
Josey Wales


Oct 10th 2021, 22:13:08

Guerillas from ChArLeoR (#407) from the momos.

Josey Wales


Oct 10th 2021, 22:13:08

Guerillas from ChArLeoR (#407) from the momos.

Josey Wales


Sep 5th 2020, 11:23:52

Originally posted by Requiem:
I drank all my beer, learning from Braden, and my wife had a pack of "Truly" hard seltzer. I thought what the hell, it was actually pretty refreshing! I need to know if I should switch from Tank 7 to Truly because hempman has been making fun of my "grapefruit" beer. I think he really liked it tho! I love ya for trying it hempman!

Who else low key likes it?

Bon Viv..... delicious.

Josey Wales


Sep 3rd 2020, 22:30:27

Originally posted by galleri:
You wouldn't even be able to post here. I checked and shows nothing. Last person banned IP style was marshal.

When was that?

Josey Wales


Aug 10th 2020, 7:31:17

Marshal....what’s your country that we can annihilate you?

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Aug 10th 2020, 1:31:15

Originally posted by Real_Man:
You guys seem to have a history about bullying the SMALL guys. (in country building and mental capacity...**cough** hellrush cough**)

But this time you bit off more than you can chew. When you mess with the brotherhood of man bros, don't expect conventional tactics to be employed.

We could have called in some allies to deal with you, but we decided to handle this ourselves, because real man take care of their own problems.

1.) First you grabbed us:

2020-07-16 15:16:36 PS ImNotSurprised (#333) EVOtmac Way of the Bearded Dragon (#397) TheBOMB 6698A (7155A)

2.)We reached out in good faith:

From: Real_Man
Jul 16, 2020
To: Marshal
So you grabbed us for 7k acres, how do you want to handle this?

From: Marshal
Jul 17, 2020
To: Real_Man
We can't offer you anything as we aren't pacted. but I can send you Galleri's name and home address

I don't know what you expected with a reply like that.


#333 taunted us both in the game, threatening to farm our entire alliance because "that is how real men play"..they "take what they want"

So you left us no choice but to bide our team, and fight back when it hurt you most.

I hope it was worth it. We took what we wanted and enforced 1000%L:L give or take. Because when you fck around and play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.


RM and Chucknorrisbeard

I would be happy to join that fight.

Josey Wales


Aug 10th 2020, 1:25:33

Originally posted by Marshal:
i haven't spoken to that "real man" aka chevs ever or any1 else in bomb on FA matters. they could have retalled INSIDE 72 hrs and everything would been ok but no, they just decided to suicide on EVO at end of set so they are just common suiciders.

i don't give a fluff if you believe me or don't.

Josey Wales


Jul 9th 2020, 10:50:59

I agree. We should get it back on track.

Would anyone care to tell me:

Who this “Marshall” character is.

What clan he’s in.

What his country number is.

And, if he deserves any mercy.

Josey Wales


Jul 8th 2020, 5:58:45

Originally posted by breeze:
Sorry Josey i couldn't resist making a comment on the sheep girl. I wont hijack your thread.

Not a problem.

Who is killing who this set?

Josey Wales


Jul 7th 2020, 2:03:44

Originally posted by galleri:
Hellrush beat you this set. Are you going to allow this?

Beat me at what woman?

Josey Wales


Jul 6th 2020, 23:45:14

J. Wales & Company

Password: 123456

Looking for mercenaries with no morals.

Josey Wales


Jun 13th 2020, 10:38:45

J. Wales & Company

Password: 123456

All Whisky & Tequila drinkers welcome.

Josey Wales


Jun 11th 2020, 10:47:15

Originally posted by Marshal:
contact EVO, either me or yank. we have certain topic to settled.

I am ready to allow you safe passage in the wasteland for next set.

Josey Wales


Jun 10th 2020, 17:09:20

[quote poster=Marshal; 49057; 945407]war mongers? if we were warmongers we would have killed your country after your ex-member (still in your responsibilty) suicided on us

1st of all your ex-member suicided on us INSIDE 72 hrs tag responsibility aka yours and then you ignored pretty much all contact attempts and after few exchanged ingame msgs you suicided on me. no threats just telling that you are responsible of #9's actions aka you owe us massive reps (not that you could have paid those in any reasonable time).

you could have formed respectable alliance (which this game needs) but you decided to become just a common suicider (dime a dozen).

anyways you chose your path so case closed. if you are willing to pay reps owed (not that you can do that) then you know how to contact me.

You’ve told me that “I’ve signed my death warrant.” What do you mean by that? Please clarify.

Josey Wales


Jun 10th 2020, 11:01:02

Evo = War Mongers

Josey Wales


Jun 10th 2020, 11:00:26

Negotiations failed. This is a war game.

Josey Wales


Jun 10th 2020, 3:03:25

Negotiations didn’t go well.

Josey Wales


Jun 1st 2020, 9:28:26

Twice now, I’ve logged in to find zero turns.

Why is this happening?

Josey Wales


May 18th 2020, 3:05:41


Josey Wales


May 18th 2020, 2:53:47

442’s attacks were excessive. Trigger happy.

Josey Wales


Apr 15th 2020, 22:35:29

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Much obliged.

Josey Wales & Co. will take it from here.

Don't, you're going to get purpled again!

Why the F would I be purpled?

Josey Wales


Apr 15th 2020, 12:48:04

I don’t doubt you. I just think that you should be able to vote if you’ve done your time.

Josey Wales


Apr 15th 2020, 10:10:57

Much obliged.

Josey Wales & Co. will take it from here.

Josey Wales


Apr 15th 2020, 10:08:30

If you’ve done your time, you’ve paid your debt to society. And you get to vote again.

Josey Wales


Apr 14th 2020, 9:20:53

Originally posted by Marshal:
i'm not rep or demo or lib. i don't give a fluff about politics (never voted).

Never.....Voted? Did I read that right?

Josey Wales


Apr 12th 2020, 20:55:24

Originally posted by Requiem:
Talk to Pang in private is a good start.


Josey Wales


Apr 12th 2020, 20:54:59

Originally posted by Marshal:
you don't, only long time and trusted players become mods.


Josey Wales


Apr 12th 2020, 19:43:53

Where Do I Apply To Become A “Mod?”

In order to bring some balance to the Force.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Apr 11th 2020, 8:50:32

Forget it. I was in-game messaged by somebody that knows what they are talking about. But here’s the takeaway: Josey Wales lasted for DAYS, by himself, against an organized kill run from a Clan full of Multis. Learn.

Josey Wales


Apr 11th 2020, 8:38:12

Thank you Archaic. Exactly. I asked a simple question and got all sorts of sideways, mealy mouthed, one worder, one phraser, both sides of the mouth, clever, and cute answers. I can tell these forums are run by let it all hang out, let Multis do their thing, Democrats that love egging us on. Are there any Republican Mods in here that can provide a straightforward answer? Did illegal Multis wreck my peaceful country? And oh yeah, HASH TAG TRUMPLANDSLIDEVICTORY2020.

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Did I ask anyone to “fix my country.” What good would that do? I was just interested if whether or not they were cheating when they were attacking me. That would be a problem.

What part is the problem for you?

Um, if I found out I got wrecked by somebody running multis - that would be a problem. If they got deleted for the fluffing retarded policy of being deleted for saying the word hell, or ass, or damn, etc in a motherfluffing ingame message then that would be fluffing OK. He's just curious.

Josey Wales


Apr 10th 2020, 18:07:52

Did I ask anyone to “fix my country.” What good would that do? I was just interested if whether or not they were cheating when they were attacking me. That would be a problem.

Josey Wales


Apr 10th 2020, 12:38:22

How long were they violating the rules? One day? All set?

Josey Wales


Apr 10th 2020, 11:15:46

What rules violations?

Josey Wales


Apr 4th 2020, 16:15:29

I’d use either or.

Originally posted by Requiem:
Josey how old are you?

I am curious as to the people who call it a DM rather than a PM!

I guess I tend to gravitate to PM (Private Message) rather than DM (Direct Message).

Maybe that dates me?

Josey Wales


Apr 4th 2020, 16:14:44

How do I do that?

Originally posted by Marshal:
just send your question as pm/dm to all mods and you'll get answer much sooner than posting here and waiting them to send you msg (IF they even bother to do that).

Josey Wales


Apr 3rd 2020, 17:25:04

I have a question for a Mod.

Could you please DM me.

Thank you.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Apr 3rd 2020, 17:00:39

I have a question for a Mod.

Could one please DM me.

Thank you.

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Jan 22nd 2020, 16:02:54

I received this:

“You are banned from this server. If you think this has been done in error, please contact the mod....”

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Jan 22nd 2020, 16:01:13

I’m reviving this message:

“You are banned from this server.”

Can you assist?

Josey Wales

Josey Wales


Oct 9th 2019, 17:32:48

I don't want to fight with you; I just agree with Raging Budda. Is it ok to agree with another player and comment? There's no need to insult or berate players. It is unbecoming of a Moderator. Please calm down.

Josey Wales


Oct 6th 2019, 22:39:54

Originally posted by galleri:
What I would like to point out here is something Josey said.
Josey:"it just goes to show you that you can't play in peace or without getting harassed by people who will out you"

Except you made a thread or a post somewhere proclaiming your incoming destruction. So clearly you aren't playing in peace. Sure it was super peaceful when you played in EVO.

Whatever you say Kitten. Where is that thread? They all seem to disappear. But, then again, you know that.

Josey Wales


Oct 3rd 2019, 1:49:45

Originally posted by Hellrush:
What has this server turned into.

We should switch the game name to BULLIESRUS think it would fit better. Looks like you bullies have drove all the good players away.

Like Red X said this server is to small. I blame all the bullies that have beaten up all the good players so much they quit. EVO and stones are bullies there all newbies that bully the little guys that are good for the server.

Any of the good guys like me come back you bully them to quit again. You all are killing the server then b*tch because the server is dead. Your the reason it’s dead. Only person to blame is yourself.

Excellent thread, HELLRUSH. Couldn't agree more. When you have Moderators like Gallerya bullying and outing players ("Let's start with #203), it just goes to show you that you can't play in peace or without getting harassed by people who will out you. This used to be a fun game but now it smacks

Josey Wales


Oct 1st 2019, 9:30:10

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Can i vote for individuals or does it have to be a whole tag?

Let's go big. Let's start with a whole tag and why. Please proceed and make your case.

Josey Wales


Oct 1st 2019, 1:00:32

9 Days left in this set. Who deserves a good shellacking? I'm considering all requests.

Josey Wales


Sep 30th 2019, 0:37:49

For you know what.

Josey Wales


Sep 17th 2019, 23:35:11

Lady MacBeth is the kind of girl who reminds me of Alpha... leader of the Whisperers from TWD. Psychotic & Evil.... very, very Evil. Very Evil.

Josey Wales


Sep 17th 2019, 16:26:07

Originally posted by breeze:
Josey Josey Josey why do you constantly pull dumb sh*t? ?You are making yourself the laughing stock of the EE community.

Breeze, I'm not sure I like the tone of your rhetoric, but I'll forgive you. My country, #203, was up and running nicely. Only retals. Nothing crazy. Just running a country, minding my own business. Then I was outed, and murdered in my sleep - "Might as well start with #203" says Lady MacBeth. And then LAF dogs were happy to oblige after I was targeted. Now, upon my rebirth, I've had to farm LAF. I'm inviting Byooook to join my clan. You're welcome to join as well. I really think we could do great things together in EE.

Josey Wales


Sep 17th 2019, 15:33:37

Seriously, trying to get a handle on it.

"Butch," or "pyooook?" Sorry, typo - "byooooook?" Sort of like "Bjork" or "Bujork"

By the way, I am accepting applications for my new clan. You are more than welcome to apply.

Josey Wales


Sep 17th 2019, 12:13:20

]You must be a dum fuk [/quote]

Do you pronounce it "Butch" or "Byoooook?

Josey Wales


Sep 17th 2019, 1:23:08

if it floats.... it must be a witch.