
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 31st 2017, 19:13:44

I rest my case.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 31st 2017, 1:52:34

Originally posted by llaar:
*pies CX*

Ohh CX is a chick?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 30th 2017, 16:52:59

Originally posted by lpardess:
But i crushed you in express two weeks ago with no help...

He had the FS tho so you had advantage!!1 ???+

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 30th 2017, 3:28:36

His claim that he has been at the epic(sic erat scriptum) centre of all wars is not at all disproven by those kill/death stats, tho.

It could all be part of his master plan too, to take the fire by waving his country names in the enemies faces to make them lose their cool and make bad target selections.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 29th 2017, 5:58:01

I never use turrents anyways.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 22:34:46

Why would I talk to Drunck? Look what he is posting lol, I dont need an IRC channel to see what he is about and if he had any proper responses he would be able to respond here.

My point is that suiciders are not the problem on this server, tags are.
Elders blindsided Zig twice in four sets, and ran untagged suiciders on us twice, or thrice in five sets perhaps if any of the suiciders of last set were Elders.
REN didnt get screwed by suiciders, still got a welcome by FM that made them quit the server after 1 set. CWG got blindsided by SIN once and FM once in the past 3 resets, FM and SIN are the same people. FM is now topfeeding and retalling retals on weedy, monks and cwg and now at the same time are asking them for help killing suiciders? It's a fluffing joke.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 20:42:45

Sounds like there is. It has been outlined, critiqued and insults have been flung. What more does it need to constitute a plan? :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 17:46:37

Originally posted by DruncK:
Gobble gobble

I envy you, I really do, in your mind, and I assume that is all that matters to you, your childish rebuttals are really hurtful. :)


To everyone else is this the guy to lead an effort to rid the server of garbage? Or is he still part of that garbage, considering the last sets actions, and the sets previous to that? Seeing how well he responds to critizism makes him a great choice for creating and leading for such an effort?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 16:59:16

I started in March. The set that Azn suicided me out of 1st, 2nd set I got killed by elders for legitimatly retaling special attacks with 1 attack less than what I was supposed to, 3rd set I had to war you idiots and kick your ass for that, 4th set you had an untagged suicide us early game and then FS us late-game when we were unprepared netting countries and you didnt even manage a tag kill. Thats 4, last set I netgained for the first time without being forced into a war I did not want.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 15:45:51

Originally posted by DruncK:
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, maybe take the fluff you're gobbling out yo mouth before you talk

Wow thats such good insults, 10 year olds around the world salute you! :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 5:43:40

Originally posted by Zorp:
lol, DruncK tries to do something good and all you can do is complain about how it isn't good enough?

You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

They want a monopoly on bullying, how is it even good? If anyone else suggested it I'd be 100% for. These guys just don't want anything to come between them and whatever target they choose to pester. War is only ever acceptable if it's on their terms. We know the tune.

Need to defend against tags pointlessly FSing as well else it only increases their power to ruin a month. And a war dec doesnt change the fact that it's pointless and usually one-sided only because the enemy doesn't want to fight at all.

80% of my resets ever on this server have been ruinied by the same group of people, forgive me if I don't want to empower them.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 1:50:23

Originally posted by DruncK:
Any war without a DoW is a suicider imo. Also the untaggeds that are doing special attacks would be a good place to start.

A DoW makes your war against REN or CWG honorable? Or Elders killing over a retal?

Zig has been suicided more than anyone this year and you start this one now because? Because you didn't get to start the war with monks or and weedy like you were trying to with topfeeds and RORs?

When Elders or FM hit a legit tag for BS reasons just to screw their reset it is just at heinous as the out of the blue suiciders like the ones hitting Elders this set. And most suiciders appear after hard farming. I dont know how many of the 12 supposed suiciders this set are like that but they(the ones that hit after beeing farmed) have far more reason to hit a tag than FM ever had last set or Elders had in their wars this year.

Therefore, any tags that hit another tag for any reason other than mutually agreed upon wars or actual misconduct by the other tag, like farming, special attacks etc should be treated just like the suiciders and all the tags should join in and kill them. That keeps the competition alive and stops ALL forms of bullying, not just the one form that you are sometimes a victim of...

Edited By: Gerdler on Aug 28th 2017, 1:52:48

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2017, 0:12:32

This is an epic idea. I tried to get something like this going before, I'm surprised it is being revisited by the suiciders lol. :P It's toothless unless also tags declaring war on another tag for no reason or killing a country in those tags for no reason is labeled a suicider and killed by these tags. Otherwise the suicider can just make a 1 man tag and suicide, and it would be silly to start naming which tags are allowed to make war, and which are not.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 26th 2017, 22:36:31

I can do one better!


And flufferfluff

Thats even two!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 26th 2017, 21:59:41

Yes, derrick should have made sure not to retal the hit 1:1 when Macdaddy had cash on hand. Obviously Derricks fault and should pay up. Everyone knows you can't retal a guy who has cash on hand. :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 16th 2017, 1:44:48

♫ I was gonna eat her fluffy too, but then I got high. ♫ (?)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 16th 2017, 0:43:10

The bots are better at this game than most players DP. They focus on getting techs up no matter what and the techer bots tech the techs that pay the most which is more than I can say about some players...

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 15th 2017, 6:25:53

I tried to find solace in being the highest NW 2nd place ever. I regret looking far back and seeing that 3 players have bested me on that as well. So I'm just the first loser, no redeeming qualities.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 15th 2017, 0:10:31

Can't belive my only chance at a netting reset on this server and I get 84.8m and lose out by 90k NW...

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 14th 2017, 13:53:10

That probably only works if you are in LaF. So you are welcome to apply to LaF and we shall provide that service to you, as we do to all our members.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 14th 2017, 5:18:34

I tried some reselling that cost me like 1b cash in the end. :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 14th 2017, 0:02:36

Ebert really did a good job working this market. I made a horrible move that was equally silly...

Nice farmer reset. :)

Gratz all.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 13th 2017, 23:30:10

my point is that there is no reason why the farmer, techer and casher bots cant be made to buy almost the same amounts of military as the indy bots produce, and the same for tech. It does not need to be an exact match, nor does it have to be the same units. Just that bots don't have to drive the market in any specific direction for no reason. this is an engineering problem, with an engineering solution. It's not the occurrence of bots that is the issue. It's that they have to be tuned a bit every now and then just like a violin.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 13th 2017, 22:07:22

Market looks different than FFA because in FFA the bots have a larger share of some goods markets than in alliance. So the supply and demand are at equilibrium at higher military prices in alliance for the most part.
Same thing would happen if in one set like 20-25% of the players in primary or tournament decided that it would be great to run a C/I. C/Is need their stuff to sell and a smart player follows the market instead of trying to sell at 120 when the market is at 70 and with thick blocks between. It is not about the market sales code, because that responds to market prices, just like players do, just in a less refined way.

I for one never had that much defence (always some though) early on in alliance servers since the explore rates were increased so they stopped dropping after 1000 acres.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 13th 2017, 19:54:19

The bots add much needed liquidity to the market. They also add land that otherwise would be farmed off any small tags of old friends held together for the heck of it or of new players trying out a new game. This game would be dead within 3 months if it was not for bots.

Look at team server. People are back to their rainbow roots playing strategies with no market interaction.

Now you can have issues with how the bots work and that they should fix the balance between them, maybe defend them better both with turrets and with spies and obviously they should fix this silly switching back and forth between buying res and bus tech, but bots as a feature is the IV that this bleeding game needs to keep its heart pumping a little longer.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 13th 2017, 18:54:08

FFA has a greater proportion of bots and if you want to understand which direction bots push the market you just have to create a country on the ai server and check out the market there.

I believe its closer to 1/3-35% bots on alliance.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 13th 2017, 18:41:07

Good Luck EDge.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 12th 2017, 19:28:15

A 130% weap tech target is far more likely to retal you too, and getting those 3m extra jets means your NW will be higher and give you lower returns on the grab. :)

Just let the poor guy have a def ally already!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 11th 2017, 22:18:27

Disallowing some people from spying you without declaring war can be very powerful at times.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 11th 2017, 18:46:15

Good luck Mafeta, hope you do well, stay consistent with your policy and that no one picks on you because they can.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 11th 2017, 17:48:05

Honestly, if I knew who you were I might hit you as well because of the all-caps.

But GDI works differently on different servers. there is one version of GDI on primary and express which has nothing with size to do, it only excludes certain attacks to and from that player unless the attacker has been hit twice or more by the proposed target.
GDI on team, alliance, tournament and FFA all exclude people who are not within 50% to 200% your NW from being hit by you and from attacking you unless you declare war.

Humanitarians also exist and they vary with the servers. You say it was GDI though and you are adamant about this with your all-caps writing. Humanitarians range shrinks at the end of the game though which confuses a lot of players.

Honestly, you sound like a kid who throws a ball and starts crying because gravity pulls it to the ground. Try to understand it instead. Read the GDI section ingame and it will clarify it for you.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 11th 2017, 15:18:49

Yes, I'm sinking, someone throw me a PFD or an insult, fast!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 11th 2017, 14:20:25

I was in Real Estate Developers and weighed in on the decision to merge with Un4given and create Evolution. No RED ever merged with Evo and likely never will. :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 11th 2017, 1:45:24

Are you sure you're not the one with PMS Marshal? :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 10th 2017, 21:24:37

Maybe one day you will crawl out of tier 9 and be as struck by the magnitude of FA in that package as the rest of them.

/Gerdler the tier 7 netter.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 10th 2017, 19:13:43

Sweet! :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 10th 2017, 15:57:37

No problem, I rarely farm players unless they deserve it or the game forces me to. Lucklily we have bots on this server. You should try them. Just hit them a lot and 200k acres on each country is easy as pie! :)

You don't need to self farm even.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 10th 2017, 1:45:48

It's not difficult to calculate that 1 barrel gives 1.625 NW worth of units. Therefore its quite safe to assume no one on alliance has been close to billion let alone billions of barrels. I had 6.7 billion barrels last day last set on FFA, but it was because I was being silly. I sold 3b of that before I started burning.

When people get 600-650 mil NW on alliance they probably had something like 350-400m barrels.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 9th 2017, 9:05:31

I find that people who use all caps, statistically, have less understanding of GDI.

What was the message the game gave you for not being allowed to retaliate? Because GDI on Express does nothing to restrict who you can attack, just what attacks you can do to people that has attacked you once or fewer times during the reset.

I implore you to read about GDI ingame. I suppose your inability to attack back has to do with your NW being less that 1/12th of the NW of the guy; which means you either need to take your 720 turns to grow or that you need to work on playing a proper strategy like casher, techer, farmer or indy and not just build whatever buildings suit you.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 8th 2017, 12:46:52

Here is how the leadership structure works in Zig and Zag:

Zig: Relax is leader on paper, but we basically have a 5 man democracy.

Zag: DP is the leader on paper, but when he makes a desicion 0-1 members follow, including DP.

That is the inner workings of Zig and Zag. Afaik. :P

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 7th 2017, 17:53:08

what cheap prices? 57 like I sold on yesterday? :)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 7th 2017, 16:36:36

no i didn't, you high.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 7th 2017, 16:34:10

How could we get more players?

<~XDarkPrinceX> someone has to go on twitter and and tweet donald trump couldn't even run an EE country properly
<~XDarkPrinceX> bait him in

<~XDarkPrinceX> think of how many people would join just to suicide on him

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 7th 2017, 0:11:44

Congrats lpardess, again.

You others need to step it up.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 6th 2017, 17:53:37

Former multi mod? Which one? And which clan is that?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 6th 2017, 14:10:39

Ty and you too! And SV and Max ofc.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 6th 2017, 12:04:57

Originally posted by raz:
well forgot to platy the last 75b, would have gave me $5.1/.2 b

Gerdler did you have any outside help other than your 16 countries?

No outside help except mob and especially Derrick did most work in cleaning up suiciders. I killed 1 suicider that hit me myself and helped with 2 others that hit us but Derrick did most of the heavy lifting there.

I won't play a full FFA string for quite a while since it takes far to much time.

I did a lot of first time FFA mistakes as I never knew what to expect from the market. Like for example I switched almost all my tyr farmers late-mid game to fascist farmer/oiler because I thought the oil spike would be permanent and that the food price would not go up so much, so that was like 20-30% switching losses to a lower production. :/
I also logged into 5-16 countries at 120(120) many times this set and often had to just build 120 CS or cash 120 turns just because I was traveling or had to get to bed. I probably lost ~2-3k turns and played another 15-20k really in a hurry and suboptimally like that, which hurts my netter heart.
But I guess I'm not alone in that because I can't imagine anyone having the time or motivation to play a full string optimally for 60 days. Which is what I really don't like; when the game becomes 'who spends the most time wins'. It is in essence the reason I liked E2025 in the first place because it was a game that premiered brains over effort, atleast above a certain level of effort. With FFA and with war in any team/alliance servers that is no longer true, which in my mind is what makes the game too cumbersome for people.

Edited By: Gerdler on Aug 6th 2017, 12:07:27
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 6th 2017, 0:33:01

Originally posted by lpardess:
Contgrats gerdler!

Ty I finally win something again, I've been on a dry spell since you started winning everything. :)