

New Member
EE Patron

Jan 29th 2016, 21:26:48

Some people used to say 72 hours but different strategies grow at different speeds so I don't know if I buy that. 12 days is kind of long but I've seen much longer. Maybe it just wasn't worth using the jets on you until now. The land will still help the player who attacked you at least so he is not doing it out of spite.


New Member
EE Patron

Jan 28th 2016, 16:55:47

Originally posted by silentwolf:

Rather than fluffing.. And boycotting.. Come play and beat us all.

How is he supposed to do that when someone is warring him? Nobody can win if someone good decides to war them. If before you were going to win last reset, one of my friends started a war with you, you sure wouldn't have won. Isn't it nice how that never seems to happen to you though?


New Member
EE Patron

May 10th 2015, 2:00:12

Haven't seen a thread. PM me.


New Member
EE Patron

May 9th 2015, 2:50:06

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
It's noobishness. Although I'm guilty of it, what happens in a round generally stays in a round.
Some fluff intentionally screwed with me last set because I had a good country or he's just a douche, and then I see him again in this round trying to win with a big fat country... I'm thinking I should just outplay him and deal with it that way, but if my round goes south you'd better believe his is coming down with me.


New Member
EE Patron

Apr 10th 2015, 1:08:54

Once again, this guy earf is not even running the country Frae. That is mine. I am also Frae_ on Please stop indulging this guy.


New Member
EE Patron

Apr 6th 2015, 2:23:48

Somebody messaged me saying they were sorry for attacking a friend. I just ignored it because I didn't know what they were on about.


New Member
EE Patron

Apr 6th 2015, 2:01:01

Originally posted by earf:
Meh... i was #72- holiday weekend and server went down thursday. I quit attacking and just retaled my way out. Not worth bothering coudlve easily cruised to top 2

What? Who the hell are you? I was #72. Are you the reason I kept getting weird messages from other players?