

New Member

Nov 3rd 2012, 9:52:22

Ooops, wrong account!


New Member

Nov 3rd 2012, 8:37:19

If they do not find it fun, why would they be doing it? So war clans can screw over netting sets "for fun", as netting tags can farm the living daylights out of new players because "bottomfeeding is their playstyle", but suiciders should be banned?

How is that not a double standard?

"Though boys throw stones at frogs in sport, the frogs do not die in sport, but in earnest."

Just because you don't do it to "ruin other players experience" but to "win and have fun", does not mean their experiences are not ruined or they would not be provoked into reataliating the best they can. By, yes, getting repercussions and being demoralized by suiciders.


New Member

Nov 3rd 2012, 6:33:04

And yet if people like kj or PP suicide because they find it fun, more fun than netting, they should be banned?

Double standards much?


New Member

Nov 3rd 2012, 6:11:24

Ban new members! They drive away players, oh wait.

Yes, Monsters were jumped. If any of them stopped playing, should those who jumped them be banned? Especially given the consequences that have accrued to them?

Everyone, alliances or individuals do things to benefit themselves.

Some play to get the top net because they like being "winners".

Some play for a team because they find enjoyment in supporting their friends.

Others suicide because it makes them happy to see their "enemies" fail.

Just as there are those who play to kill others' efforts (warring tags anyone?) because it makes them happy.

Yet others, of course, resort to petitioning for bans to take out those hindering their play.


New Member

Nov 3rd 2012, 6:00:14

Originally posted by Fooglmog:

Originally posted by blid:
yeah just because one obstructs the other, doesn't mean they don't have 90% of the same policies. the obstructionism is part of the political game.

Same thing here, "one obstructs the other" (ie. they are not "in cahoots"). Whatever similarity exists in their policies as a whole is an entirely separate issue.

If you're going to claim I'm wrong, at least make a statement which contradicts mine.

The point being made here, I would say, is that they are being "politically correct" in espousing populist policies for public consumption, while not actually working to implement them by using the other's "intransigence" as an excuse.

A puppet show or modern day bread and circuses, making supporting political parties not unlike supporting your favorite WWF wrestler or team. Something inherent in making any contest a 2 horse race.


New Member

Nov 3rd 2012, 5:50:12

No alliance does what? Hinder people from playing the way they want?

It would be more accurate to say that *every* alliance does if they can.

Warring tags ensure netting tags cannot net in peace. Ditto netting tags refusing "friendlies". Same with "veterans" demanding newbs accept the current political norms.

Heck, witness PDM threatening Llaar.


New Member

Nov 2nd 2012, 10:56:10

And? Warring tags tend to hurt netting goals too. Should war tags be banned too?

It's one of the risks of the server, and the current approach, of measured changes making it harder to suicide effectively, rather than arbitrary bannings for subjective possible future actions, is fairer to all.