
Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 7th 2011, 4:55:04

iMag -5
sof 3
lcn 10
laf -1
evo 2
omega 4
rd 0
sanct 6
icn 4
pdm -14
monsters 4
wof 6
na 2
sol -15

Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 6th 2011, 6:35:41

Good luck to you to LS. I know you will die with honor.

But die you must! :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 6th 2011, 6:33:26

Thanks for cranking / posting the numbers

Hard to see the big picture when your just cursing the server lag trying to get a kill in. :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 1st 2011, 0:03:42

SoF 1
SoL -7
LaF 4
Evo 6
Omega 6
RD 0
Sanct 7
PDM -14
Monsters 1
WoF 0
NA 0
Imag -3

Garry Owen Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 4:32:24


Garry Owen Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 5:30:51

Very cool idea.

I also hate planned 'friendly' wars.... this would make it more interesting.

Maybe add in a planned stop time... either say 5 days from start time, or a random time in a 4-8 day window.

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 26th 2011, 3:36:15

All netgaining should be outlawed.

Only war strats, all set, every set.

Then no one would have these really emotional jags about landgrabs.


Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 26th 2011, 3:28:33

I would think that you Aussies would have more to do than to worry about what we watch at the movies.

But then you always did have a pretty warped sense of values down under.... :P

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 26th 2011, 3:20:50

No, what Beck said is that Obama is 'poking' at people with the 5 pillars theme. NOT that Obama is a muslim, just that at least some of Obama's people have to know the reference and that it is a deliberate provocation.

And are you saying that if someone on the other side politically made a major speech talking about it was time for a '3d empire' that such a connection wouldnt be made?

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 20:31:18

Murf... murf.... hmmmm seems like I have seen that name *somewhere*.... :)

It will good to in the ranks with you again Murfie. I'll bring a bottle of bourbon for you when I get my account over there. We can get drunk and trade Dragonlance stories in the forums. :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 20:12:50

BlackMamba - some of us have been advocating for 'land wars' since the move to EE. In a landwar the alliances agree on a date/times start and end. Only SS and PS allowed (and some of us think all spy ops should be allowed too). Countries are not killed, stonewalling doesnt help and you dont need to get a bunch of people online at once to fight. At the end of the war you figure out total land gained, average land gained, total NW growth and average NW growth to figure the winner. And at the end of the war the alliances are not reduced to war-shattered restarts at the mercy of landgrabbers and high inactivity. Everyone still has a country and the alliance could even fight 2 or maybe 3 wars in a set.

On the subject of LCN whining - you started the war with an over 2-1 advantage and STILL were so scared of Rage you sent untagged suiciders and allies to grab and harrass Rage before the war. As soon as the numbers got better you started looking for excuses for your poor warfighting skills. Well make any excuse you want it doesnt change your abilities (or lack of...)

Garry Owen Game profile


Jun 13th 2010, 5:44:49

eh, I used to post all the time, back on the 2025 AT.

but I had to post about this because the landgrab war is a really good idea -- it should be fun and can change the game!!

Garry Owen Game profile


Jun 12th 2010, 4:57:54

Detmer you are 1000% right:

Originally posted by Detmer:

It basically seems like a way to actually land grab in this game like I suspect was originally intended, without it breaking down into war like would happen if someone grabbed you a bunch ordinarily. I think it sounds like a great thing to try.

You know Rage loves a good killing war, but this seems a little more challenge. Not just a race to get your restarts into the fight, but you have to show comprehensive game skills. You have to continue growing your country and end strong. Much more difficult than just pouring on the BR's to pound the current target.

Some notes:

Outside landgrabs: Every tag with a -g should get a war-DNH from other clans, just as if they were in a killing war. And the non-g members should be willing to police any violations if the country in war doesnt want to take their own acres back. And a clan could arrange for someone to police for them if the violator is too large/defended to be worth the grab or if they just need to be killed.

Special Attacks / Spy Ops: No missles or special attacks are allowed. They do not contribute to the purpose of gaining acres for yourself - they are just destructive to the enemy. The same would go for purely destructive spy ops like bombing things, stir rebellions or bioterrorism. HOWEVER the constructive use of some spy ops - like demoralize, espionage, dissention and the raids - can help you make a landgrab or gain resources to grow your country and should be allowed.

So can we show success in netgaining by warfare? It will make the game a whole lot more fun if we can!

Edited By: Garry Owen on Jun 12th 2010, 5:00:48