
Kalick Game profile


Aug 2nd 2012, 14:34:40

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
Originally posted by Kalick:

Yes, we can think of many things he "might" have done, and they would all be cheating. I have not heard hanlong's side of the story because he hasn't made his side of the story public. I believe Pang said that hanlong admitted to him to having the access.

I won't even dignify your other statement with a response.

admitting to have the access is different from adding other stories in it. saying they would all be cheating means you already jumped into conclusion without knowing the exact truth, even without the attempt to hear the other side of the story. that is, again, according to your conscience and it reflects your personality. but i'd love to hear also from hanlong. bad thing is that he got banned immediately and was not given the chance to explain himself in public. or might be that he was publicly disgraced on AT by "other people" that he thinks there is no need for him to explain anymore. that, we don't know.

also, to note that it was only for a limited time that hanlong accessed the db. that can be confirmed by the threads i quoted from the admins. other than that specified time, the admins says he did not access/attempt to access the db.

again, we can speculate a lot of things that might have happened. but that doesn't prove that we are right. even the admins don't make such statements.

What do you think he did while he was logged into the EE DB? With his Boxcar access?

I'm not saying he specifically did one thing or the other, but I cannot think of any action he could have taken that would not be cheating.

Kalick Game profile


Aug 2nd 2012, 14:14:28

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
@ mini: please read the content. and if you still have any issues, post it in the threads i referenced. thanks.

nobody said hanlong did everything you said, even the admins won't admit that, unless somebody/you brainwashed you/yourself. :p

The admins cannot prove exactly what hanlong did with his access because their logs are not exhaustive. That is not proof that he did not do anything. I'm not going to go back and read every thread, but I think they said they can prove he logged in multiple times to the database.

What do you think he did while he was logged in? Immediately log out after verifying his backdoor account still worked?

we can think of many things that he "might" have done but those are according to our own prerogatives. i am not saying that accessing the game db is right, but accusing people of things that they "might" have done without the need to hear them is a different thing. those can be considered hearsays in the court.

the way you say it made me think that if you were hanlong you might have done the exact thing you are accusing him.

Yes, we can think of many things he "might" have done, and they would all be cheating. I have not heard hanlong's side of the story because he hasn't made his side of the story public. I believe Pang said that hanlong admitted to him to having the access.

I won't even dignify your other statement with a response.

Kalick Game profile


Aug 2nd 2012, 13:48:51

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
@ mini: please read the content. and if you still have any issues, post it in the threads i referenced. thanks.

nobody said hanlong did everything you said, even the admins won't admit that, unless somebody/you brainwashed you/yourself. :p

The admins cannot prove exactly what hanlong did with his access because their logs are not exhaustive. That is not proof that he did not do anything. I'm not going to go back and read every thread, but I think they said they can prove he logged in multiple times to the database.

What do you think he did while he was logged in? Immediately log out after verifying his backdoor account still worked?

Kalick Game profile


Aug 1st 2012, 13:50:22

Originally posted by Zahc:
Correct me if im wrong but you guys are the one that started all this trying to run laf out of the game.

You are wrong.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 17:37:11

Kalick Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 16:14:47

Originally posted by ZEN:

Now I have an image in my head of a penis with ears.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 27th 2012, 20:41:47

Marco... come on.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 24th 2012, 19:20:28


Kalick Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 4:06:23


Kalick Game profile


Jul 16th 2012, 18:26:03

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Kalick:
I am slightly concerned for you that you do not remember your own life.

ive been playing this game on and off since 99ish and i couldnt tell you 95% of the stuff that i did or said in that time period. hell i cant even remember most of the stuff that happened here 2 years ago.

Yes and no. While I wouldn't expect people to remember everything they've done in this game (I certainly don't either), I think it is odd to forget people who were supposedly your best friends and worst enemies.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 16th 2012, 14:23:14

Originally posted by Drow:
free land, then detag it once it's no longer worth keeping in tag. it's a fairly standard practice.

But this is not what has been happening the past few sets for certain alliances. They will run straight up landfarms, where one country explores every day, and then gets farmed. It is not a player that has quit and is going to be detagged.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 16th 2012, 13:52:35

I am slightly concerned for you that you do not remember your own life.

Edited By: Kalick on Jul 16th 2012, 13:56:10
See Original Post

Kalick Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 21:25:23

I'm sure his fiance will be very impressed with how he was an internet gangsta.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 0:15:09

He said 67.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 16:53:13

There have also been reports lately of people not being able to login to Boxcar due to the following error:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/pangaea/boxcar/public/login.php:2) in /home/pangaea/boxcar/public/login.php on line 10

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/pangaea/boxcar/public/login.php:2) in /home/pangaea/boxcar/public/login.php on line 10

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/pangaea/boxcar/public/login.php:2) in /home/pangaea/boxcar/public/login.php on line 183

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/pangaea/boxcar/public/login.php on line 98

Kalick Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 18:44:13

Sorry, I hit quote instead of edit. Consider this a double post.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 18:42:11

Originally posted by Servant:
However, it isn't right for a bunch of restarts to be able to kill a larger country as easily as they can.

What makes you think it is so easy? It still requires a week of being relatively unmolested before a restart can do anything but lemming.

Before these restart changes, once an alliance was tag killed they could not do anything other than be farmland for the remainder of the set. There was no point in playing. I do not see the benefit of moving back closer towards that. The game needs to be more fun to play, and the restart changes are a step towards that.

Older countries are still vastly superior to new restarts. It is not like restarts are killing original countries left and right. The best countries restarts are killing are countries who are sitting on low military because they want to stay in humanitarian range to farm. It is entirely within the power of most LaF/SoFers to be out of range of the restarts if they wanted to be. If they want to sit at low NW to farm/stock, then they should be at risk.

Edited By: Kalick on Jul 11th 2012, 18:44:31
See Original Post

Kalick Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 17:02:01

Having a friend kill you so that you can restart with a better country is an issue, I agree.

If you are just complaining that restarts are too strong in general, you are being silly.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 16:10:16

Originally posted by Boltar:
i had close to 6k land.. and im pretty sure i had close to 4k land when i restarted.. im not dead on with the #'s but it is close. i also died with under a bpt of 50 and restart with a bpt of 50 i believe 181 cs to be exact..

You might be able to have 4k acres by the time you get out of protection, but you are not restarting with 4k acres.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 10th 2012, 21:00:16

Originally posted by Marshal:
you can't sell tech under 900 (you can but it gets autobought).

I thought autobuying was only on express?

Kalick Game profile


Jul 10th 2012, 16:08:52

Boxcar's market bot is down. It hasn't been updating prices for a few days.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 1:40:33

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
We're all just waiting for Guild Wars 2.


Kalick Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 21:36:45

I'm in Moral Decay. We had a reunion set last June after a bit of time being merged into Omega, so a lot of old players are back.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 21:30:39

Yeah, I remember EricEazyE. I bet if I loaded ICQ you would still be on there =)

Kalick Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 21:28:34

I started playing in early 2000, and just returned to this game about a year ago after a ~7 year break.

I'm in MD which is also still around.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 21:25:55

If you want to net, you should join Omega, Monsters, or even LCN.

Kalick Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 15:55:09

Originally posted by abomb:
why do hundreds of millions of people play mafia wars? Its the same thing WITHOUT the community style play in alliance server but hundreds of millions of people play it.

Make it engaging and you wont have 5000 countries sitting at 32k nw you'll have 100,000 people trying to grow!

What about Mafia Wars is engaging?

Kalick Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 21:25:39

I never understood the longterm appeal of D2, and I don't see where D3 is any different. In both games you get to the highest difficulty and farm the same content ad infinitum. Where is the fun in that?

What was so fun about D2's "end game"?

Kalick Game profile


Jun 28th 2012, 1:15:40


Kalick Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 18:13:11

I think he means in-game.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 19:55:19

I don't know what we're talking about. Can somebody link the post where somebody confessed to cheating?

Kalick Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 19:18:47

Originally posted by Zahc:

The fact that people are still downplaying the severity of what TC and hanlong did boggles my mind.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 0:41:03

Double post.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 0:37:12

Deci is right, I should know not to post on AT at all.

Edited By: Kalick on Jun 21st 2012, 0:41:29
See Original Post

Kalick Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 23:32:55

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by Murf:
I like how mags completely passed over the fact RD did exactly what EVO and rage did last set, entered an already even war of their own free will to tip the balance in one sides favour.

a) ~50 SoL Restarts + ~40 MD countries vs ~80 LaF countries + ~10 LaF restarts != an even war
b) LaF cheated last reset (and the reset prior, and possibly more) and did not deserve an even war

LaF had a clean slate this set, and a chance to prove they could win an even war without the aid of TC/Hanlong's cheating. I don't really have anything to say about RD entering, it is how the political game is played. But don't compare it to last reset as if they are similar circumstances.

1)MD had WAY more stock than Laf did at that point. MD with more time stocking should easily have been able to have the ability to break and Sol kill which makes it an even war, with Laf simply performing way better.
2)Your angelic side has planned multiple uneven wars and never wanted an even war this set. If you wanted one you would have gone to the bother of arranging it and an FS time instead of "surprise" FSing. Don't whine when you get your own medicine, especially when MD requested it from RD last set.

What whining? I specifically pointed out I'm fine with RD coming in. You are reading words that are not there.

Don't act like LaF had a tough time killing SoL last set. You pretty much wiped them out in the surprise FS (as happens so often with the way EE is setup) and were already farming them and restocking. 40 original countries don't compare to 80 original countries no matter how you want to spin it.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 15:51:24

Originally posted by Magellan:
Its the closest food place to where I work.

Its either that or Qudoba.

Qdoba is awesome! But, no frosties =(

Kalick Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 15:45:10

Originally posted by Murf:
I like how mags completely passed over the fact RD did exactly what EVO and rage did last set, entered an already even war of their own free will to tip the balance in one sides favour.

a) ~50 SoL Restarts + ~40 MD countries vs ~80 LaF countries + ~10 LaF restarts != an even war
b) LaF cheated last reset (and the reset prior, and possibly more) and did not deserve an even war

LaF had a clean slate this set, and a chance to prove they could win an even war without the aid of TC/Hanlong's cheating. I don't really have anything to say about RD entering, it is how the political game is played. But don't compare it to last reset as if they are similar circumstances.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 16:07:06

Yeah, didn't you make a post last set about a Frosty? Do you live at Wendy's?

Kalick Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 22:33:23

We should start posting every attack on AT. It would really improve activity.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 15th 2012, 1:36:22

Why has nobody mentioned Raspberry? Clearly the superior PB&J ingredient.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 14th 2012, 18:54:32

Originally posted by euglaf:
oh my god who caresssssss


Kalick Game profile


Jun 12th 2012, 11:52:52

Well, I remember LaF killing the new Russian alliance a few sets ago.

Kalick Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 15:43:22

Better items will drop in Inferno Act 1, and they are nerfing Inferno Acts 2-4.

Kalick Game profile


May 17th 2012, 12:51:55

Originally posted by Drow:
Was a little irritated to find out I can't use my toons from a different PC though. I wanted to be able to play from both my lappy and my PC and continue with the same toons, instead I have to create new toons on the lappy. sux balls :/

Wow, really? That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense, given how everything should be on

Kalick Game profile


May 11th 2012, 3:21:09

Originally posted by mdemon:
Wow dude, that is pretty messed up. This is a game and anything and everything you do, remains a game as long as it's done within the game. I'm not sure what you posted but it sounds bad,

While I don't support trying to get anyone fired, you do understand that what hlw and TC did wasn't really within the game, right? It isn't like they were just running multies.

Kalick Game profile


May 10th 2012, 19:54:39

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Trife:
I really cannot comprehend how anyone would want to have any part of their alliance being hosted by TC.

I'd rather deal with not having as many features but know that the guy hosting the site is trustworthy, rather than rely on a guy who's been caught red handed breaching the game's trust.

You aren't in the middle of a war where the other side has way more tools than you and you have no options left atm :P That's the other perspective.


Kalick Game profile


May 9th 2012, 12:48:28

I tried the Monk, Barb, and DH during the beta. Barb I found to be too clicky, and was making my fingers hurt by the time I got to level 10. Monk was boring, but I thought he could be fun to play in later levels since he gets the group heal.

DH was my favorite because you can just turn on rapid fire an mow everybody down =)