
Mr Forgotten

New Member

Jan 16th 2014, 5:16:05

There I was, bored out of my mind at my job coming up on the busiest time of the year. It was too easy, and I thought, well, let's see what's out there. Oh, EE again? Haven't played that in 8 months. Let's do it.

I come back, I play like any regular folks. I had never had a good finish, but this set, I was on a roll, I knew that I had good potential to finish T10 again, other than the cheaters who are getting FAed and tech leeching, I should finish a solid top 5. What a thrill!

And then it happened, I was pulling in after driving around town all day, just going to park and then go home to buy up some more because of the suiciders that are rampant.

I don't know who you are, I don't really care who you are, honestly.

You guys are organized, you guys know what you are doing, and have knowledge of when to do it.
I can probably guess why you guys targeted LaF in a heartbeat. But that is all within the game, the politics, the warfare, the fun stuff in the game, even if you got killed 15 times in a war set, because it was fun being able to hangout with your Alliance mates.

This is where some troll will come in, claim it was from the farming of untags, or some random handle will show up and claim it was just him.
The amount of planning and stock storing required a skill player who knew exactly what he was doing, and when to do it, and how it would hurt someone the most.

Congratulations, you guys have renamed the server to Suicider Server, qzjul will rename it soon, just as soon as he can get this game up on Facebook, it's coming, trust him guys, it will be the best thing in the world and we will all be farming Milai Chung from Chung Hing Province in China, and her 7 other Facebook accounts.

qzjul will be by shortly though, to confirm that the current mechanics that was introduced is 'working as intended'. (For those of you that never played WoW, go Google it). And that only LaF countries exclusively have been suicided, including seven countries that were locks for T10, just happens to be an odd statistic. And points out that many other countries this reset have been crippled, but does not go further to explain the difference between Alliances at war and Alliance being suicided, because it is working as intended.


Just kidding.

Mr Forgotten