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Anyone play WoW in Vanilla or TBC up through the latest?
Do you remember how hard stuff originally was, and then things just got more and more easy and less and less fun.
You may have to think about it some because it happened relatively slowly over a course of many years.
This game is doing the exact same thing. Attempting to balance itself into destruction. We should just go back to restarts are from scratch.
Symac, yes. I was a Paladin who was forced to heal for raids because we can't do anything else, but we were mediocre at healing also, but I was tank healer on all bosses. Our guild was the first to do anything on our server, and, well....
I got Onyxia sword along with 3 other Paladins before any warrior on our server, on server first Onyxia kill.
I tanked Magmadar adds on server first kill.
I tanked Razorgore adds on server first kill.
Turned to my Shadow Priest due to Blizzard being idiots.
I really don't want to talk about AQ and Naxx pre BC anymore. That gave me nightmares... must need more cloth....
Went back to tanking early, shadow priest towards end.
Karazhan was a joke...
ZA was fun, bear mount was the only challenge.
Gruul was fun trying to see how big you can grow him
Mag, SC, TK, MH, BT, was all a blur...I hit this, I take a shot, oh boss is dead? ok.
Sunwell was fun, challenging, until they nerfed it..... sigh.
Naxx 25, able to tank the whole thing while watching a movie, made me stopped playing the game.
I ran heroic 5mans with no healer but a moonkin healing if needed...a few times we just ran past 5-6 groups just to have a challenge / aoe fest....
game got gay... sigh