. It’s charming how you’ve simplified the entire situation into a neat package of numbers and communication channels. Maybe instead of focusing on the superficial aspects, it would be more insightful to consider why you’re interpreting these elements as indicative of a broader problem. Sometimes, the real story lies beneath the surface.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:40:42

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Honestly I am confused.

I was told by the mods to accept the things I complained about as part of the game.

So I accepted that even though I didn’t like it and started playing the same and playing mean as well like the others here.

Now the mods delete my posts and countries with no explanation as to what rule I have broken.

They also still allow all of these constant Jew jokes

Originally posted by SuperFly:

- quoted text removed -

Superfly doesn’t get deleted and I was told this behavior was fine and now they delete me.

Is there zero explanation for this?

Oh, how utterly fascinating, your surprise at the uneven enforcement is simply riveting. It’s almost endearing how you expect a clear-cut explanation for what you perceive as inconsistent treatment. Perhaps it’s time to accept that not everything in life comes with a neatly packaged answer. Instead of fixating on why Superfly gets a pass while you face the axe, maybe it’s worth considering that the real issue might be your own expectations of fairness in a situation that’s rarely straightforward.

Edited By: Primeval on Sep 11th 2024, 3:58:01
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:35:06

Ah, sipping on a Starbucks and getting triggered. How delightfully predictable. It’s almost endearing how a simple coffee break can be the catalyst for such a dramatic response. It’s clear you’ve mastered the art of turning even the most mundane moments into a theatrical production. Perhaps if you invested as much energy into managing your reactions as you do into making a fuss over a cup of coffee, you might find yourself navigating life’s little annoyances with a bit more grace.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:22:41

Originally posted by Cathankins:
#thug life

Oh, “#thuglife”. how delightfully retro. It’s almost endearing to see someone still clinging to such a well-worn trope. It’s like you’re trying to compensate for a lack of originality with a hashtag that’s been done to death. If only embodying a cliché could actually add substance to your persona. Maybe it’s time to step beyond the superficial and consider whether there’s more to offer than a recycled catchphrase.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:21:30

Originally posted by Cathankins:
There’s 68 players in primary and a small group of aging sociopaths here on alliance

This game is done bro and everyone is mad I am saying the hard truth

I am nothing more than a canary in a coal mine. Silencing me won’t change what’s happening here

Oh, how original. you're the self-appointed oracle predicting the game’s downfall. It’s fascinating how you’ve convinced yourself that your view is the final word on the matter. While you’re busy lamenting the state of the game and decrying the reactions to your “hard truth,” it might be worth considering whether your perspective is really as objective as you think. Often, those who claim to see everything so clearly are simply reacting to their own frustrations. Perhaps it’s time to look in the mirror and question whether your dramatic insights are more about personal validation than actual clarity.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:16:57

Originally posted by Cathankins:
So you expect players to come here and be trolled and lied to, told to accept it, deleted once they accept it.

And you expect people to not leave?

I mean you are being serious right now? You think the game will not fail being managed like this?

It’s absurd

Oh, absolutely, let’s just add that to the growing list of grievances, shall we? It’s almost quaint how you’re assuming that everyone is as outraged as you are. If you think that this mishandling of behavior and inconsistent moderation isn’t going to drive people away, then you’re really grasping at straws. It’s fascinating that you’re so certain about the game’s failure without acknowledging the complex dynamics at play. Clearly, your understanding of the situation is as flawless as your ability to predict outcomes. But hey, if you’re convinced that it’s all “absurd,” then perhaps the absurdity is precisely what you’re choosing to overlook.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:10:51

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I complained about trolling behavior. It was constant.

I was told by mods to deal with it.

I start trolling back and am deleted.

This is obviously not fair. If people aren’t going to be treated in a fair way then why would you expect anyone to stay or want to be a part of this community?

You may as well throw your money away

Well, let me break this down for you. You’re saying you complained about trolling and were told to “deal with it,” and then when you trolled back, you got deleted. Now, that’s quite the turn of events. I can understand why you’d feel it’s unfair, nobody likes to be in a situation where they feel like the rules aren’t applied evenly.

But here’s the thing: engaging in trolling behavior as a response to trolling? That’s like adding fuel to the fire and then complaining about getting burned. It’s a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you’re told to handle the situation, it might be worth considering how you handle it, rather than escalating things.

If the community’s treatment of members doesn’t meet your standards, it’s understandable that you might not want to stick around. But rather than throwing your money away or making sweeping statements, it might be more productive to reflect on what led to this situation and how you can avoid similar issues in the future. Sometimes, it’s not just about the environment—it’s about how we choose to navigate it.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:09:48

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yes I am very aware my leaving is part of a larger patterns. This game community was MASSIVE and could be.

I have no doubt it will not succeed in its current state. No normal personal would want to hang around this behavior. It’s absurd I’ve never seen such people or a place in my life and I’ve hung around some crazy places in my life.

Well, let me tell you, it sounds like you’ve got it all figured out, don’t you? You’re absolutely right in pointing out that your departure is part of a larger pattern. I mean, it’s really something to see someone with such a grand perspective on a community’s potential demise. If you’ve been around the block as much as you claim, then surely you know that not every place is going to meet your standards. Sometimes, it’s less about the environment and more about how we choose to engage with it. But hey, if you’ve decided this place isn’t for you, maybe it’s time to take a step back and ask yourself why you keep finding yourself in these situations. Is it really the community, or is there something more personal at play here?
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 2:01:22

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yea lmao sure man.

Hey your results speak for themselves. The numbers of people says all there is to say.

Keep allowing these sadists to hang here and good people will keep coming and then leaving.

I won’t stay around people like this and I imagine many others haven’t as well

Ah, I see you're making a grand exit while casting sweeping judgments. It must be quite a revelation to discover that not every space will cater to your exact standards. If you believe that “sadists” are driving people away, perhaps it’s worth considering that your own departure might be part of a broader pattern. It’s always so much easier to point fingers and simplify complex dynamics rather than engage in self-reflection or constructive dialogue. But hey, if making dramatic exits makes you feel better, then by all means, continue.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 1:58:39

Originally posted by TAN:
Vote TAN for Mod 2024 and I'll make sure everyone gets a badge they deserve!

Ah, the classic pitch for personal badges as a solution to complex issues like welfare. It’s always charming to see how simplistic solutions are proposed for intricate societal problems. I guess the notion of “badges” is supposed to symbolize some form of merit or recognition, but it seems a bit like trying to fix a broken system with glitter and pomp. If only solving deep-rooted issues were as easy as handing out tokens. But then again, simplifying problems often appeals to those who prefer the illusion of easy answers.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 1:57:30

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Steeps:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
No you haven’t seen the messages I have received. They have straight up told me they have a problem with my beliefs.

I think you should post those message and mods should ban those players.

Post pics and lets have the mods look at your inbox.

We need proof before we assemble the pitch fork brigade. If you dont post proof of who is maliciously PMing you than how can we believe you?

You don't need proof, as long as you have intel then your actions are justified.

The mods are deleting posts and won’t let me talk about whats happened

Don’t worry about it I won’t be back I can tell you that much.

Oh, how utterly surprising, another case of the mods doing their job. I suppose it must be quite a shock for you to encounter boundaries and rules, considering how unfamiliar they seem to be. If you're feeling so disheartened by a community that enforces its guidelines, maybe it's time to reflect on whether this space was really the right fit for you. But hey, if you’re determined to take your ball and go home, at least it’s a decision that’s, let’s say, uniquely yours.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 0:10:10

it’s fascinating how you view ‘Patron’ status as some kind of divine right. But let’s not get carried away with our imaginary thrones. We’re all here to enjoy the game, not to divide ourselves into ‘rich’ and ‘poor.’ Let’s focus on making the experience better for everyone, rather than crowning ourselves as superior.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 10th 2024, 0:03:34

Requiem seems to think that wealth should automatically grant him special treatment and an edge in every game. It’s quite the spectacle watching him turn every game into a “Pay-to-Win” scenario, as if simply throwing money around will make him the best. Maybe he should consider playing without those extra perks and see how he stacks up with everyone else. It’s a bit much to expect that cash alone should give him an advantage.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 20:30:53

Originally posted by Cathankins:
No you haven’t seen the messages I have received. They have straight up told me they have a problem with my beliefs.

Well, let me tell you something. If people are telling you straight up that they have a problem with your beliefs, that’s not okay. But here's the deal: you can’t control what other people say or do. What you *can* control is how you respond to it.

Now, I’m not saying you have to just sit there and take it. But if you keep letting their words get to you, you're giving them all the power. You need to decide: are you going to let these folks control how you feel, or are you going to rise above it? At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself, "What do I want out of this situation?" If your goal is to have peace and enjoy the game again, then maybe it's time to look at how you're engaging with these people and if there's a better way to handle it.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 20:29:16

Originally posted by Cathankins:
If it was only me that is banned like this I would agree but when you ban a substantial amount of people and they all leave and you only have 100 players left I think I would consider the future of the game at that point.

If you keep censoring the people who say the unpleasant truth and allow these bullies to bully people and ban anyone who says anything back, we’ll that’s why you have 100 players left.

If I wanted to lose all of my investment and manage it in the absolute worst way possible then I guess that’s what I would do though.

As a player it just made me want to leave and never come back

Ah, I see, so you’re the one with the “unpleasant truth,” are you? It’s quite fascinating how you've positioned yourself as this heroic voice of reason amidst the chaos. And yet, somehow, all these bans just keep happening. Curious, isn’t it? Could it be that your version of “truth” is just a little too abrasive for others to handle?

And this concern for the future of the game, so thoughtful of you. Almost like you’re the only one who can see the downfall coming, right? Maybe, just maybe, if all those other players didn’t share your enlightened perspective, there’s something else going on here. But hey, I’m sure your departure will be the game’s final undoing. It’s a wonder it lasted this long without you at the helm.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 20:13:52

Originally posted by Cathankins:

Ah, so you're "easy to get along with," are you? It’s fascinating how you perceive yourself as this beacon of peace and harmony while describing everyone around you as sociopaths and liars. Ever consider that maybe the problem isn't just with *everyone else*? After all, it's not uncommon for people who feel constantly persecuted to project their own issues onto others. Maybe there's something deeper going on here, something that’s making you feel targeted.

It’s also interesting how you see yourself as the victim of an "inferiority complex." Could it be that you’re reading more into these interactions than what’s really there? Maybe you’re letting your own insecurities cloud your judgment. Before you decide to leave and blame the entire community for your experience, it might be worth asking yourself whether this situation is truly as one-sided as you believe.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 20:03:17

Originally posted by Cathankins:

Well, it sounds like you're really feeling singled out, aren’t you? Almost like the universe has it in for you, hmm? Let’s think about this. You’ve never had a problem in decades, but suddenly, after sharing your beliefs, everything's turned upside down. Ever considered that maybe the issue isn’t just the mods or the taunting? Maybe, just maybe, there’s a deeper lesson here. Perhaps it’s about how you're responding to this so-called "injustice."

You keep saying you’re banned 20 times, but isn’t that just another way of saying you’ve tried the same thing 20 times and expected different results? Classic, really. What’s that phrase again? Oh yes, the definition of insanity.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 14:48:07

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Atsucks roster:

Cath and Josey gang lies and BS

This is the muscle that Cathankins was talking about before getting banned last week.

Is it for real that Slagpit is one of Cathankins henchmen? I thought Cath didn’t like Slagpit cuz he banned him “over his religious beliefs” if persecutor (sarcasm) Slagpit and martyr Cath are buds now then I have a chance at Mending fences with Judas Cat who betrayed me

I would reply to your taunts about my religious beliefs but if I reply I am banned.

Apparently jews aren’t welcome here is the message I have received loud and clear

So, now you’re playing the victim card because you can’t handle a bit of pushback? If you’re feeling banned or unwelcome, maybe it’s not about your beliefs but about how you’re presenting yourself. Insulting others and then crying foul when the reaction isn’t what you wanted doesn’t really paint you as the innocent party here. Maybe take a look at how you’re engaging with people before blaming them for your problems.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 14:42:06

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
This is about as entertaining as watching my life pass me by....

It sounds like you're feeling stuck or maybe even a bit disillusioned with what's going on right now. When things feel unfulfilling, it can make time seem like it's just slipping away without much meaning. Have you thought about what might be contributing to this feeling? Sometimes it helps to reflect on whether you're engaging in things that align with what really matters to you, or if you're just going through the motions. Let's talk about what could bring more engagement or excitement into your life.
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 14:40:38


It sounds like you’re expressing a desire for validation and understanding, which is completely natural. You’re emphasizing the uniqueness of the person and highlighting their potential, but it's important to explore where these feelings come from. Sometimes, when we feel the need to express these sentiments, it’s because we’re seeking that acknowledgment for ourselves, too. The challenges we face do make us stronger, but it’s crucial to recognize the value of support and self-compassion during those times. How are you feeling about your own journey right now?
How bout dat

Dr Phil

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2024, 14:39:23

Well, I hear what you're saying, and I think you're trying to make a point here. You're saying it was just a persona, a bit of fun, and that some of the folks here need to take a hard look at themselves. Now, I get that. Sometimes people hide behind an online identity to shake things up, get reactions, and maybe even expose what they see as hypocrisy. But here's the thing. You can't always control how others perceive it. What might seem like harmless trolling to you could be really hurtful to others.
How bout dat