
Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 12:43:31

There is nothing inherent to the definition of democracy which is violated by corporations having the ability to spend money lobbying voters and elected officials.

There are many points which can be made to demonstrate why corporate involvement is not beneficial to the majority of US citizens, but this does not alter the fact that the United States is still a democracy.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 11:43:30

Galleri's a girl.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 4:12:46

In Canada, pretty much any of the English expressions given would be understood and not thought out of place.

No-touque and touque is probably the most common in this part of the country though.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 4:10:58

My quickness varies I'm afraid... this one took me a few days.

Basically the way safelisting works is that we pair you off with someone (or a couple someones) who we know play from the same location. For example, we'll flag your account and your room mate's.

The system doesn't allow me to safelist an account individually just in case someone else uses the same public computers. We don't have a generic "this person would never run multies" flag. We just have a "these two people say they'll be playing from the same computer" flag.

Odds are, you'll be okay muffin. It's pretty unlikely enough evidence would line up for us to delete you even if their was another student at your school who plays -- and the odds of that are not especially high in itself.

Hypothetically, if it did happen, and the evidence was sufficient some mod may delete you on a sweep. But then you just contact me, and there are steps I can take to try and establish that you're two different players. Assuming I can do that, I'll reinstate you and add you two to the safe-list.

The odds of it coming to that are slim though.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 3:39:28

I think your initial analysis is flawed, Klown, while the quote you provided is both vague and, when put into context, demonstrably false.

I'm going to work backwards through those three points. First, why it's demonstrably false:

That quote is attributed to Alexander Tytler, a Scottish lawyer who served as a lord judge during the early part of the 19th century. The quote is probably apocryphal, and so its exact date cannot be determined, but since British debt spiked during this time, it seems reasonable that it is British debt, democracy and fiscal policy of this period to which the quote was meant to be directed.

Unfortunately for your argument, the predictions made in this quote never came to pass. Despite debt of over 200% of GDP which existed in Britain towards the end of Tytler's life (which ballooned to over 250% in the decades following his death) democratic traditions in Britain strengthened throughout the 19th century, and have continued to strengthen to this day. British debt has spiked and withdrawn several times throughout this period, but at no point could its form of governance has been described as a dictatorship.

In other words, the quote you're using to demonstrate a general rule, was false even in the very limited context surrounding its original issuance.

Beyond the fact that his prediction did not come to pass, the quote itself is virtually meaningless. It begins with a statement which cannot be denied, saying "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government". Yet, when you give it some thought you realize that no form of government (in fact, no system either man-made or natural) can exist indefinitely. Eventually it will be replaced, morph into something new, or collapse. And so, specifying Democracy is disingenuous (as it implies that this is a condition unique to that form of government) and meaningless once you realize its deceptiveness.

The next line, "It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury" is equally meaningless because it's based on a false assumption; that voters can vote themselves "largesse". At some point, they cannot vote for more largesse... and reaching this point does not invariably result in the collapse of democracy.

This part is simply bullfluff: "From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury". Voters do not side with the person who promises the most benefits. They vote for the person they believe can deliver the most benefits -- but "delivering benefits" does not necessarily mean spending money. It's a non-sequiter, because in this context benefit ought to simple mean "the thing which benefits the voter" rather than what it means in the modern US context (this is something which actually makes me doubt the origin of this quote... but I digress).

Here's my biggest wtf moment: "with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy"... many democracies survive loose fiscal policy, and many democracies collapse for other reasons, so this statement has no foundation in reality.

Okay, I lied, this is the biggest wtf moment: "always followed by a dictatorship" Where did dictatorship come from? Nothing else in this quote provides any logical reason why a dictatorship is inevitable. That is, unless you define any type of government in which the people has ultimate power as a "democracy" and every other form of government as a "dictatorship"... in which case, obviously where there's no democracy there will be dictatorship, because we've just defined those terms in such a way where one of them must always be present.

Anyway, that's why your quote sucks... on a line by line basis, it's either ignoring reality or saying nothing. And the prediction it seems to make did not come to pass.

As for your analysis. It sort of sucks too.

I will accept that facing economic challenges increase the likelihood of a country undergoing significant changes of government, both in form and substance. However, with the exception of a few European countries who have only recently adopted democracy, the current economic situation is far from the most dire economic situation national democratic institutions have faced.

Change may be more likely now than in times of prosperity in these countries, but that does not necessarily make an end to democracy in these nations probable, and certainly not inevitable.

The causal link you've put forward between economic instability and the end of democracy may be dubious, but the link between what you refer to as socialism and that economic instability is laughable.

Portugal, Ireland and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Spain are all in economic troubles which had nothing to do with what you've called socialism. While in the Scandinavian countries, who seem to best fit your mould of socialism, the only economic concern is the weakness of their neighbours and trading partners.

As for your amero-centric views... well, I've written enough for one night.

The truth is, Klown, you've made so many assumptions thoroughly detached from reality, that it's difficult to even discuss the issue you've brought up. I've done my best, but the meandering nature of what I've had to write to refute your points is probably the best testament to their weakness.

In the end, the future remains unpredictable. I can't say definitively that the outcome you expect will not come to pass. However, there is certainly nothing inevitable about it, and it does not even seem probable or likely from what I can see of this world.

Even if events do transpire as you expect, however, your reasoning will remain flawed and it will be a result of forces only tangentially linked to those you've put forward here.

Broken clocks.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 23rd 2012, 18:40:39

The sewage pipe could have been under gravity pressure... and that could have caused the poop fountain. But if it did, the pipe would not have then been only half full when he stuck his head in.

My problem with that scene is that he breaks through the pipe in 3 hits, and somehow gets through a hole that it clearly too small for even his head.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 1:36:41

Meh... I got the gist of it.

I'm not American, and since the entire American political spectrum is well to the right-side of wacky, I don't bother following closely enough to recognize the exact phraseology in use at the moment.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 19th 2012, 15:00:32

I'm guessing that this is political satire? Someone trying to draw an analogy between this and higher taxes for the wealthy?

Ie. It's stupid to say you deserve part of Phelps victory because he used tax-payer supported infrastructure to get there -- and it's stupid to say you deserve more of a rich man's wealth (via taxes) because he used tax-payer supported infrastructure to become wealthy.

Something like that? Hard to know without more context.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 19th 2012, 2:15:35

So, did anyone get a chance to actually look at the code?

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 15th 2012, 3:46:52

Originally posted by Red X:
Omg fooglmog you sir are a beast

Is that a statement on the coding? Or simple on the idea of open source clan hosting?

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 23:48:14

Originally posted by braden:
with the rest of us, dying of nuclear winter.

why will they keep it conventional? because whoever wins is going to, i don't know, not want to die of nuclear winter?

america will never go nuclear first.. there is a reason why one of these bombs hasn't been dropped in anger in nearly seven decades.

America did go nuclear first. The reason no nukes have been dropped in anger since is because no one wanted to go nuclear second.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 23:45:25

So, I'm looking for help with something. I've been part of an open source project called UserCake for the last few years. Basically, it's a starting point for website developers who want a simple, secure user management system that they can continue to build their own projects off of.

The project stalled out about 2 years ago, when the lead developer lost interest. Earlier this year, I took over and have been tinkering with it in my spare time ever since.

That tinkering has finally culminated in something, and I've just (in the last couple days) released my beta test version of UserCake 2.0. The reason I'm posting here is because I'd like some help testing it. It's written in PHP and runs on a MySQL server. If you know anything about programming, and have some spare time, your help would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking for whatever feedback you may have.

Any feedback you give me now will only benefit the community in the future, as one of my upcoming projects is to take the UserCake core and create an open source clan hosting site for this game. I won't do the hosting, but I'll release the code openly so that anyone who wants to run their own site independently will have a ready-built option available to them.

Guy with no clue.

Edited By: Fooglmog on Aug 14th 2012, 23:51:36
See Original Post

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 9th 2012, 19:41:02

Mine's an acronym for "Fascist Organization of Good Looking Men of God". It's a political party I made up along with some friends when we were 10 because we were disappointed in the quality of the choices available in the provincial election that year.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 9th 2012, 3:11:12

No. I'm only willing to wade ankle deep into this particular pond of bullfluff.

If you were interested in learning about religion, you'd ask these questions in a place likely to have people interested in having this discussion -- not a forum for a game completely unrelated to the questions you pose.

Just as I would not go to a girl-scout bake sale in order to ask someone about evaporation. (insert priest joke here)

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 9th 2012, 2:42:03

Read a bible.

The answers to these questions, from the Christian perspective, aren't exactly subtle if you give any thought to what you're reading. They pretty much slap you in the face.

Until you've taken the time to do that, why're you trying to stir up fluff here? This is a forum for a game... go bait people on a forum meant for religious discussion.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Aug 2nd 2012, 13:42:23

Since both beltz and scode came back to defend iMag here, I guess I better do the same.

Yarr! iMag! Awesome, iMag!

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 12:59:07

... I'm not sure if either braden or david are trolling or what... The answer is 15.

Or am I missing something this early in the morning?

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 15:39:42

Maybe someone already said this, I didn't bother reading all the responses.

But I think it's great, until he shows his hard-on for history.

Every date-able reference he makes about the time when America was "the greatest nation" seem to point to the 1950s, 60s and early 70s. But you don't have to dig all that deeply into the history of those decades to see how dysfunctional America was internally and how destructive its policies were internationally.

This script was seemingly written by-and-for baby boomers, who look back on that time as idyllic not because of America's greatness, but because it was the greatest time of their lives -- their youths, which they'd like to recapture.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jul 10th 2012, 3:42:05

No one really cheats anymore eric... at least, not very effectively and certainly not like it used to be.

We have active admins, active mods, and a small enough player base that it's easy to keep tabs on what goes on. We've had a few unfortunate incidents, but we take care of them and move on.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jul 8th 2012, 1:36:38

First two books are great. Third was good. Fourth was awful though, so bad I haven't been able to bring myself to read the fifth.

I watched the first season of the series as well. It was fine, but added absolutely nothing to reading the book.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 2:23:24

Are your payments monthly? And how long would you need to defer payments for from the time the loan is issued?

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 15:28:48

I think iMag messages are always something best appreciated after the fact...

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jun 3rd 2012, 17:25:47

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
I have a hard time sitting behind 1, that's the visitors side ;-)

WTF? What kinda tarded ass ballpark has the visitors in the 1st base dugout?

I can think of 8 off the top of my head... I don't know for sure how many of each way, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was split pretty evenly.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jun 2nd 2012, 2:35:00

Are you going, and have 2 extra tickets? Or did you decide not to go and are trying tog get rid of your tickets? Are the tickets $100 each, or $100 for the pair?

Oh, and what time's the game (yes, I'm asking instead of going to look it up...)

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 26th 2012, 2:40:31

@sigma: I understand these to be the rules that are in force on all the servers. However, there is room for interpretation in how they're applied, so you may find different mods will apply them in slightly different ways.

@Marshal: If you take a look at my notes at the bottom, you'll see that I don't plan to make deletions because people are in the same KR. Stop worrying so much.

To alleviate some of the questions and concerns about this though, let me take a couple minutes to explain exactly what the premise behind these rules is.

As mods, we know that there's a possibility that a single player could fool us into thinking he's actually 2 players, and get 2 accounts onto the safe list. If this were to happen, we want the advantage that player would gain from having multiple accounts to be minimized. If you look at these rules, I think you'll see how each of them is designed to do this, while interfering as little as possible with legitimate play.

Rule 4, specifically, exists primarily to prevent suiciding and farming. Both of those practices are permitted within the rules, but are also damaging and frustrating to other players. Therefore, I don't want to see a player who decides to do these things able to do additional harm because they fooled us and got onto the safe list.

However, because farming and suiciding are difficult to define, I've written this rule in such a way that I have broad discretion to make decisions on a case-by-case basis. In other words, I intend to be reasonable in the application of this rule, and hope that by being transparent in it's goal, you'll all be able to navigate it successfully.

If you're uncomfortable with this, I'd like to point out that you have another mod, martian, and the admins to appeal to if you believe I'm being unfair in its application.

Hold on if you mean to complain though. I have yet to make a deletion under this rule, and until I do it seems unlikely that you'll be able to make the case that it's either unduly onerous or being enforced in an unfair manner.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 15:47:33


Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 16th 2012, 17:48:39


Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 15th 2012, 14:31:05

Angry, that's unlikely to be an issue. If it's at the market price, you won't run into problems unless you're sampling the market (buying a smaller lot first, to determine if it's the other player's bushels). That's something I can watch for.

Hellrush, that's a situation where it comes down to my discretion. I'll look at things like how often this happens between these players, whether the buy-out kept going after that oil was bought, and whether that player had been keeping those barrels on the market for an extended period of time. There's some other details I can look at as well. However, yes, getting deleted in that circumstance is a risk you run.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 15th 2012, 5:42:01

So, I've been finding of late that the vast majority of my deletions are a result of safe-list issues. I don't particularly like having to delete countries, and so decided I'd write a post reminding everyone about safe-list rules in the hopes of preventing a number of deletions.

Being safe listed is our way of trying to let multiple players who live with one another continue to enjoy this game. However, when players are playing from the same internet connection or computer, it becomes extremely difficult for us to verify that they are not, indeed, a single player.

In order to cope with this, we've implemented a number of rules exclusive to safe-listed countries interactions with each other. These rules are as follows:

1. No FA. If you send FA to one another -- you will get deleted.
2. No pacts. If you have pacts with one another -- you will get deleted.
3. No market aid. If you sell goods to one another through the market outside of normal prices, or sell an excessive number of goods through the market to one another -- you will get deleted.
4. No joint attacks. If you jointly attack (landgrab or otherwise) a country -- you will get deleted.*
5. No assisted spy ops. If you attack a country based upon an op made by the other player in your household -- you will get deleted.*
6. No attacking one another. if you launch attacks against one another -- you will get deleted.**
7. No ops against one another. If you launch spy ops against one another -- you will get deleted.

*If you're playing in the same alliance (or alliances on the same side) in a KR in which several other players are participating, I will attempt to take circumstances into account. However, I reserve the right to enforce these rules strictly at my sole discretion.
**If you're playing in opposing alliances during a war, and the attacks are part of kill runs in which multiple other players are participating, I will attempt to take circumstances into account. However, I reserve the right to enforce these rules strictly at my sole discretion.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. If I see any evidence of safe listed players cooperating with one another, or evidence that safe listed players are actually a single player, I will take action. The safe list is not a writ to do as you please, or to be free of scrutiny. Those on the safe list will actually bear additional scrutiny.

This is to ensure that the game is fair for all players.

If anyone currently on the safe list is in violation of any of the above rules, please note that I giving you 24 hours to come into full compliance with them. At that time, I will be making deletions. I would encourage alliance leaders to repost this message on their web sites in order to reach as many players as possible.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 13th 2012, 1:17:58

PMs are usually faster than posts on the forum. I just sent you one, letting you know what needs to happen to sort this out.


Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 12th 2012, 4:31:37


Realized after I wrote a troll-ish post that this was a thread about someone who's just died. I don't need to troll that badly.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


May 1st 2012, 12:17:13

It's not a tutorial, but it is a simple open source project which does exactly what it looks like you're trying to do. It registers users, authenticates them, and secures pages.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 3:49:36

Complete horse fluff.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Apr 13th 2012, 0:55:57

You'll probably find that you remember most of the community... or at least that we remember you.

And I know I speak for all the mods when I say we'd love to see you back trolling :)

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 17:43:09

Can't let you make posts like that. Sorry mate.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 15:14:42

*Reads martian's post*

*Does some math*

*Hugs his defined pension plan*

A house is not a retirement plan... but your parents' house is :p

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 14:48:06

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Not necessarily foog.

Doing what you suggest would create incentive for business to price their products to intentionally cause a round down after sales tax is tacked on. As a result there would be a net effective price decrease for products while the business retains the same profit off the sale. Government takes the entire financial hit and the business benefits from a decreased price.

If instead the price were to always round up, then firms would have incentive to price their products to always come out to a multiple of 5 after taxes are applied. Doing so would avoid an increase in the net effective tax rate on their products. This of course would also cause competitiveness issues.

It is also questionable whether this penny change will effect digital money/transactions.

No H4, you haven't thought this all the way through. It may create an incentive for businesses to do that... but incentives don't matter when it's not mathematically possible to fix prices. At least, not in the part of Canada where I am.

Price fixing to always round up (or down) falls apart as soon as people start buying multiple items. If you buy 1 or 2 items at $1.01 it rounds down. Buy 3 or 4, it rounds up. Every price will round down as often as up.

(Okay, maybe 1 item purchases are more common than any other single number, skewing this slightly, but the psychological effect of .99 pricing is almost certainly going to be a larger variable in total sales than lowering the consumers cost by 1 or 2 pennies on purchases of 1 item anyway).

As for fixing prices to always come out as $0.05... how easy is that to do with a sales tax of 13%? How many prices actually come out to an even nickel after tax?

Again, this is easy if you assume people are only buying 1 item... but if you assume people are likely to buy anywhere from 1 to 10 items... your options become seriously limited. Essentially, you have to price your items at $1.77 or multiples of that. This means that every item priced between $0.01 and $1.77 would have to be moved to $1.77... a huge price increase in a lot of businesses where many items are under that price.

And even this falls apart eventually. At $8.85, a penny creeps in after tax for 10 items again. This keeps getting worse until, at $44.25 you're back to only being able to purchase one item without having to deal in pennies.

I'm sure we will see a number of items near the $1.77 price point move to it. It's actually already a common price for things like chocolate bars, because businesses have realized that it saves them dealing in pennies. But to suggest that all items will be arranged so that, after tax, they come out to even nickels is simply wrong.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 4:40:09

Rounding to the nearest nickel has a neutral impact on prices... you round up as often as down.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 3:51:20

Originally posted by Angel1:
I'm predicting an increased demand for US Pennies in Canada. It'll take years for the Canadian Penny to get out of circulation simply because it circulates throughout the US and in other countries pretty easily. Of course in the US it's masqueraiding as a US penny, but the point is still valid.

Why would there be an increased demand? Once the change takes effect, all sales are rounded to the nearest $0.05 instead. If someone has pennies and wants to use them, fine, but it's not required.

I don't see how saying "pennies are no longer required" will do anything but decrease demand.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 13:08:50

Originally posted by Watertowers:
I am not racist, i have stated many times that no one race is superior or inferior. How much more for equality can I be?

Can I explain "how much more" on a logarithmic scale, so I don't have to type quite as many numbers?

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 13:03:37

Why would anyone want to respond seriously to the drivel posted by Watertowers?

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 26th 2012, 0:10:04

No, because it's a reference to what they "live on" not what they "earn".

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 24th 2012, 13:21:06

Actually, when I said you couldn't "retire" I was referring to the fact that everyone living on that amount of money is essentially a subsistence farmer. They only eat a couple staple items, and they grow those themselves.

Subsistence farming has very limited overhead... hence needing only $2.50/day to survive. As soon as you're purchasing your food, though, those grow hugely. Since subsistence farming will require you to work incredibly hard (possibly harder than at any other point in your life, though I don't know your working history well enough to state that outright), it would not meet the definition used in most western nations for "retirement".

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 18th 2012, 3:58:51

Also, Devastation... hilarious :)

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 18th 2012, 3:58:25

Yes, they travel. It would be hard to coordinate projects in the United States and Uganda without doing this. It would also be hard to talk to people without doing this. It's not really an unusual thing for a charity.

Yes, their expenses are covered by the organization. It's a large enough charity that it makes sense for people to be working at it full time. Again, not unusual for a charity.

Yes, they film things. This is one of their main advocacy tools. Not exactly strange.

Yes, this is paid for by donations. That's how charities pay for their work.

As for living "an expensive lifestyle" while doing this travelling and filming -- I don't honestly know if it's true or not. I'd happily take a look at your source for the claim though.

I see where you're getting the $300k for the website, but to me it looks misinterpreted. The line in their financial statement is titled "web and design". See how it's not "website design", indicating that they have both design expenses and other web related expenses? Since they have no other line item it would fit into, I'd suspect that those other expenses are largely their online ad campaign. I don't know that for sure though -- might be worth finding out before castigating them for it though.

As for 6 figure salaries. If you take the total compensation paid in 2011, and divide it by the number of employees they list on their 990, the average salary is about $36k. It's almost certainly not even though, so I'll grant you that the top people may indeed earn six figures. Of course, if you take a look at the industry norms ( it turns out that this is right in line with what similar organizations pay. Who knew? You actually have to pay well to get the best talent to run multi-million dollar organizations.

I know that when something becomes mainstream on the internet, some people will want to demonstrate their own intellectual superiority by lambasting the movement. Hell, there probably are some areas of their operation which ought to be tightened up and run better. But for the most part, the criticism aimed at Invisible Children is ill founded, and only perpetuated because those who choose to regurgitate it are themselves ignorant of how not-for-profit organizations operate.

Invisible Children is not a scam. Not unless every other charity of similar size is as well. If you don't think their goal is important, or their methods productive, then say that. That's at least constructive. But to label it as a scam is disingenuous at best. You ought to be better than that.

Guy with no clue.

Edited By: Fooglmog on Mar 18th 2012, 4:09:21
See Original Post

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 17th 2012, 15:41:32

I don't support invisible children. at least not financially.

I've been aware of them as an organization for a long time though, and seen some of their work inside uganda. They do good work. My beliefs line up better with other some other organizations though, so that's where my support goes.

But There's a whole heap of spectrum between being an organization I choose not to donate to and being a scam.

Guy with no clue.

Fooglmog Game profile


Mar 17th 2012, 2:23:58

50% of 2011 funds raised are kept in their bank accounts. 20% went to expenses, half of which was TRAVEL, and FILM expenses.

This is an organization whose primary mandate is to promote awareness about the LRA. They do this by travelling to various places, giving speeches and making films. Of course their travel and film expenses are significant. But since that's their mandate, publicly expressed to anyone who's interested, I don't see why this is an issue.

In the end, 80% of their expenses go towards their stated programs. That may not be the best rate in the world for a charity, but it's better than an awful lot of them.

As for the 50% being kept in their accounts. Their cash assets do appear (as of June 2011) to be about 50% of their total income from the year. However, the majority of that ($5m of the $6m remaining) was money which went from being restricted to unrestricted but was raised over a number of years prior to that.

The point is a red herring though. Invisble Children was, at this time, planning on launching their largest project ever... the Kony 2012 campaign. It's not really surprising that they needed to have strong liquid assets behind them to do this. Charities often raise money over a long period of time to be used at once in a single effort. It was in the charities account though, not sitting in the personal account of its founder.

Only 30% went to Uganda, and a majority of it went to the militia and government military, which have also been under heavy criticism of rape, kill, and steal from small towns.

Closer to 37% of it went to projects in Africa. Mostly in Uganda, but also in neighbouring countries where the LRA operates. None of it went to the Army though, nor even to the government in any direct way. Their biggest program is a scholarship program for kids affected by the conflict in Uganda.

They lack external board members which really should disqualify them from being a 'charity'

They have 4 independent board members. There's a couple agencies which rate charities who want them to have 5 before giving them the highest possible rating -- a rating Invisible Children had before they dropped down to 4 board members.

they lack external auditors. I went on a short google hunt, and I believe that the auditors they use share the same last name as one of the founders.

They have external auditors. Considine & Considine. I can't find a definitive list of their founders though... I also can't find anyone closely associated with the organization with the last name Considine. Could you point me in the right direction?

If it smells like a scam, it's a scam. They saw a potential for viral campaign, and they took it.

I'm sorry. I just don't see it. I think there's better causes out there. I think that some of what they're doing could be done more effectively. But it doesn't seem like a scam to me. At worst, the guys running it are making a decent living while also doing exactly what they say they're trying to do.

Do you think working for a charity means you don't get paid though? They still need employees and need competitive salaries to get good ones. That's how every large charity operates.

Guy with no clue.