
Josey Wales


May 18th 2024, 9:43:46


+50% on Exploration
-75 % on Attack Gains
+75 % on Military Defense
+150% on Defense Retals

Josey Wales


May 18th 2024, 9:38:39

370 in Alliance is not in GDI.

Why am I getting this message:

“ GDI authority will not let you perform this operation without declaring war!”

This is happening frequently.

Please advise.

Josey Wales


May 18th 2024, 9:19:46

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Didn’t read any of the above nonsense. Not interested. Find some dishes to do.

Oh i know you aren't interested in dying again or losing to me again on any servers... lol

have a good weekend and a good rest of the round Josey. I am glad that you have moved on and are a peaceful netter once again instead of being a seething twit like your ex-partner and friend.

Find something to do Mommies Basement instead of harassing people on the forums. Disappear for a week and give everyone a rest.

Josey Wales


May 18th 2024, 2:49:24

Originally posted by Doug:
Have a good weekend Josey. Stop by for a beer! I still have the half bottle of Jonnie walker blue open for old friends.

Y’all. Have a great Friday night. Proms going on, graduations, etc. etc working my bros prom tonight! So put a 24 hour zip it order into effect and have a great weekend!


Josey Wales


May 18th 2024, 1:15:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Why do you have such a hard on for me?

I left your stupid team after we hit monsters. Why do u hold that against me so much?

I never hit you guys. I paid reps and laid low the rest of the set. Your former friend Josey already cut a peace deal with Symba and the rest of the enemies that he made.

What is your deal?

Superfreak, the question is… why do you have a hard-on for me? I’ve got to hand it to you… you’ve got everyone fooled on the server. But you and I both know you have no balls. You’re a big guy when you have 30 guys behind you but just a little guy when you’re by yourself. You should be glad you’ve been brought to heel. You wouldn’t last too long on your own. Now go find some dishes to do. LOL!

Why are you talking smack Josey? You begged Symbolic/Mercs and its Allies for peace. I gave you my country number from the start of the round and you didn’t even hit me. I accepted your challenges for 1vs1 this set and next set. I gave you a chance to hit me in express and instead you hit commander 1972 and he kicked your ass.

For next set after begging for peace you asked symbolic to kill me if I hit you. Clearly the biggest fluff around here is you…..

If you still want to 1vs1 come after you retarded donkey. Here are all my Countries either hit me now or shut up once and for all you stupid insignificant fluff.

Team - Scott Steiner Big Poppa Pump (#32)
Primary - Mr SuperFly of WoG (#22)
Alliance - Josey Whales The Joke of 2024 (#265)
Tourney game c - wicked weasel

For the record many people offered to take you up on your 1vs1 challenge and you ducked, dodged and dived them all like the worthless fluff that you are.

Didn’t read any of the above nonsense. Not interested. Find some dishes to do.

Josey Wales


May 17th 2024, 12:25:49

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Why do you have such a hard on for me?

I left your stupid team after we hit monsters. Why do u hold that against me so much?

I never hit you guys. I paid reps and laid low the rest of the set. Your former friend Josey already cut a peace deal with Symba and the rest of the enemies that he made.

What is your deal?

Superfreak, the question is… why do you have a hard-on for me? I’ve got to hand it to you… you’ve got everyone fooled on the server. But you and I both know you have no balls. You’re a big guy when you have 30 guys behind you but just a little guy when you’re by yourself. You should be glad you’ve been brought to heel. You wouldn’t last too long on your own. Now go find some dishes to do. LOL!

Josey Wales


May 15th 2024, 9:23:14

It will only take one slip up harmful spy guy…

3.2 mins ago
Enemy operatives destroyed 184 buildings!

Josey Wales


May 14th 2024, 18:05:46

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s kind of my point player skill doesn’t matter when discussing myself and drow but it suddenly does matter again when discussing evo. This midwit hypocrite can’t even keep his own story straight. He literally plays for NPC: the clan.

Your skill doesn't matter as you chose to become a suicide/griefer. A fluffty one as well. One of the most unwelcome players in the community currently. Nobody wants you in their clan and very few choose to interact whatsoever. Why would old netting stats mean anything to us when you've become target practice for dogs of war? Its fun kicking you around. Its only been 2 rounds and your eternal war is over with you and your grooming victim Josey kneeling begging for mercy.

Cathys response: Cope,seethe,dial8. Boomer npc. Npc!! 1vs1 bro!! Come at me bro!! Death to murica!! Y'all be npcs!!!

Originally posted by Cathankins:

>using pol
>exposing yourself

You and your boyfriend are itching to fight again aren’t ya little bananas? Not really sinking in is it… and you’re mistaking peace for weakness.

Simple remedy: don’t tag up next set of you want to dance with us.

But the interesting part for the server to see is that you like the controversy. You want the controversy. You love the controversy. But you’re a Johnny come lately. The controversy is over. But not for you… you and your boyfriend want to fire it up again.

I’d say, just relax son. Put your evil energy aside and read some scripture.

Josey Wales


May 13th 2024, 22:09:06

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
It looks like peace with word.

If Superfly and Gonzoloid go nuts after 72 hours we hope that you’ll let us deal with it with no interference.

Gonzo and I could tag team you and win in a royal rumble with ease...

I think that would hurt my feelings.

Josey Wales


May 12th 2024, 23:29:18

It looks like peace with word.

If Superfly and Gonzoloid go nuts after 72 hours we hope that you’ll let us deal with it with no interference.

Good negotiation Symbolic et al.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


May 11th 2024, 6:40:25


It looks we have a framework. Going to go back over the thread for the details. Lots of noise to wade through.

The server should take notice of where the noise is coming from.

Josey Wales


May 11th 2024, 6:14:52

What clan are you in gonzo?

Josey Wales


May 11th 2024, 0:01:24

Originally posted by Aphrodite777:
otherwise all good from SoLs end
Originally posted by Aphrodite777:
SoL HFA here. If you attack us or our allies we will put you down

Nice delivery. Uncouth.

You attack us and you’ll get the same.

No need to comment.

Other than that, ok and thank you for your consideration.

Stability with SOL will be a positive step towards server peace and I thank you.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 23:56:18

Originally posted by Coalie:
I also suspect that Karnage is part of their group

Who is Karnage?

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 23:55:29

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Why are you commenting in this thread?

Obvious answer; cuz yet again you make a thread about me and you keep posting my name on it.....

So let me get this straight; now you are afraid to get suicided on after you have been suiciding Evo for no reason. Now you hope to netgain in peace after waging war on the netters for 3 sets and claiming an eternal war until the end of time.

Can I ask why the change of heart Josey? Are you parting ways with Cath or is he having a change of heart as well and quitting your losing war?

I personally offered you peace multiple times on previous locked threads but you ignored my olive branch and kept insulting me instead. Which is why I dont trust you as far as I can throw you.

Don’t worry about it man.

This thread doesn't mean fluff without the other member of & Co
Where is Cathy to confirm?
You asking personally for mercy so you get to net again is not the same as &Co halting all suicide/griefs. Pants on head bullfluff

No offense, but this is beyond you Gonzo.

We are taking Symbolic at his word.

Any periphery commentary is being disregarded.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 23:52:25

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
As an outside observer of this, I will co-sign that non-harmful spy ops have almost always been excluded from terms like this.

I iwll confess I have opped purely out of curiosity.

Ok and Ok VR.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 23:51:43

Originally posted by Coalie:
Non harmful spy ops doesn’t count as an attack by the way.

Ok and I’m sure agreeable. That one is fairly straightforward. Everyone gets curious from time to time.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 20:45:10

Originally posted by Symbolic:
If anyone suicides from the mercs tag we will kill that country, as for the 72 hour rule that was put in place to help alliances tag jump for war reasons and will not be used for suicide you guys.

Thank you. At work. Will be back to you shortly.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 18:33:04

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Why are you commenting in this thread?

Obvious answer; cuz yet again you make a thread about me and you keep posting my name on it.....

So let me get this straight; now you are afraid to get suicided on after you have been suiciding Evo for no reason. Now you hope to netgain in peace after waging war on the netters for 3 sets and claiming an eternal war until the end of time.

Can I ask why the change of heart Josey? Are you parting ways with Cath or is he having a change of heart as well and quitting your losing war?

I personally offered you peace multiple times on previous locked threads but you ignored my olive branch and kept insulting me instead. Which is why I dont trust you as far as I can throw you.

Don’t worry about it man.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 13:32:07

Originally posted by MrEd:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Superfly’s last message to me below.

“The terms are you crawl into a hole and die and you stfu for good and you leave the game and then you will have your peace. If not we keep putting you down like a rabbis infested rat that you are”

It doesn’t seem like he wants peace.

Josey Wales thank you for making this game interesting again. Some of it reminds me of the old days on the primary server - or at least the way it should have always been.

Mr. Ed,

Peace may be on the horizon. I’m hopeful. My glass is always half full.

If we are lucky enough to find peace, we would invite you to come Net with us. We would hope to give Evo a run for their money. They would be a tough nut to crack and it’s a high bar, but we’d give it our best shot.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 13:03:27

Originally posted by Doug:
Says in his signature silly man lol

Ah! I didn’t catch that. Thank you Doug.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 12:58:29

Originally posted by BigP:
Hey Josey!

If you dont hit us, we wont hit you. :)



Big P,

Thank you. Forgive my ignorance- Are you the leader of SOL or SOF?

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 11:46:05

Originally posted by DruncK:
This is exactly why there was a strict "no politics on the forums" policy back in the day 😅

Straight garbage up in here

War is politics. Politics is war.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 11:39:58

Thank you Symbolic. Much appreciated.

Several additional points for your consideration.

1. I’ve been told recently that there is a 72 policy. Superfly, will no doubt be reluctant to calm down. He may de-tag and and start suiciding us while we’re trying to net.

We would ask that Mercs takes responsibility for his actions for the rest of the set. As long as he keeps his composure, I don’t foresee any issues.

If he doesn’t, we ask that Mercs kills him for insubordination, for as many times as it takes to get him under control.

2. Coalie. I’m not sure if he is in Mercs, but the same would go for him.

3. SOL & SOF

I know that you do not speak for them, but they would need to sign onto the deal, including killing any of their people that decide to go off the reservation.

If the server wants peace, the outline above is a possible pathway.

As far as you and I embracing in a 1 on 1, I would say that it is beneath both of us.

The Gladiator Pit is where animals are killed.

Thank you for your consideration Symbolic.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 7:53:39


Why are you commenting in this thread?

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 2:24:04

Superfly’s last message to me below.

“The terms are you crawl into a hole and die and you stfu for good and you leave the game and then you will have your peace. If not we keep putting you down like a rabbis infested rat that you are”

It doesn’t seem like he wants peace.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2024, 2:10:52

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Just stop suiciding people, and mercs will leave you alone.

And if Superfly breaks your word? What then?

Josey Wales


May 9th 2024, 22:22:52


From your post, as mentioned:

“I willing to squash this, make a new ends. lets make some peace talks.”

Ok. What terms do you have in mind?

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


May 9th 2024, 15:51:34

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Can confirm. Have hit evo many a time. They usually finish just fine.

Then cool everyone is happy let’s just play the game then no need to seeth and cry and call everyone generic NPC phrases like the boomers here try to do to as Josey said provoke a religious argument because they are with a guilty conscience and can turn on the news every single day and see us conquering the world in real life so they come on here and seethe at me because I told them 6 months ago all of this was about to
Happen and they thought I was playing lol these fools on here hated on me and said nothing was going to happen and you turn on the news today and obviously these men gathered here are idiots and don’t know what they are talking about haha priceless seething

I willing to squash this, make a new ends. lets make some peace talks.

Symbolic, I somehow missed this post.

Thank you for your willingness to parley.

Cath and I will discuss to determine if it is even an option.

Is the land from here to the sea ours?

On a serious note, what kind of terms were you thinking?

I’ll make a more appropriate thread topic later: Parley

And we can see if we can get down to the nitty gritty.

Put that dog on a chain so that we’re not interrupted and have the convo derailed by organ monkey antics.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


May 9th 2024, 15:38:49

Originally posted by Drow:
I understand Josey.
You still hate me because I acted to remove doug from Paradigm leadership.
It's all good.
You do you boo.

No. Absolutely not. I don’t hate anyone. Life is too short for that. I love all you guys.

But out is curiosity, how did that go down anyway?

Did you knife Doug in the back room while he was sleeping and then bury his country in a shallow grave somewhere in the EE wasteland for the SOL & Mercs vultures to chew on?

I’m genuinely interested.

Josey Wales


May 9th 2024, 15:33:39

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Josie you are brain dead. Why did you even offer option 1 if you are too stupid and retarded to follow through?

I hope you get banned soon as you are an idiot…

Go shove your stupid options and duals up your butt and die like the scumbag piece of trash that you are and keep restarting until you go away for good


The mechanics of the game wouldn’t even allow us to fight…. Until next set. Unless you know something I don’t.

But Ok. Fair enough. You decline.


Josey Wales


May 9th 2024, 8:59:10

Option 1….

I see.

Idiot, please explain to me, in superfly logic, how a $4k NW would even touch a $5 Mil?

Complete shyt 4 brains.

Hope everyone, especially your pals in mercs have now witnessed how absolutely Effing dense you are. Mercs boys, please get your idiot clan mate a helmet. Which one of you savants let this guy into your clan? Then there is Drow… who “politely” asked the leadership of Mercs to please ask superfly to…. “Knock off” all of his spy ops….”hey there howdy good buddy! Heehaww…could ya knock off them there spy ops will ya fella?” PDM should have killed flypaper right there and then on the spot. I know that some of my old clan mates in PDM would have shredded the puke. Some of you probably want to do that right now. Mercs has a loose pop gun that they can’t control…. One that says and does whatever he wants. That tells me that Mercs leadership is weak despite the fact that Symbolic seems reasonable. I can only imagine what those internal discussions must be like.
You guys probably feel like your hostages. Lol. If you boot him he’ll just make your sets miserable for the next 10 years. So you have to keep the stink close… forced to smell it every set…. all set.

Back to you Psychopath -

See you next set for our 1 on 1.

On the 10th day of the set, post your # at 12:00 Noon, Eastern Standard Time (New York City) in Fight Club News. No allies. No FA. No help from your buddies.

You’ll have 60 seconds to post.

If you post at 12:01:01, you forfeit the match.

See you then loser.

Can’t wait to smash your country’s brains in.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 21:15:13

[quote poster=Coalie; 52704; 1034975]I’ll say it for you bhole:

Originally posted by BlackHole:

“ TC - I gave you a pass the first time you attempted to insult me about cheating, mainly out of pity. I'm not giving you a pass this time.

You know the difference between you and I? I cheated, admitted to it, took responsibility for my actions, and then apologized and sought forgiveness.

You have done none of those things.

Until you do, you're in the category of 'Not mature enough to admit my mistakes and take responsibility for them'.

There is NOTHING wrong with making mistakes. We all do it. There is everything wrong with not taking responsibility for those mistakes and seeking to make corrections.

As for you being 'invulnerable to insults', what is this a 'im rubber your glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you' type of situation?

Holy fluff, when I made the school analogy, I was simply trying to make a point. I didn't realize you were going to bring grade school logic to this conversation.

You go ahead and continue to be 'invulnerable' though, Mr. Smarty Pants. Let me know how that works out for you as the rest of the community laughs at you behind your back.”

Man. There are some vicious dogs in this game.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 16:06:10

I’ll whittle it down for you so that it’s less confusing:

Two choices for you.

1. I can make a country now and fight you with no land, no army, and a NW of $4k


2. We can go next set right from the starting line.

Which is it?

1 or 2?

The rest of you- please feel free to submit rule considerations for the cage match.

P.S. Superfly, if you are unable to answer the above simple question, it could be ruled that you’re too incompetent to fight due to a lack of intelligence.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 14:44:24

By the way:

If anyone has a 1 on 1 beef.

Bring it here. No need to involve your clans.

Settle your shyt right here.

One of you geeks…. Please make a score board.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 14:32:43


But Fool….. am I supposed to started a country and fight you with 100 acres under my belt and you’re 25 times my size?

Ah… sorry. Should have answered my own question

Of course it should happen that way. Those are the only kind of odds your comfortable with.

Symbolic- you need to up your game on screening players. This one was dropped on his head too many times when he was little.

Superfly, two choices for you.

1. I can make a country now and fight you with no land, no army, and a NW of $4k


2. We can go net set right from the starting line.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 14:07:04

Originally posted by Coalie:
Just don’t do it on this server because I will make sure your country is dead.

It will be in this server.

Did you want to take a number coals? Is this now personal for you?

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 14:01:54


You see. Can’t really have a conversation with you without having all the other flies buzzing around claiming to know the “facts.” Lmao.

Not to mention Superfly. Trying to have an exchange with you and Superfly can’t control himself. Running around wild-eyed like an organ monkey rattling his cup and fixing his hat.

Get a muzzle on that dog FFS so that we can have a normal conversation.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 12:56:52

Ok Symbolic,

I did not know that you were one of the leaders of Mercs. Let me dispel your notion that we are not willing to put this aside. That is not true.

What we are willing to do though, is make to this as painful as possible for all involved using any and all means available to us. It does not matter how many times we die. Players can yap about us having to restart 10 times, being last, blah blah, blah. It does not matter to us. And that is the logic you should take note of. If Evo decides to leave the server that is their decision. We don’t want that and that would be unfortunate.

Here are is the main issue:

Superfly threatened a Kill Run on us.

Superfly then Spied us…. A suspicious amount of times. More than just a simple spy op to see what kind of country someone had out of curiosity.

So add it all up:

Superfly does the following-

1. Previous set:

Tells Doug he is going to walk right through PDMs front door to come and murder me. Wasn’t going to matter if I was tagged with PDM.

2. He threatens to first first strike and kill us all.

3. First Strike, Spy Op pattern

What would you do?

4. So we killed the Mofo in 11 seconds.

5. I tell Mercs in clear f-ing English that we have no problem with Mercs. No issues. That our issue was with Superfly and Superfly alone.

6. Superfly takes over the narrative and advises that we just attacked a Tagged member of a clan and that we are all going to die.

7. You guys aren’t interested in talking or understanding that we were after 1 guy. 1 Trouble maker.

8. Then you all piled on: 30 against 6

You, SOL, and SOF.

9. And now here we are.

10. Cat and I will do this for the next 10 years.

That is what you’re dealing with and will be dealing.

We are not going to put up with malice.

We are willing to talk, but the problem that you are facing is obvious.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 10:39:54

Originally posted by Symbolic:
If its what it takes for you to back off. I will 1 v1 you. Pick the server. If I win though you gotta back off with this non sense.

I accept your challenge Symbolic, but not under those terms.

In a sense, it is crazy how ultimately Evo is taking it upon themselves to clean up the mess pooped out by Mercs and Superfly. You guys should just join us (because you are very good) and wipe these losers from the server (dolts should take notice: I did not say “run them off the server.”)

Also, you’re going to have to take a number.

But regardless, this brings up some interesting questions:

Why are Mercs and and their leader Superfly attacking us? Does Evo have a relationship with them? They say that they are defending you.

Some defense as this could go on for set after set until the problem is solved. Great for them. They like to war and love the drama. Not so good for Evo.

Would you like to join us and kill them?

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 9:48:01

Inaugural Post:

Fight -

Superfly vs. Josey Wales

Challenger: Josey Wales
Challenged: Superfly


Does Superfly accept?

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 9:32:37

Originally posted by Tertius:
Josey, very clearly Cath was calling out another Evo hit. Why even try to spin things after the fact?

Clearly, you're both obsessed with SF in the most psychotic way ever because you hit an unrelated group in the hopes they'll take out SF... I guess because you admit that you can't? Sad.

And the way Josey calls everyone out for a one-on-one war, even though he's NEVER accepted any of the actual offers that have come his way from SF and WeeZy, and then loses to rando's in express as it is. Maybe you're looking for an apology, so here it is - Josey, I'm sorry. From the bottom of my heart. You are so terrible at war that your only hope is to go against defenseless netters. I thought you had more than just bark, but you're just another one of the annoying yippy things.

Show me where any of these baby termites have ever accepted a one-on-one challenge from me.

You won’t. You won’t because you can’t. You can’t because it never happened. It never happened because your guys are cowards.

If you can find where they accepted, show me and I will gladly stand corrected no problem. Otherwise, go back to your knitting class.

The topic will be its own thread soon. Then even you won’t be able to hide Terry.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 9:24:21

Originally posted by Coalie:
Cathy, let me explain it to you "barney style" because you don't seem like an intelligent person to me.

Superfly was right, you had a merc killrun coming after you attacked us FIRST.
and them missile dumped on other merc countries.

You were aggressor

go restart and let's go again.

That’s fine. Superfly has Mercs brainwashed. It’s laughable. If he isn’t the leader over at that crack den, he should be.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 9:19:46

Let me know when your “balls” feel man enough to go one on one Superfly.

Here is the score board:

Josey Wales: Challenger

Superfly: Declines. Twice now.
Scared. Small balls (peanuts, baby flie balls)

Josey Wales: Challenger

Gone Bananas (Gonzaloid’s pole dancer name: Declines ALSO. Once so far now.
Also Scared. Also Small balls (smaller peanuts)

These boys talk a good game but when it comes down to it, they are scared to go one-on-one.

Yellow Bellies.


Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 1:38:47

I was commenting about Buch’s latest kill. You’re the one that’s obsessed with Evo. I have no idea what’s going on in that single family teepee other than they had a rough start and now it looks like you’re using one of your multis to add insult to injury.

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 0:20:57

Is it better to drop unused land or keep it?

Josey Wales


May 8th 2024, 0:14:47

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I am your final boss Caty baby!

Defeat me and you will gain eternal happiness in your life outside of earth!

Complete your earth2025 story and defeat me by tag killing Evo and you will be set free of my chains!

Apologize to me and admit that I am your superior and I’ll even BR break the Evo countries for you to kill cuz that’s how loyal I am to Evo, a tag that I have not played for and have 0 relationship with lol

Not sure why you thought you need to comment here.

You’ve obviously spun out of control and your plotzing.

Coming unglued before everyone’s eyes.


It’s interesting that now you’re even threating to bomb the shyt out of Evo. Like you threatened to “Go right through PDM’s front door” to get me. (Thanks Drow).

I think Evo is going to come for you. Sooner or later they will have had enough of you interfering with their sets. Somebody in that organization is going to make the call.

Josey Wales


May 7th 2024, 23:08:10

That must have hurt.

Josey Wales


May 7th 2024, 23:07:49

Josey Wales


May 7th 2024, 22:51:23

No problem. Happy to help an Old War Horse like you Buch.