
Hellrush Game profile


Apr 9th 2020, 2:59:02

He will be back

Hellrush Game profile


Apr 9th 2020, 2:48:52

I am looking for pacts. I will be netting.

Hellrush Game profile


Mar 20th 2020, 18:47:36

How we can change the trucking company to keep all Canadians and Americans truckers as safe as we can.


US and Canada companies need to work together and cross there trailers closer to the borders to limit travel within each country but keep the essential moving.

Companies need to make sure all there drivers have rubber gloves, masks, and sanitizer.

Make sure your trucks have CBs, power converters, fridges, microwaves( to limit truck drivers from getting out of the truck)

No paper work or BOL to limit drivers getting out of trucks.


Stop PAPS and PARS for crossing the border.
If you most limit trucks crossing the border to Fast drivers only. Auto makers have a lot of Fast Drivers going out of work this weekend. Help the get them on the road again and keep them from going on EI when we need them moving essential goods.


Stop log books or redo the hours of service.

1. 8 hours time off
2. 16 hour days
3. 14 hour driving
4. No reset and no max hours of work per week.

Gas stations

Start pumping gas for truck drivers so it limits the numbers of people touching pumps.

Close your bathrooms. truck drivers will find there own ways to go.

The world is changing the truck industry needs to change with it.


Hellrush Game profile


Mar 19th 2020, 14:36:48

United Earth Corona

Maybe a good can become of the COVID-19. Maybe it’s time for the world to unite as 1. As far back as our history books tell us. There will be world peace. there will be no currency. There will be no world hunger. All this is to happen not because of a war. It’s to happen because of a common goal. Maybe COVID - 19 fight is that common goal we been waiting for.

Governments are spending trillions to fight this COVID-19. Many are out of work. Stock market has crashed. Companies are going out of business. Many are getting sick and dying. The whole world is feel the pain of COVID - 19.

Let’s stop currency and start sharing our resources. Let’s get out there and help each other anyway we can. Not because of money. Because it’s the right thing to do in our hearts.

Let’s all do our part to fight the COVID-19 because it’s just the right thing to do.

Hellrush Game profile


Mar 17th 2020, 8:08:36

I am asking all US and Canadian non food or medical warehouse workers to walk off the job at 12:00 PM EST March 17th 2020 do to the Coronavirus. Over seas plants have already closed there doors do to out breaks in there factories. Lets force the closers in US and Canada before the same happens with us. Tell your friends.

Hellrush Game profile


Feb 10th 2020, 1:32:48

1. Marshal
2. Darkling
3. Donny
4. Derrick
5. MacDaddy

Oops sorry that’s my low life list that’s bad for EE.

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 31st 2020, 13:28:06

Mom and Son at Walmart in Toronto

Son: Mommy can you buy this toy for me.

Mom: No sorry son.

Son: (screams) mommy buy me it.

Mom: sorry son we don’t have the money.

Son: (cries and screams and start stumping his feet). I want it.

Mom: Son where did you learn this stuff.

Son: from my teacher.

Mom: I don’t believe you.

Son: if you don’t believe me come to my school and see for yourself. All the teachers are doing it in front of the school.

Dad and Daughter at Walmart in Toronto

Daughter: Dad can I please get this toy.

Dad: No you have to many at home.

Daughter: If I vacuum and do the dishes tonight can I get it.

Dad: do you promise you will do the house work.

Daughter: Yes Dad.

Dad: then yes I will just 1 toy.

(Later that night)

Dad: Did you learn positive reinforcement form your teachers at school?

Daughter: No, teachers like to teach us to scream and cry for what we want and give nothing in return.

Dad: What the fluff how.

Daughter: have you seen them out side the school with signs lately.

Dad: Yes

Daughter: there trying to get stuff from the government and give nothing in return.

Dad: That’s so wrong.

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 16th 2020, 7:21:36

Did you try PayPal?

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 15th 2020, 17:11:28

Did you link the pbs payments in Roku account or try entering though the pbs app?

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 15th 2020, 9:11:05

Originally posted by braden:
I have a credit card or a debit Mastercard.

I have more money than I can spend. What I don't have is a murcan address. Roku 4k tv bit my place of residence is racist against me.

Why will pbs not take my money and give me documentaries in return?

I have 2 Roku TVs and have no problems.

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 12th 2020, 17:21:10


Still first

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 11th 2020, 15:40:48

117 1 Santa (#18) 13,132 $92,892,227 HG zigzag

116 13 Golden Age (#40) 13,063 $51,437,169 HG ZigZag

115 12 ZigZag (#20) 13,988 $48,785,653 HG zigzag

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 11th 2020, 15:38:28

I have upped my NW every set since returning to EE

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 11th 2020, 13:53:28

FYI I never asked Ebert for FA. Ebert started sending it because his set was over after being hit hard. Even without his FA I would have finish about the same spot.

NO FA would have forced me to resell more troops.

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 10th 2020, 15:55:59

Every admin or mod will tell you I don’t cheat. Also that I have never cheated.

Your just jealous of my score.

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 10th 2020, 5:52:40

Originally posted by DruncK:
On behalf of Darkness and CWG I would like to point out that this was only possible due to our war. We hereby declare that all hellrush's base r belong to us so we claim #1.


War or not no one has scored higher then me since 2013. Also Zigzag has place #1 in most sets.

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 10th 2020, 1:21:16

I was all X

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 10th 2020, 0:39:09

I am the highest since September 2013

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 10th 2020, 0:32:41

I saw 2 higher then me. Is those tits??

Hellrush Game profile


Jan 9th 2020, 23:26:22

I think I have a top 10 spot this set

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 16th 2019, 21:48:38

Hobo Mr Ford = Marshal

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 15th 2019, 21:20:48

Originally posted by Gerdler:
If there was a retal policy that allowed us to net in peace we would use it. Sadly there isn't.

We will use Kill:0 from now on.

How about Retal:kill

If you retal in anyway we kill you.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 20:31:59

I hate to say it. What Tits is doing looks like a lot of fun.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 18:17:36

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by 6pack:
Thanks too whoever's did this, now no one gets a bot advantage. Do this every set buddy!

I and Nuk did this legally without breaking rules, no need to cheat to create chaos...

galleri, who is this ass clown?

It’s Tits

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 1:51:49

I think this one goes to Tits

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 22:27:25

Who this multi idiot hitting everyone

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 21:45:28

Originally posted by Primeval:
Cross-server politics are still hella lame (bonus)

I agree I hope Marshal learns that soon.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 21:02:53

Marshal your a terrorist and EVO should change there name to isis.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 21:00:55

Originally posted by Marshal:
helltard: you are bully cause your suiciding and totally ridiculous "reps" (aka ransom) demands are just cherry on the cake. i haven't broken any written rules of this game (sadly same applies to you).

stop your suicide threats and i won't name any of my countries as helltard. fat chances that it happens.

First thing you say is Cyber Harassment. Your just proving my point ever message you write.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 1:04:59

Think of the boy that cry wolf.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 0:19:14

Taking your harassment to team too I see

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 0:17:26

I finished 16th

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 10th 2019, 21:51:39

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Hellrush:

You just mad because I killed you for being a Cyber Bully

i don't give a fluff if i lose my country/countries and stop talking about yourself.

I am not the one going around making fun of another player by harassing them with my country names in FFA.

1. Bulling me in Alliance equals Cyber Bulling
2. Naming your countries Helltard is Cyber Harassment.

In the end your a Cyber bully and I am shocked the Mods are letting you get away with it. I wish they would delete and ban you already.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 10th 2019, 14:34:09

Originally posted by Marshal:
and you helltard are suiciding moron.

You just mad because I killed you for being a Cyber Bully

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 10th 2019, 3:41:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Neil closing in on $170m 🤫

Only 170m???

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 10th 2019, 2:57:42

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Primary sets seem to take soooooooo looooooooong.

How long are they?

Your be deleted before it’s over Mac Daddy

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 9th 2019, 5:52:30

Originally posted by Marshal:
don't join peacen then, it's name is false. try icd (

Marshal is just an idiot don’t take anything he says to heart.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 9th 2019, 4:55:20

Originally posted by Warster:
Hellrush, that isn't macdaddy, if it was, he would have threatened you and told you he is a God of the game by now ........

hang on maybe it's hellrush who is macdaddy :p

I am starting to think your Darkling/Zack

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 9th 2019, 2:02:06

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Hellrush:

Don’t think they will help you Mac Daddy

That's not macdaddy, n00b

Sure talk and acts like him on the forums

He must be a pretty intelligent and handsome man then. I'm sure I don't know him but if he talks and acts like me, I doubt he'd be impressed with you either.

Mac Daddy / You are Banned if mods find you out they will delete you.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 9th 2019, 1:09:27

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
@gerdler & galleri: Ah, I understand. A solution definitely needs to be found, if not for the sake of Hellrush and Evo then at least for the benefit of everyone else not having to put up with this ongoing public spat playing out on the forums and on the server. Comms is the key; it’s simple but it’s where it starts, I agree. Hopefully there’ll be an end to things next set.

Don’t think they will help you Mac Daddy

That's not macdaddy, n00b

Sure talk and acts like him on the forums

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 9th 2019, 1:08:33

Originally posted by Requiem:
I guess you can but if so you might not ever get to net gain in FFA again.

Your funny

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 9th 2019, 1:06:09

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
@gerdler & galleri: Ah, I understand. A solution definitely needs to be found, if not for the sake of Hellrush and Evo then at least for the benefit of everyone else not having to put up with this ongoing public spat playing out on the forums and on the server. Comms is the key; it’s simple but it’s where it starts, I agree. Hopefully there’ll be an end to things next set.

Don’t think they will help you Mac Daddy

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 17:45:18

As my final note here. Why haven’t I targeted others in FFA like EVO in Alliance. FFA I have 16 countries that can do a lot more damage.

I’ll answer that no one as targeted me like EVO has bullied me in Alliance.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 17:40:57

I should have had a lot more land if I didn’t keep jumping back to attack mode because of a few players.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 17:38:19

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Thanks Derrick! You put up some huge avg NWs and that is impressive considering you dissapeared for two weeks lol. LoC came up just short of our 40b goal but that means there is still a reason to play.

Hellrush with that much land was cool to see. I do want to see what happens next set with all the bot changes.

I got to take the top spot from my buddy Dabears :) He may get all the ladies but I can still beat him in ffa ;p Fun set!

Bot changes???

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 17:35:41

Originally posted by Requiem:
I disagree that communication would have helped this situation.

Hellrush is bored and used the 'breaking of the agreement' as a reason to go on a crusade against Evo as there is no evidence that Evo leadership directed it.

This whole deal is a sham. Hellrush isn't so mentally deficient that he actually believes playing untagged will ever result in legitimate game play on a clan based server. This is demonstrated by him joining LaF to 'netgain' so that he can reap the benefits of the tag protection => ironic isn't it? We should be thanking LaF for letting him in the tag to protect the server from him if for only one set! Hellrush what do you think LaF will do to you if you hit someone from their tag?

No one in this game takes him serous (other than the threat of sucide).

Furthermore the incompetence of Hellrush is inconceivable. He thought that iMag actually did anything to him which he tried, and I do stress the word tried, to use that as moral justification to use spy ops against us for no reason -- BTW good job at failing ops on someone with almost 0 SPAL that takes skill -- when in fact HE HIT iMag AND iMAG NEVER EVEN HIT HIM BACK in the set that he claims they bullied him. He didn't check the news apparently ON HIS OWN COUNTRY.

After such a blunder (due to his complete lack of memory) I convinced him to back off iMag however it still stands that he didn't know what he was talking about.

He plays solo on a clan server to fluff with people with little to no justification. Maybe people who don't play FFA should play FFA to do the same thing to him there as he does here?

And to end this post:

I hate to say it but I fluffed up
I am an idiot

Alliance (1839) country #726 I knew I same Imag in my news but I screwed up.
Saw Imag*
Your right I was the aggressor this time sorry


Imag can thank you IF they get hit next set.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 14:31:23

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:

So ignoring the fact that your restart country came out of protection untagged (seems careless as you’re very likely aware you probably wouldn’t have been farmed had you been tagged up)...

... You were a LaF restart and was hit by an Evo member - did LaF intervene on your behalf? Was there any discussion regarding the farming of your restart between LaF and Evo? If not, why not?

Unless your EVO why do you even give a fluff. Has nothing to do with you.

There’s no need to be defensive - why didn’t LaF intervene on your behalf?

They did at a point like always EVO screwed that up.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 14:26:14

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 14:25:39

Not me Hawk. I gave them my word I won’t say there name. Most I can say is it’s I3H2 my top finished 15th with 1+ Million acres.

Hellrush Game profile


Dec 8th 2019, 13:52:18

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by Hellrush:
LaF and I was a restart. Then EVO the bullies they are decide to farm Restarts that cant hit them back Because we aren’t tagged others won’t be able to make the retals for us. Guess what they bullied the wrong restarts and became cry babies.

So ignoring the fact that your restart country came out of protection untagged (seems careless as you’re very likely aware you probably wouldn’t have been farmed had you been tagged up)...

... You were a LaF restart and was hit by an Evo member - did LaF intervene on your behalf? Was there any discussion regarding the farming of your restart between LaF and Evo? If not, why not?

Unless your EVO why do you even give a fluff. Has nothing to do with you.