
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 17:00:59

Optimal_BPT=Sqrt(Land_goal) is not only basic, it is very wrong.

And the true formula for "turn optimal" BPT has been public knowledge for well over 15 years.

Back when I played we had lofty discussions on these things in the public forum. Also comparing stats at different times and how we got there.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 14:48:36

Ni kanske känner mig ändå. :)

Jag snacka med några TKSare under min tid på jorden! :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 14:03:40

Ty. Sweet reset. First time commie Indy in like 10 years. It is very strong if you focus on netgaining nowadays. And because of the bots and GDI this is possible! :)

I think flowers for Algernon messed up somehow, otherwise he would have gotten like 40m too. He stocked very early on his 13k acre techer.

Was pretty nice set for techers. I suspect next reset Tech prices will be lower because after this everyone and their mothers will want to play techer considering it dominated the top positions so profoundly.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 13:05:06

That seems reasonable. Express can be a nice probe for changes.

I think all the strategies have a good chance to win right now.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 1:04:33


Top 10
8 Techers, 1 Indy, 1 casher.

Ranks 11-20
6 more techers, 2 cashers, 1 indy, 1 farmer

The techer bot change didn't create a free win for the cashers. It did however make the techer bots able to afford military which meant the game had no 0 def(well like 50 troops) bot countries on the last days. Overall I think the change is very good.

As a side note the tech prices are still skewed. Techer bots only respond to demand increases if the price changes drastically and only when the tech prices are well above $2000(If I interpret the code correctly). Further, they tech too much warfare, SDI, Spy, medical and MStrat, they don't respond naturally to the high demand techs and when the demand changes, i e when players start getting Military tech in the final day. Tweaking the weighing function for what the bots tech would be interesting.
Also the reason this is a problem is that the other bots buy faaaaar more tech in bus/res/indy/agri and maybe military tech than the techer bots can produce.

Edited By: Gerdler on Mar 13th 2017, 1:20:47
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 0:55:11

Yes, I could definitely suicide you better if I wanted to. :P

Such a shame, it would have been an honor to compete with you. :/

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 0:27:48

It's debatable. :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 12th 2017, 19:31:51

It is not clan info though as it can be found on these forums and in the xls formula sheet that Slagpit, QZ and Revelat0r made years ago, is public and linked on this forum as well.

Is this what EE has come to, everything is secret to prevent your competitiors from learning the game?

Tbh, I want my opponents to be knowledgable and skilled, because such players are more pleasant, more predictable and more friendly in general. Therefore I help new players with whatever knowledge I can bring them. It is not likely they will be better than me a week or a month from now, and if they are I congratulate them.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 12th 2017, 17:08:39

Ehh. This BPT talk is quite wrong...

Square root of 40000 acres is 200, so according to this 200 bpt is turn optimal to build 40k acres.

780cs + 200turns building at 200 BPT is 980 turns.

380cs + 400 turns building at 100 BPT is 780 turns

The formula for optimal BPT is sqrt(Acres_to_build/4) for normal governments.

For 10k acres, 50BPT is turn optimal

For 20k acres, 71 BPT is turn optimal

This assumes you will build all your buildings after you built your CS which is almost never the case. Also it does not take cumulative income into account. Both these factors actually favour a lower BPT than what would be considered turn optimal.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 12th 2017, 0:59:19

Heja TKS!

Obs, jag var aldrig medlem och gick under annat namn.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 11th 2017, 14:48:47

Yeah, they are always ashamed of themselves. Sad really.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 11th 2017, 14:28:14


How is this not an issue?

He clearly started a country with the single intention to take out SuperFly, even the name shows it. Thats toxic beyond a shadow of a doubt. Almost everyone hides behind anonymous country names and this is why.

Did SuperFly grab him 2 months ago in tournament and this is retaliation? Or maybe just jealousy?

EE motto:
"If you get beaten, don't get better, get even."

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 11th 2017, 12:54:56

Theocracies enjoy lower military costs, increased building rates and more money from tax revenues, but the lack of maximum allowed technology can make them somewhat vulnerable.

-20% Military costs
+40 construction speed
+50% max. population

-35% max. technology
Double GDI expenses

Ok, so the issue is only on the wiki then... and the wiki also has +75% oil production for Fascists.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 10th 2017, 17:21:49

Looks like the techer bots no longer fail. Which means it is working as intended. If there is a balance issue it is related to the ratios of the different bot strategies, not the script change. Plus the effort/skill required for grabbing has increased slightly as all the bots now have defence after a few days.

Edited By: Gerdler on Mar 10th 2017, 17:27:16
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 10th 2017, 13:03:16

If that is true the wiki on governments and several other places are wrong. Either way I tested this in FFA. When I switch from Mon to Theo I don't get any change in expenses. Neither doubles nor drops by 20%, but remains the same.

And also it clearly states "military costs" both on Military tech and the government page on the wiki. I pasted this information, didn't make it up. "Military costs", with the exact same spelling, means two different things. Replicated properly from Earth 2025 I'm sure but still faulty wording. Am I just supposed to accept this? It clearly was not intentional and if it confuses me it will confuse 100.00% of new players.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 10th 2017, 12:54:36

Thats what I do to get the wrong oil production.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 9th 2017, 16:42:13

When I spy a Fascist with oil rigs the math works out to a production of 2 barrels per oil rig instead of three.

This at least is not my fault.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 9th 2017, 15:47:55

Certainly not normal. There may have been sets like this before but not the last 3 sets.

I think the tech prices come to a degree from the techer bot changes but I see very few human cashers so far and I think that is about to change with the late-starters who have yet to decide.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 9th 2017, 14:48:07

Turning out to be a nice casher reset this time around, played casher two sets in a row but decided to change, haha.

Turrets/jets at 60ish and tech at 1500-2000. A couple of late-starting cashers are going to have fun with this. :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 8th 2017, 14:31:12

Communist is the government. I suppose you mean that you are building only industrial complexes and producing military units to sell on the public market. That is a solid strategy. Make sure you get your goods sold and that you build a proper amount of construction sites (like 180+, depending on the server).

Turrets and jets are normally the most profitable units to produce.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 7th 2017, 21:40:28

While it is true that "every closely 'socialist' regime in practice was authoritarian" that does not mean 'authoritarian equals socialist'. It's a logical fallacy as even you can see that there have been a multitude of authoritarian regimes, that stem a plethora of different ideologies, throughout history.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 7th 2017, 19:29:40

If you do, you must realize there can be consequences. Maybe it is worth it, maybe it is the worst move you can make.

If he has zero military he might be playing his turns, but he might also not care. Either of those two choices make for a dangerous target. If you 31-tap him he will likely make it his goal to ruin you.

Edited By: Gerdler on Mar 7th 2017, 19:32:02
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 7th 2017, 16:50:57

May I ask how you are monitoring the bots? I mean what stats do you look for to see if they are successful and if the ratios between the strategies are reasonable?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 23:23:28

First of I'm a right wing though not American. Secondly since you take up real world examples the way the balance of this game should work according to you is to legalize rape and put a high excise tax on self defence classes, pepper spray and rape whistles.

Do you think suiciding is challenging for you? That is cute. :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 22:09:12

I spy with my little eye...

This is the role-playing forum right?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 21:45:15

Sure and gogy hit the guy once too, not a reason to ruin his reset but I'm glad he took the attention from me I guess.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 21:32:12

The techer Code on jhagsmaa that I find is 8 months old. But iZarcon posted the changes so that is enough for now! :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 21:07:38

Ty, yes I just revive the horse so we can beat it to death again. The guy who took out me and gogy( Croatia) was a guy I never even hit. Sure gdi, but either way the guy choose me out of all the countries outside of gdi because I had the most land and was highest ranked, he wanted to destroy the best country he count find. And if I am to protect myself from that I would have to not play theocracy and also spend all my money on tanks, SDI, turrets and troops and then I couldn't netgain either way.

And also in my recollection I've been suicided more often by countries I never hit. I always figured it was multies and maybe it was, but now there are no multies and people get off on running a country just to ruin it from others.

Edited By: Gerdler on Mar 6th 2017, 21:20:23
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 20:20:36

And I'm telling you how to improve the game. But yes it is my fault for making an attack before pressing the join gdi- link. Before this gdi function it was impossible to netgain safely. Also a very good change in favor of less toxic gameplay. The game has improved greatly, but by the way you are talking you are against it all and against any further improvements.

I know how to play the game, thanks though. I would also be a very good suicider if I wanted to. It is easier than being safe from suicides, i promise.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 19:45:53

I am not so sure that this was always the case. Either way what makes "military costs" different from "military costs"? Because their function is very different.

If i was a new player how would I realize which works in what way? Maybe my failure too but the function doesn't match the nomenclature.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 19:08:32

A core group of netters who were dedicated to understanding every aspect of the game reverse-engineered the game and made it better. Tell me that the average suicider is as useful a part of the game as Qz, Revelat0r or Slagpit, or you for that matter.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 18:59:17

If I ever had the time and will to play 15 countries in FFA I would be less inclined to be worried about one reset ruined on one of them. Thing is when I used to spend hours upon hours during a reset in 1B(Primary) or 1A and then have it ruined by someone who spent 15 minutes I was less inclined to think this is a good idea. Now Express takes care of this, one new reset every week means very little time and effort has gone into a country and I can laugh it of basically. I still don't think it is right

I don't know how common multies are anymore, Mehul basically let them play unthreatened, but I hope that has changed. Either way every change that would reduce the impact of suiciding would reduce the impact of multies and thereby make for a cleaner game. But when you lose sight of who is your player base, thats when the game start to die.

An interesting example is Facebook vs LinkedIn. During the LinkedIn IPO it was valued at ~6 times greater per user than Facebook. This was said to be because more time was spent creating a LinkedIn profile, thereby warranting a higher value. Same thing goes for EE; if I log into my country once a day, play for 5 minutes and once or twice per reset I suicide someone who is doing well and meanwhile ignoring the forums I am of way less value to the community.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 18:21:04

I don't need help with definitions, I need the game to be changed so the definition matches the function. LaF can't do that, I think, Evolution might be have been able to do that, though. :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 18:07:05

I played since 98 or 99. Quit during swirve, then came back three weeks ago. The problem is the nomenclature, not my game. :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 16:56:04

I disagree in the strongest sense.

If a player gets a rush by ABing or missile attacking players that did them nothing, don't you think there should be a natural barrier of skill involved in doing so? I mean it is difficult to netgain, the explores go down, you get DR fast when grabbing so you can't take all the land etc. If I want to ruin someones reset I just do it, it is fast and easy, I can run a 5 minute country for two days and destroy someones chance to top 10 even if he was set to win.
Shouldn't it be harder if it is fun? Why should only one thing be a challenge?

One of the greatest changes I have seen since I came back was the significant drop in topfeeding gains. It was exactly the same idea. It was too easy to just produce/buy all-jets and hit someone for fluffs and giggles and watch them retal back for 1/3rd of the land. This is why Land:land retal policies had to be invented, in order to balance the playing field that Mehul tilted in favour of the ones who had no intention of doing well.

Getting grabbed without provocation has always been part of the game, getting suicided by multies, or weaker players that were jealous or simple-minded is the reason I and many other players quit the game in the first place. Again, League of Legends have a tribunal that punishes players for toxic behaviour* and it is a hugely successful and popular game with around 100 million active players. Do you honestly think they are wrong in punishing toxic play?

*Anything that corresponds to being obvious about not attempting to win the game is considered a punishable offence in LoL.

This obviously need not be the case in EE. But a tilt in that direction would be very beneficial to the players, to the community morale and to the game it self. Naturally this won't save a dying game as it needed to happen 15-20 years ago.

Edited By: Gerdler on Mar 6th 2017, 16:59:03
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 16:12:27

Are the changes up to date on github or anywhere else?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 16:08:12

Yes, I'm in LaF now but you realize that there are a bunch of players who are mostly interested in tournament and other individual games and the strategies and start-ups and that work well in alliance are very bad in some individual games due to the need for defence, the market prices and such. Either way I am not speaking for myself now mostly. I'm speaking for myself as a newbie, I was helped by KoD's earthlibrary. Now there is no such public guides that I can find and we could have them on this forum or on the wiki.

I don't see a reason not to, do you, Marshal?

I would copy and paste one of my old indy starts or the then successful and greatly detailed all-reset guide that I engineered and wrote for a well known alliance liek 10 years ago, but I lost it since that was 3 computers ago. :P

Either way what Im talking about is something like:
Switch rep
build 40cs
build 300 farms, explore when needed sell food every turn
build 40cs, keep selling food every turn.
Explore and build 750 research labs, keep selling food every turn but stop after this
Destroy 25 farms at a time and rebuild them as research labs, do until you can't build a full BPT of labs more.
Tech 100 turns of bus/res tech at equal weight. Buy turrets at log-out.
Destroy all your research labs, rebuild as EntZ/Res. Play casher and win!

This is clearly suboptimal. No threat to any alliance, and these starts in different iterations are so common from like 10 years ago that I'm sure there are a hundred of them lying around that still works and would be very easy to copy paste into this forum.

And then the same for the rest of the reset. With midgame guide, stocking guide and destocking guide. And then the same for indy, techer and farmer. Most can be copy pasted from 10 years ago and are not a secret weapon of anyone anymore.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 10:50:45

Originally posted by perezim:
Originally posted by DancingBear:
i remember ... tourney is more fun and more interesting with more players!


Yeah, back then it took a few months to grind to game A from the very bottom. I was quite proud of reaching game A back then. Now it literally takes no effort.

No effort is a bit of an understatement. I started on like the 19th and got in with a margin. If there were bots in tourney, some of them would end up in game A.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 1:55:09

Getafix was casher yes. So was I (Always (#6)). Tech prices were way too high but I think the techers get screwed on the grabs because the techer bots are always farmed to hard to capture labs.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 6th 2017, 0:54:42

My own fault for forgetting GDI. I don't deserve a win with that forgetfulness. Either way I'm back next set to see if I remember GDI this time. I fear I may fail yet again. :)

It's interesting how easy it still is to ruin someones hard labour. In other games, like League of legends, toxic behaviour, even when not cheating, is a punishable offence. I belive earth should be the same in this regard.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 5th 2017, 16:25:42

There is nothing of the sort and I'm also a returning player. There are some mechanics now that was not in the game before such as ICs, Labs and oil rigs are affected by your population so it is inefficent to go like 40cs, then 450 ICs straight as your explores screw up your production. It is not very difficult to fix from one reset to the nex and sure you can now create like 20 countries in the AI server and test a bunch of start-ups by yourself, but a new player likely wont do that and will not be able to know if he is doing well or not either.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 4th 2017, 13:45:51

Ohh, and I forgot to mention switches and the fact that you usually build some buildings before you reach your BPT goal.

So if you switch the at one point instead use the total amount of buildings you plan to build during the reset. Therefore the optimal BPT is higher.

And if you build buildings before reaching your BPT goal, because you have to get income before perhaps, this would mean that your optimal BPT is a bit lower than what this formula yeilds.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 4th 2017, 13:40:34

It depends a little on your strategy but mostly on your land goals.

For maximal turn efficiency with all CS built right away:
Opti_BPT= (Land_Goal/4*Govt_BPT_Multiplier)^0.5

So for Normal govt Optimal BPT is
10000 acres --> 50
20000 acres --> ~71
40000 acres --> 100
200000 acres --> ~224

So for Theocracy Optimal BPT is
10000 acres --> ~59
20000 acres --> ~84
40000 acres --> ~118
200000 acres --> ~265

Dict is lower, with more CS. Don't play Dict, be a netter.