
Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Nov 5th 2014, 14:32:31

I appreciate the option... :)

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Oct 5th 2014, 19:23:03

Where could I find the ratios recommended for buildings per government and the matching strategy type(s)...??? :) LOL
Also logical data regarding the recommended standing military and turn allocation numbers/patterns...etc...???

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Oct 5th 2014, 19:16:06

Make your own and income and buy it reduced price from the private market...military bases, enterprises, residences, farms, technology, and enough industrials helps...also, own your own oil...maybe you would have enough farm product then, over?

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Sep 22nd 2014, 1:56:35

Staff, Could you please change the advise to advisory in the topic bar? Sorry about the typo...

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Sep 22nd 2014, 1:53:53

Requesting the staff help us to improve our game play strategy and ranking outcome. in the Express Server Please post the Express scores and advise players who request game play strategy help; OK?

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Sep 12th 2014, 16:28:15


Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Sep 5th 2014, 3:24:05

way to go bushes! :) LOL Candida's for everyone!

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Aug 29th 2014, 17:03:25

DR equals less than 1 citizen = dead country...all that said, why do kr requirements need to be unnecessarily high in run numbers since structures are known and land is known in terms of free acres then why does it take soooooo long to acquire land and terminate a civilization or to destroy all of its buildings...??? I don't know how others manage to kill my nations well I can't even nuke enough with PS and SS AB and BR and GS and spy ops like poisoning water and food supply and dissention and demoralization and all other harmful spy ops to kill theirs....??

Could a administrator tell me how to quickest kill a country with missiles, strikes, and ops?

And, how to avoid best being killed?

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Aug 20th 2014, 5:26:20

Fascist need less food and have 2 turns per battle to their advantage but the democratic government management form has market commission breaks and tech advantages but disadvantages because of 3 turns per battle move...they differ in turns and bonuses such that you could use less farms and more buildings but buildings are vulnerable to tank artillery attacks...all in all a farmer that uses a democratic government fairs better in odds than a fascist government type because only of building vulnerability...a fascist needs buildings more than a farmer...the farmer needs to retaliate less, the fascist needs to have emergency operating capital an food on hand and looses power more when tech and other buildings are destroyed or captured...Democratic farming is more strategic than fascist farmers because only of vulnerable buildings needed to engage in battle...!!! :) LOL

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Aug 11th 2014, 22:55:32

When you like the advantage of turn for war gains Tyranny is a great choice and when spy and brute force per unit is desired Dictatorship government tactics work best. Depends what your set up for and then the game is about the same plus minus your holdings. I like the Tyranny style of play better then the spy game Dictatorship forms offer.

Mac1248 Game profile

New Member

Aug 7th 2014, 2:27:26

Looking for my weekly 4 point bonus....NOW!