Trife +1 lol
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fluff you mr e. Taken into consideration that scott can be tarded, obtuse and didnt write the above bullfluff... i would knock out anyone that bashed a fellow vet with me standing there. fluff your service mother fluffer.
Heston, you mindless blind allegiance much? You're right there in competition for the dumbest assmunch on these boards.
You would hit me rather than engage in meaningful dialogue, I'm well aware of that. You have only a hammer in your toolbox and maybe a tube of KY; you likely gave up on critical thinking skills and understanding the complex intricacies of reality when 5th grade proved to be too challenging. I'd wager the only reason people like you and ssewëllusmc were ever allowed into US Military service is because warm bodies were needed to cover the deficiencies in numbers caused by the shipwreck in US Foreign Policy of the last several US Administrations. I wonder how many waivers the two of you needed before you were allowed to enlist.
Anyone that sees your posting drivel on even a semi-regular basis is quite aware that you give much more consideration to muscle rather than intellect, and you are completely unarmed when it comes to acting like a thoughtful human being. If I see a Vet acting like an asshole you damn right I'm going to speak out. How is it that you think military service provides protection from deserved ridicule for hateful ignorant antisocial wrongheaded ideas? Heston, the best you could ever muster vs me is to bruise my kneecap and warm my toes, you intellectual midget.
I point and laugh at you too. You should be in a glass cage somewhere, on display next to exhibits of neolithic culture to remind the rest of us how far we have come.
Evolve or GTFO out of the gene pool. >snip< >snip<
And I'll post with whatever damn handle I please, so Heston.. look close you unibrow mouthbreather.. fluff You