
MemeTeamMarine Game profile


May 6th 2022, 22:35:58

Originally posted by RMcCourt:
It's not that difficult to understand. It's all detailed very clearly in the first thread in the Team forum if anyone wants to take 2 minutes to read it.

That's not the Rules page. There's a page in the footer linked "Rules". Nothing that we did broke any rule listed on that page, so I assumed it was fine. Rather than issuing a warning running straight to the ban hammer from the mod says "we don't want you here" and message received.

MemeTeamMarine Game profile


May 5th 2022, 0:50:16

There is no where in the written rules on the page linked "rules" that joint attacks are illegal. The point of this game is to win, and destroying your enemies is one way to accomplish that. Considering that it's not written in the rules, I'd also think a warning before country destruction would be warranted.

Mod: I originally thought you killed my country because I may have been logging in from several different locations, that's the only reason I brought up the VPN.

Have a nice day

Edited By: MemeTeamMarine on May 5th 2022, 0:53:15. Reason: Trying to be nicer
See Original Post