

New Member

May 25th 2011, 6:10:05

Well now... thanx Detmer for bringing me back to many wonderful people I had the privilage to get to know. Laurent was one of the people I was really getting to know in the six months before he was taken from us too soon. I remember how he reacted to a joke I was playing on Paradigm with another member (Melody) about us getting married. He was all excited and was going to send us a wedding gift of a cutting board he had. No matter how much persuading he insisted on trying to send this to me. So I had to let him in on the joke. We had never met face to face, but he showed a big heart in reaching out like that with a small gift. After his passing I tracked down New Horizon, and 2 other Paradigm members who lived in Edmonton to send a condolance card. I can't remember if it made it.. I like to think it did and helped ease the pain in some small way at the time.
I am now actually married and have a 7 week old daughter... what an eye opener that is. Laurent would be amonthe first to say congrats.

Anyhow, that is my two bits on an awesome person I would have liked to get to know better. :)