
Heretodie Game profile


Mar 29th 2014, 12:56:19

Blow the dust of this account, you can have as many accounts as you like, doesn't break the rules.

Oh look I posted right under myself that must be against the rules.

Heretodie Game profile


Dec 15th 2013, 21:58:39

Leaching is an unfair advantage to any player who does it, which is no different then joint killruns or OAs or FAing players to the top through trade pacts. HE was reinstated because its not a clean and clear cut issue is what I heard.

Let the mods sort it out, where ever he ends up its a illegitimate score because he had aid to get there. No different then having friends buy your tech at 9500 5 min left in set to aid a players win. Purpled or not its not a respectable way to play the game and people have been deleted for lesser actions.

Heretodie Game profile


Dec 15th 2013, 21:28:24

Something along those lines yes Now im Nothing we will see what happens in the wash over the next week or two in reguards to players having advatanges over other players on a solo server.

Heretodie Game profile


Dec 15th 2013, 18:31:54

Oil should not be selling for less then 300 while everyone wars and try to make major retals stop undercutting my oil....

That is all

Heretodie Game profile


Dec 15th 2013, 17:34:00

And theres the deletion Well done Bstrong and Ford for doubting why this fluffs posted.

Heretodie Game profile


Dec 15th 2013, 17:03:49

Alins quite right its not cheating when he doesn't post names or numbers

Heretodie Game profile


Dec 15th 2013, 15:31:46

Because he does use the same name Ella? unless he stole it from the guy that does use it?

Could be wrong but that's a name I see every week sorry bud.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 18:12:05

Those are bold words Pang claiming RL threats, ive spoken ti higher ups in boxcar as and was in irc last night for many hours and nothing like that was ever talked about. Not to mention people here and others say the same thing, if its true I feel sorry for the state of the game but I highly doubt anyone cares enough to screw with anyones RL stuff.

Disclaimer; not a troll comment so take it for what it is.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 22:46:48

Originally posted by Taveren:
I agree that Pang should have been more active in addressing security threats, like the recent boxcar incident, or at least informed the user base. Could this have been handled better by game admins and staff? Yes.

However, knowing about weaknesses in a system's security does not make it okay to exploit them. The idea that "something wrong has occurred before and will occur again, so it's alright" is complete horse fluff.

Anyone (Heretide) who believes that those responsible for this breach in security aren't members of RD is in denial. Those people also probably believe that OJ Simpson is innocent.

The only person in denial is you that Bradens not your dad.

fluff talking aside theres many others who have posted valid arguments and you all fall under Pangs statement like sheep. I myself provide you reasonable doubt and Pang does nothing to explain how a major IP breach wasn't on the inital list. Others have posted stating facts thats theres colors in other alliances and Pang himself was in RD. Yet you all ignore the facts, like Chris Angel with his smoke and mirrors, Pang is walking on water.

Everyone here who hates RD is bashing them for what, all it takes is a for angry EEer's to hack the system and one grude from Pang to make it what it is now.

Facts are facts and I see nothing solid but words from a moderator I no longer trust KNOWING his history in the game

Edited By: Heretodie on Oct 30th 2013, 22:49:48
See Original Post

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 18:20:11

Originally posted by Cornfed:
Originally posted by Heretodie:

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Any proof they post is going to be a string of numbers and text since that's all it is in the DB. What exactly do you want?

Its the point, yes they will all be numbers but why Wasn't a confirmed IP "As Mr.Coppers" on the origanl list? Pang said fto check for the listed IPs but leaves out a major IP? That makes no sense, now I'm not saying what happen was acceptable by any means, nor am I defending it. I just expect more then finger pointing with pitch forks and thorches. Becuase I know whos who in the history of the RD zoo and where other colours and other members are and from what alliance.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 17:33:21

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Mr Jade:
I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Interesting rewrite of history given RD declared war and hit LCN first. Not surprising, either, given Pang's post below that you guys had hacked into LCN. I don't speak for us, but I certainly wouldn't be looking to us for sympathy.

Originally posted by Pang:
Ok, here is a snippet of Boxcar login history that positively identifies MrCopper as doing this.

User - Time - IP - Clan

mrcopper - 2013-10-16 01:03:35 - -xRDx
++ hundreds of logins on this IP as Mr Copper before this

<lcn_user1> - 2013-10-16 01:11:29 - - LCNostra
<lcn_user2> -2013-10-16 01:10:12 - - LCNostra


<lcn_user1> -2013-10-16 01:13:36 - - LCNostra

The IP's in that 93.115 range also did the injection attacks.

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 12:52:04

Looking for 3 Ras to tech with.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:49:58

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Heretodie:
Lol no this is a game, I understand that, but its a game that already has problems getting new players and fluff like this just kills the game that much faster. Some RDers will come back lots won't I say good luck to the rest of you. Good to know that when some people cheat only they get deleted and when someone with a grude makes choices he fluffs over everyone

I'd love to know that my personal data that has been spread around is all deleted as well, but that isn't going to happen. Now there are lists out there with my email, my cell phone, etc. Thank goodness I'm smart enough to use different passwords everywhere.

If serious action had not been taken, I am sure I would have quit the game. It is fluff like what was pulled by these fluffheads that is killing this community.

Im not condoning any "actions" taken by anyone in RD, I just want factual evidence and not just finger pointing and the wasting of my time.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:41:11

Originally posted by Cornfed:
Originally posted by Heretodie:
Haha you are all fluffing sheep to think without proof anything that happend today is legit. Every criminal gets a trial 47 players get banned for nothing 3 get banned with no proof. Grow up and realize even criminals have rights

Then stop fluffing and start discussing. Re-read the fluff you posted, it's like a pre-pubescent twelve year old whining.

Discus is out the window until the mods bring proof forward. So yes I will continue to trash this game until proven wrong.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:39:40

Lol no this is a game, I understand that, but its a game that already has problems getting new players and fluff like this just kills the game that much faster. Some RDers will come back lots won't I say good luck to the rest of you. Good to know that when some people cheat only they get deleted and when someone with a grude makes choices he fluffs over everyone

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:33:03

Haha you are all fluffing sheep to think without proof anything that happend today is legit. Every criminal gets a trial 47 players get banned for nothing 3 get banned with no proof. Grow up and realize even criminals have rights

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:25:24

I love it "Ive seen the proof" Post the proof minus sensitive information as we all know its quite posible ans save some face. Until then Pang is a fluffing no life loser whos sick of better players playing this game. Ban and delete all the cheaters as many have step forward saying this is selective trash. Ban all the players who dont cheat and let the real cheaters play on whoop fluff you I think I can hear your mom calling you for meat loaf.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:10:34

Originally posted by Twink:
Originally posted by braden:
nowhere does it state that i can be deleted for OTHER PEOPLES RULE VIOLATIONS.

if i am mistaken in this, please show me and i apologize beforehand.

until then, your own rules, your own policy, I have gone against NONE of it.

This is a private game owned by private people.
They can do what they want, when they want.

If you dont like it then you have 2 options.
1. shut the fluff up and get on with it.
2. Move the fluff on.

Stop whining.

You left out the third option, fluff all over EE on Internet forums and watch your gamw die out

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:04:19

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
guilty by association. ever hear of it?

I fluffed your sister does that make me your brother?

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 2:01:33

Their not gonna post proof and they have no idea how bad this will backlash the game.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:48:44

Let the death of EE be in a blaze of glory, this is a witch hunt just like it is in a game of werewolf

RD hangings -dead civilian

Love the quality with no proof and no desire to bring forward proof. NOT to mention the paint 47 other players with the same brush. Like fluff im gonna restart but ill be sure to spread my feelings about this over other internet forums that promote EE.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:07:07

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by Pang:
RD: 50ish members
LCN: <20
Evo: <25

Money is on RD calling in help. They don't have the skill to fight even a nearly balanced war by themselves.

While I like where you are going with this, it is a stretch to call it nearly balanced.

fair enough! my point was even when lobbed softballs, you can't expect RD to fight alone.

Thats cute, Sol/LCN/Dk (with massive NW advatange of netting half a set) Vs RD/Rivial and we won with less members and less NW when DK stepped in. How you all forget the convenient facts when it matters. Let alone mass Aid from PDM and MD and small aid from SoF and LaF on our side.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 20:32:38

I play at work so I get paid to play ;)

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 20:00:39

HAHA Tau are 40ks techers Long live the footdar!

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 18:16:33

Originally posted by tellarion:
Well, I have logs showing confirmation from Azure that PDM and RD signed a pact. So yeah...

So your an FA in PDM and leading Evo? Still confused. ...

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 18:11:53

Whos Omega at war with? Dammit I need my boxcar news feed!

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 17:02:10

Well there it is I R Welder fail at math :*( or it was the mule effect as I didnt send anymore the second or third SS... I blame no boxcar for failing a hit.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 14:04:56

We were pacted? Confused

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 13:26:52

RD vs MD already happend a year ago, Sol vs RD hapoend 4 sets ago with a follow up Sol/LCN/DK vs RD/Rival get with the times

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 12:04:23

Hey KJ thats pretty disrespectful to talk ill of the dead, I hope bad karma comes your way and engulfs your life in misery for such douche comments over a game. Trollings one thing but that's too far...

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 12:00:07

Sweer jesus how can I farm land without boxcars advanced mathematics helping me out..... anyone got an abacus?

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 1:37:52

Hands down a well placed rule ON EVERY server, stops losers from top feeding and screwing players. Play better and defend or counter hit country Under retal policy

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 28th 2013, 16:44:29

I'm with Vic provided its not a troll post come back to RD plenty of room for server misfits ;)

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 27th 2013, 5:17:11

Lwal I love this game :D

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 25th 2013, 20:18:00


Heretodie Game profile


Oct 20th 2013, 20:31:03

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by iScode:
Yes, SoF has such political power they managed to convince LCN to dec on RD to bring them into the war.

kudos to sof leadership team.

Did you not notice to 100+ RD missiles that suddenly hit LCN?

Confused because I can see RDs missile stats and its less then 100. In part because the 20 I had got defused before war broke out. Quick recap, LCN declares war and defuses missiles, 60ish slip past and you make a gross over statment about RD making "sudden missile attacks" Get better intel, you defused my toys and got hit hard for it.

Good on LCN for standing up for themselves but make no mistake who started this war.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 16th 2013, 17:22:18

Highschool was boring
Kills time at work and the trash talk is second to none

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 14:30:20

vic needs it to win in express ;)

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 12th 2013, 19:48:04

That's a weekly event, there's always 4 or 5 guys that make time to kill people, sad they killed good countries.

As for the new member with 3 posts, you are right this is the best server to be a fluff on, but you'll soon find yourself fluff outta luck on the other servers when people find out who you are and those aren't "a few days long"

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 11th 2013, 2:04:06

That guy plays like a tool and never tops out anyways. Blow back is bound to happen when you play like that with friends like that.

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 9th 2013, 16:44:07


Heretodie Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 0:02:51

You amuse me with the creative ways you win, whats it gonna bw nwxt set?

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 20:17:08

Robbed by the untagged again!

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 27th 2013, 1:49:54

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
I have my degrees bud. And I have mire bad ass in my left testicle than the entire Army!

edit your spelling so you look less stupid when you call other players stupid

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 2:42:06

Fall protection is mandatory in the province I work in just to enter a aerial life platform of any kind, it is "against" code to step out of one but sometimes the rules can be bent as long as its documented and safety is notified before hand.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 2:10:45

Originally posted by elvesrus:
tag members total networth average networth total land average land
EFTF 5 $28,968,748 $5,793,750 57,277 acres 11,455 acres
ETFT 4 $33,296,159 $8,324,040 54,713 acres 13,678 acres
FTET 5 $42,694,699 $8,538,940 76,248 acres 15,250 acres

pot meet kettle

to be fair to the EFTF ETFT FTET they don't act outside or retal on behave of any other tags, They all play individually of each other when it comes to making retals. Ive never seen them go to war perhaps a 15 person war committee is the way to go.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 15:06:55


Heretodie Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:46:07

Could be wrong, last I thought MD had 72 members

As for your cry baby ass Loc you should probably defend your land better if your alliance is gonna go after a country and not do the job properly. He was in full right to retal EVERYONE in MD because your all responsible for your members actions, don't like it fluff on the countries who failed to kill him.

Feel free to take a lesson out of KCs book drop tag and do something stupid, but you will be held accountable for your actions. KC dropped tag for RD reasons, and MD attacked him that's on MD and no one else. RD didn't tell him to drop tag and rape MDs netters. IF you drop tag and attack RD that wont be on just you that will be on MD and the members that started this whole thing attacking an innocent country.

Your clan fluff the bed in failing to kill him, that's on MD and you have to blame your own members for what happened you your country and no one else. RD stands side by side as MD should or do you not have control of what your members do?