
Josey Wales


Apr 5th 2024, 17:35:32

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Josey, I'm knifing you from the front. About a year and a half ago you attacked me in alliance. I didn't forget. This is revenge.

Oooooooo….. reeeallly… I did? I mean, I’m not calling you a liar or anything BH, because it is a possibility, but it is HIGHLY unlikely. Unless you were untagged and even then it would have been no more than a gentle double tap or two for some land. I don’t fit the profile of a Sadist/Sociopath like superdook and his gangbanger stunted girlfriends. That said my friend, I would have welcomed an honorable duel but I see that the prospect of killing me has made your eyes roll back in your head like a slot machine. Your probably hoping you get the kill shot on Josey.


Josey Wales


Apr 5th 2024, 17:34:43

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Josey, I'm knifing you from the front. About a year and a half ago you attacked me in alliance. I didn't forget. This is revenge.

Oooooooo….. reeeallly… I did? I mean, I’m not calling you a liar or anything BH, because it is a possibility, but it is HIGHLY unlikely. Unless you were untagged and even then it would have been no more than a gentle double tap or two for some land. I don’t fit the profile of a Sadist/Sociopath like superdook and his gangbanger stunted girlfriends. That said my friend, I would have welcomed an honorable duel but I see that the prospect of killing me has made your eyes roll back in your head like a slot machine. Your probably hoping you get the kill shot on Josey.

Josey Wales


Apr 5th 2024, 16:26:50

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Poll Question:

Who wants us Dead?

The entire community who you have threatened? My God you must have been dropped on your head a lot lol

Chill out. I’m just trying to get a head count of how many psychos are going to come out of the woodwork to try and knife us from behind.

Truth be told… you all love it. Admit it. The drama of it all. Freighter Class Drama Queens.

This game was collecting cobwebs and we’ve thrown a stick of dynamite in the center of all you snoozers.

The best course of action I think, is for Evo to just sit next set out all together.

Josey Wales


Apr 5th 2024, 13:58:46

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Bro, guilty by association. If you don't want to be called cheaters and doxxers, then don't play with cheaters and doxxers, it's really that simple.

OK, now that Ive handled Empy, let's get back on topic everyone.

Cat/Josey, I'll be at war with you all next set. Looking forward to the fun!

You too Blacky?

Poll Question:

Who wants us Dead?

Josey Wales


Apr 4th 2024, 22:40:14

Originally posted by SuperFly:
oh Josey, I recognize and I appreciate a good beat down. Its why I like you so much.

It doesn't matter if you pick a fight with me, monsters, Mercs, Evo, SOL, SoF, The Moderators, or whoever the heck commander1972 is. You always get a beat down. Its like you are the community punching bag. I think all the punches to the head that you have taken are the reason why all of your posts are incoherent lies lol.

Any who, let me know your birthday month and I will gladly send you a padded helmet and some crayons as a gift for being our special community mascot!

I will give credit where credit is due:

Commander1972 was a great fighter.

You on the other hand…. Well, you just love it when I talk dirty to you and twist your brains into mush.

Remember last set when you went nuts and nearly swallowed your own tongue? That was something. Totally bezerk. Hadn’t seen anything like it in the 50 years I’ve been playing this game. Then you threatened to walk right through the door to get me… wasn’t going to matter what clan I would have been in. Your country should have been set on fire right then. But somehow, you convinced the server that we were the aggressors which doesn’t say too much for the collective iQ. Then you attacked us and we put you through a 3 second food processor. Then you couldn’t take it and cried to your girlfriends. Epic floor show. So then, the only way for you to save face was to gang up on us. 30 against 6. Without your girlfriends you don’t really amount to much.

Now go find some dishes to do and let me have my Scotch and Cuban in peace.

Josey Wales


Apr 4th 2024, 21:40:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
lol i looked at your profile just now.

you just started playing express and your country last round got smashed into sweet nothing again. That really seems to happen to you on all servers hey?

btw it looks like you fought commander1972 and he kicked your ass noob!

Clearly you can’t recognize a good match when you see one. You’re like the invisible fly that never was.

Anyway, why are you putting my good friends over at Evo through so much trauma? They have you to thank for the current state of affairs. They’re on edge I can tell. My sources inside the clan report low moral and that the entire clan could break up with some peeps rekindling Elders and some stitching LaF back together. All for you Damien. We would of course accept any Evo refugees and give them full citizenship. How are you supposed hit top scores when you gots to buy defense?

On express….You want to rock and roll over there son? You and me. Mano á Mano.

Do you think you have the fly juice?

What’s your #?

Josey Wales


Apr 4th 2024, 18:14:48

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Really looking forward to next set.

We’ll all be reminiscing… remember those good ole’ netting days…

We have our bots loaded and ready for you next set


You basement hybrid nerds-trolls are most certainly the touchiest of touch holes!

All I said was that we’ll be talking fondly about the good ole’ days of netting and you guys blow your gaskets one after another! Pop…pop pop…. Pop pop pop!

The psychosis does raise a few good topics though.

So, Moderators…. See. Coals has promised to scalp us with all their Bots. Says they’ve loaded their bots and the are going to scalp us with them.

Seems a little unfair. We don’t have any bots. Where in the parameters of the game can we get some bots to make a fair fight?

Where is the Bot button on the menu?

Isn’t this what Blackhole was talking about? What about a new player that decides to play. Then attacks one of the evoberries for some land and then gets bullied by an army of bots.

Formal request- Can you please Ban all use of bots so that the game is fair?

Or can you please suspend all use of bots to make the game fair?

Can you also initiate the new GDI concept?

Also, pay no attention to superdook. I just demolished him over on express and left him in a pool of his own spittle, so understandably, he’s all jammed up and has a long face.

But to further comment-

In regard to multis:

Moderators…. Am I correct in assuming that now we can run multis? What’s the difference between an army of bots and an army of multis?

Like Cath said. No problem. We can keep this up for a long time. Years. Should be good fun!

Josey Wales


Apr 4th 2024, 8:09:24

Really looking forward to next set.

We’ll all be reminiscing… remember those good ole’ netting days…

Josey Wales


Mar 23rd 2024, 20:46:24

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Thank you all for your feedback. My own perspective is that I want all servers to be fun to play on and to each have a clear identity that sets them apart from the other servers. This is not a promise of future development or a roadmap, but the following changes could in theory be done to improve the state of the alliance server:

* Tags can agree to UNAPs in game. These could even be published on the forums, perhaps on a time delay.
* Tag admins can assign roles to their members to limit how they can landgrab players in other tags.
* Players cannot play untagged or detag.
* Special attacks cannot be done unless a tag declares war on another tag and a certain amount of time passes before war starts.
* The restart bonus only applies once per country.
* A player can define a six hour time period each day where they cannot log in but they also cannot be attacked.
* NPC countries can retal

This would make it much safer for tags to accept new countries, would limit the power of an FS, would limit stonewalling alerts in the middle of the night, and would give tags more options to deal with suiciders. But is that enough to make the game fun and to give a clear identity for the server? It seems that there's a group of players who does not care at all about their ending NW and there's a group of players who only cares about their ending NW. I do not know how to reconcile the two groups.

Just eliminate all the outside tools then let the game work. Why go to all the trouble of everything you just described above? It will eventually turn in a game where you can only attack someone on your grandmother’s birth day on a new moon during a leap year while Haley’s Comet is passing by.

The game is fine. Leave it alone. Just remove all the exterior tools.

Imagine. You’re a new player. Game looks pretty cool so you give it a go. You’re suicided by your friendly neighbor psychofly while you’re trying to get a handle on the game, but you’re like… ok, I can fight back. So you fight back. Then 30 seconds later your country is destroyed because all the basement nerds got pings on their phones.

How long do you think that guys is going to stick around for? And why? To be destroyed constantly.

If this game had 100 clans and 3,000 there might be an argument for the outside tools but at the moment, other than maybe a clan website or a place to make communication a little easier, ban the outside tools.

Leave the rest of the game alone.

I agree with the Blackest Of Holes 100%.

Josey Wales


Mar 23rd 2024, 16:11:11

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Slagpit - I'll say this, and I imagine everyone will disagree with me.

I think one of the biggest issues with any team/alliance servers is the utilization of outside tools. It creates barriers to entry that limit new players from coming to the game and competing/enjoying it. If there is any goal whatsoever, to grow this game with new players, rather than to limit the bleeding of old, I think it's something that needs to be considered.

In particular, bot assisted kill runs that take 10-20 seconds, and stonewalling by getting alerts via IRC pinged to your phone, are hugely problematic. They so overwhelmingly favor only the most hardcore of players, and the game becomes not a test of skill, but a test of who is most available, most frequently, and which side has more turns with more frequently available people.

I would love to see those outside tools removed from the game, so that information had to be figured out on the fly, making kill runs more challenging. I also think it'd be amazing if there was a cap to how many attacks could be done in a period of time, making it so that kill runs had to be done over half a day or more, giving people a chance to respond. Additionally, the penalty for dying is very high. I think being able to get back into the fight quicker would limit the downsides of being killed, while also increasing enjoyment in the game, by being able to play/compete again more quickly.

All of that said - I do not expect many, if any, to agree with these opinions. So feel free to ignore them :P

100% Spot On. Burn every cheating outside tool except eestats.

Josey Wales


Mar 21st 2024, 14:54:12


Josey Wales


Mar 20th 2024, 8:57:43


You will be missed my friend. Get better soon and looking forward to your return,,,,Sending prayers.

You always kept the Peace.

Josey Wales


Mar 20th 2024, 1:14:21

Originally posted by Tertius:
I don't think Cath was trying to join back with Evo - I don't think he even logged in since that last set when LaF killed everyone but the ex-LaF players we let join us to avoid the war. I'd be surprised if he had ill will towards us but he can correct me in game if he likes (I assume he's on a forum timeout based on Primeval's comments). He does seem to have reason to dislike Doug, though I'm not sure how involved he is in with PDM at the moment - I thought someone mentioned he hadn't been around lately, and I'm not sure if Josey is on good terms or not.

So I guess the connection is not clear to me. You FS'd mercs, they called in their defense allies (which you should've expected) and mopped up your tag. Since you feel it was unfair to have allies on the alliance server, you are now... attacking other alliances to make sure everyone hates you? I think BlackHole tried this on team, and it didn't work out so well (but I mean, if you really want to be the new BH, I guess you're well on your way). It certainly will make people leave the server / game, and you'll have lost all good will that you previously had, but maybe it'll help encourage qz to finish ClanGDI?

Yeah…. That’s the low information narrative. A+

Josey Wales


Mar 20th 2024, 0:53:14

Originally posted by SuperFly:

If so, I am considering signing up if you have a good benefits package for your members.

Bennies are good.

Josey Wales


Mar 20th 2024, 0:42:13

Originally posted by JoseyWales:
The real JoseyWales doesn't bother with rules.

You do whatever you want, whenever you want.

You make a great point.

You’re like my Evil twin… like Captain Kirk in that Star Trek episode- “The Enemy Within.”


The only thing is, these termites know my style, pitch, and written cadence. Impossible to replicate. If you keep your illiterate sentences short you might pass for a little bit.

Please continue.

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 23:59:42

Originally posted by JoseyWales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by JoseyWales:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
The simple solution is mercs kicks out SF and cat and SF fight to the death. Get rid of all the instigators.

Nah fluff y'all. Everyone is dead from here on out. From now until 2025. Mark my fluffin' words.

Quoted for the truth. He will die 10x per round until 2025 or until he quits…

No, you will. Superfluff.

Ahhhhhahahahaha! LMAO.

Ohhhhhhhh Mods……Yodel AY Heee Whoo!

As you can see, some real crafty genius is impersonating the one and only.

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 23:36:32

Originally posted by JoseyWales:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
The simple solution is mercs kicks out SF and cat and SF fight to the death. Get rid of all the instigators.

Nah fluff y'all. Everyone is dead from here on out. From now until 2025. Mark my fluffin' words.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Dirty pool players.

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 22:34:33

I’ve poured myself a scotch.

Now then. To get back on topic-

Here’s where we stand:

It’s one Big Sh*t Sandwich and everyone of you is gonna have to take a big bite. Hasn’t happened in a while, so you’re all due for a good taste. Look, I don’t like it any more than you do but this is a war game and, well…. War is Hell.

I’ll get right to the meat of it.

1. Evo/ PDM-

Wipe Mercs off the face of the server. Followed by Super-rowtch.

Otherwise, good luck netting for the foreseeable future.

Thank God this is a War Game! Praise Jesus.

I truly am sorry for this, because I like you guys… played with you guys…. Never wanted this….but you can thank mercs and superpyook. They are the architects of your current misfortune potentially recurring future misfortune.

The great thing about this game is that anyone is fair game.

Superfly just taught us all that. I give that roll of used toilet paper a lot of credit.

A small clan can be just as devastating as a big clan, especially when you have nothing to lose and don’t mind restarting 20 times in a set… no effing problem. LMAO. It will be like an itch you just can’t scratch.

Moving on.

2. Psychos Wanted: Apply Within

Any of you Freighter Class Psychos out there, need a home?

Come see me.

The rules: No rules.

You can do what you what to whomever you want.

Even you closet Psychopaths that have been Netting for years and have forgotten the taste of blood. If any of you greasy basement weirdos want to come on board to let off some steam by killing your own clan family… no problem. I’d be happy to stuff your faces and supply a puke tray.

Calling on all Russians and Ukrainians. Need you. You guys are effing Killers and you respect Honor. So I’m sure that you can see why I’m pissed off. You will fight with me as brothers and once we’re all drunk on clan blood you can kill each other’s countries as you wish. I won’t stand in the way.

Clan Leaders. Any of you clan leaders that want to go Section 8 for a little bit and kill any number of your whining b*tch players… welcome! Yes, youwill be able to do that with me.

And finally…

Superfly (once you restart) and Suicidal.

I could really use two guys like you to help me in the up coming dirty business and you two absolutely dishonest, honorless, dirty pool playing criminal skumbags are the best in the business. I need some lowlife mental caseswho have no scruples and who would enjoy killing everyone in the Game. Yes, I can offer you that. Need you both. Need your Magic.

So Drow, to clarify for you:


Josey Wales

P.S. Let Cath out of your Jan 6th Gulag. Enough already.

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 20:40:15

Whoever plays God in these forums,

Has Cath been banned from the forums?

Is that it now?

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 20:38:44

Head Honchos,

Has Cath been banned from the forums? Is that it now?

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 17:12:24

I’ll clear it up soon.

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 8:04:16

I really, really wish you had just kept your word.

Now everyone is going to have to pay.


Do you see what these liars have now done to you?



Message from Rainbow Muffin Brigade (#283) sent on Mar 18, 2:05
Report this massage


I don't really see the point in assembling the war clans just to kill you guys for killing superfly and then missile dumping our netters. Our guys are taking it easy and waiting for action to pop up. We're not out here to attack anyone this set or had any plans to.

I hope whatever issue you and Cath have against superfly, you guys will get it out of your system and we can all move on next set.

I don't really see the appeal in gathering up the boys to kill a small independent clan that we've never had issues with prior. We're not even in "war mode", and if we are, it will be to kill bullies. I'd rather see your clan grow.

Cath at the end of the day is a good dude anyways. He's not a bully, just had some fallout with SF.

Let's just power through this misunderstanding and move on next set.

Josey Wales


Mar 19th 2024, 7:09:33

Originally posted by Coalie:
….. a quick message to mercs leadership would've resolved that situation.

Please let me know who Mercs leadership is.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 20:17:42

Originally posted by Symbolic:
All this shows is that you where mad we didn't wanna join your revenge war now you taking it out on us lol. How could I know what superfly says to you in game? Why didnt you bring it up to me or dd? because you didnt want to.

Seems like Superfly is running things in Mercs.

If he isn’t, then you should have kept your dog on a leash and everyone would be netting in peace as I write this.

The dingbat PS’d me days into the set for 700+ acres.

I let that go.

Then he spy op’d everyone in the clan. For what? To be a good neighbor? LMAO.

We told you we had no quarrel with Mercs. Only SuperStud.

Then he tells us we’re all dead and that you’re coming for us.

Clearly he is running things. If not, management is asleep at the wheel.

Even one of your guys told me he would have cursed him out had he know what was going on.

Take care of your own Suicider dirty laundry.

Whatever. Now we’re in it.

Let’s get it on.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 16:35:47

Seriously, which clan is your best Sled Dog team?

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 16:10:30

I do have a question for SuperPoop:

Out of all the Clans that you’re using like teams of working dogs to do your dirty work, which one do you like using the best? Clearly not mercs. They Probably dropped a few rungs in your book. You’ll probably jump out of that clan pretty quick. The my couldn’t quite get it up. All Fart and no fluffe.

Seriously, aside from mercs, who just shot their loads and lost, which clan is your favorite to pork?

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 16:00:19

Originally posted by BEM684:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

If that’s the case, well, we can can be Suiciders for the next 20 sets.

And don’t worry, we won’t discriminate.

Pretty sure anyone willing to do that…. Is a suicider.

Do unto others as they do unto you.

Ancient proverb from Earth 2025.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 15:43:49

We’re not suiciders but…I guess if you turn us into Suiciders….

If that’s the case, well, we can can be Suiciders for the next 20 sets.

And don’t worry, we won’t discriminate.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 15:37:23

Superpoop can’t fight his own battles.

Gonna call in the Calvary:

Message from I R WoG SuperFly (#520) sent on Mar 17, 15:32
Report this message
Don’t worry they just called stones, SoF, pdm and monsters. They want to make examples of you with a show of dominance as they are all pacted allies and they help kill each others suiciders.

Stay by the computer and send me pact if u need fa Reply


Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 15:35:33

Evil Superpoop,

Do you think they’ll all wake up at some point and realize that you’ve been playing them all for fools and using them all like 3 cent saloon whores?

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 8:20:13

LOW IQ 3 Minute Mommy.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 8:18:59

3 Minute Mommy….Dead.

Canadian Geese Battalion (#298)
Clan: Mercs
Rank: 37
Networth: 13,996,721
Land: 25843
Successful Attack Percentage: 84.75%

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 2:34:08

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Hahahaha! That’s Comedy Gold!

You start a War…. Then you blame us! LMFAO!

The only thing you should be worried about are your Resarts.

I spied all 6 of your tagged country after Cath messaged me in express telling me that he will be suiciding me on all servers. You literally set out to wreck me from day one. You ain’t fooling anyone. You had 6 war prepared countries. Actually 5 cuz yours is trash as per usual but your goal was set from the get go of this round lol


Remember when you told PDM that you were going to right through their front door to get me?

Well…..You walked up to our front door and had your head taken off in minutes.

Took like 3 minutes to Kill you.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 2:31:12

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Hahahaha! That’s Comedy Gold!

You start a War…. Then you blame us! LMFAO!

The only thing you should be worried about are your Resarts.

I spied all 6 of your tagged country after Cath messaged me in express telling me that he will be suiciding me on all servers. You literally set out to wreck me from day one. You ain’t fooling anyone. You had 6 war prepared countries. Actually 5 cuz yours is trash as per usual but your goal was set from the get go of this round lol

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 1:52:56

Hahahaha! That’s Comedy Gold!

You start a War…. Then you blame us! LMFAO!

The only thing you should be worried about are your Resarts.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 1:31:23

Originally posted by SuperFly:

The evidence is undeniable that Cathankins/ Deezy is now the suicider that he claimed to hate lol

Oh how the mighty and clean netter has fallen down to the level of griefer.

Are you happy now Superdouche?

You’ve dragged your whole clan into War.

We may die, but just remember:

We bytch slapped you but good n’ silly, Schat in your a$$, and then sent you on your way with your teeth knocked out and a broken shoe shine box.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 1:17:32

Originally posted by Symbolic:
it was a fight mercs did not agree with, but you still hit mercs this set. Now you die.

Sorry you feel that way.

Josey Wales


Mar 17th 2024, 0:32:51

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You are literally the games current suicider and griefer Cathankins / deezy. On what moral high ground do you come here to cast stones at me after you have suicided Evo, LaF, PDM, Monsters and now Mercs?

You literally play express and primary to grief as you posted above lol

You sound Vaccinated.

Josey Wales


Mar 16th 2024, 23:55:17

“Had so much time to prepare and still had no turrets lol”

Wasn’t preparing for War. We were netting. Didn’t need turrets genius.

Josey Wales


Mar 16th 2024, 21:29:20

You’re embarrassing yourself.

Josey Wales


Mar 16th 2024, 20:57:11

The only thing anyinw needs to see is your rotting carcass nailed to the Board.


Deader than a door nail.

Then pi-$$ed on.

Canadian Geese Battalion (#298)
Clan: Mercs
Rank: 37
Networth: 13,996,721
Land: 25843
Successful Attack Percentage: 84.75%

Josey Wales


Mar 16th 2024, 20:53:49

We have no quarrel with Mercs or anyone else in this game.

Only you.

You decided to be a Bully this set.

We defended ourselves. Now look at you.

Squashed like a mo-fing fly.

Nail your carcass to the board and let it rot for the next 20 sets for everyone to see.

Canadian Geese Battalion (#298)
Clan: Mercs
Rank: 37
Networth: 13,996,721
Land: 25843
Successful Attack Percentage: 84.75%

Now you’re blithering on that you’re “Tagged.”

You were “Tagged” with me too then you turned around and did a Kill run on me.

Could Mercs Tag Kill this little clan?

With their eyes closed.

Will they? Can’t say and don’t know.

Or maybe they’ll turn a Bully out into the cold where he belongs.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Mar 16th 2024, 19:42:46

We were Netting in peace.

Mommy’s Basement Runs 8 Spy Ops on us. Probably to be a good neighbor.

We have no quarrel with the rest of Mercs or anyone else.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Mar 11th 2024, 0:57:30

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Prattle & Conjecture. PDM is an honest Clan with with honest Members and Leaders. Now that PDM is Number 1, it’s a big target. So the smear and defamation begin.

Prattle conjecture, backed up by dozens of screenshots, mods deleting a bunch of countries proving allegations to be true, and some people confirming aspects of the screenshots and story.

Ya'll can't 'fake news' this away. Own up to it, you only look worse if you don't.


Josey Wales


Mar 11th 2024, 0:13:44

Prattle & Conjecture. PDM is an honest Clan with with honest Members and Leaders. Now that PDM is Number 1, it’s a big target. So the smear and defamation begin.

Josey Wales


Feb 25th 2024, 22:45:06

Cool your jets.

Josey Wales


Feb 25th 2024, 21:25:58

Mommy’s Basement, calm down and reel it in. Don’t ruin the set for everyone.

Josey Wales


Feb 24th 2024, 17:40:19

[quote poster=Doug; 52178; 1028633][quote poster=Josey Wales; 52178; 1028627][quote poster=SuperFly; 52178; 1028625][quote poster=ツ; 52178; 1028621]Who did you decide who your new enemy is? [/quote]

Josey Wales and his band of merry men of course [/quote]

We’re a peaceful clan. [/quote]

lol why weren’t you ever this active playing for me? For nearly 3 years I had to pray you’d even read my ingame messages. Now your chatty Cathy? Did they up the dose of your little blue pill? lol if I find out you now even use discord I’ll pass out. [/quote]

Haha! I just rewatched a few westerns.

Josey Wales


Feb 24th 2024, 10:21:40

[quote poster=SuperFly; 52178; 1028625][quote poster=ツ; 52178; 1028621]Who did you decide who your new enemy is? [/quote]

Josey Wales and his band of merry men of course [/quote]

We’re a peaceful clan.

Josey Wales


Feb 15th 2024, 10:53:22

Originally posted by galleri:
Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!