
Goorp Game profile

New Member

Jan 27th 2016, 1:12:35

Thank you to everyone, again. I hope you're all doing well. I know it's been a long time, but if any of you are interested here is a link to a photo I took of where I buried my son Laurent (a.k.a. Goorp) high up in the mountains of the Sangre de Christos of northern New Mexico. Laurent's ashes are buried near the aspen trees in the photo. I visit the site several times a year. I call the site Laurent's Place. I sure miss him.

Here's the link:

FYI... I am NOT trying to sell photos to any of you. I simply don't know how else to share this photo with you.

All the best to everyone!

Kind Regards,
John Stebbins (a.k.a. Goorp's dad)

Goorp Game profile

New Member

Oct 20th 2014, 17:11:01

Thank you for all the kind words!

Best Regards,
John Stebbins

Goorp Game profile

New Member

Oct 3rd 2014, 0:32:59

Hello Alliance. It's Goorp's father, John Stebbins. I just thought that you'd all like to see where I go to visit Laurent. Several times a year I travel high up in the Sangre de Cristo mountains of northern New Mexico at about 10,000 feet elevation where I buried some of Laurent's remains along with some artifacts from his life. It is an old growth aspen grove far from anywhere. You have to work to get to it. I call it Laurent's Place. I always visit Laurent on his birthday, in early June. I carved his initials in the tree nearest to where I buried him. I thought you all might like to see a few photos so you can picture where he is and think about him from time to time. Here is a link to the photos:

The link will work for about a month.

I hope you're all doing well. Thank you again for all the posts and well wishes. It has meant a lot to me.

Take good care,
John Stebbins

Goorp Game profile

New Member

Jan 16th 2012, 19:10:01

Happy New Year to all.

Thanks again for everyone's efforts and comments regarding my son, Laurent, aka: Goorp.

Anyone know what Goorp means or why Laurent used the name?

John Stebbins

Goorp Game profile

New Member

Jun 21st 2011, 22:58:08

Hi Everyone-

Laurent's, dad checking in...

Thank you ALL so much for your posts and wonderful comments. They mean so much to me. As you all know, I visited Laurent in the Sangre de Cristo mountains just outside Taos, New Mexico, on his 28th birthday (June 5th). Although the forest road leading to the actual site was closed due to fire danger, we still had a small reunion, with all of you there with us. This year's visit was all the more meaningful, thanks in large part to all of you.

I have a few comments and questions:

NukEvil: Thank you for listing the country names that were created in Goorp's honor. Very cool. Also, I appreciate the link you provided. I am still sifting through that information.

Brett: Thank you for mentioning the card that the Australian members sent to Canada around the time of Laurent's death. Although I did not see it, just knowing that it was sent means a lot. Also, thank you for sharing "ULTRA Remembers Goorp" and letting me know about KB2010.

KB2010: I'd like to hear from you. And, curious to know what the name of the book is that Laurent sent to you.

Acheron: Thank you for sending an e-mail to Comwood's wife. Please let them know that I am happy for them and their new family. Please let Comwood know that I'd like to hear from him.

Detmer: Did you hear from HappyChicken? I'd like to hear from him, too.

Question for all: Does anyone know what the word "Goorp" means or why Laurent chose it?

You have all been so kind and generous with your time. Thank you!

I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Warmest Regards,
John Stebbins (a.k.a. Goorp's Dad)

Goorp Game profile

New Member

May 28th 2011, 19:08:32

Hi All-

It's Laurent's dad, again.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has posted and especially to those of you who have sent me private e-mails. It really means a lot and allows me to have some sense of closure, although that will always remain allusive.

Several of you have mentioned someone called Comwood who might have access to the old PDM archives. Also mentioned is a memorial that was once up on the PDM site. If there is any way someone could send me a link (if possible) I would be most greatful.

I can certainly see why Laurent spent the time he did with Paradigm. You all seem like a lively bunch with a collective expansive sense of humor, along with a good healthy dose of humility and understanding of that which matters.

June 5th would be Laurent's 28th birthday. I will be visiting him high up in the Sangre de Cristo mountains outside of Taos, New Mexico, USA (the state of his birth). That is where I buried some of his remains, along with some of his personal artifacts, many years ago. I make an annual pilgrimage to Laurent's sacred place. This year, I will bring with me this thread and the private e-mails some of you have sent, and share them all with Goorp.

Warm Regards to all of you,
John Stebbins

Goorp Game profile

New Member

May 24th 2011, 1:53:47


I am Laurent Stebbins' (a.k.a. Goorp) father. My name is John Stebbins. Someone named "Detmer" (I am told a PDM leader) made a post on May 2nd of this year (seven years to the day that my son Laurent Stebbins, died). Detmer's post indicated that Laurent died May 12, 2003. In the interest of accuracy, my son died of a massive seizure on May 2, 2004.

The reason I am posting this message is because I am trying to piece together what my son's online life consisted of at the time of his death. According to Dave at Earth Empires, my son played a game named Earth:2025, his screen name was Goorp and he was a leader in Paradigm.

I would like to hear anything at all about my son, Laurent. In particular, I would like to hear from Detmer. Detmer started the prayer request thread on the day my son died. In addition, I would like to hear from the following: Will, Beefhawk, New Horizon, Erado, theFloyd, Brett, TheSundevil, Spyder, LHI, Crimzon and any others who may have known him.

I would also like to thank all who took the time to write their thoughts on the prayer thread. Your comments mean quite a lot to me. I am sorry it's taken me seven years to figure this out, but hopefully some of you are still in this community and can help me know Goorp better.

If any of you would like to communicate with me privately, please send e-mail to: jgsteb at yahoo.

Thank you.

Take care,
John Stebbins