
Frodo Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 2:21:17

@Pontius Pirate
I think both of us are over analyzing this haha

Frodo Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 2:15:48

Originally posted by Cerberus:
I'm just sick that the US is again sending the NBA to play for gold in the Olympics.

It was supposed to be for amateur athletes, not professionals.

Why don't we just send the Chicago Blackhawks to play in the Winter Olympics?

Well defining amateur and professional is difficult. Track athletes get paid, I think, by participating in different leagues. Also if none of our pro guys can go then no other countries can send their pro players either. But just say we didn't send any pro players and sent college guys, wouldn't that almost be worse because it would us saying that we are too good for the rest of the world so we will send out "B" team.

Also we as Americans are competitive and don't want to lose anything :D

Frodo Game profile


Jul 27th 2012, 18:29:46

I would have loved to see DC fight back more organized too :P

@dlplow i do have fun and realize it is a game :D

obviously we had the networth advantage but we were not prepared at the start, like for myself at the start i had like 10 turns... so yeah... didn't go so well haha

oh and about you comment about the hpk, does that me we did good in that department or what? just wondering :P don't really have any past experience to base it off of.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 27th 2012, 18:02:33


Frodo Game profile


Jul 27th 2012, 13:07:11

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Frodo:
Originally posted by bertz:
Originally posted by BobbyATA:
this question is in no way a measure of math ability.

If you can't even get that easy problem, then you're plain stupid in math

U mad bro? It's a trick question, chill.
how on earth is it a trick question?

edit: order of operations and working from left to right without parenthesis should have been taught to you in like 3rd or 4th grade. still don't understand the "trick" here

What i meant by trick is that if you just glance at it without studying it you can be "tricked" into thinking it is 0 because people read from left to right, obviously it is an extremely simple problem but the point of the question is not to judge your ability in math, but to see if you actually fully read the question.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 17:15:43

Originally posted by Alana:
Same as Braden! I am so excited. My friends and I are going to watch the Olympics Opening Ceremonies tomorrow! :)

oh yeah just realized today is Thursday... :/ well that sucks...

Frodo Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 17:08:22

Originally posted by bertz:
Originally posted by BobbyATA:
this question is in no way a measure of math ability.

If you can't even get that easy problem, then you're plain stupid in math

U mad bro? It's a trick question, chill.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 12:59:36

So with the olympics set to start today just curious what countries people are rooting for.

I am rooting for the USA, cause i live there, and the Netherlands because my ancestors are from there.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 12:57:02

ok, kind of a cheap way to get kills haha

Frodo Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 4:24:19

ok so i died whatever, but why did #6 from Shaolin get involved? Was it just to steal a kill?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 4:47:08

I agree with you. Maybe you could even have the option to steal or destroy. Like if you steal money you don't get as much as if you blow it up or something. That way if you are in a war or something you can weigh the option of destroying their money or taking it or something like that. Same could go for oil (or whatever), you could set it on fire and destroy like 10,000 barrels or steal like 5,000 barrels (for example).

Frodo Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 4:43:29

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Frodo:
oh and you should be able to steal money from an enemy instead of blowing it up. I mean seriously... who blows up a bank instead of stealing the money???? :P

Previously (like 12 years ago), spy ops could steal bushels, and other stuff. It was abused by netgainers as a non-detectable way of transferring large stockpiles (say from a rank 70 player to a rank 2 player in an attempt to reach rank 1).

So it got removed, you can no longer gain stuff by using harmful spy ops.

Don't you gain tech by doing espionage, and can't you steal oil?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 24th 2012, 12:25:09

hey sam just wanted to let you know about this new technology that all the hipsters are using. It's called a CAPS LOCK BUTTON!!! Seriously PUSH THE BUTTON!!!

Thank you.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 24th 2012, 4:04:48

well then your spies are stupid haha :D

Frodo Game profile


Jul 23rd 2012, 13:00:11

what do you mean?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 23rd 2012, 2:11:37

oh and you should be able to steal money from an enemy instead of blowing it up. I mean seriously... who blows up a bank instead of stealing the money???? :P

Frodo Game profile


Jul 23rd 2012, 2:10:30

One thing i have noticed is that it would be nice if when you make a trade pact that you can actually TRADE with the other person rather than sending FA. I mean if I am a Farmer for instance and my trade partner is a Techer it would be nice if I could trade Bushels with my partner for either money or Tech. This would increase the benefit of being in a clan, and wouldn't necessarily benefit really big alliances anymore because you can only have 2 trade partners. Obviously some restrictions would have to be added, like maybe you can only trade a commodity for money or another commodity or both. Also you can't trade something for no less than 80% of the current average cost of the commodity. This way both partners gain from the trade.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 16:15:34

hmmm.... hmmm.... .... nope, still don't understand what that is supposed to mean haha

Frodo Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 2:57:09

Yes please buy buy buy!!!

Frodo Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 17:41:51

oh and by the way dlplow... shut up already. God I know you are all happy that you are destryoing a team twice your size in networth but enough already. We are noobs at war because none of us has been playing longer than like 6 months or been invovled in a war.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 17:28:15

well dlplow i assumed I was next i mean I am the only one attacking :P

Yeah i have realized that haha.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 17:22:11

typo *and accidentally* not and was going...

Frodo Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 17:21:22

ok this is going to sound really lame and bad... but... i typed in the wrong number... I was trying to attack Tesseract from Lords and was going accidentally typed in your number.. I know it sounds lame but it is the truth.. I mean why would i want to drag other teams into a fight we are probably going to lose anyway? Sorry...

Frodo Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 13:02:15

well I don't think anyone is being a "fluff" right now... one of our members attacked dlplow's team multiple times and they got upset, and rightly so... and then this happened...

Frodo Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 12:28:00

well yeah I was thinking of tnw... we were leading... didn't know if we would get it but why not talk about it....

Frodo Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 1:47:59

well this just went from bad to worse :P oh well whatever...

Frodo Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 17:47:37

Didn't your mother tell you that if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all? ;)

Frodo Game profile


Jul 17th 2012, 21:38:42

check your messages.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 15th 2012, 5:29:57

hmmm i guess, but it still seems like cheap to have some private farmland in your clan. i mean if the guy quits shouldn't he detag, because he will drag your average networth down. Also it doesn't seem legitimate because if someone else were to try and attack that guy, because he has quit, he would get retalled by the big dogs in the clan because he is attacking the clan. But... if someone in the clan attacks the quit player he doesn't get attacked, therefore making the land practically free...
It seems this gives the biggest clans an unfair advantage because of the likelihood of someone quitting in their clan.

Anyway don't know if that makes any sense but basically it seems that this "landtrading" is kind of cheap, no matter what the explanation is...

Frodo Game profile


Jul 15th 2012, 4:59:00

the only thing i am still confused with is what it is called. To me it doesn't seem like much of a trade to me it seems like the other guy gets screwed haha :)

Frodo Game profile


Jul 15th 2012, 3:38:18

why??? Are they not going to attack anyone else till after tuesday too?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 20:34:07

@marshall, he wasn't... that guy was tagged under his clan :p
both guys are from RD.

My question is assuming no one is running mulitple countries... who would run a country that is going to have its land farmed away by a teammate? I mean I would just quit playing rather than have some just take my land.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 19:32:17

So... i was just glancing through the news of some of the top guys and i noticed that he was planned striking one of his own clan mates.... Is this normal for the guys who have like 50k+ plus acres? Isn't that kind of cheating..... ?

Just curious what people think of guys attacking other guys in their clan to gain land.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 4:29:49

who? Trout or fluffey? Trouts a rookie and fluffey has played for a bunch of teams, including Seattle.
Or are you talking about Gonzalez? Because I have never heard of him before... so either he wasn't that good or I just missed his name.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 3:51:59

@ Son Goku yeah your probably right but still.... that is an interesting name haha

@Boltar I am a football fan as well, I assume you are talking about the NFL or College, Seattle is my team. Pretty excited about this upcoming year. But I call myself a sports fan as I follow a bunch of sports :D

Frodo Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 3:12:49

thats pretty cool. From the little I know about him he seems like a pretty grounded guy and not full of himself, which is nice to see.

Are you a baseball fan, or a fan of a different sport?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 3:08:04

Have you ever met him?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 2:58:51

@ trumper I guess I forgot about him I am an AL guy so I actually have never heard of him before the all-star game :p

@ Son Goku I wonder how he got through school with a name like that.... I mean just imagine all the names he was called and stuff haha.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 13:08:50

haha just realized that the knuckleball pitcher from the Mets, R.A. fluffey, his last name is automatically changed hahaha.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 12:20:07

Maybe one of the reasons is that they faced 6 of the best pitchers in all of baseball in Cain, Strasburgh, fluffey, Kershaw, Kimbrel and Chapman.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 4:32:49

They put some stat up saying this was like the most rookies ever in the all-star game. There are a lot of exciting young players in both leagues.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 4:26:02

@ mrford yeah Chipper is one of the class acts of all time. Hard to believe he was selected to so few All-Star games, I think in his like 20 year career he was only selected like 8 times.

@Boltar yeah he did, I think he might have gotten a hit. Harper played too, youngest player ever in the all-star game.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 4:05:47

haha don't know if they will make it that far this year but they have a solid base. They definitely lucked out with their last two #1 draft picks. My mariners could have had strasburgh but went out and won their last like 7 out of 10 smh :(. They lose when they should win and win when they should lose haha.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 3:23:30

haha yeah it is the Major League Baseball all star game. The National League beat the American league 8 to 0, which is quite a big win in baseball.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 3:20:20

So.... did anyone watch? The NL kind of owned the AL tonight.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 1:29:06

So it has nothing to do with the amount of attacking units? For example if I were to attack a country which has only 1 million turrets, and nothing else, with 2 million jets I would get the same amount of stuff if I attacked with 5 million jets?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 0:57:09

Does anyone know how the resources taken by a successful attack are calculated? Does it have to do with the difference in attacking units versus defending units or is the only factor the tech military strategy?

Frodo Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 0:52:50

seems like someone isn't a fan of EVO... hmmmmm..... ;)

Frodo Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 15:20:38

Thank you to all the former and current armed forces keeping us safe and protecting our freedom for the last 236 years and beyond.

Frodo Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 20:51:30

Maybe having a couple different background pictures corresponding to the goverment would be nice. Or having some sort of pop up picture when builiding stuff, like buildings or military units. Or maybe stating like how many hit points or whatever a tank has compared to a turret compared to a troop compared to a jet. Anyway just a couple thoughts :D